"इत जमना उत नर्मदा इत चंबल उत टोंस। छत्रसाल से लरन की रही न काह होंस।”
सनातन धर्म रक्षक,
बुन्देल केसरी,
मुग़लो के काल
वीर राजपूत योद्धा महाराजा छत्रसाल की जयंती पर सभी को हार्दिक बधाई व शुभकामनाएं।
भारत के मध्ययुग के प्रतापी योद्धा थे जिन्होने मुगल शासक औरंगजेब से युद्ध करके बुन्देलखण्ड मे अपना राज्य स्थापित किया और 'महाराजा' पदवी प्राप्त की।
सत्ता और संघर्ष की बढ़ी-चढ़ी घटनाओं से इतिहास भरा पड़ा है, परंतु स्वतंत्रता और सृजन के लिए जीवन भर संघर्ष करने वाले विरले ही हुए हैं। मध्यकालीन भारत में विदेशी आतताइयों से सतत संघर्ष करने वालों में छत्रपति शिवाजी, महाराणा प्रताप और बुंदेल केसरी छत्रसाल के नाम विशेष रूप से उल्लेखनीय हैं, परंतु जिन्हें उत्तराधिकार में सत्ता नहीं वरन ‘शत्रु और संघर्ष’ ही विरासत में मिले हों, ऐसे बुंदेल केसरी छत्रसाल ने वस्तुतः अपने पूरे जीवनभर स्वतंत्रता और सृजन के लिए ही सतत संघर्ष किया। शून्य से अपनी यात्रा प्रारंभ कर आकाश-सी ऊंचाई का स्पर्श किया। उन्होंने विस्तृत बुंदेलखंड राज्य की गरिमामय स्थापना ही नहीं की थी, वरन साहित्य सृजन कर जीवंत काव्य भी रचे। छत्रसाल ने अपने ८२ वर्ष के जीवन और ४४ वर्षीय राज्यकाल में ५२ युद्ध किये थे। शौर्य और सृजन की ऐसी उपलब्धि बेमिसाल है । वीरों और हीरोंवाली माटी के इस लाड़ले सपूत ने कलम और करवाल को एक-सी गरिमा प्रदान की थी।
उनके पिता चंपतरायने पूरे जीवनभर विदेशी मुगलों से संघर्ष करते हुए अपने ही विश्वासघातियों के कारण सन १६६१ में अपनी वीरांगना रानी लालकुंआरि के साथ आत्माहुति दी ।
इतिहास पुरुषः महाराजा छत्रसाल
चंपतराय जब समय भूमि मे जीवन-मरण का संघर्ष झेल रहे थे उन्हीं दिनों ज्येष्ठ शुक्ल ३ संवत १७०७ (सन १६४१) को वर्तमान टीकमगढ़ जिले के लिघोरा विकास खंड के अंतर्गत ककर कचनाए ग्राम के पास स्थित विंध्य-वनों की मोर पहाड़ियों में इतिहास पुरुष छत्रसाल का जन्म हुआ। अपने पराक्रमी पिता चंपतराय की मृत्यु के समय वे मात्र १२ वर्ष के ही थे। वनभूमि की गोद में जन्में, वनदेवों की छाया में पले, वनराज से इस वीर का उद्गम ही तोप, तलवार और रक्त प्रवाह के बीच हुआ। मुगल सम्राट शाहजहाँकी सेना चारों ओरसे घेरा डालनेके प्रयत्न में थी । छिपे रहना आवश्यक समझकर पुत्र के जन्मपर भी महाराजाने कोई उत्सव नहीं मनाया था । एक वार तो शत्रु इतने निकट आ गये कि लोगों को प्राण बचानेके लिये इधर-उधर छिपनेके लिये भागना पड़ा । इस भाग-दौड़में शिशु छत्रसाल अकेले ही मैदानमें छूट गये; किंतु-
जाको राखै साइयाँ मार सकै नहिं कोय ।
वाल न बाँका करि सकै जो जग बैरी होय।।
बालक छत्रसालपर शत्रुओंकी दृष्टि नहीं पड़ी । भगवानने शिशुकी रक्षा कर ली । चार वर्षकी अवस्थातक इन्हें ननिहालमें रहना पड़ा और केवल सात वर्षकी अवस्थातक पिताके साथ रह सके। पाँच वर्षकी अवस्था में श्रीरामजी के मन्दिर में इन्होंने भगवान राम-लक्ष्मण की मूर्तियों को अपने-जैसा बालक समझकर उनके साथ खेलना चाहा और कहते हैं सचमुच भगवान इनके साथ खेले।
पांच वर्ष में ही इन्हें युद्ध कौशल की शिक्षा हेतु अपने मामा साहेबसिंह धंधेर के पास देलवारा भेज दिया गया था। माता-पिता के निधन के कुछ समय पश्चात ही वे बड़े भाई अंगद राय के साथ देवगढ़ चले गये। बाद में अपने पिता के वचन को पूरा करने के लिए छत्रसाल ने पंवार वंश की कन्या देवकुंअरि से विवाह किया।
दिल्ली के सिंहासन पर औरंगजेब बैठ चुका था। उसके अन्याय का दौर सारे देश को आतंकित कर रहा था। छत्रसाल की अवस्था उस समय लगभग १३-१४ वर्ष की थी। विन्ध्यवासिनीदेवी के मन्दिर में मेला था। चारों ओर चहल-पहल थी। दूर-दूरसे लोग भगवती के दर्शन करने चले आ रहे थे। महाराज सुजानराव बुन्देले सरदारों के साथ वार्तालाप करनें में लगे थे। युवराज छत्रसाल ने जूते उतारे, हाथ-पैर धोये और एक डलिया लेकर देवीकी पूजा करने के लिये पुष्प चुनने वे वाटिकामें पहुँचे। उनके साथ उसी अवस्था के दूसरे राजपूत बालक भी थे। पुष्प चुनते हुए वे कुछ दूर निकल गये। इतने में वहाँ कुछ मुसलमान सैनिक घॊड़ॊंपर चढे आये। पास आकर वे घोड़े से उतर पड़े और पूछने लगे-'विन्ध्यवासिनी का मन्दिर किधर है?'
