Saturday, February 18, 2017

Rich History Of Invading Islamic Turk Lutere

First islamic attack was during 641 CE on thane, deval and khambhat. second attack during 643 ce when haris step brother of caliph umar killed near zabul. third one was battle of rasil in 651 ce whereby arabian reached western banks of Indus. cowards took 7 decades to cross Indus.

Then occur the worst genocide in human history:

India's population fell by 100 million between 1000 CE and 1500 CE.

This coincides with the islamic invasion of India.

The population of Bharat fell from 200 million in 1000 CE to 100 million by 1500 CE.

The reasons for the decline in population by half were mainly two:

1. Muslim invaders massacred thousands to hundreds of thousands of Hindus at a time

2. Famines and droughts killed many
The volume and density of the Hindu population was one of the main reasons the lsIamic invaders failed to forcibly or other wise convert gain a large number of converts.

The first attack on Bharat by the green evil occurred in 710 CE by Muhammad Bin Qasim who attacked Sindh
However, lsIam only gathered a few converts Sindh and Punjab. Many of the converts reverted back to Hinduism after the conquerors left.

There remained a few 1000 converts, especially in Multan and Peshawar.

The number thus remained low before the arrival of Ghazni, 1000 CE
This barbaric invader was one of the true fanatics who truly believed the words of their holy book.

He was determined to convert the world and kill every unbeliever.

After his conquest and during the course of the various lsIamic empires, the Muslim population grew slowly
Growth of the Muslim population was aided by the small scale immigration of Turks who came to join the armies.

However, it remains a fact that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the Indian subcontinent are descended from Hindus who were converted.

In comparison to the population of Hindus, Muslims remained a small minority of under 10-15% until 1800 CE in the whole of undivided India.
The factors which led to Muslilms never becoming a majority in Bharat include:

1) Vastness of the land: Undivided Bharat was very vast (little less than double the current size of Bharat)
2) Hindu resistance: Many Hindu movements, including Bhakti, sprang up to reform Hinduism
3) Caste System: This proved to be a major bulwark against conversion. Alberuni wrote that all castes, especially the so-called "lower" classes, showed remarkable resistance against conversion. H.H. Risley writes that lower classes were most particular about 'caste preservation'.
Conversions of so-called "high" castes were also few. Hindu religion and philosophy were ancient, vast and deep. Hindu intellectuals were proud and even vain

4) Christian missionaries: Their arrival helped to check lsIamic proselytization. But they forcibly converted many Hindus
The capture of Goa by the Portugese was helped by some Hindu chiefs. They invited the Portugese to relieve the Hindu population from the oppression by Adil Shah's fanatical governor.

In Vijayanagara empire, Hindus and Christians generally were united by their opposition to lsIam
Source: "Growth of Muslim Population" by K.S. Lal
Over the centuries, millions of Hindus were also captured as prisoners and enslaved by the Muslim invaders.

They were sold or sent to many foreign places, including Turkey.
A note about the former Hindu kingdoms of Kabul and Gandhara

These kingdoms ruled by the Hindu Shahi fiercely resisted the lsIamic invasions until the coming of Mahmud in 1000 CE

Alberuni wrote: "Mahmud utterly ruined the prosperity of the country. He reduced Hindus to a dust"
Alberuni wrote:

"The Hindu Shahis are now extinct

Of the whole house (Jayapala, Ananpala, Trilochanapala etc) there is no longer the slightest remnant

The ruling family gave a very tough resistance in which 1000s and 1000s perished

It was driven from Kabul to Bhera to Lahore"
"The Hindu Shahis were finally driven to Kannauj, where they were finally defeated.

Thus, after 25 years of persistent struggle, they perished"

Mahmud of Ghazni killed and enslaved 400,000 people in his campaigns.

