दान और दान से जुडी हुई हमने अनेको कहानिया सुनी हुई है चाहे फिर वो दान वीर कारण की हो या भामाशाह की हो लेकिन उन दानवीर की बात करने जा रहे है । जिन्होंने हज़ारो लोगों के जीवन को परिवर्तित किया है। हम बात कर रहे है हरी सिंह गौर यूनिवर्सिटी के संस्थापक डॉ. हरी सिंह गौर जी की।
26 नवंबर 1870 को शनिचरीटोरी गॉव सागर के पास हरी सिंह गौर जी का जन्म हुआ। इनके पिताजी किसान थे एवं कारपेंटर का कार्य भी करते थे। लेकिन परिवार की स्तिथि ज्यादा अच्छी नहीं थी लेकिन इनके बड़ी भाई ने मदद के। चूंकि शुरू से ही ये अच्छी शिक्षा प्राप्त करना चाहते थे तो उन्होंने मुश्किल से २ रूपए प्रतिमाह की छात्रवृत्ति प्राप्त कर सागर के नाईट कॉलेज में एडमिशन लिया और प्राथमिक शिक्षा प्राप्त की। कुछ समय बाद इन्होने और छात्रवृत्ति प्राप्त की और जबलपुर से अपनी आगे की शिक्षा की।
इंटरमीडिएट इन्होने नागपुर से प्राप्त किया। matriculation के पहले प्रयास में ये असफल रहे और उसका कारन था कि इन्होने अपनी छात्रवृत्ति से थोड़ा थोड़ा पैसा बचाकर एक सोने की अंगूठी ली थी जो की चोरी हो गयी थी जिसका इनके मांसिक और हृदय पर प्रभाव पड़ा उसके परिणामसरूप प्रथम प्रयास में असफल रहे। पर दुसरे प्रयास में अच्छे स्थान के साथ सफल रहे।
इन्होने उच्च शिक्षा विभिन्न छात्रवृत्तियो को प्राप्त करते हुए कैंब्रिज कॉलेज , डाउनिंग कॉलेज एवं ट्रिनिटी कॉलेज से की। इन्होने LL.M , D.Litt और LL.D इत्यादि उच्च शिक्षा एवं उपाधिओं को प्राप्त किया।

सागर की शनीचरी के 'जरियाकाट ठाकुरों' में 1870 में पैदा होने वाला हरिसिंह पंद्रह साल की उम्र में अपनी छात्रवृत्ति के दो रूपये से ऊंटगाड़ी करके ढाई दिनों का सफर तय करके करेली रेलवेस्टेशन गया। वहां से जबलपुर के राबर्टसन कालेज में पढ़ने के लिए। गरीबी और संकल्प ने फिर खाली हाथ वापस नहीं लौटने दिया। ...और यहां जो कुछ छूट गया था उसमें बहुत कुछ ऐसा था फिर कभी वापस नहीं मिला।...उनमें एक थी मोहन। हरी की सबसे लाडली छोटी बहिन ,...जो उस रोज खद्दर की फ्राक पहने ऊंट गाड़ी पर भैया का सामान लदते देख रही थी और छोड़ने के लिए डिप्टी फर्श उतर कर तालाब के तट तक आई थी। ... हरिसिंह गौर 1889 में जब कैंब्रिज में थे यहां कालरा की महामारी मोहन को ले गयी और हरिसिंह गौर के हृदय में ऐसा खालीपन छोड़ गयी जिसे याद कर वे हमेशा कराहे। विदाई के लिए हाथ उठाऐ छोटी बहिन को वे आसमान के तारों, बगीचे के फूलों और गहन मौन में आत्मा से साक्षात्कार करते तलाशते रहे। डा. गौर ने मोहन की स्मृति में सानेट लिखा है जिसमें हम सभी मोहन से मिल सकते हैं-
स्मृति में-
नहीं तुम कब मरी हो?
