जिसने साबुद्दीन मोहम्मद गोरी को भारत में पहली पराजय का रास्ता दिखाया युद्धभूमि में धूल चटा दी थी।
"राजमाता नायिका देवी पाटन" *क्षत्राणी
"चालुक्य (सोलंकी) राजपूतो का पराक्रम"
पाटन की सोलंकी राजपूत सेना के सेनापति झल्लेश्र्वर राज दुर्जनशालजी झाला थे जिन्होंने अपने पराक्रम से गोरी के सेना का भागने में मजबूर कर दिया। युद्ध में पाटन के सामंत राजाओं ने भी भाग लिया जिसमें आबू के परमार वे नाडोल के चौहानों का भी योगदान रहा..
महारानी नायिका देवी सम्राट अजयपाल सोलंकी की विधवा महारानी व बाल मूलराज जी द्वित्तीय की माता थी नायिका देवी जी। महाराज अजयपाल जी के निधन के बाद सारा राजपाट का भार राजमाता नायका देवी के कंधों पर आ गया, उनके पुत्र मूलराज अभी बाल अवस्था में थे। मुहम्मद गोरी का पहला आक्रमण मुल्तान और उच के किले पर था। मुल्तान और उच पर कब्जा करने के बाद, वह दक्षिण की ओर दक्षिणी राजपुताना और गुजरात की ओर मुड़ गया। उसका निशाना अनहिलवाड़ा पाटन का समृद्ध किला था। जब गोरी ने पाटन पर हमला किया, तो यह मूलराज-द्वितीय के शासन में था, जो अपने पिता अजयपाल के निधन के बाद एक 10 वर्षीय उमर में सिंहासन पर चढ़े थे। हालांकि, यह वास्तव में उनकी मां, नयिकी देवी थी, जिन्होंने राजमाता के रूप में राज्य की बागडोर संभाली थी। दिलचस्प बात यह है कि इस तथ्य ने गोरी को अन्हिलवाड़ा पाटन पर कब्जा करने के बारे में आश्वस्त कर दिया था –
उन्होंने माना कि एक महिला और एक बच्चा बहुत अधिक प्रतिरोध प्रदान नहीं करेगा। पर गोरी जल्द ही सत्य सीख जाएगा। राजमाता नायकि देवी तलवार चलाने, घुड़सवार सेना, सैन्य रणनीति, कूटनीति और राज्य के अन्य सभी विषयों में अच्छी तरह से प्रशिक्षित थी। गौरी के आसन्न हमले की संभावना से दुखी होकर, उसने चालुक्य सेना की कमान संभाली और आक्रमणकारी सेना के लिए एकसुनियोजित विरोध का आयोजन किया।
चालुक्य सेना संख्याबल में कम होने के कारण दुश्मन सैनिकों की भारी भीड़ को हराने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं थी, राजमाता नायिकी देवी ने सावधानीपूर्वक एक युद्ध की रणनीति बनाई। उसने गदरघाट के बीहड़ इलाके को चुना – कसाहरदा गाँव के पास माउंट आबू के एक इलाके में (आधुनिक-सिरोही जिले में) – लड़ाई के स्थल के रूप में। गदरघाट की संकरी पहाड़ी दर्रा ग़ोरी की हमलावर सेना के लिए अपरिचित ज़मीन थी, जिससे नायकी देवी को बहुत बड़ा फायदा हुआ।
चालुक्य सेना संख्याबल में कम होने के कारण दुश्मन सैनिकों की भारी भीड़ को हराने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं थी, राजमाता नायिकी देवी ने सावधानीपूर्वक एक युद्ध की रणनीति बनाई। उसने गदरघाट के बीहड़ इलाके को चुना – कसाहरदा गाँव के पास माउंट आबू के एक इलाके में (आधुनिक-सिरोही जिले में) – लड़ाई के स्थल के रूप में। गदरघाट की संकरी पहाड़ी दर्रा ग़ोरी की हमलावर सेना के लिए अपरिचित ज़मीन थी, जिससे नायकी देवी को बहुत बड़ा फायदा हुआ और एक शानदार चाल ने युद्ध को संतुलित कर दिया और इसलिए जब गौरी और उसकी सेना आखिर कसरावदा पहुंची, राजमाता नायिका देवी एक विशाल गजराज पर अपने पुत्र के साथ में सवार हुई और उसके सैनिकों ने भीषण जवाबी हमला किया।
इसके बाद क्या था उस लड़ाई में, जिसे (कसारदा की लड़ाई के रूप में जाना जाता है), आगे चलकर चालुक्य सेना और उसके युद्ध के हाथियों की टुकड़ी ने हमलावर ताकत को कुचल दिया। यह वही गोरी की सेना थी जिसने एक बार मुल्तान के शक्तिशाली सुल्तानों को युद्ध में हराया था।
राजमाता नायिका देवी ने मोहम्मद गौरी की विजय के उपलक्ष में रण हस्ति सिक्के जारी किए थे..