Overall, his invasion led to the deaths of 2 million Hindus.
And Two min silence for those sicks dhimmis who say temples destroyed due to their wealth,

Muslim historians record it reached Ghazni's ears that chakraswamin was highly venerated by Hindus as Mecca by Muslims

Raja promised him to pay lots of money if he spared the temple Ghazni"I'll go to heaven by destroying Hindu idols" 

Temple destroyed and Idol carried to Afghanistan for defilement 

A marble statue of 3 headed Brahma discovered on the footsteps of the old friday mosque in Ghazni,Afghanistan

The face of Brahma is damaged by the constant walking over of Islamic devotees on the image. It was put on footsteps of Arsul Falaq mosque, This image was looted from a temple in Ajmer, India.The gold stolen from Somnath temple was melted to construct this mosque,This image was discovered recently.But Islamic chronicles have long recorded that Hindu idols were put on footsteps of mosque to be trod, Other Hindu idols and materials looted from temples were used by Mahmud Ghazni to construct the footsteps of this mosque..

From "Across the Hindukush of first millennium" by Archaeologist Kuwayama(2002) 

Another Brahma idol discovered at Kabul in Afghanistan. Dated to c.300-400 CE. Late kushan/Early shahi period 

Panel fragment depicted three headed shiva with his trisula. From Bactria Northern Afghanistan c.300 AD 

Founded c.450 AD, Tepe skandar in Afghanistan was a Hindu shaivite shrine. It was visited by xuanzang(c.630 AD) 

Finds: A marble image of Uma Maheshwara unearthed at Tepe skandar. Dated to c.600 AD 

Finds: A marble image of Durga(c.800 AD) unearthed at Tepe skandar(Afghanistan)

Finds: An archeologist and the shiva linga he unearthed at this ancient shaivite shrine of Afghanistan

Source:Archaeological manual of Afghanistan. Edited by Nancy Dupree page 22 

Excavated in 1938, Khair Khana(Kabul,Afghanistan) was a major Surya temple (2 sq. ha) from c.400 AD to c.1000 AD

Finds: A marble statue of Surya flanked by  attendants Danda and Pingala.Aruna riding the chariot 

FInds from khair khana(kabul): Another Marble statue of standing Surya flanked by Danda and pingala..

Finds from Khair Khana(Kabul): Marble statue of God Skanda standing beside shiva whose only feet survive, The description of grand bhaskaralaya in bhavishya purana is probably a reference to this temple.It was raided by Yaqub bin laith(c.870)

The Islamic sources describe in graphical terms Hindu loss of kabul.Subutigin fell on them 'like a wolf on sheep'

and considering all this it could safely be asserted that there was significant Hindu presence in PreIslamic Afghanistan

Though ghazni sort think History is written by conquerors to suit themselves. As Timid looters& rapists they are will be projected as great men. But they forget Firdausi who wrote 60000 couplets in praise of Mahmud of Ghazni but when he didn't receive the promised Gold sovereigns he Topsy turvied whole by adding d last couplet of Persian,Crux; No doubt one is great by achievement but fact remains if a seed of a poisonous plant is sowed in Paradise,watered daily by Houries with the waters of three rivers there, Kausar, Tasneem & Salsabeel (wherein wine, milk & honey flows), yet the fruit will be poisonous,Ferdowsi was a court poet of Jihadi mass-murderer Mahmud Ghazni.

Yet, he also wrote this verse in Shahnameh

"Damn this world, damn this time, damn this fate, 
That uncivilized Arabs have come to make me Muslim"

Now can you think of any other court-poet who had so much courage? 

We are hearing so many fairy tales from Seculars to hoodwink us time and again.Foolish Hindus never learnt lessons in 1000 years of slavery, 

One more instance from a history where hindu still acting as guilible fool, Yes, Rani of Chittor sent a Rakhi to Humayun when Gujarat Sultan invaded. But what came out of this Secular Drama? 