परियों सी चमचमाती तुम अब भी तो हो
हवाओं में लहराते देवदारों में
जहां कोमल मुस्कानें
उदासियों में भी छेड़ देती हैं प्रेम की तानें
वे तुम ही तो हो
पूर्णिमा की चांदनी में धवल वस्त्र पहने
असंख्य किरणों सी टिमटिमाती तारों में
आशाओं से सजे मधुरिम दृश्यों में
स्नेह के आलिंगनों
और चमकीले सपनों में
शोक के अधरों पर उठे मौन के स्वर
आनंद की सत्ता में स्थगित विषाद
शिखरों - घाटियों से आ रही रागनियां
तुम्हारी आत्मा के प्रमाण हैं
रूह से रूह तक
करूणा की तत्वरूप
देह है गयी तो क्या
कण कण में विद्यमान ...।
भारत वापिस लौटकर, इन्होने रायपुर में वकालत से शुरुआत की और धीरे धीरे आप उस समय के तत्काल कानूनी विधो में काफी ख्याति प्राप्त करने लगे इसका परिणाम हुआ की महात्मा गाँधी जैसे ख्याति प्राप्त लोग आपके ज्ञान के प्रशंसक गए। कानून निर्माण की देश निर्माण की क्रियाओ में बड़े बड़े पद पर रहने का अवसर प्राप्त हुआ और देश के विकास एवं सोशल रिफॉर्म्स सब में आपका बड़ा गहरा महत्व के साथ योगदान रहा।
इन्होने अपने जीवन में वकालत और अपने आदर्शो के आधार पर बहुत धन कमाया लेकिन अब हम बताते है इनके धन कमाने का उद्देश्य।
मध्यप्रदेश जो 1956 में देश का राज्य बनता है लेकिन 1946 में मध्य प्रदेश के सागर शहर में एक विश्व विद्यालय की स्थापना होती है। सोचिये सागर जो बहुत पिछड़ा हुआ था उस स्थान पर विश्व विद्यालय की रचना स्थापना है। और विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना के लिए आर्थिक स्थितियाँ कैसे निर्मित हो बड़ा विचारणीय प्रश्न था और इस विचारणीय प्रश्न को हल किया डॉ. हरी सिंह गौर ने।
15 फरवरी सन् 1945 की दोपहर सागर के कटरा बाजार में एक स्थूलकाय लालिमा लिए गोरे रंग का शख्स अपनी मोटरकार खड़ी करता है। जहां आज पटैरिया स्वीट्स की दुकान है, कार देखकर लोग थोड़ा चौंकते हैं और उसमें से उतर रहे शख्स को अचरज से देखने लगते हैं। अंग्रेजों की वेशभूषा में तकरीबन अंग्रेज साहब ही दिख रहा वह व्यक्ति कुछ कदम चल कर बकौली के पेड़ के नीचे खड़ा होता है और कौतुहल से देख रहे लोगों को हाथ के इशारे से अपने पास बुलाता है। कोई दो दर्जन लोग उसके नजदीक जाते हैं। देह में समाये उसके कंठ से एक भारी लरजदार आवाज निकलती है। "हम हरि सिंह गौर आएं।...बैरिस्टर। हम सागर के हैं। सागर में यूनीवर्सिटी खोल रहे हैं!"
...लोगों के पल्ले इतना पड़ा कि यह आदमी अनपेक्षित रूप से सगरयाऊ बुंदेली में बोल रहा है। वह फिर बोला और इसबार उसने अपनी फुलपेंट से शर्ट निकाल कर उसको झोली का आकार दिया और सबके सामने फैला दिया। "...सागर में विश्वविद्यालय खोल रय हैं,पैसा नईं चाने आप सबको सहयोग चाने हैं!" तब तक जमा हो चुके लोगों की तादाद कुछ और बढ़ गयी थी...सबने सुना और लोगों की समझ में जो आया वह सिर्फ इतना था कि कोई हरीसींग हैं, पैसा नहीं मांग रहे, सहयोग मांग रहे हैं और सागर के ही हैं लिहाजा भीड़ के अलग अलग कोनों से आवाज उठी... " हओ...हओ....हओ...!" लोगों ने पाया कि यह सुनकर उस शख्स की आंखों में चमक सी दौड़ी और दोनों हाथ उठा कर धन्यवाद देता वह पलट कर अपनी कार की ओर गया, बैठा और चला गया।