छत्रसाल ने पूछा-'क्यों, तुम्हें भी क्या देवी की पूजा करनी है?
मुसलमान सरदार ने कहा-'छिः, हम तो मन्दिर को तोड़ने आये हैं।
छत्रसाल ने फूलों की डलिया दूसरे बालक को पकड़ायी और गर्ज उठे-'मुँह सम्भालकर बोल! फिर ऎसी बात कही तो जीभ खींच लूँगा।'
सरदार हॅंसा और बोला-'तू भला क्या कर सकता है। तेरी देवी भी.....।' लेकिन बेचारे का वाक्य पूरा नहीं हुआ। छत्रसाल की तलवार उसकी छाती में होकर पीछे तक निकल गयी थी। एक युद्ध छिड़ गया उस पुष्प-वाटिका में। जिन बालकों के पास तलवारें नहीं थीं, वे तलवारें लेने दौड़ गये।
मन्दिर में इस युद्ध का समाचार पहुँचा। राजपूतोंने कवच पहने और तलवार सम्भाली; किंतु उन्होंने देखा कि युवराज छत्रसाल एक हाथ में रक्त से भीगी तलवार तथा दूसरे में फूलों की डलिया लिये हॅंसते हुए चले आ रहे हैं। उनके वस्त्र रक्त से लाल हो रहे हैं। अकेले युवराज ने शत्रु सैनिकों को भूमिपर सुला दिया था। महाराज सुजानरावने छत्रसाल को हृदय से लगा लिया। भगवती विन्ध्यवासिनी अपने सच्चे पुजारी के आज के शौर्य-पुष्प पाकर प्रसन्न हो गयीं।
जिसने आंख खोलते ही सत्ता संपन्न दुश्मनों के कारण अपनी पारंपरिक जागीर छिनी पायी हो, निकटतम स्वजनों के विश्वासघात के कारण जिसके बहादुर मां-बाप ने आत्महत्या की हो, जिसके पास कोई सैन्य बल अथवा धनबल भी न हो, ऐसे १२-१३ वर्षीय बालक की मनोदशा की क्या आप कल्पना कर सकते हैं ? परंतु उसके पास था बुंदेली शौर्य का संस्कार, बहादुर मां-पिताका
अदम्य साहस और ‘वीर वसुंधरा’ की गहरा आत्मविश्वास। इसलिए वह टूटा नहीं, डूबा नहीं, आत्मघात नहीं किया वरन् एक रास्ता निकाला।
पिताके दोस्त राजा जयसिंहके सेनामें भरती होना
उसने अपने भाई के साथ पिता के दोस्त राजा जयसिंह के पास पहुंचकर सेना में भरती होकर आधुनिक सैन्य प्रशिक्षण लेना प्रारंभ कर दिया।
राजा जयसिंह तो दिल्ली सल्तनत के लिए कार्य कर रहे थे अतः औरंगजेब ने जब उन्हें दक्षिण विजय का कार्य सौंपा तो छत्रसाल को इसी युद्ध में अपनी बहादुरी दिखाने का पहला अवसर मिला । सन १६६५ में बीजापुर युद्ध में असाधारण वीरता छत्रसाल ने दिखायी और देवगढ़ (छिंदवाड़ा) के गोंडा राजा को पराजित करने में तो छत्रसाल ने जी-जान लगा दिया। इस सीमा तक कि यदि उनका घोड़ा, जिसे बाद में ‘भलेभाई’ के नाम से विभूषित किया गया उनकी रक्षा न करता तो छत्रसाल शायद जीवित न बचते पर इतने पर भी जब विजयश्री का सेहरा उनके सिर पर न बांध मुगल भाई-भतीजेवाद में बंट गया तो छत्रसाल का स्वाभिमान आहत हुआ और उन्होंने मुगलों की बदनीयती समझ दिल्ली सल्तनत की सेना छोड़ दी।
छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराजसे मिलके स्वराज का मंत्र लेना
इन दिनों राष्ट्रीयता के आकाश पर छत्रपति का सितारा चमचमा रहा था। छत्रसाल दुखी तो थे ही, उन्होंने शिवाजी से मिलना ही इन परिस्थितियों में उचित समझा और सन १६६८ में दोनों राष्ट्रवीरों की जब भेंट हुई तो शिवाजी ने छत्रसाल को उनके उद्देश्यों, गुणों और परिस्थितियें का आभास कराते हुए स्वतंत्र राज्य स्थापना की मंत्रणा दी एवं समर्थ गुरु रामदास के आशीषों सहित
‘भवानी’ तलवार भेंट की-
करो देस के राज छतारे
हम तुम तें कबहूं नहीं न्यारे।
दौर देस मुगलन को मारो
दपटि दिली के दल संहारो।
तुम हो महावीर मरदाने
करि हो भूमि भोग हम जाने।
जो इतही तुमको हम राखें
तो सब सुयस हमारे भाषे।