गुजरात की सेना के नेतृत्व करने वाले पाटडी के झल्लेश्र्वर राज दुर्जनशालजी झाला थे। तब गोरी ने उनके पैर में पड़ कर आत्मसमर्पण किया था।
एक अपनी पहली हार बड़ी हार का सामना करते हुए, शहाबुद्दीन मोहम्मद गौरी मुट्ठी भर अंगरक्षकों के साथ भाग गया। उसका अभिमान चकनाचूर हो गया, और उसने फिर कभी गुजरात को जीतने की कोशिश नहीं की। इसके बजाय, उसने अगले साल खैबर दर्रे के माध्यम से उत्तर भारत में प्रवेश करने वाले अधिक संवेदनशील पंजाब की ओर देखा।
भारत के इतिहास की सबसे महान योद्धाओं में से महिलाओं में से एक, राजमाता नायिका देवी की अदम्य साहस और अदम्य भावना अतुलनीय हैं। फिर भी, इतिहास की किताबों में उसकी अविश्वसनीय कहानी के बारे में बहुत कम लिखा गया है।
राजमाता नायिकी देवी जैसी वीरता की मूर्ति यह साबित करती हैं की भारत में स्थायी रूप से इस्लामिक शासन कोई नहीं स्थापित कर पाया था ऐतिहासिक नक़्शे कासिम से लेकर औरंगजेब तक के शाशन काल तक का सब धोखा हैं अप्रमाणित हैं (वामपंथी इतिहासकारों ने 1957 से इतिहास लिखना शुरू किया था इन मार्क्स के लाल बंदरो ने जहा जहा मुस्लिम बहुल इलाके का नक्षा मिला 1939 से लेकर 1950 तक का उसीको औरंगजेब एवं मुग़ल , अफ़ग़ान , तुर्क इत्यादि लूटेरो की राजधानी बना दिया और उनके द्वारा शाशित किये गए राज्य बना दिए)।
बाल मूलराज जी की मृत्यु के बाद पाटन के महान सोलंकी सम्राट भीमदेव द्वितीय बने ..
वामपंथ इतिहासकार ने इतिहास में मुगलों को भारत विजय का ताज पहना दिया हकीकत में हिन्दू राजाओ एवं दुर्गा स्वरुप रानी से पराजय होकर जिहादी लूटेरो को वापस अरब के रेगिस्तान में लौटना पड़ा ।
इतिहास में दंत कथाओं के इतिहास को ज्यादा बढ़ावा मिला है लेकिन सत्य इतिहास को बहुत कम..
जय हो राजमाता नायिका देवी की
We all should realize that the invaders came in fulfillment of this👇tenet & participate in Ghad. Bcoz it has been ordained that the participants are exempted from the Hell-fire! ..... and "We" have been forced to live with them, losing and sharing our identity and our motherland.
Unfortunate part is that those, whose ancestors converted, are unwittingly made to adopt & implement the very same methods which made their ancestors convert. We all know about the establishment of Islamic rule over North Indian plains led by Moslem Muhammad Ghori in 1192 CE and the formation of Delhi Sultanate in 1206. In 1173 Md Gh0ri had conquered the Ghaznavids in Afghanistan. A ruthless, persistent and deceptive Gh0ri was successful in conducting massive raids deep inside Indian territory.