सागर का बसस्टेंड तब इसी जगह कटरा में ही था। कुछ तांगेवाले, मोटर मैकेनिक, यात्री और गांधीभंडार नाम की पुड़ी साग वाली होटल ही वहां थी। होली पास थी लिहाजा कुछ मृदंग नगड़िया बेचने वाले देहाती कारीगर भी थे। बस ओनर श्री दयाशंकर पांडे (कांग्रेस नेता संतोष पांडे के पिता) और श्री गोपाल सिंह राजपूत (नोटरी चतुर्भुज सिंह राजपूत के पिता ) इस वाकये के प्रत्यक्षदर्शी थे। इन् जानकारों ने भीड़ को बताया तब लोगों को पता चला कि ये शनीचरी वाले मशहूर बैरिस्टर हरिसिंह गौर थे जो सागर में कोई बहुत बड़ा कालेज जैसा कुछ बना रहे हैं।
यह बात आज छोटी लगे लेकिन शायद बड़ी मेहनत से कठनाइयों का सामना करते हुए हरी सिंह गौर ने अपनी शिक्षा प्राप्त की तो उन्हें लगा होगा की हमारे क्षेत्र के लोगों को शिक्षा प्राप्त करने में कठनाईया आती हैं, शिक्षा प्राप्त नहीं कर पाते हैं।
डॉ हरी सिंह गौर कर दर्शन था - शिक्षा का दान महा दान।
ऐसे महा दानवीर डॉ हरी सिंह गौर के चरणों में बारम्बार नमन।
सागर यूनिवर्सिटी की स्थापना सागर के कैंट एरिया के छोटे से स्थान पर की गयी। अपनी जीवन भर की कमाई करीब २ करोड़ की संपत्ति डॉ. हरी सिंह गौर जी ने विश्वविद्यालय के लिए दान दे दी।
डॉ. हरी सिंह गौर जी प्रेरणा से मध्य प्रदेश को अपना पहला विश्व विद्यालय मिला।
...और एक साल बाद अपनी मेहनत से कमाऐ रूपयों से जो कुछ बनाकर सर हरिसिंह गौर ने दिया सागर को वह सपने में भी नहीं सोचा जा सकता था आजादी के पहले उस दौर में। ...सागर विश्वविद्यालय । महान शाहकार। जिसने बीड़ी बनाने में खो जाने से बचाकर आने वाली सारी पीढ़ियों के सपनों में पंख लगा दिए।
संविधान दिवस के मौके पर पढें महान शिक्षाविद,न्यायविद,समाजसुधारक डॉ. सर हरि सिंह गौर की जीवनी।https://t.co/9shdzdvQlV
हिन्दू सिविल कोड,हिन्दु रिलीजियस एण्ड चेरिटेबिल ट्रस्ट की नींव इन्होंने रखी।हिंदुत्व,राष्ट्रवादियों ने इनका नाम नहीं लिया।
दक्षिण भारत के मंदिरों में देवदासी जैसी निष्कृष्ट प्रथा इन्होंने रुकवाई लेफ्ट के समाजवादियों ने इनका नाम नहीं लिया।
चाइल्ड प्रोटेक्शन एक्ट की नींव इन्होंने ही रखी
’हिन्दु रिलीजियस एण्ड चेरिटेबिल ट्रस्ट ’ का गठन सर्वप्रथम इन्होंने किया'
भारतीय महिलाओं को वकालत करने का अधिकार देने का प्रस्ताव भी इनके प्रयासों से पारित हुआ।
जिन्होंने खुद के पैसों से सागर में 1946 में उस समय सागर(म.प्र.)में उत्कृष्ट विश्विद्यालय की स्थापना की जब शिक्षा के लिए स्कूलों को खोलना भी कठिन कार्य था।
फिर भी हिंदुत्ववादियों से लेकर लिबरल,नेहरूवादियो ने इनका नाम भी न लिया? बल्कि उन्हें सागर तक ही सीमित कर दिया।
मिंटो हॉल का नाम इनके नाम पर अभी तक न होना
क्या दर्शाता है ?
जिस देश में मदर टेरेसा जैसी विदेशी मिशनरी को भारत रत्न से सम्मानित कर दिया गया हो वहां इतने बड़े न्याविद,शिक्षाविद और समाज सुधारक रहे सर हरि सिंह गौर को भारत रत्न नहीं मिला बल्कि यह नाम यहां गुमनाम कर दिया गया। इतना अन्याय तो शायद प्रणव मुखर्जी के खिलाफ आपने नहीं किया जो कांग्रेस के सदस्य थे बल्कि उन्हें राष्ट्रपति पद और भारत रत्न से सम्मानित किया।
बुंदेला क्षत्रीय परिवार में जन्में सागर बुंदेलखंड के महान न्यायविद,शिक्षाविद,समाज सुधारक हरी सिंह गौर की जन्म जयंती पर उन्हें कोटि कोटि नमन करता हूं।

He was the Vice President of Drafting committee of Indian Constitution.