शिवाजी से स्वराज का मंत्र लेकर सन १६७० में छत्रसाल वापस अपनी मातृभूमि लौट आयी परंतु तत्कालीन बुंदेल भूमि की स्थितियां बिलकुल भिन्न थीं। अधिकाश रियासतदार मुगलों के मनसबदार थे, छत्रसाल के भाई-बंधु भी दिल्ली से भिड़ने को तैयार नहीं थे। स्वयं उनके हाथ में धन-संपत्ति कुछ था नहीं। दतिया नरेश शुभकरण ने छत्रसाल का सम्मान तो किया पर बादशाह से बैर न करने की ही सलाह दी। ओरछेश सुजान सिंह ने अभिषेक तो किया पर संघर्ष से अलग रहे। छत्रसाल के बड़े भाई रतनशाह ने साथ देना स्वीकार नहीं किया तब छत्रसाल ने राजाओं के बजाय जनोन्मुखी होकर अपना कार्य प्रारंभ किया। कहते हैं उनके बचपन के साथी महाबली तेली ने उनकी धरोहर, थोड़ी-सी पैत्रिक संपत्ति के रूप में वापस की जिससे छत्रसाल ने ५ घुड़सवार और २५ पैदलों की छोटी-सी सेना तैयार कर ज्येष्ठ सुदी पंचमी रविवार वि.सं. १७२८ (सन १६७१) के शुभ मुहूर्त में शहंशाह आलम औरंगजेब के विरूद्ध विद्रोह का बिगुल बजाते हुए स्वराज्य स्थापना का बीड़ा उठाया।
औरंगजेबके विरूद्ध संघर्ष का शंखनाद
छत्रसाल की प्रारंभिक सेना में राजे-रजवाड़े नहीं थे अपितु तेली बारी, मुसलमान, मनिहार आदि जातियों से आनेवाले सेनानी ही शामिल हुए थे। चचेरे भाई बलदीवान अवश्य उनके साथ थे। छत्रसाल का पहला आक्रमण हुआ अपने माता-पिता के साथ विश्वासघात करने वाले सेहरा के धंधेरों पर। मुगल मातहत कुंअरसिंह को ही कैद नहीं किया गया बल्कि उसकी मदद को आये हाशिम खां की धुनाई की गयी और सिरोंज एवं तिबरा लूट डाले गये। लूट की सारी संपत्ति छत्रसाल ने अपने सैनिकों में बांटकर पूरे क्षेत्र के लोगों को उनकी सेना में सम्मिलित होने के लिए आकर्षित किया। कुछ ही समय में छत्रसाल की सेना में भारी वृद्धि होने लगी और उन्हेांने धमोनी, मेहर, बांसा और पवाया आदि जीतकर कब्जे में कर लिए।
इसके उपरांत महाराजा ने अपनी रणपताका लहराते हुए सागर, दमोह, एरछ, जलापुर, मोदेहा, भुस्करा, महोबा, पनवाड़ी, अजनेर, कालपी और विदिशा जीत डाला।
आतंक के मारे अनेक मुगल फौजदार स्वयं ही छत्रसाल को चैथ देने लगे। बघेलखंड, मालवा, राजस्थान और पंजाब तक छत्रसाल ने युद्ध जीते। परिणामतः यमुना, चंबल, नर्मदा और टोंस मे क्षेत्र में बुंदेला राज्य स्थापित हो गया।
महाराज ने ओरंगज़ेब को अनेक बार हराया।
ग्वालियर-खजाना लूटकर सूबेदार मुनव्वर खां की सेना को पराजित किया, बाद में नरवर भी जीता। सन १६७१ में ही कुलगुरु नरहरि दास ने भी विजय का आशीष छत्रसाल को दिया।
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छत्रसाल बुंदेला अपने अश्व भलेभाई पर |
औरंगजेब के सेनापती को पराजित करना
ग्वालियर की लूट से छत्रसाल को सवा करोड़ रुपये प्राप्त हुए पर औरंगजेब इससे छत्रसाल पर टूट-सा पड़ा। उसने सेनापती रणदूल्हा के नेतृत्व में आठ सवारों सहित तीस हजारी सेना भेजकर गढ़ाकोटा के पास छत्रसाल पर धावा बोल दिया। घमासान युद्ध हुआ पर दणदूल्हा (रुहल्ला खां) न केवल पराजित हुआ वरन भरपूर युद्ध सामग्री छोड़कर जन बचाकर उसे भागना पड़ा। इस विजय से छत्रसाल के हौसले काफी बुलंद हो गये।
सन १६७१-८० की अवधि में छत्रसाल ने चित्रकूट से लेकर ग्वालियर तक और कालपी से गढ़ाकोटा तक प्रभुत्व स्थापित कर लिया।
सन १६७५ में छत्रसाल की भेंट प्रणामी पंथ के प्रणेता संत प्राणनाथ से हुई जिन्होंने छत्रसाल को आशीर्वाद दिया-
छत्ता तोरे राज में धक धक धरती होय जित जित घोड़ा मुख करे तित तित फत्ते होय।
बुंदेले राज्य की स्थापना
इसी अवधि में छत्रसाल ने पन्ना के गौड़ राजा को हराकर, उसे अपनी राजधानी बनाया। ज्येष्ठ शुक्ल तृतीया संवत १७४४ की गोधूलि बेला में स्वामी प्राणनाथ ने विधिवत छत्रसाल का पन्ना में राज्यभिषेक किया। विजय यात्रा के दूसरे सोपान में छत्रसाल ने अपनी रणपताका लहराते हुए सागर, दमोह, एरछ, जलापुर, मोदेहा, भुस्करा, महोबा, राठ, पनवाड़ी, अजनेर, कालपी और विदिशा का किला जीत डाला। आतंक के मारे अनेक मुगल फौजदार स्वयं ही छत्रसाल को चैथ देने लगे।
