Monday, January 23, 2023



how come pottery from ancient India-Bharat can be so beautifull

a work of art?

Pala Empire period

Art and Architecture of Pala Dynasty furnished the accomplishment in the field of terracotta, sculpture and painting. One of the finest instances of architecture of the Pala period is a creation of Dhamapala, the Somapura Mahavihara at Paharpur. In addition to that several enormous structures of Vikramshila Vihar, Odantpuri Vihar, and Jagaddal Vihar proclaim to be the masterpieces of the Palas. The architectural style of the Pala Empire influenced the whole of the country and its neighbouring countries. Their approach was followed throughout south-eastern Asia, China, Japan, and Tibet.

How many know that Nalanda was reestablished by Bengal's Pala Empire?

Vikramashila, and several such universities(in present day Bangladesh) were in fact build by Palas.

But all of these was given up to praise Nawabs who didn't even consider themselves bengali.

Which Kingdom Founded in 7th century by the famous King Shashank, Gauda next saw the founding n rose to height of supremacy under Pala Empire to be succeeded by Sena dynasty. For all this past and history, there's not ONE building to show for It in Gaur, Malda today!!!

The current jihadi hotbed of eastern India- Malda, was once the Kingdom of Gauda. Liberals wants to visit Malda to see the mosques of Bengal and applaud the "Indo-Islamic" heritage which is just "Islamic conquest" heritage thanks to Khilji burning Gauda to the ground in his Bengal conquest of 1204 and after that all there's Left to see in that place of art, language, history and Indic heritage of centuries is mosques!!! The creator of Bengali calender, the Bengali language, art & architecture could not survive the barbarian invaders! 

This is adina mosque from malda (Gaura) it was capital of bengal that time its was shiva temple (Adinath) before got destroyed and converted into mosque.

Ancient Shiv Temple was razed by Moslem marauders and a mosque was built on it's ruins in the 14th century.

Presence of hindu motifs, Prabhu Hanuman & Nataraja murti in mosque, built over it's ruins!

The Persian Illyas Shahis converted the Adinath Mandir to Adina Mosque. Raja Ganesha instigated a civil war in which 3 Sultan's were killed before he declared himself the king and made the mosque his Dancing hall. Sad he died so early but defeated Ibrahim of Jaunpur decisively. But that incumbent Jadu converted to Islam for a Turk woman. Danujmardan Dev of Chandradwip put siege to Pandua and drove that moron out of Bengal..

Later Santals occupied Adina mosque(performed Kali puja there) for 11 days & fought a battle against M landlord & Brits there. Kashishwar Chakraborty of Dinajpur stopped missionaries, started Kali puja among Santals & brought them back to H fold. The rest is history...

Now only ruins remain and such is thefatetemples all over the state.

1873 :: Ruins of Temple In  Manbhum District , Bengal ( Photo - Joseph Beglar / british library )

Garh Panchkot a group of temples is standing stills a mute spectator of the rise & fall of the dynasty.

grandeur is still in ruins!

great were artisans-sthapathys that they created such Ajar Amar things in past?

forgotten now

Traditional knowledge is lost in many ways, neglect, due to ruler's apathy?

Ruins of ancient temple, Garh Panchkot

An once beautiful "Panch Ratna" temple in ruins at Garh Panchkot near Panchet Dam,Purulia, West bengal.

It has been attacked several times but stands to tell tales of our time old rich history.

Garh Panchkot is also a testimonial to rich ancient historical Heritage. Damodar Sekhar, established Panchkot Raj probably during early 90 AD.

Hamasra, West Bengal is an ancient Jain site.

Two ancient Jain temples belonging to 11th century are in ruins.

An idol of Tirthankar Parshwanath is also found neglected, and many Jain relics are found in nearby forest. Jainism largely flourished in Bankura and Purulia districts of Bengal in ancient times.

Jain temple Submerged in waterTelkupi :- 1200 year old ruins of Jain temple which was submerged deliberately under the newly constructed dam by Damodar Valley Corporation  West bengal

Chharra, West Bengal is an ancient Jain site. 

Ancient Jain settlement lived in this place. 

Ancient ruins of Jain temples, idols and relics are found scattered.

Many Jain relics are also found in nearby households which date back to 9th century.

Dargah of Pir makhdum shah Jalan in Shahjahanpur, Siyan, Birbhum, WB. This is another Islamic structure built upon destroyed Hindu mandir. No its not surprising. The indifference of Hindus in face of Islamic pillage and vandalism upon Hindu mandirs, is.

 Inside the dargah is an inscription plate of Pala raja Naupala (r. 1038–1055 CE). Nayapala was the father of Vigrahapala who had enmity with Chhedi Raj Lakshmikarna. Later Vigrahapala marries Lakshmikarna's daughter and a treaty is formed. Famous writer Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay had written a story on this subject.

The script is in Proto Bengali Siddham language. The inscription plate needs to be studied, & preserved In a museum! Not kept pasted like this inside a dargah!

The inscription plate lists that raja Nayapala built a Shiva mandir, a math for the shaivite rishis, a temple for the 11 Rudras, 9 stone Chandika murtis, etc

The leftist myth that Palas were Buddhists & built only Buddhist structures is destroyed by this inscription.

300 yrs old Ruins of an abandoned Lost temple.

Forgotten Land of Mahadev.

Nandakishore Temple at Halisahar, 24 Pgs(N), West Bengal.. 

There are total 4 temples in the enclosure. 
These temples are on the verge of collapsing & overgrown with thick vegetation. Funds taken away by the WB govt., encroachment & persecution of Hindu devotees has had the temple close. One by one Hindu temples in West Bengal are closing down and the Møsqües are blooming.

there are so many abandoned temples in WB... Most of these are more than 250-300yrs old. Attached is from Harinavi (S 24 Pargana)

The Radha-Krishna Mandir in Bawali, West Bengal lies derelict & in ruins.