In 1535, when Gujarat sultan Bahadur Shah attacked Chittor, Humayun was on his way to invade Gujarat and punish Bahadur Shah, 

Gujarat Sultan Bahadur Shah had given refuge to  Zaman Mirza, an enemy of Humayun,

Humayun was already in Gujarat to punish Bahadur Shah, Gujrat sultan Bahadur Shah had just invaded Chittor(Rajasthan) and found out that his own territory was invaded by his arch enemy Humayun, 

Bahadur Shah wrote a letter to Humayun that he was waging a Jihad against Hindu infidels, and a Muslim like Humayun should not interfere, When Humayan received this letter saying that Bahadur Shah was waging Jihad against his "Rakhi sister Karnavati", he immediately withdrew, Humayun as a Muslim would never interfere when a fellow Muslim was killing Hindus and raping Hindu women, even if it were his Rakhi sister,

The Brave Rajput Sisodias valiantly fought the invaders and sacrificed their life, but they lacked artillery which Bahadur Shah had It because imminent that Bahadur Shah would win, Karnavati  committed Jauhar, even as brother Humayun was watching the Jihad from a distance, 

Rani Karnavati along with 13,000 other Rajput women jumped into the fire to save herself from Jihadi lust
Children were thrown into wells, Year after Bahadur Shah ransacked Chittor,raped women, took slaves, destroyed temples, Humayun came
To collect taxes and punish his enemies, 

Sources:Primary source is Mirat-I-Sikandari where Humayun tells us why he dint help his "sister"
"It is forbidden in Islam to help Infidels" 

All these lies we are learning in the macaulay school system, which was scripted by Brits !
To demean Hinduism in the eyes of the Hindus
Elevated beggars Mughals to the skies which they never are ....

Babarnama painting which shows a few tents and horses dying in a Mughal camp. This is how "rich" the Mughals and their predecessors were before they came to India
How did Mughals become so rich? By destroying villages,burning crops,waging jihad, forcing people to submission and levying oppressive taxes

Leading macroeconomic historian Maddison called Mughal state"parasitic" 
They hoarded jewels and built harems, but no major irrigation work 

I believe in truth and history over Bollywood perversion padmavati
Share . Spread the truth
Fight lies and propaganda 

Source - True Indology Sir

If Bollywood really has to make a film on Alladudin Khilji's love life, both the actors have to be male

Now hear it  2nd time๐Ÿ˜

Khiljiyon ka parmcham sada buland rahe๐Ÿคฃ

Pakistan has missile named after ghaznavi(the man is behind in pic) and famous square of Lahore named after Malik Ayaz ,islamic painting. 
Seculars love Urdu,greatest Urdu poet Mir Taqi Mir in all his works glorified sodomy done on young boys by males like him,check these lines 

Many ROP n dhimmis sentiments may hurt by upper remark but,,

Basically, pedophilia was not considered homosexuality in islam

Unlike Rani Padmini who is not recorded in contemporary sources, Khilji's love affair with his male sexual slave Malik Kafur is well attested,

Infact, Bollywood could well portray Allauddin Khilji as another Devdas .From Tarikh-I-Firozshahi(written c.1357 CE) 

 Khilji kept 50,000 slave boys in his harem.In Gujrat,he abducted 20,000 "beautiful" maidens+children. Wassaf(c.1310) 

 Khilji's officially appointed chief Kazi-"If a Muhammadan decides to spit, Hindu must open his mouth" Wassaf(c.1310) 

 A miniature from Ishqiya(by Amir Khusrau C.1315) depicting angels bless the married couple Deval Devi and Khizr Khan

Deval Devi, daughter of Gujrat king Vahghela, was captured by Khilji (c.1308),Abducted, converted and married to his son Khizr Khan

 In war of succession,Mubarak shah was victorious.Killing his Brother Khizr Khan, he dragged Deval Devi to his Harem

 Mubarak in turn,was killed by Khilji's bisexual slave lover Khusrau Khan.He ascended throne and took away Deval Devi

 All the above illustrations taken from Amir Khusrau's book

 Allauddin took throne by murdering the king,his father in law, in the month of Ramzan and parading his severed head

 Khilji cut children into pieces on the heads of their mothers.Even the Muslim historian Barani(c.1330) was disgusted

 Khilji-"I have utterly reduced and humiliated Hindus. They have crept into their holes like mice" 

 Khilji invaded Gujarat at night, and slaughtered the sleeping civilians mercilessly "for the sake of Islam"

 Khilji destroyed the idol of Somnath and threw its fragments at the footsteps of Jama Masijid

 Khilji was a great builder. He made a fantastic pillar ....with the heads of 60,000 kafirs

Khilji's daughter Furuzan was madly in love with Prince Viramadeva of Jalore. 