बघेलखंड, मालवा, राजस्थान और पंजाब तक छत्रसाल ने युद्ध जीते। परिणामतः यमुना, चंबल, नर्मदा और टोंस मे क्षेत्र में बुंदेला राज्य स्थापित हो गया। सन १७०७ में औरंगजेब का निधन हो गया। उसके पुत्र आजम ने बराबरी से व्यवहार कर सूबेदारी देनी चाही पर छत्रसाल ने संप्रभु राज्य के आगे यह अस्वीकार कर दी।
मुहम्मद बंगस का आक्रमण एवं बाजीराव पेशवा का सहाय्य लेना
जगद्वै उपजे ब्राहामण भृगु और बाजीराव.
उन ढाई राजपुतीय इन ढाई तुरकाव.
महाराज छत्रसाल पर इलाहाबाद के नवाब मुहम्मद बंगस का ऐतिहासिक आक्रमण हुआ। इस समय छत्रसाल लगभग ८० वर्ष के वृद्ध हो चले थे और उनके दोनों पुत्रों में अनबन थी। जैतपुर में छत्रसाल पराजित हो रहे थे। ऐसी परिस्थितियों में उन्हेांने बाजीराव पेशवा को पुराना संदर्भ देते हुए सौ छंदों का एक काव्यात्मक पत्र भेजा जिसकी दो पंक्तियां थीं
जो गति गज और ग्राह की सो गति भई है आज बाजी जात बुंदेल की राखौ बाजी लाज।
फलतः बाजीराव की सेना आने पर बंगश की पराजय ही नहीं हुई वरन उसे प्राण बचाकर अपमानित हो, भागना पड़ा। छत्रसाल युद्ध में टूट चले थे, लेकिन मराठों के सहयोग से उन्हेांने कलंक का टीका सम्मान से पोंछ डाला।
यहीं कारण था छत्रसाल ने अपने अंतिम समय में जब राज्य का बंटवारा किया तो बाजीराव को तीसरा पुत्र मानते हुए बुंदेलखंड झांसी, सागर, गुरसराय, काल्पी, गरौठा, गुना, सिरोंज और हटा आदि हिस्से के साथ राजनर्तकी मस्तानी भी उपहार में दी। कतिपय इतिहासकार इसे एक संधि के अनुसार दिया हुआ बताते हैं पर जो भी हो अपनी ही माटी के दो वंशों, मराठों और बुंदेलों ने बाहरी शक्ति को पराजित करने में जो एकता दिखायी, वह अनुकरणीय है।
राज्य संचालनके बारेमें महाराजा छत्रसाल का सूत्र
छत्रसाल ने अपने दोनों पुत्रों ज्येष्ठ जगतराज और कनिष्ठ हिरदेशाह को बराबरी का हिस्सा, जनता को समृद्धि और शांति से राज्य-संचालन हेतु बांटकर अपनी विदा वेला का दायित्व निभाया। राज्य संचालन के बारे में उनका सूत्र उनके ही शब्दों में –
राजी सब रैयत रहे, ताजी रहे सिपाहि
छत्रसाल ता राज को, बार न बांको जाहि।
यही कारण था कि छत्रसाल को अपने अंतिम दिनों में वृहद राज्य के सुप्रशासन से एक करोड़ आठ लाख रुपये की आय होती थी। उनके एक पत्र से स्वष्ट होता है कि उन्होंने अंतिम समय १४ करोड़ रुपये राज्य के खजाने में (तब) शेष छोड़े थे।
कलाका सम्मान करनेवाले महाराजा छत्रसाल
छत्रसाल की तलवार जितनी धारदार थी, कलम भी उतनी ही तीक्ष्ण थी। वे स्वयं कवि तो थे ही कवियों का श्रेष्ठतम सम्मान भी करते थे। अद्वितीय उदाहरण है कि कवि भूषण के बुंदेलखंड में आने पर आगवानी में जब छत्रसाल ने उनकी पालकी में अपना कंधा लगा दिया तो भूषण कह उठेः
और राव राजा एक चित्र में न ल्याऊं-
अब, साटू कौं सराहौं, के सराहौं छत्रसाल को।।
प्रतापी छत्रसाल महाराज का निधन
प्रतापी छत्रसाल ने पौष शुक्ल तृतीया भृगुवार संवत् १७८८ (दिसंबर १७३१) को छतरपुर (नौ गांव) के निकट मऊ सहानिया के छुवेला ताल पर अपना शरीर त्यागा और विंध्य की अपत्यिका में भारतीय आकाश पर सदा-सदा के लिए जगमगाते सितारे बन गये। बुंदेलखंड ही नही संपूर्ण भारत देष ऐसे महान व्यक्तित्व के प्रति पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी कृतज्ञ रहेगा।
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The cenotaph of Maharaja Chattrasal Bundela |
The Bundelkhand region of the state of Madhya Pradesh is among the most interesting areas in India. Dotted with splendid monuments, scenic rivers, medieval palaces and temples — each area is full of legendary stories about people. Among the most famous names is that of Maharaja Chhatrasal who is counted among other greats such as Maharana Pratap and Chatrapati Shivaji.
