Saturday, February 18, 2017


Thanks to our colonial mindset, our only expectation from our children is an A+ scoresheet. Which is nothing but a piece of trash without sense of responsibility and strong mindset. No wonder millions of high school toppers ends up being duds in real life.

We don’t prioritise discipline or hygiene. Food & studies are our only priorities. Trademark of a fearful society.

Your children won’t give a damn about all the sacrifices that you are doing for them today. 

Prioritise wisely

Guys, the art of parenting according Indic traditions DOES NOT suggest mindless attachment or allowing endless indulgence. Indic parenting is extremely scientific, psychologically speaking. Must be revived. West is closer than current Indian society, in Indic parenting.

Indic parenting is all about discipline, fearlessness, adopting to societal responsibilities and making an ideal citizen. West is far closer in these parameters than the current Indian society. We are not even close.

We need to follow feudal parenting. 
We need to  idealise feudal parenting.

Western middle class kids are far more self sufficient and far more independent than Indian middle class kids of the same age.

“Mummy papa kar dengay/diladengay” 

eventually creates 

“Government kar dega/diladega” 

kind of citizens.

Feudal mindset

Just go to a gathering of 5-8 years old children group in India (even middle and upper middle class). You would understand what we are trying to explain here.

Very little table manners, pathetic toilet manners...they eventually become pathetic citizens.

Lagey raho...

Parents who discipline their kids are often respected by their kids. Much more than parents who allow random indulgence and prioritise only academic scoresheets.

Respect doesn’t come via indulgence or fear...respect comes via leadership.

Western parenting prioritise transactional leadership. Indic parenting emphasises on holistic leadership. But current Indian society is designed on follower-ship...or follower-sheep.

It doesn’t matter how much u are spending on ur children. Or how much time you spare...what really matters is your EXPECTATIONS from them and your commitment levels for the same....

They’ll follow you like a lion cub with all their energies, when YOUR expectations are fearless..

We urbanites often mock poor families who can hardly afford even basic luxury...but barring bathroom manners, they are far better parents than India’s apartment dwellers.

Poor kids often respect their parents much more than Hamley’s kids.

Doesn’t matter how many stamps are there on your children’s passport, they would still call you a loser!

Do not waste your time

As human beings we are creatures of the eye and therefore is natural for us to see things that we like and immediately want it. We want what looks good to us. Let me start by saying that there is nothing wrong with creating and wanting nice things but we as humans have turned this natural inclination into a form of worship and this is sadly only getting worse from generation to generation.

We are constantly taught by society that the more you have, the more you are worth, the better you look, the happier you will be. This is not only taught to us by the world around us but is also reinforced by the TV and media. So girls go out to buy bags with letters on them to show that they are not worth less or worthless. Guys go out to buy cars, designer shoes, belts and jeans just to impress. We don’t care about the condition of our souls, the states of our minds or the errors in our ways because nothing else matters along as we get the latest gadget that we will care about for only a few days.

We have the ability to change the world the technology to do it too yet we use our innovation to further increase the already good quality life we ‘haves’ instead of helping out and improving the quality of life of the ‘have nots’. Nearly half of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than RS 200 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than RS 100 a day yet we in the developing nations are buying things we do not need because we are obsessed with materialistic things instead of appreciating the essentials that we have! If you are reading this right now you are probably in the richest 10% of the human population. You have a roof over your head, food in your fridge, a bed to sleep in and even a laptop/iPad/phone to read this on, yet you still complain because your house isn’t big enough or you don’t have the latest iPhone.
This is because people are driven by the desire to consume rather than experience. People would rather buy the latest phone instead of travelling and experiencing the world, children would much rather be glued to their iPad, laptop or games console than play outside. The sad truth is that we are wasting our lives in this consumerist, materialistic world we live in. We continue to do and buy meaningless things because whoever loves materialistic things never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.But we fully believe that our emerging generation could be the generation to change this.

This constant want for more and more things isn’t healthy. Studies have shown that as people become more materialistic, their wellbeing (good relationships, independence, sense of purpose and more) diminishes.