He had written several books on Buddhism and took part in Buddhist councils in Japan.
He was instrumental in forming “Child Protection Act”, “Hindu Civil Code” “Hindu Religious and Charitable Trust”.
He started the University of Sagar with 2 million and gave about two crores in property as a donation to the University.
He was one of the most thoughtful, illustrious and worthy torch bearers who guided the steady steps of new India emerging out of the synthesis of two cultures in the 19th century.
Sir Hari Singh Gour KBE FRSL was a distinguished lawyer, jurist, educationist, social reformer, poet, and novelist. Gour was the First Vice-Chancellor of the University of Delhi and Nagpur University, founder and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sagar, Deputy President of the Central Legislative Assembly of British India, an Indian Delegate to the Joint Parliamentary Committee, a Member of the Indian Central Committee associated with the Royal Commission on the Indian Constitution (popularly known as the Simon Commission), and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.

Dr. Gour is one of those remarkable persons who lived such life as become the perennial fountain of inspiration to all the succeeding generations. The story of his life, career and achievements sounds like a heroic romance bubbling with the dynamism of his colourful and many-sided personality. A man from humble background who rises to the greatest possible heights in life with nothing but his own brilliance, firmness of purpose and a never say die spirit. Great Savant Dr Gour was veritably a pioneer in many a walk of life and commanded great admiration and respect from all ranks of the Indian community. Made of stern metal he disdained luxury. Dr. Dwarka Prasad Mishra, third Vice Chancellor of our University in a commemorating volume to Dr. Gour rightly observed that:
"In the Valhalla of Indian worthies few men have so many claims to pre-eminence as Dr. Gour, for whether we regard him as an orator, or a litterateur, a lawyer, a brilliant conversationalist or raconteur (ra-kon-tuh a person who excels in telling anecdotes); an eminent jurist, a patriot or a courageous social reformer; his name stands forth as of a man who was truly colossus (kuh-lo-suhs enormous in size, magnitude, importance and ability) amidst his fellow-men and whose proportions grew larger with the passing years". (D. P. Mishra)
Dr Sir Hari Singh Gour was born in Bundela Rajput Family of SanichariTauri Ward, Saugar, (previously known as Central Province & Berar) Madhya Pradesh, on the 26th of November 1870.
His father's name was Takhat Singh Gour and mother's name was Ladlibai. His paternal grandfather Mansingh had fought with the British during the Bundela rebellion of 1842. Dr. Gour got his early education from the Government High School, Saugar. His visionary teacher from the school, Mr.Madanlal,could see that he was destined for greatness. He observed about him that "this boy is 'Tilga', and will shine brightly in the times to come".
Later on, for higher education, Dr Gour joined the Hislop College at Nagpur. He had passed his Entrance and Intermediate Examinations in First Class, standing first in the Province and sweeping all the prizes available to such students. In 1889 Dr Gour proceeded to Cambridge to complete his studies, where he resided for three years and took Honours in the Moral Science Tripos Law (1892).

Unfortunately, the young Hari Singh experienced a great deal of racism as a student and throughout his life. He participated in a mathematics competition, of which the results were not declared. Some years after obtaining his LL.D. he learned that the scholarship which the competition awarded was not given to foreigners, especially "blacks," as Indians were referred to by the British. Since Hari Singh came first in the competition, the scholarship ended up not being awarded to any one. He faced similar treatment in other situations and academic competitions, however he never let this unfair treatment by the British discourage him. Instead, he began to write poetry. In fact, while in England he came to be known in literary circles as a promising poet, becoming acquainted with the likes of George Bernard Shaw. He wrote a book of poetry entitled Stepping Westward and Other Poems due to which he became somewhat of a celebrity and was thereby selected a Member of the Royal Society of Literature.
He was admitted as a pensioner at Downing College, Cambridge on 5 June 1889. Gour received his BA in 1892; the MA in 1896; LL.M. in 1902; and finally the LL.D. in 1908.[3] After his time at Cambridge, he read for the D.Litt. and LL.D. at Trinity College, Dublin. He received an honorary D.Litt. from the University of Delhi, where he served as the institution's first Vice-Chancellor.