“Veer Chhatrasal” a name that he is often referred by, is considered the bravest fighter that the Mughals faced in the region.
This is the story of an unsung warrior Chhatrasal Bundela who took on the might of the Mughals at the age of 22.
List of Mughal generals defeated by Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundela in his lifetime:
>Bahlol Khan Mayana
>Rohilla Khan
>Kaliq Khan
>Munawwar Khan
>Sheikh Anwar
>Sayyid Latif
Neglect at the hands of history and the meek and unassertive nature of the Hindi speaking people are probably the two reasons why so few in India know so little about Veer Chhatrasal. There is famous saying about him:
‘‘इत जमना उत नर्मदा इत चंबल उत टोंस।
छत्रसाल से लरन की रही न काह होंस।’’
Meaning; From the banks of Yamuna in north on one side till Narmada in south , with Chambal in west while Tons river in East. Everyone was defeated and no one remained with guts to fight with him.
The Lion of Bundelkhand, who fought against the Mughals in around 44 battles.. He not only established an independent state in Bundelkhand, he was also a patron of fine arts, and a good writer himself. Bravest among so many brave men was Rao Chhatrasal Bundela, the chieftain of Bundi and the hero of fifty- two fights. Of the 82 years he lived, Chhatrasal fought 52 battles during his 44 year old reign. He won all his battles and avenged few tactical reverses quickly, till his last fight with Mughal general Bangash Khan. This famous battle was won by the help of another great undefeated warrior Peshwa Baji Rao-I. Veer Chhatrasal had already defeated Bangash twice before this last battle.
Bundelkhand known for it’s harsh climate, aridity and barren spaces, an environment that has produced some of the hardiest warriors and rulers of India. As also it's magnifcient temples, palaces and forts at Orccha, Jhansi, Khajuraho. The Chandela Rajputs who built the stunning temples at Khajuraho, Rudra Pratap Singh, who founded the princely state of Orcha, and is famous for the magnificient buildings and above all the brave Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi were all from Bundelkhand. In modern times, the hockey wizard Dhyan Chand, the great Hindi poet Maithili Sharan Gupt, prominent Hindi movie lyricist Indeevar, novelist Vrindavan Lal Verma, all hailed from Bundelkhand.
The origins of Chhatrasal go back to the Orchha state founded in 1501 by Rudra Pratap Singh, who moved the capital to Orccha(now in MP) from Garhkunder around 1531.Rudra Pratap was succeded by his son Bhartichandra, who gave the Jagirdari of Mehba, to Rao Udayajit Singh. Chhatrasal was born to the brave warrior couple of Champat Rai and Lal Kunwar on May 4, 1649, in the village of Kachar Kachnai now located in the Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh.Chhatrasal was just 12 years when his parents perished fight against the Mughal Army in 1661.
Amidst the forests, the hills, under the shadow of the forest Gods, Chhatrasal was born in conflicted times, amidst cannons, swords and bloodshed. Along with his elder brother Angad Rai, Chhatrasal, moved to Delwara, to learn the art of warfare from his uncle Saheb Singh Dhander, Chhatrasal had no money power, nor an army, he had to live with the torment of his parents committing suicide in battle due to betrayal, and with his jagir seized away, he had virtually nothing to him, when he was just 12 years old.
But Chhatrasal had something more precious, the famed Bundela courage, the sanskaar, and the self confidence of Veera Bhogya Vasundhara(The World is for the Brave). He was not broken in spirit,and armed with courage and faith, decided to fight back. Along with his brother, he joined the army of Raja Jai Singh, where he undertook military training.Jai Singh then was a vassal of Aurangzeb, and when he was entrusted with the Deccan campaign, it was an occasion for Chhatrasal to show his bravery.
The origins of Chhatrasal go back to the Orchha state founded in 1501 by Rudra Pratap Singh, who moved the capital to Orccha(now in MP) from Garhkunder around 1531.Rudra Pratap was succeded by his son Bhartichandra, who gave the Jagirdari of Mehba, to Rao Udayajit Singh. Chhatrasal was born to the brave warrior couple of Champat Rai and Lal Kunwar on May 4, 1649, in the village of Kachar Kachnai now located in the Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh.Chhatrasal was just 12 years when his parents perished fight against the Mughal Army in 1661.