Such Materialism is also against sleep. materialism can not understand how sleep energizes our brain, it actually prevents sound sleep. Voluntary sleep deprivation, poor sleep, insomnia; all these sleep problems are increasing as materialistic outlook takes lead in life. Sleep is a waste of time if we see it from materialistic view, but for those who understand the hidden source of energy, it is invaluable.

त्रय उपस्तम्भा: आहार: स्वप्नो ब्रह्मचर्यम्।

Three pillars of life are : sleep, food and control of all sense organs(continence)

Neendra (Sleep)

Many types of sleep are described in Ayurveda. Normal night time sleep is always energizing & desirable.

रात्रिस्वभावप्रभवा मता या
तां भूतधात्रीं प्रवदन्ति निद्राम् ।

Natural night time sleep is called भूतधात्री= life sustaining force

तमोभवा श्लेष्मसमुद्भवा च
मन: शरीरश्रमसम्भवा च।
आगन्तुकी व्याध्यनुवर्तिनी च
रात्रिस्वभावप्रभवा च निद्रा ।।

Besides natural night sleep other types are: Tamas guided, Kapha aggravation related, result of fatigue of body&mind,causal,disease related

करोति धातुसाम्यञ्च
निद्रा काले निषेविता।।

Benefits of proper sleep :

Nourishment of body, glow, vigour, enthusiasm, good digestion, alertness, balance of Dhatus(important tissues).

प्रत्यनीकै: प्रशाम्यति ।।

Causes of sleeplessness : aggravated Vata &Pitta, mental stress,loss of Dhatus&injury. This can be reversed by reversing these derrangements

जाड्यं ग्लानिभ्रमापक्तिस्तन्द्रा रोगाश्च वातजा:।।

Effects of sleeplessness: uneasiness of body,heaviness of head,yawning,dullness, fatigue,giddiness, indigestion, aggravation of Vata sleep.


मनसोऽनुगुणा गन्धा:
शब्दा: संवाहनानि च।
चक्षुषस्तर्पणं लेप:
शिरसो वदनस्य च ।। १।।

स्वास्तीर्णं शयनं वेश्म
सुखं कालस्तथोचित:।
प्रनष्टा या निमित्तत: ।।२।।

Measures to restore sleep :

Soothing smell & sound, massage of the body,Tarpana treatment of eyes(medicated oil etc. used)

Application of medicated paste on head and face, soothing & maintained bedding ,peaceful and calm house,proper timing can easily restore sleep

असात्म्ये रात्रिजागरणे -
असात्म्याज्जागरादर्धं प्रात: सुप्यादभुक्तवान् ।।
वाग्भट: - अष्टाङ्गहृदयम्

If night sleep disturbed (without habituation)half of the duration of disturbed sleep2be spent in sleeping in next morning on empty stomach

रात्रौ जागरणं रूक्षं
स्निग्धं प्रस्वपनं दिवा।
त्वासीनप्रचलायितम् ।।
- चरकसंहिता

To remain awake at night causes dryness while daytime sleep increases oiliness. Taking nap in sitting position causes neither of these.

त्रिदोषशमनी खट्वा
तूली वातकफापहा ।
भूशय्या बृंहणी वृष्या
काष्ठपट्टी तु वातला ।।
- भावप्रकाश:

Footed bed alleviates all three Doshas, cotton laden bedding decreases Vata & Kapha, sleeping on earth gives vigor, on wood increases Vata.

Sleep deprivation has very bad effect on both physical and mental health. High blood pressure to depression are more in sleep deprived. Timely Sleep & waking are very much necessary to keep proper balance of hormones& metabolic activities in our body..

युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु ।
योगो भवति दु:खहा ।।
- गीतासुभाषितम्

ठीक खानपान ,आनिबानि र काममा ठीक लगन भएका अनि ठीक समयमा सुत्ने र उठ्ने मानिसका लागि योग दु:खनाशक हुञ्छ।

Sleep deprivation is one of the causes of hyperacidity and peptic ulcer, a very common problem of urban society which sleeps less to "get more"

शयनं पित्तनाशाय वातनाशाय मर्दनम् ।

Sleep relieves Pitta aggravation while oil massage relieves Vata aggravation.