 Khilji to his daughter: Muslim women can't marry Hindu. Choose a Muslim
Daughter: I'll only marry Hindu prince Viramade or shall end my life,

 Khilji's daughter Furuzan "Hindus know how to enjoy good things . I will never marry a Muslim"

Dear BollywoodShit, make a love story on this 
But history is communal, Jodha Akbar myth is secular

But these sick people will leave no stone untruned to demean the bharat rakshak morale, pride n honour

We need to say this.
A woman was pursued by a stalker, a besotted person who killed her husband to get her. The woman fought back to avenge her husband, and later committed suicide rather than fall prey to the pervert. Over a lac people died in the battle for her.
Today, centuries later, a filmmaker attempts to show the pervert as a forlorn lover, scripts fantasies of the pervert and attempts to show it as a doomed love story.
Someone's got to tell this film-maker.
Tell him this: Try making a film on Nirbhaya's rape and show her as a lover of the rapists, see the same press that fetes him baying for his blood.
Tell him this: Glorifying a stalker and a pervert, and painting the victim as a lover of the stalker just exposes the perverted mentality of the film-maker.
Tell him this: it is easy to paint women and label them as adulterous, 'womanhood' is an easy target. Don't do it. Leave her legacy alone.
Someone must tell him this: It is not just about Rajputs; Rajasthan's collective psyche across communities still simmers against the atrocities of Khilji in Chittorgarh. Padmini is an icon in Rajasthan, every child here grows hearing on her glorious valiant story, and if he throws stones at historical legendary icons he must be prepared to bear a few stones thrown at him.

Disclaimer: We as a Rajput, and we stand with them. Also, we do not support any hooliganism.

He may or may not show the romance but what we know for sure is that he's gonna be shown a soft, forlorn aashiq, and not what he was - a tyrant invader who had no mercy for women or children, no honour, no ethical code of conduct, no rules of warfare.

เคฌिเค•ाเคŠ เคฎीเคกिเคฏा เคฌॉเคฒीเคตुเคก เคฎें เคญांเคก เคญเคฐे เคนै, เคจीเคฏเคค เคธเคฌเค•ी เค•ाเคฒी เคนै...
เค‡เคคिเคนाเคธों เค•ो เคฌเคฆเคฒ เคฐเคนे, เคธंเคœเคฏ เคฒीเคฒा เคญंเคธाเคฒी เคนै...

เคšाเคฒीเคธ เคฏुเคฆ्เคง เคœिเคคเคจे เคตाเคฒे เค•ो เคจा เคตीเคฐ เคฌเคคाเคฏा เคฅा...
เคธंเคœเคฏ เคคुเคฎเคจे เคฌाเคœीเคฐाเคต เค•ो เคฌเคธ เค†เคถिเฅ˜ เคฆเคฐ्เคถाเคฏा เคฅा...

เคธเคนเคจเคถीเคฒเคคा เค•ी เคธंเคœเคฏ เคนเคฐ เคฌाเคค เคชुเคฐाเคจी เค›ोเฅœ เคšुเค•े...
เค•्เคทाเคค्เคฐ เคงเคฐ्เคฎ เค•ी เค–ाเคคिเคฐ เคนเคฎ เค•िเคคเคจी เคฎเคธ्เคคाเคจी เค›ोเฅœ เคšुเค•े...

