Thursday, October 14, 2021


Vijayadashami festival is most commonly associated with the victory of Prabhu Shri Ramachandra over Lankapati Ravana. But it is also a day on which we would do well to recount Prabhu Shri Rama's grace at the moment of his greatest triumph. We live in times of extreme polarization and self-righteousness.

Every party is convinced that "Right" is on their side, and that the other side deserves hell. Grace and kindness at the moment of victory is hard to come by. So it is worthwhile to hark back to Yuddha Kanda of Rāmayaṇa and observe that incomparable hero of this great land in action.

How did Prabhu Shri RamChandra ji handle his victory?

स तु निहररिपुह् स्थिरप्रतिज्ञः |
स्वजनबलाभिवृतो रणे रराज |
रघुकुलनृपनन्दनो महुजा |
स्त्रिदशगणैरभिसंवृतो यथेन्द्रः || ६-१०८-३४

"That Rama, the delight of Dasaratha, for his part, who had just killed his enemy and thus who was steadfast in his vows and who was endowed with a great splendour, who stood surrounded on the battle-field by his own people and the army shone like Indra the lord of celestials"

It was a moment of great elation. Sure, it was a personal victory for Rāma, but it was also a great victory for the Vānara sena, and a moment of utter delight for the Devas.

राघवस्तवसंयुक्ता गगने च विशुश्रुवे |
साधु साध्विति वागग्य्रा देवतानां महात्मनाम् ||

"Excellent pronouncements of the great-souled gods saying "well done! Bravo!", combined with a panegyric in praise of Rāma, was distinctly heard in the sky".

But even this celestial adulation did not distract Rāma from his obligations -

ततः सकामं सुग्रीवमङ्गदं च विभीषणम् |
चकार राघवः प्रीतो हत्वा राक्षसपुंगवम् ||

"Having been pleased with the killing of Rāvaṇa, Rāma then fulfilled the desire of Sugreeva, Angada and Vibhishana".

वदन्तं हेतुमद्वाक्यं परिदृष्टर्थनिश्चयम् |
रामः शोकसमाविष्टमित्युवाच विभीषणम् ||

"Soon after Ravana fell, Vibhishana was struck with grief at the death of his elder brother. But Rāma did not use this opportunity to gloat at his triumph, but instead consoled Vibhishana by reminding him of his brother's valour".

नायं विनष्टो निश्चेष्टः समरे चण्डविक्रमः |
अत्युन्नतमहोत्साहः पतितोऽयमशङ्कितः||

"Ravana did not die, without making an effort. He was endowed with terrible prowess and exhibited enthusiasm of a very exalted type and remained confident throughout."

नैवं विनष्टाः शोच्यन्ते क्षत्रधर्मव्यवस्थिताः |
वृद्धिमाशंसमाना ये निपतन्ति रणाजिरे ||

"There is no occasion to grieve for him having fallen into death in the battle-field and by whom the development of his country was wished for, while remaining steadfast in his Kshatriya duty"

येन सेन्द्रास्त्रयो लोकास्त्रासिता युधि धीमता |
तस्मिन् कालसमायुक्ते न कालः परिशोचितुम् ||

"There is no occasion to grieve for his having been brought under the sway of death by whom intelligent as he was, all the three worlds including indra were frightened."

नैकान्तविजयो युद्धे भूतपूर्वः कदाचन |
परैर्वा हन्यते वीरः परान्वा हन्ति संयुगे ||

"In the past, none has ever been exclusively victorious in a combat. A hero either has been killed by his adversaries or had killed the enemies in battle."

इयं हि पूर्वैः संदिष्टा गतिः क्षत्रियसंमता
क्षत्रियो निहतः संख्ये न शोच्य इति निश्चयः

"Such is the destiny proclaimed by the ancients, as highly esteemed for a kshatriya warrior. A Kshatriya killed in battle, does not deserve to be mourned. Such is the ascertainment of sacred scriptures"

After consoling Vibhishana, Rama goes ahead and directs him to perform the funeral writes with these gracious words -

"मरणान्तानि वैराणि निर्वृत्तं नः प्रयोजनम् |
क्रियतामस्य संस्कारो ममाप्येष यथा तव ||

"Hostilities end with death. Our purpose has been accomplished. Let his funeral rites be performed. He is even as good mine, as yours."

"त्वत्सकाशान्महाबाहो सन्स्कारन् विधिपूर्वकम् ||
पाप्तु मर्हति धर्मेण त्वं यशोभाग्भविष्यसि |"

Rama to Vibhishana -
"According to rule, Ravana is eligible to get the last rites on his dead body from you, by usage. You will also become fit for glory."