He was a frequent speaker at the Union Debates, where he was spoken of as one of the orators of the day. As a worthy student of the University, he represented his University in the inter-university Education Committees. His name was well-" known in the literary circles by his two volumes of verses "The stepping Westward" and "Random Rhymes", and he was acclaimed by the journals of the day as a poet of great promise. The author was also the recipient of delicate compliments from men like Lord Tennyson and W. B. Gladstone. During the vacations, he used to go on lecture tours, and during his last years' residence at the University, he was a strong champion of Dadabhai Nawroji's candidature for the membership of the British Parliament. He indeed saw the great Indian savant return to the House of Commons with a comfortable majority.
As a man of letters
Dr. Gour was a man of letters. While yet a student, articles from his pen began to find a place in some of the leading magazines, such as the 'National Review'. His earliest effort at writing poetry 'Stepping Westward and Other Poems' made him famous in the literary world and he was elected a member of the Royal Society of Literature, a society founded in 1820, with the patronage of King George IV, to "reward literary merit and excite literary talent".He also became a member of the Writers' Forum, due to his participation in the debates and a member of the National Liberal Club. He wasa student's special testimonial and his parting gift to his alma materwas a short drama acted in a Suburban theatre.

He wrote three novels. His only Love (1929) being one of them. Random Rhymes (1892), Stepping Westward and Other Poems, were his collections of poems, his essays and articles were compiled in his book entitled Facts and Fancies (1948), Seven Lives (1944) his Autobiography. The Spirit of Buddhism (1929), a serious and elemental study of Buddhist philosophy contained his ideas on religion. Lost Soul, Passing Clouds, and Letters from Heaven were his other works.
As a Lawyer
On his return to India he became a successful lawyer in Raipur. He was called to the Bar, Inner Temple on 26 November 1902. Gour practised in the High Courts of India, including the Central Provinces, Calcutta, and Allahabad. He wrote two monumental works, The Law of Transfer in British India and The Penal Law of India.
In the summer of 1902, young Gour returned home intending to join the Bar, but he was appointed to the Central Provinces Commission, which appointment he relinquished just after three months and commenced practising at the Bar. At all the places he practised, whether at Bhandara or in Raipur (Chhattisgarh) he had attracted a large clientele by his forensic ability, legal acumen and strong common sense, and had given to the Bar a dignity and status of which they were justly proud. His services were requisitioned in many famous cases throughout the county. While at Raipur, he wrote two monumental works whose fame spread throughout the land. The two works in his times got acclaimed as two great classics in the legal literature of the country. The first one, i.e. Law of Transfer in British India, published in March 1902, was instantly acclaimed as a work of unparalleled eminence. It ran into several editions. It has assisted the decisions of the High Courts in many complicated cases.
In 1910 he published his other great work—The Penal Law of British India— one of the most prominent works in the field.
His book was hailed as a work of great men. Even in Europe and America where the Penal Law was not in force, it received the appreciation of eminent jurists like Sir Frederick Pellock. Later the success that attended his publication of the 'Hindu Code' added considerably to his reputation as a great author and jurist. This book rendered the otherwise complex Hindu Law intelligible to all, a service invaluable in itself. The work ran into two editions and is a correct and unrivalled synthesis of the Hindu Law. It influenced the national Legislature, to undertake the codification of some of its provisions.

Where his classic works on law had not penetrated his work as a legislator carried him and gave him a countrywide reputation. His Civil Marriage Bill (now Act of XXX 1923), which gives legal recognition to inter-caste marriages and the children born of such wedlock is a striking example. It shows him at once as a great social reformer thinking ahead of the times. The bill was opposed by many a conservative member, challenged at every stage, and was again and again rejected by the Legislative Assembly. But his persistence triumphed in the end. He had many more Acts to his credit. Most notably, the Reciprocity Act, the acts to repeal, the Criminal Law Amendment, to remove the Sex disqualification and enable women to be enrolled as lawyers, and the Act which abolished the imprisonment of women in the execution of a decree for restitution of the conjugal rights etc.His name will be immortal as the author of the Age of Consent Bill of 1929 which made the consent of the girl necessary for marriage and prescribed the minimum age for marriage to be 14 years. End of Devadasi system under the sections 372 and 373 of the Indian Penal Code was his another significant contribution. All these bills together went a long way in creatinga favourable public opinion for the progressive laws.