เค…เคชเคฐाเคง เคœเค˜เคจ्เคฏ เคนै เคคेเคฐा, เคฆोเคทी เคฌॉเคฒीเคตुเคก เคธाเคฐा เคนै...
เค‡เคธเคฒिเค เคฐाเคœเคชूเคคो เคจे เคธेเคŸ เคชเคฐ เคœाเค•เคฐ เคฎाเคฐा เคนै..

เคธเคš्เคšा เค•เคฒเคฎเค•ाเคฐ เคนूँ เคธंเคœเคฏ, เคฆเคฐ्เคชเคฃ เคคुเคฎ्เคนे เคฆिเค–ाเคคा เคนूँ...
เคœौเคนเคฐ เคชเคฆเคฎा เคฐाเคจी เค•ा, เคคुเคฎเค•ो เค†เคœ เคฌเคคाเคคा เคนूँ...

เคธुเคจ्เคฆเคฐ เคฐूเคช เคฆेเค– เคฐाเคจी เค•ा เคฌैเคฐ เคฒिเคฏा เคฅा เค–िเคฒเคœी เคจे...
เคšिเคค्เคคौเฅœ เคฆुเคฐ्เค— เค•ा เค•ोเคจा เค•ोเคจा เค˜ेเคฐ เคฒिเคฏा เคฅा เค–िเคฒเคœी เคจे...

เคฎाँเคธ เคจोเคšเคคे เค—िเคฆ्เคงों เคธे, เคฒเฅœเคคे เคตो เคถाเค•ाเคนाเคฐी เคฅे...
เคฎुเคŸ्เค ी เคญเคฐ เคฅे เคฐाเคœเคชूเคค, เคฒेเค•िเคจ เคฎुเค—เคฒो เคชเคฐ เคญाเคฐी เคฅे...

เคฐाเคœเคชूเคคों เค•ी เคฆेเค– เคตीเคฐเคคा, เค–िเคฒเคœी เค‰เคธเคฆिเคจ เค•ाँเคช เค—เคฏा...
เคฒเฅœเค•เคฐ เคœीเคค เคจเคนीं เคธเค•เคคा เคตो, เคฏे เคธเคš्เคšाเคˆ เคญांเคช เค—เคฏा...

เคฐाเคœा เคฐเคคเคจ เคธिंเคน เคธे เคฌोเคฒा, เคฐाเคœा เค‡เคคเคจा เค•ाเคฎ เค•เคฐो...
เคนिंเคธा เคฎें เคจुเค•เคธाเคจ เคธเคญी เค•ा เค…เคญी เคฏुเคฆ्เคง เคตिเคฐाเคฎ เค•เคฐो...

เคชैเค—ाเคฎ เคนเคฎाเคฐा เคœाเค•เคฐ เคฐाเคจी เคชเคฆ्เคฎाเคตเคคी เค•ो เคฌเคคเคฒा เคฆो...
เคšेเคนเคฐा เคตिเคถ्เคต เคธुंเคฆเคฐी เค•ा เคฌเคธ เคฆเคฐ्เคชเคฃ เคฎें เคนी เคฆिเค–เคฒा เคฆो...

เคฐाเคœा เคจे เคฐाเคจी เคธे เคฌोเคฒा เคฐाเคจी เคฎाเคจ เค—เคฏी เคฅी เคœी...
เคšिเคค्เคคौเฅœ เคจเคนीं เคขเคนเคจे เคฆूंเค—ी เคฏे เคฐाเคจी เค ाเคจ เค—เคฏी เคฅी เคœी...

เค…เค—เคฒे เคฆिเคจ เคšिเคค्เคคौเฅœ เคฎें เค–िเคฒเคœी เคธेเคจाเคชเคคि เค•े เคธंเค— เค†เคฏा...
เคธเคฎเค•เค•्เคท เคฐूเคช เคšंเคฆ्เคฐเคฎा เคธा เคชเคฆ्เคฎाเคตเคคी เคจे เคฆिเค–เคฒाเคฏा...