Amidst the forests, the hills, under the shadow of the forest Gods, Chhatrasal was born in conflicted times, amidst cannons, swords and bloodshed. Along with his elder brother Angad Rai, Chhatrasal, moved to Delwara, to learn the art of warfare from his uncle Saheb Singh Dhander, Chhatrasal had no money power, nor an army, he had to live with the torment of his parents committing suicide in battle due to betrayal, and with his jagir seized away, he had virtually nothing to him, when he was just 12 years old.
But Chhatrasal had something more precious, the famed Bundela courage, the sanskaar, and the self confidence of Veera Bhogya Vasundhara(The World is for the Brave). He was not broken in spirit,and armed with courage and faith, decided to fight back. Along with his brother, he joined the army of Raja Jai Singh, where he undertook military training.Jai Singh then was a vassal of Aurangzeb, and when he was entrusted with the Deccan campaign, it was an occasion for Chhatrasal to show his bravery.
We know Maharana Pratap's horse was named Chetak, Amar Singh Rathor's horse was named Bahadur.
But how many of you know the name of Maharaja Chhatrasal's horse?
He was named Bhalebhai, and was very brave, following picture is of Bhalebhai's Smarak in Dubhela, Chharpur, MP.
Maharaja Chhatrasal was a benevolent general, he understood the importance of cavalry & treated his soldiers as his very own, these famous lines r attributed to him:
'तोडादार घोडादार बीरन सों प्रीति करि'
"Always love those soldiers & cavalrymen, who win the battle with courage"
On May 1665, Chhatrasal showed exemplary bravery in the Battle for Bijapur, and also played a crucial role in defeating the Gond king of Chhindwara too risking his own life. It was Chhatrasal’s horse “Bhalebhai” that saved it’s master from danger. However when Chhatrasal did not receive due credit for the victories, and instead the credit went to relatives of Aurangzeb and court nobels, his self respect was hurt, and he left the Mughal Army.
Maharaja Chhatrasal founded Panna State. Budelkhand Kesri Maharaja Chhatrasal (4 May 1649 – 20 December 1731), was a Bundela Rajput warrior who chose to turn against the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and seek to establish his own kingdom in Bundelkhand. He effectively dominated Bundelkhand region from 1671- 1731. He is now a legendary figure in Madhya pradesh and Southern Uttar Pradesh, the area between Yamun and Naramda rivers. This huge part of central India was freed from Mughals clutches by Veer Chhatrasal only. Chhatrasal was born in Kachar Kachnai on the 4 May 1649, to Champat Rai and Lal Kunwar. He was a descendent of Rudra Pratap of Orchha and his ancestors were vassals of the Mughal emperor. . His father Champat Rai had raised the banner for freedom a generation earlier but was killed in battle with the Mughals after himself killing the favourite of the emperor, Abu Fazl. Chhatrasal was just 12 years when his parents perished fight against the Mughal Army of Akbar in 1661.
On May 1665, Chhatrasal showed exemplary bravery in the Battle for Bijapur, and also played a crucial role in defeating the Gond king of Chhindwara too risking his own life. It was Chhatrasal’s horse “Bhalebhai” that saved it’s master from danger, else he would have lost his life. However when Chhatrasal did not receive due credit for the victories, and instead the credit went to relatives of Aurangzeb and court nobels, his self respect was hurt. He came to know that the Mughals were merely an occupying force, who never really cared for the Hindus. Also he was finding it difficult to adjust in the Mughal hierarchy, partly due to his father’s legacy.
The late 1600s saw the rise of Maharaja Chattrasal, who at the age of 22 went against Aurangzeb. Maharaja Chhatrasal came into confrontation with the Mughal Empire. Rajgarh in Chhatarpur (MP) is witness to one such battle of the Bundelas with the Mughals.
The late 1600s saw the rise of Maharaja Chattrasal, who at the age of 22 went against Aurangzeb. Maharaja Chhatrasal came into confrontation with the Mughal Empire. Rajgarh in Chhatarpur (MP) is witness to one such battle of the Bundelas with the Mughals.
One day he left the Mughal camp on the pretext of hunting and proceeded to meet Shivaji, whom he admired. Shivaji being the rising star of Hindu nationalism then, Chhatrasal felt it fit to ally with the great Maratha ruler. He made a long journey through the difficult terrain to meet Shivaji and received a warm welcome in Shivaji’s camp in the winter of They met in 1668-69.
Chhatrasal stayed with Shivaji for a few months. A letter written by Chhatrasal towards the end of his life he proudly talked about learning archery with Shivaji’s forces. Chhatrasal wanted to serve under Shivaji, but Shivaji advised him to start his independent resistance in Bundelkhand so that the Mughal energies could be divided. This is what Shivaji told him “We shall rule over our independent kingdoms, kill the Mughals, destroy their army.” Shivaji also gifted him the sword of Bhavani. Motivated by Shivaji’s call for Swaraj, Chhatrasal, returned to his native Bundelkhand in 1670, however by now, most of it was under the control of the Mughals.