The fanatical Moslem invader attacked India between 1175 CE- 1206 CE and was able to capture Multan( in 1175), Punjab(in 1179), Peshawar( in 1180), Sialkot( in 1185),and ultimately Delhi in 1192.
But most people never heard about the defeat Mummad shahubuddin Ghori suffered from the hands of The courageous and celebrated Queen Nayaki Devi of Solanki Dynasty of Gujarat who defeated the forces of Mohd. Ghori in the Battle of Gandarghatta/Kasaharada/Kakadadaha in the year 1178.
There are two Sanskrit inscriptions of Gujarat, where Mulraja-II is invariably mentioned as the conqueror of Garjanakas [dwellers of Ghazni].
One inscription states that “even a woman could defeat the Hammira [Amir], during the reign of Mulraja II..”
The narrative set by left historians about one of their favorite poster boys "Gh0ri" is that he went unchallenged upon entering the Indian subcontinent with one king falling after another. They conveniently deleted this event. Why? An agenda aimed at making us feel weak and inferior against the invaders in an attempt to glorify them. Simple strategy: To destroy a civilization tamper their history. Gh0ri defeated Prithviraj Chauhan at the 2nd Battle of Tarain in 1192 and laid the foundation of Delhi Sultanate. What is not well known is the fact that 14 years before he won this Battle of Gandarghatta/Kasaharada/Kakadadaha, he was defeated by the queen of Gujarat State "Nayika Devi"!
Jain scholar Merutunga in his work "Prabandha Chinramani" mentions how Nayika Devi, the queen of Chalukyas defeated the armies of the mleccha king at Gadaraghatta near Mount Abu. Mohd Ghori could hardly survive and KM Munshi states that majority of his forces were either killed or converted to hinduism.
This was first achievement of its kind, still unmatchable in Indian History.
Indian History in text books was written mostly by people who were not patriots.There are many dynasties who ruled for centuries, but few invaders who ruled for lesser years got more coverage. Many warriors, especially females were neglected and never included in history.
One such is Nayika Devi, the queen of Gujarat. She defeated Muhammad of Ghori 14 years before he faced Prithviraj Chauhan.
The 13th century Persian chronicler Minhaj-i-Siraj from Ghor, who later served as chronicler to the Slave dynasty of Delhi, mentions that Muhammad Ghori marched towards Nahrwala (the Solanki capital Anhilwara) via Uchchha and Multan.
The ‘Rae of Nahrwala’ (the Solanki king) was young, but commanded a huge army with elephants. In the ensuing battle, ‘the army of Islam was defeated and put to rout,’ and the invading ruler had to return to without any accomplishment.
Controvery Regarding Queen Origin
Now days have been seeing a lot of speculation about Nayika Devi, have seen and no. Of posts where she has been called as a Goan princess which is absolutely false.
The reality is she was a Chandel Rajput princess of Jejakabukti and those who write that she was a Goan, seems like they haven't studied Chandelas at all. Ak Majumdar has written a Landmark book on Solanki Chaulukyas of Gujarat, and already attached below snippet from the book. The last line is the conclusion. Even KM Munshi writes in Glory that was Gurjara Desa that the Queen showed extraordinary qualities like a true Rajput women.
The history of the Chaulukyans, also known as Solankis Rajputs of Gujarat, has been written about by many historians. Nayika Devi was a Great Indian warrior queen, born to Kshatriya Paramardin Chandel of Jejakabhukti.
She was chandel, there's no doubt about it. Above snippet from Ak Majumdar book.
(The argument of AK is more reasonable because it goes on discussing the primary evidences and then conclusion. Above that, AK majumdar's wrote a whole book only on Chaulukyas (solankis) of Gujarat hence he did a detailed study and knows better on the subject than R.C Majumdar whose work involved history of whole india hence no specific attention was paid by him on the subject.)
Her being a daughter of Kadamba king is an assumption and by the language of those above screeen shot, its clewr how much respect those shared has for history, anyway can they give proof that all these historians consider nayika devi as kadambas, Their snippet has no argument in establishing their theory. It just states without any discussion of primary evidences.
While the issue of Nayika devi’s ancestry may be open for debate. there's not a single source which says that she was the daughter of "Shivachitta" paramadideva of Kadamba dynasty.