เคฐूเคช เคฆेเค–เค•เคฐ เคฐाเคจी เค•ा เค–िเคฒเคœी เค˜ाเคฏเคฒ เคธा เคฒเค—เคคा เคฅा...
เคฆुเคท्เคŸ เคฆเคฐिंเคฆा เคชाเคชी เคตो เคชाเค—เคฒ เคชाเค—เคฒ เคธा เคฒเค—เคคा เคฅा...

เคฐเคคเคจ เคธिंเคน เคฅे เคญोเคฒे เคฐाเคœा เค‰เคธ เค–िเคฒเคœी เคธे เค›เคฒे เค—เค...
เค•ैเคฆ เค•िเคฏा เค–िเคฒเคœी เคจे เค‰เคจเค•ो เคœेเคฒเค–ाเคจे เคฎें เคšเคฒे เค—เค...

เค–िเคฒเคœी เคจे เคธเคจ्เคฆेเคถ เคฆिเคฏा เคšिเคค्เคคौเฅœ เค•ी เคถाเคจ เคฌเค•्เคถ เคฆूंเค—ा...
เคฎेเคฐी เคฐाเคจी เคฌเคจ เคœाเค“, เคฐाเคœा เค•ी เคœाเคจ เคฌเค•्เคถ เคฆूंเค—ा...

เคฐाเคจी เคจे เคธเคจ्เคฆेเคถ เคฒिเค–ा, เคฎैं เคคเคจ เคฎเคจ เค…เคฐ्เคชเคฃ เค•เคฐเคคी เคนूँ...
เคธंเค— เคฎें เคจौ เคธौ เคฆाเคธी เคนै เค”เคฐ เคธ्เคตเคฏं เคธเคฎเคฐ्เคชเคฃ เค•เคฐเคคी เคนूँ...

เคธเคญी เคชाเคฒเค•ी เคฎें เคฐाเคจी เคจे เคฌเคธ เคธेเคจा เคนी เคฌिเค ाเคˆ เคฅी...
เคธाเคฐी เคชाเคฒเค•ी เค‰เคธ เคฆुเคฐ्เค—ा เคจे เค–िเคฒเคœी เค•ो เคญिเคœเคตाเคˆ เคฅी...

เคธेเคจा เคญेเคœเค•เคฐ เคฐाเคจी เคจे เคœเคฏ เค•्เคทाเคค्เคฐ เคฌोเคฒ เคฆिเคฏा...
เค…เค—्เคจि เค•ुंเคก เคคैเคฏाเคฐ เค•िเคฏा เคฅा เค”เคฐ เคธाเค•ा เคญी เค–ोเคฒ เคฆिเคฏा...

เคฎिเคฒी เคธुเคšเคจा เคธाเคฐे เคธैเคจिเค•, เคฎौเคค เค•े เค˜ाเคŸ เค‰เคคाเคฐ เคฆिเค...
เค”เคฐ เคฆुเคท्เคŸ เค–िเคฒเคœी เคจे เคฐाเคœा เคฐเคคเคจ เคธिंเคน เคญी เคฎाเคฐ เคฆिเค...

เคฎाเคจो เค…เค—्เคจि เค•ुंเคก เค•ी เค…เค—्เคจि เค‰เคธ เคฆिเคจ เคชाเคจी เคชाเคจी เคฅी...
เคธोเคฒเคน เคนเคœाเคฐ เคจाเคฐिเคฏो เค•े เคธंเค— เคœเคฒเคคी เคชเคฆเคฎा เคฐाเคจी เคฅी...

เคธเคš्เคšाเคˆ เค•ो เคฆिเค–เคฒाเค“, เคนเคฎ เคธเคญी เคธเคค्เคฏ เคธ्เคตीเค•ाเคฐेंเค—े

เคธ्เคตाเคญिเคฎाเคจ เคต เคฌเคฒिเคฆाเคจ เค•ो เคฌเคฆเคจाเคฎ เค•िเคฏा เคคो
เคฐเคฃ เคฎें เค‰เคคเคฐเคจे เคตाเคฒे เคนैं เคนเคฎ

Source - Sir True Indology Sir

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