Chhatrasal stayed with Shivaji for a few months. A letter written by Chhatrasal towards the end of his life he proudly talked about learning archery with Shivaji’s forces. Chhatrasal wanted to serve under Shivaji, but Shivaji advised him to start his independent resistance in Bundelkhand so that the Mughal energies could be divided. This is what Shivaji told him “We shall rule over our independent kingdoms, kill the Mughals, destroy their army.” Shivaji also gifted him the sword of Bhavani. Motivated by Shivaji’s call for Swaraj, Chhatrasal, returned to his native Bundelkhand in 1670, however by now, most of it was under the control of the Mughals.
Once Chhatrasal had set his foot in any battle, he never lost it. Aurangzeb lost to him on every occasion. Veer Chhatrasal started from nothing and carved out his Kingdom right under the nose of Aurangzeb, defeating his armies every time without fail.
Bundelkhand Kesri Maharaja Chhatrasal alongwith Shivaji form a alliance of rebels who rose against Aurangzeb’s bigotry and tyranny in the late 18th century. Aurangazeb’s 4 most dreaded nemeses were Hindupat MahaRana Raj Singh, Durgadas, Shivaji, Chhatrasal These four rose around similar timeline and were the reason behind the final downfall and defeat of tryant Muslim Aurangazeb.
In Medieval India, Veer Chhatrasal stands along side with Hindupat Maharana Raj Singh, Chatrapati Shivaji and Durgadas Rathore, as one of the bravest fighters for freedom from the Muslim rule, a man who fought for freedom till the end of his life.His illustrious names shine bright in long list of Hindu warriors. Most of the local chieftains were vassals of the Mughal empire, his own relatives were not in a mood to oppose Delhi. Chhatrasal received no cooperation from any of the local rulers be it Sujan Singh of Orchha or Shubkaran of Datia, who advised him against conflict. When the kings refused to support him, Chhatrasal began to rally the ordinary people against the Mughals , he was helped financially by his childhood friend Mahabali, due to which he was able to raise a small army of just 25 infantry and 5 cavalry.
After returning to Bundelkhand, Chhatrasal raised the banner of revolt against the Mughals in Bundelkhand. While he didn’t get the support of other Bundela clans initially. Most of the local chieftains were vassals of the Mughal empire, his own relatives were not in a mood to oppose Delhi. Chhatrasal received no cooperation from any of the local rulers be it Sujan Singh of Orchha or Shubkaran of Datia, who advised him against conflict. Aurangzeb’s religious policy, especially his drive towards temple demolitions drew a strong opposition from Bundelas and many of them united under Chhatrasal’s banner And in 1671, Chhatrasal raised the bugle of revolt against the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and the establishment of a Swarajya. His modest army did not have any royalty, but were mostly made up of commoners like Telis, ordinary peasants, craftsmen etc. His cousin Baldiwan also joined hands with him, and his first attack was against the Dhanderas of Sehore, who had betrayed his parents. The Mughal vassal Kunwar Singh was not only defeated and imprisoned, but Hashim Khan who assisted him was also routed. Sironj and Tibra, were attacked and the looted wealth was used by Chhatrasal to build his army and also to motivate people to join it. In no time, Chhatrasal managed to raise a large army and soon Pawai, Bansa, Damoh, Meher, were all conquered. Munawar Khan, the subedar of Gwalior was routed, and the treasury was sacked, and it came under his control.
The Bundela Rajputs fight under the leadership of Chhatrasal, against the Moghuls became unexpectedly successful, conquering swathes of territory from them and paving the way for an independent state.
Furious at the loss of Gwalior, Aurangzeb sent a huge army under the command of Rohilla Khan which had 8 cavalry units, and an infantry of 30,000. In a pitched battle fought at Garhkot, Rohilla’s army was not just routed by Chhatrasal, but he himself had to flee from the battlefield to save his life. In a pitched battle fought at Garhkot, Rohilla’s army was not just routed by Chhatrasal, but he himself had to flee from the battlefield to save his life. The victory made Chhatrasal that much more stronger. The victory made Chhatrasal that much more stronger.
Between 1671-1731, Chhatrasal ruled over a vast kingdom that stretched from Chitrakoot to Gwalior and Kalpi to Garhkot.
In 1675, Chhatrasal met Mahamati Prannathji the guru of the Pranami Sampradaya at Mau, through his nephew Dev Karanji who was a disciple of the Pran Nathji. Chhatrasal highly impressed by Pran Nathji became his disciple. when Maharaja Chhatrasal came to meet him, he was going for a battle against Mughals. Swami Prannathji gave him his own sword and covered his head with a scarf. Guru Prannathji blessed him saying “You will always be victorious. Diamond mines will be discovered in your land and you will become a great emperor.” Pran Nathji came Chhatrasal’s spiritual guru and advisor.”
These famous line convey the blessing of Guru Prannath
छत्ता तोरे राज में धक धक धरती होय
जित जित घोड़ा मुख करे तित तित फत्ते होय।
Meaning: O Chaatrasal, in your rule, there will always be battles but wherever your horse proceeds you will see victory.
Chhatrasal defeated the Gond ruler of Panna, and made it his capital as per advice of Pran Nathji. This would prove beneficial, as the diamond mines at Panna, bought him prosperity, and helped him to build a mighty kingdom. Swami Prannathji was not only the religious Guru of Chhatrasal, but he guided him too in political, social, and economic matters. It was by being granted the boon of finding diamonds in Panna by Swami Prannathji that Maharaja Chhatrasal became prosperous And soon the forts of Orchha, Sagar, Damoh, Kalpi, Mahoba, Ajner and Vidisha were conquered by Chhatrasal. The Mughal jagirdars themselves began to pay tax to Chhatrasal now. His victory march continued as far as Malwa, Punjab, Rajasthan, establishing the Bundela kingdom.