Fact supported by locals of Gujarats they claiming her to be daughter of Parmardi Chandel. गुजरातनो राजकीय अने सांस्कृतिक इतिहास ग्रंथ-४ पेज नं-७४
(Also, it was too uncommon for a Kshatriya to marry Brahmin Kadambs. Plus no Kadamba inscription or contemporary record mentions any matrimonial relation with Solankis, on the contrary, Chandel inscription does. Plus inter caste Royal political matrimonial alliances were done to consolidate power, there was no reason to marry a princess that far.)
Claim: Paramardin’s age at ascension on throne has been given as 5 years.
Basis given? Parmal Raso. A text which is as credible as the Prithviraj Raso is on Prithviraj Chauhan (pun intended). Parmal Raso is a creation of 16th century or later which actually states that Paramardin Chandella’s son Brahmanand forcibly married Prithviraj’s daughter Bela “during the time when both Prithviraj and Paramardin were alive” (emphasis mine). This Raso also speaks of Prithviraj firing cannons at Chandella forces. Cannons which were mainstreamed in north India only in the 16th century A.D. There are many more marvels of such Raso’s but we’ll digress if we ventured further at this point. So, Parmardin being 5 yrs old during ascension to throne is laughable at best.
Then comes the Ajaygarh inscription. Be it a patronized bard or the scribe of an inscription, the range of creativity and talent applied in heaping praises and lionizing the patrons is well-known.
In that light, it is amusing to assume that calling someone a leader in youth would equate with them ascending to the throne in the youth. “Aji hamare chote Saahab ne to bachpan se hi apne lakshan dikhane shuru kar diye the” does not mean that the chote saahab replaced bade saahab in the childhood itself. It is just a way of praising the patron lineage’s jewels. Considering the children and events, Nayika devi’s wedding would have taken place around 1170 AD.
Given the medieval norms and fertility age, Nayika devi must be born in or before 1154 AD. If one considers Chandella ancestry, Paramardi’s year of birth can be placed in early 1130s. Then keeping his father’s birth in early 1110s we reach the grandfather Madanavarman’s arrival at late 1080s AD.
In the end A) Madanavarman’s known ascension to throne (1129 AD) comes for him at the age of approx 40 which we know is not most the frequent bracket but has plenty of examples to support. B) Paramardi’s age at the time of death works out to be 70 years, which isn’t odd given that his contemporary Bhola Bhim Chaulukya also passed away in late 60s.
Also this king Paramardin was vanquished by Prithviraja III of the Chahamanas of Shakambhari, and hence Naikidevi's father can't be Paramardin of the Goa Kadambas.
There were more than 5 kings, in the 2nd half of 12th century having the name/title of Paramardin.
This Paramardin was vanquished by Prithviraja III and put grass in his mouth as a sign of submission. There's no version of history where Prithviraja III ventured into Goa.
Secondly, A.K. Majumdar's Gadaraghatta argument is not related to his claim of Nayika's Chandela ancestry.
Lastly, we are not arguing that the case is sealed in favour of Chandella ancestry for Nayika devi. But that the currently available information is insufficient to be dead sure of denying it.

Nayika Devi was married to King Ajayapala Solanki of Gujarat who ascended the throne of Gujarat in 1171 CE. king Ajayapala died in 1175 and ruled for only 4 years. After his death his elder son Mularaja 2 became his successor. The new king was a minor, so his mother Nayika Devi ascended the throne and effectively ruled on his behalf.
Gh0ri’s first invasions were on the states of Multan and the fortress of Uch. After capturing Multan and Uch, he turned southwards towards Rajputana and Gujarat. His target was the prosperous fortified town of Anhilwara. Present day Patan.
Nayika Devi’s capital, Anhilwara or present day Patan, is also home to a beautiful stepwell called the "Rani ki Vav".
Anhilwara at that time was the capital of the Chalukyas (also known as Solankis). According to American historian Tertius Chandler, the ancient citadel was the 10th largest city in the world in the year 1000, with a population of approximately 100,000.