कफमेदोविषार्तानां रात्रौ जागरणं हितम् ।

Who have aggravated Kapha, obesity and intoxication with poisons,remaining awake is good

Designed for 5-8 hours of sleep for an adult in one stretch. Second should be a short nap only if appropriate

निद्रायत्तं सुखं दुःखं
पुष्टिः कार्श्यं बलाबलम्।
वृषता क्लीबता ज्ञानम्
अज्ञानं जीवितं न च ॥

Serenity/unhappiness, robust/emaciated body, vigour/weakness, virility/impotence, cognition/poor cognition, life/ death all depend on sleep.
यदा तु मनसि क्लान्ते
कर्माऽऽत्मानः क्लमाऽन्विताः।
विषयेभ्यो निवर्तन्ते
तदा स्वपिति मानवः ॥

When mind(thinking brain) is fatigued along with fatigued body, external stimuli stop activating it and sleep ensues. Therefore, stimulants including tea/coffee which defer fatigue are not conducive for sleep, so is anxiety or undue mental pressure.

न च निद्रा निषेविता ।
सुखायुषी पराकुर्य्यात्
कालरात्रिरिवापरा ॥

Prolonged sleep in wrong time or absence of sleep by overindulgence can cause reduced lifespan& unhappiness as deadly killer (कालरात्रि)

सैव युक्ता पुनर्युङ्क्ते
निद्रा देहं सुखाऽऽयुषा ।
पुरुषं योगिनं सिद्ध्या
सत्या बुद्धिरिवाऽऽगता ॥

Timely Sleep as per one's requirement is one of the pillars of a happy & long life.

Food ( भोजन )

Today eating food has become ritual. Irrespective of need of body/ hunger.

We eat food bcoz somewhere we read that eating food at right time is important , it doesn't matter whether your are hungry or not.

That's the root of all problems .

Eat Low fat, sugar free, gluten free, organic, no carb, superfood, Vegan .... these are the biggest scams of this century.

Don’t get fooled by marketing jargon.
Guess, why they don't want you to eat wheat, dairy, carbs etc... ?

Human race has evolved because of Wheat, Fish and Dairy. You can ask any anthropologist. But never make the mistake of asking big food and Pharma companies. Size zero, sculpted bodies are just concepts sold to us by marketing companies.
Problem with dairy & Eggs are produced using Hormones .....

Wheat. . Rice . Millets .. All have pesticides chemicals ..

Almost everything is adulterated...

Real Good healthy food is luxury!!

& Our Enzyme profile in the body is depleted by the age of 20-25 ...

Please note that dairy and eggs if bought from Renowned brands do not contain any harmones.
Pesticides are sprayed by farmers due to poor knowledge and its not done scientifically. Pl dont generalise the statement
I believe in Balance diet.Every macro and micro nutrient has a role to play in Body.
But some people does have gluten hypersensitivity which causes "celiac disease"
But having disease and following a marketing fad are different things.
I am quite sure food items like Cornflakes, oats, soyabin, and medical tests like lipid profile and many more are biggest frauds...

Here's what they really mean:

Heart healthy = full of seed oils
Gluten free = high in lectins
Low fat = sugar bomb
All natural = so is heroin
Organic = so is arsenic ( though inorganic in chemical terms)
Whole wheat = Antinutrient + high glycemic cocktail
Superfood = profitable

Don't fall for this propaganda.
watch first 10 minutes of this video about genetically modified food

They said fat was bad and boom we have keto diet now with 80% of macros coming from fat only. Indian thali is the most balanced we feel. Rice dal roti sabzi ghee dahi achar salad.

Our ancestors were more intelligent than us.
Bharat has great tradition of super foods which we left behind imitating west !!

if we all wake up and see that none of the stuff the stuff that we accumulate will matter in a few years but the memories that you create, the people that you meet, the experiences you have and the impact you have on the world for good are everlasting.

So we need to go out, invest in culture, buy an experience, do something meaningful and change the world for the better.

It's Very Complex but pivot point remains - diet nd energy levels at home ..

Best solution ask for Mahadev help nd things gets fixed.

Family atmosphere with respect to spouse's also important

utmost Luxor to kids is good very Good but with a sense ..

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