After the funeral rites, Rama did not use his victory as an excuse to instal Lakshmana for instance on the throne, or attempt a policy of imperialistic expansion. He acknowledged that by virtue of being one of their own, Vibhishana is best placed to rule over the Rakshasas, In fact Rama is very prompt in instructing Lakshmana to enthrone Vibhishana soon after the conclusion of Ravana's last rites -

"विभीषणमिमं सौम्य लङ्कायामभिषेचय ||
अनुरक्तं च भक्तं च तथा पूर्वोपकारिणम् |

"O the benevolent Lakshmana! Consecrate on the throne of Lanka, this Vibhishana to whom everyone is attached, a loyal person as he is and the one who has formerly done a service to us."

Then it occurs to Rama that Seetha needs to be informed of his great victory. But here's the thing. He doesn't rush. But asks Hanuman to take Vibhishana's permission before he can go to Sita to inform her, Yes...Get the new king's permission! The same king who he enthroned.

अनुज्ज़्नाप्य महाराजमिमं सौम्य विभीषणम् ||
प्रविश्य नगरीं लङ्कां कौशलं ब्रूहिमैथिलीम् |

Rama to Hanuman -

"O benevolent one! Taking permission from this Vibhishana, the great king and entering into the City of Lanka, inform about our welfare to Seetha."

It's also important to note how Rama phrases his message to Seetha - he chooses to downplay his victory, but emphasize the fact that he is alive and well.

"वैदेह्यै मां कुशलिनं सुग्रीवं च सलक्ष्मणम् ||
अचक्ष्व वदतां श्रेष्ठ रावणं च हतं रणे |

"O Hanuma, the proficient one in speech! Inform Seetha that myself together with Lakshmana and Sugreeva are well and that Ravana had been killed in battle."

Notice how he is downplaying Ravana's death. And focusing on the good condition of himself, Lakshmana and Sugreeva. Now that we have discussed Rama's remarkable grace let's note how Sita responds when Hanuman approaches her with the good tidings..

Hanuman first informs her of the great events in the battlefield and Vibhishana's coronation
After that Hanuman tells her -

"Can I not kill all these female demons in this garden who have tormented you for so long"?

But Sita will brook none of it.

राजसंश्रयवश्यानां कुर्वतीनां पराज्ञया |
विधेयानां च दासीनां कः कुप्येद्वानरोत्तम

Mata Sita to Hanumanji -

"O the foremost of Vanaras! Who will be angry with servant-maids, who are dependent on their king's command and work in obedience to the orders of others?"

"भाग्यवैषम्य योगेन पुरा दुश्चरितेन च |
मयैतेत्प्राप्यते सर्वं स्वकृतं ह्युपभुज्यते"

"All this is reaped by me, as a consequence of my bad fortune or an account of a misdeed committed by me in the past. The fruit of one's own making is indeed experienced (in one's life)."

मैवं वद महाबाहो दैवी ह्येषा परा गतिः |
प्राप्तव्यं तु दशा योगान्मयैतदिति निश्चितम् ||
दासीनां रावणस्याहं मर्षयामीह दुर्बला |

"O the great-armed Hanuma! Do not speak like this. This is indeed a great divine strategy. It was ordained that this type of situation is to be obtained by me, due to the application of fate. Feeble as I am in these matters, I am forgiving the servant-maids of Ravana here."

न परः पापमादत्ते परेषां पापकर्मणाम् ||६-११३-४५
समयो रक्षितव्यस्तु सन्तश्चारित्रभूषणाः |

"A superior person does not take into account the sin of those who have committed an offence. At all costs virtuous persons account good conduct as an ornament."

पापानां वा शुभानां वा वधार्हाणां प्लवङ्गम ||
कार्यं कारुण्यमार्येण न कश्चिन्नापराध्यति |

"Kindness is to be shown by a noble person either towards a sinner or to a virtuous person or even to a person who deserves death, for, there is none who never commits a wrong".

These remarkable responses from Prabhu Shri Rama and Mata Sita form an important illustration of Dharma in Ramayana.

Here are two individuals, who exhibit grace, and equanimity at the moment of their greatest victory, when they had every reason to pump their fist and engage in vendatta. 

There is much to learn for our perennially enraged and insecure selves from the concluding portions of Yuddha Kanda as we reflect on the great Vijaya of Rama on this Vijayadashami day.

1 comment:

  1. माणओ महासायक चारुचापम