Bawali, a village has a number of temples of which some are in ruins, was regarded as a Temple Town. The temples here are mostly dedicated to Lord Krishna being the principal deity of the Mondals( Zamindars).

Deulghata, literally meaning “the land of temples” in Bengali, is considered as one of the rich heritage sites of Purulia district as it bears the marks of ancient Indian history, especially Jainism. There were three brick temples out of which two are extant at present.

The third one which was the biggest of the three collapsed a few years back because of a man-made accident. 

These are standing on the bank of river Kasai in Jaipur Boram village, almost 30km from Purulia town.

Apart from these brick temples, there are some signs of a couple of stone temples too. Overwhelming natural beauty of Palash and Shimul encircles the whole place.Surviving two temples(Deul) of Deulghata , still standing with dignity despite all natural calamities &
human neglect.

Deulghat, on the bank of the Kangsabati, some 6 km south of Jaypur and about 25 km from Purulia town once had 15 temples and some small shrines, built around the 9th-10th century. Although in ruins but still standing tall. Deulghat Temple, The Archaeological Survey of India has taken over the place that includes three tall surviving temples.

Lotton mosque malda

They are amazing indeed. Made in eco-friendly manner from the material salvaged from desecrated temples...

Here's a better view! 

Like the Famous Zafar Khan Mosque in West Bengal's Tribeni which was erected by demolishing a Hindu Temple in the 13th Century and materials from demolished Temple bearing Vaishnava sculptures and Sanskrit script were used in its construction. 

And the thing is that educated folks of this desert cult push their agenda in a very subtle way. They cover the heinous crimes with sophistication. There is a well known guy in advertising circle here who pushes such agenda & if u call him out, he starts calling you intolerant and starts...

The 'Direct Action Day' on 16th Aug, 1946 was a dark chapter in Indian history.

Hindus had endured yet another religions fury, the fanaticism of the highest vile, an organised massacre under state patronage.

A brief to throw some lights on the evil design of DirectActionDay

Jinnah realised that he cannot become the 1st PM of an independent India & shifted his focus on the demand of a separate Muslim state.

Saying good-bye to any form of Constitutional possibility, the Muslim League gave a call to Muslims to observe 16th Aug 1946 as Direct Action Day 

In reality, Direct Action Day was a call for the violent jihad against Hindus. It was unleashed by the Muslim League in all big cities and towns.

In this brief we will focus on the events that took place in Calcutta.

The stage for the gruesome Calcutta Killings was set under the leadership of Bengal premier, H. S. Suhravady. He was also holding Home Ministry and used its influence to immensely help rioters from his community.

He is not called "The Butcher of Bengal" without any reasons.

Sequence of events:

1. Public holiday was declared in Bengal on 16th Aug

2. Notorious Muslims hoodlums in & around Calcutta were mobilised and supplied with fire-arms & other deadly weapons

3. Despite serious shortage of petrol, ration coupons were freely issued to the rioters 

4. Hindu officers in 22 out of 24 police headquarters were replaced by Muslim officers

5. On the morning of 16th Aug, 1946 the League organised a dreaded mammoth march with cries of 'Ladhke Lenge Hindustan'

6. At the meeting, resided by Suhrawardy, the speaker after speaker swore death and destruction of Hindus

7. Large scale plundering of Hindu houses, arson, killings, conversions and molestation and abduction of Hindu women took place under full state patronage 

8. Mullahs and Maulvis accompanied Muslim thugs to carry out 'religious rites' of conversion

9. The mayor of Calcutta, Sheriff Khan, personally guided goon gangs of Howrah for the attacks on Hindus

10. Whoever was caught indulging in a criminal act of rioting was immediately set free on the order of Suhrawardy who was sitting right there in the police control room managing this whole terror plot.

11. The English Governor F. Burrows chose to 'seeing no evil', and 'hearing no evil'

The scale of ensuing events was reminiscent of the bygone days of barbaric Islamic invasions. The orgy continued without any hindrance for a full 3 days. The cries of Hindus fall on deaf ears - state administration was orchestrating this riot so any help from police or govt was impossible.

The Hindus realised that their fate would be sealed unless they struck hard in self-defence.

Riots To Revival 

Hindus became fully roused & tide was turned with an equal fury against the rioters. The ruffian army of the League, abetted by the govt & police, did not succeed in browbeating the Hindus.

The 'meek Hindu' had displayed his traditional valour & put the League's forces to rout.

The Governor, seeing the Muslims at receiving end, now felt the 'call of duty' & called the army to quell the riots. 

But this unfortunate riot by the League,
👉costed 10,000+ lives
👉serious injuries to 15,000+
👉rendered 100,000+ people penniless, family-less & homeless

We can draw parallel to many other riots that took place after this...

The common theme remains the same
👉Religious fanaticism
👉Kafir hatred
👉Storage of weapons
👉Unprovoked violence
👉Rapes & conversions
👉No respect for the law
👉Treachery against nation
+ unprepared enemy 

The protection of Hindu Sanskriti & Society is our Dharma (Duty). Our national identity & well-being also depend on it.

Let us stop 'remain unprepared'. 

We must supplement Hindu valour with strategic planning & action. 

Join Hindu organisation(s) around you - work for them & strengthen them.

United, organised & Dharmic Hindu society is the answer to the issues we're facing today, be it RULLS (random, unceasing, low level, scattered violence), riots, LJ, conversions, etc.

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः।

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