As a Social Reformer
Apart from these valuable legislations, the public services of late Sir Gour in the country's cause have been equally valuable. He was one of the most thoughtful, illustrious and worthy torch bearers who guided the steady steps of new India emerging out of the synthesis of two cultures in the 19th century. His persistent demand for the economy, the cutting down of the National expenditure, and the necessity for allotment of the higher amounts for the nation-building departments are well known.
His persistence led to the appointment of the Inchcape Committee and other such committees in the interests of all. Sir HarisinghGour's public service had always been in the promotion of the cause of Indian nationalism. It was this idea that prompted him to urge for the establishment of a Supreme Court for India. He was a member of the Indian National Congress for a long time and had taken a leading part in its deliberations. He was one of the first few to press for the formation of the Home Rule League. His address as President of the C. P. & Berar Provincial Conference in 1914, full of apt aphorisms put forth strongly the plea that nothing short of Home Rule would satisfy India's demands. But to attain that end he insisted upon mass education, the free and compulsory education. That was the panacea for all evils as understood by him. Education—free and compulsory education, was the keynote of his ideology; he continuously kept pressing it upon the Government of India. He looked forward to the solution of all communal strifes and Hindu-Muslim troubles in mass education of the right type. It also demonstrates his belief that social reforms are the precursors of political and other reforms.
It is convincing proof of his sincerity for the cause of the promotion of education that despite the very hard pressure on his valuable time, he accepted the honorary office of Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University. He successfully organised the University in an incredibly short time and his great services were rightly acknowledged by those in authority. The Chancellor referred to them in his successive Convocation Addresses. In recognition of his eminent public services, more particularly those in the field of education, he was knighted on the 1st of January 1925 and it was acclaimed all over the country as a fit tribute to his public service.
Made of stern metal he disdained luxury.
It was as a lawyer and advocate that Dr Gour stood prominent among his contemporaries. The author of thorough-going books on law and a great jurist of his times, he shall be remembered as a pioneer in many other fields of activity. His great legal learning and cyclopaedic knowledge coupled with his finished oratory and persuasive eloquence enabled him to win many a battle in the legislative and other forums. His successful advocacy had reached even beyond the borders of India.
As an academician
From such distinguished service in the fields of law, education and progressive thoughts, Dr Harisingh Gour slowly rose to the status of an All-India figure. He built his career on the rock of industrious habits and by his crystal-clear insight in men and moments, he built for himself a reputation that a few of his generation could aspire. He offered his services as the vice-chancellor of the University of Nagpur for two successive terms and starting from scratches transformed it into a prestigious University.
In the evening of his life repaired, as shadows lengthened, to his native town of Saugar, and through his prince donation of about a crore of rupees (roughly 800 million of today), laid the foundation of the University of Saugar now known as Dr Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, strong and true.
The University was inaugurated on the 18th of July 1946, and although Dr Gour himself was away at Nagpur on this auspicious day, holding important conversations with the authorities at Nagpur, the institution from its very initiation has breathed his noble spirit and aspired to live up to his great ideals. For two and a half; years, he nurtured the babe, and when he passed away on the 25th of December 1949; he had the satisfaction that he had vouchsafed his spirit of truth and tolerance and the great love of life to the institution he founded and loved as his own.
The trust placed in the University of Saugar is a challenge and a beacon-light to us and shall never fail the Great Spirit that launched forth a hundred dreams of great beau. His massive intellect and the mighty spirit shall ever guide us to better modes of learning and thought.
The Transfer of Property in British India: Being an Analytical Commentary on the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 as Amended ..., Published by Thacker, Spink, 1901.
The Law of Transfer in British India, Vol. 1–3 (1902)
The Penal Law of India, Vol. 1–2 (1909)
Hindu Code (1919)
India and the New Constitution (1947)
Renaissance of India (1942)
The Spirit of Buddhism (1929)
His only Love (1929)
Random Rhymes (1892)
Facts and Fancies (1948)
Seven Lives (1944)
India and the New Constitution (1947)
Letters from Heaven
Lost Soul
Passing Clouds
But unfortunately neither the man's legacy was preserved nor his University's standard.
Now it is just another univ w/o any greatness...
For years there was a public demand to rename Minto hall after Dr. Hari Singh Gaur, the eminent educationist, social reformer, founder of Sagar University & vice chairman-Constituent Assembly.
But once again, the political ideals are being imposed upon will of the people.
Remembering Dr Hari Singh Gaur on his Jayanti ,the founder of Hari singh gaur University, oldest University in MP.
We bow down to Dr. Hari Singh Gaur on his anniversary.
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