This intricately constructed 11th century monument is a subterranean water storage system built by queen Udaymati to commemorate her husband king Bhimdev I of the Chaulukya (Solanki) dynasty.
Ghori decided to invade India for wealth. Motivated by the stories of raids conducted by Mohammud Ghazni several years before he marched with a huge army,the southern part of Pakistan’s Punjab province.
Ghori was well aware of the fact that the Solanki’s didn’t have a king and were vulnerable to attack.
When Ghori attacked Anhilwara, it was under the rule of Mularaja II who had ascended the throne as a kid after the demise of his father Ajayapala. It was actually his mother Nayika Devi, who took over the reins of the kingdom as queen regent. He percieved the hindu queen to be weak and easy to defeat as he had a much bigger army at his disposal. But he was soon going to be proved very wrong.
Undaunted by the prospect of Ghori’s imminent attack, she threw herself into organizing a well planned opposition to the invading army. Nayika Devi sent out emissaries to forge crucial partnerships and request assistance from nearby provinces for help. While these kingdoms did not accede to her request, she did receive aid from Solanki feudatories. Realising this wasn’t enough to defeat the massive hordes of enemy soldiers she was dejected but ever determined now to take on the marauder on her own.
The Solanki army was outnumbered and to counter this Nayika Devi planned a battle strategy that would even out the odds. She chose the rugged terrain of Gadaraghatta, an area on the foot of Mount Abu near the village of Kasaharada (modern day Sirohi district) as the point where she will intercept and engage Gh0ri's forces. This was chosen by her due to the narrow mountain passages. The narrow hill passes of Gadaraghatta were unfamiliar ground for Gh0ri’s invading army, giving Nayika Devi an advantage by diluting the opposition's attack hence balancing the odds.
So when Gh0ri and his army finally arrived, which is full of experienced soldiers.They were xcellent archers and had bulls like stamina. On top of it, they were motivated by religious zest and enthusiasm. Alike all other Islamic invaders, they were obsessed with killing Kafirs and convert whole non-muslim lands to Islamic ruled.
It is believed that before the battle Mohammud Ghori sent a messanger to the court of the Solanki Queen with a condition that he would not attack Gujarat if the queen herself surrendered to Ghori. After hearing this message Nayika Devi approached towards the camp of Mohammud Ghori with her son tied to her lap. For a moment Ghori thought that the queen had accepted his offer.Soon after it the Rajputs charged the army of the Mlechhas.
The warrior queen went into the battle leading her soldiers in a major counter offensive. Nayika devi had a prominent role in that war and Merutunga states that she was leading one of the fronts of the army and her sword was striking the Turkashas as if some divine power was helping her. Chauhan Rajputs of Naddula and Jalor supported Solanki Rajputs in this war and Durjanshal ji Jhala was the Commander of Solanki army. Mularaj being a minor was on the throne and Nayaki Devi was the queen Regent.
The combined force of the rajputs under Nayika Devi broke havoc among the Ghurids. The war elephants of Rajputs proved effective in fighting on hill passes. They effectively countered Ghori's famed cavalry which wasn't able to operate effectively in the terrain which the queen chose because it hit Ghori's primary military capability. Speed. The passes became red with the opponent army wilting under a dogged Hindu resistance.
The dishonorable and treacherous Ghori, who used such tactics all the time was caught in the one this time. Nayika Devi through her strong will power and combat skills, herself cut down every single invading soldier that came her way. Soon after it the Ghurid army started retreating from the battlefield. The battle resulted in a complete disaster for Moslem Muhammad Ghori. He escaped with few of his bodyguards to save his life.
He never tried to invade India via Gujarat again using the more porous Punjab region 14 years later to face Prithviraj.
As far as the Battle of Kasahrada is concerned, had the fierce warrior Rajput Queen of the Anhilwara not taken charge, the Indian history would've been very different. Battle of Kasahrada was such a turning point in the Indian History, As due to this defeat, Ghori changed his plan while invading India next time. The following year, Muhammad Ghori entered India through Khyber pass, captured Peshawar followed by Lahore.
But the woman who was responsible to create this history doesn't find a mention in the History Textbooks.
Credits :- Shri Virendra Singh Rathore (Mertiya) and other scholar's
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