It was the year 1680, Bahlol Khan, Emperor Aurangzeb's trusted commander, advanced with a large force of about nine thousand upon the fort of Madiaduh which was commanded by Maharaja Chattrasal's son, Prince Jagat Singh. The Bundelas led by Prince Jagat Singh offered tough resistance, that was preceded by a surprise attack on the enemy convoy that was enroute for the seige. After a seven day battle, the Bundela Rajputs were successful in thwarting the Mughal Forces.
Bahlol Khan, with a view to retrieve his lost prestige marched upon Rajgarh and began the siege of the fort. But Maharaja Chhatrasal received intelligence reports of the designs of Bahlol Khan, and hastened with his army to relieve the beleaguered garrison at the fort. As the battle ensued, the commander of the imperial Mughal vanguard was killed on his elephant and his Mahout fled with a disheartened Bahlol Khan, watching it all. Surrounded on all sides, Bahlol knew what was to come next and decides to puts up a final stand, in futility. The battle continued for three more days and on the fourth, Bahlol Khan was mortally wounded and died while fleeing from the Rajput Army. The fort of Rajgarh due to the intervention of Maharaja Chattrasal was saved, the Mughals, vanquished, and the Bundelas, victorious.
In 1730, The Subedar of Allahabad, Mohd Khan Bangash, launched final attack on Chhatrasal capital Jaitpur. Chhatrasal was around 80 years of age then. Facing a retreat at Jaitpur, Chhatrasal sent a long letter to the Peshwa Baji Rao, reminding him of the need to protect the honor of the Bundelas. The seasoned warrior sent a letter to Peshwa Bajirao I, with these lines, now a part of popular folklore:
Chhatrasal reminded Baji Rao of the assistance Bundela Rajputs gave to Marathas and requested him to help. With the advent of Baji Rao’s army, Bangash’s army had to suffer a humiliating rout, and Mohd. Khan Bangash himself had to run away from the battlefield in disgrace.
In gratitude Chhatrasal, adopted Baji Rao as his 3rd son, and also gave him the entire Bundelkhand region of Jhansi, Sagar, Kalpi etc, as also his a Muslim courtesan Mastani.
The unity shown by the Bundela Rajputs and Peshwa Brahmans in repelling the Mughal forces and creating an independent kingdom in the Deccan is to date an exemplary episode in history. Maharaja Chhatrasal gave a third of his kingdom to the Marathas for their assistance, while the other areas of his kingdom were divided equally as states amongst his sons Jagatraj and Hrideshah the eldest son was given most important area, Panna State and the others Ajaigarh State, Bijawar State and Charkhari State.
Chhatarpur town, its district in Madhya Pradesh and other important places are named after Maharaja Chhatrasal, including the Maharaja Chhatrasal Museum. The Chhatrasal Stadium in Delhi has also been named in honour Maharaja Chhatrasal.
The museum is surrounded by picturesque ruins of the kingdom of Maharaja Chhatrasal. The royal chhatris and a large fort are in ruins, but there is a lovely lake that creates splendid views for photographers.
The museum is surrounded by picturesque ruins of the kingdom of Maharaja Chhatrasal. The royal chhatris and a large fort are in ruins, but there is a lovely lake that creates splendid views for photographers.
The Cenotaph of Maharaja Chhatrasal, is considered a very important historical monument from the view of Bundeli architecture.
Maharaja Chhatrasal’s Cenotaphs
This beautiful example of Bundeli Architecture was built in the memory of Maharaja Chhatrasal in 1736 A.D. Among the other monuments worth seeing include the Maharani Kamlapati Cenotaph, the Sheetal Garhi, the Mahoba Gate and Sri Krishna Pranami Mandir.
The royal family has continued to live in Chhatarpur — at present H H Vikram Singh and his family occupy the royal residence. Quite recently, the wedding of Princess Trisha Kumari Singh of the erstwhile royal family and H.H. Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraj Wadiyar of Mysore, was celebrated in a lavish traditional ceremony that retained all its traditional rituals. Over 2,000 VIPs from across the country were invited for the grand reception held in the Durbar hall the Mysore Palace. Chhatrasal was not just a great warrior, but an equally able and wise ruler too, whose governance ensured, his kingdom always had a full treasury. On Dec 1731, Chhatrasal passed away near Chhatarpur, but he would remain forever in the consciousness of Bundelkhand.
Sharp as his sword was, equally sharp was his pen too. An excellent poet himself, he would felicitate and honor other poets too. When the great poet Kavibhushan came to Bundelkhand, Chhatrasal himself carried the palanquin bearing him.
Veer Chhatrasal, a great warrior, builder of an empire in Bundelkhand, an eqully good writer and an able administrator too. On his Jayanti, Naman to the Lion of Bundelkhand, a truly great hero and son of Bharat.
Paying homage to the Torchbearer of Independence & self rule in Central India, the Maharaja who carved out a Hindu Kingdom at the center of Mughal rule & was one of the factors behind it's downfall, Veera Bhogya Vasundhara.