Thursday, February 24, 2022


"When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future"

Chaos summarized is merely an infinitely complex determinism.

Symbolic photo from the Kharkiv Oblast.

The sign in the background reads "Ukraine-NATO-Europe." unfortunately, the sign in the background "Ukraine-NATO-Europe" is only a slogan on a billboard and nothing more.

In 2005 we(Russia) gave a military response to the terrorists in the Caucasus, in 2014 we supported Crimea, in 2015 we hit the terrorists in Syria. We had no other way to protect ourselves. Not just for Russia but for all Europe. Also, a successful war requires public support, there are lots of Russian relatives in Ukraine because Russian historically originated from Ukraine. A war without the people's agreement is a war destined to fail so why risk ? 

Putin knows what he is doing, During the Cold war US built B-61 nuclear bombs in Turkey, close to Russia. Nikita Kruschev simply did the same with Cuba and America started crying, they had an agreement to disable all those facilities, They should have listened to him.

 The issue USA had with cuba when Russia established military bases in cuba during the peak of the cold war is the same issue Russia has with Ukraine joining NATO and thereby aiding USA to have a military base next to Russia.

Think critically.

"Nobody wants an enemy in their own backyard."

V know CNN & MSNBC sort never aired this, so we figured we would. Spot on, don't you think?

Do You Know, In the year 1951, Libya was the world's poorest country. Gaddafi made it Africa's most developed country with $150 billion foreign reserves And zero debt. Under Muammar Gaddafi, Libya had one of the world's strongest currencies.

If NATO stop expanding (like hell they would), Russia will recall their troops, just like what happened during Cuban missile crisis, both sides agreed to remove their missiles and negotiate for peace. 

Unfortunately American Exceptionalism died with Kennedy. The current US president Biden doesn't want to negotiate yet.


04.35 attack on the P/N of the Air Force "v. Pisarevka" from P. RF

05:00 from the PPR" Chertkovo " (Russian Federation) shelling of the PPR "Melovoe"

05: 05 Air Force "N. Sloboda" hail attack from the Russian Federation

05: 05 attack on the checkpoint"Hoptovka"

05: 15 shelling of the Kramatorsk airfield

05: 20 Air Force" Veseloe"," Volchansk"," Dergachi " - artillery. shelling from Page RF

05:13 shelling of the Grabovskoye mppr by the Krasnopolye Air Force

05:23 PPR "Bachevsk" armored vehicles enter 

05: 25 Dnipro – 2 explosions on the runway

05: 30 topoli Air Force grad attack from the Russian Federation

05: 30 Air Force" Zolochiv " mortar. shelling by the Russian Federation

05:50 Volchansk Air Force grad attack from the RF

Apparently, Ukrainian anti-aircraft artillery is trying to repel Russian missiles somewhere in the Donetsk region

Launch and contact of A D missiles

Russian MRLS attack against the outskirts of Kharkiv, Temporarily occupied Kharkov. Russian MLRS are working, 

Raise one big questions is to what extent the Ukrainian military dispersed before this invasion, which made them less vulnerable to MLRS fire. Nobody know, but that may be part of the reason the Ukrainian military was able to avoid catastrophic losses on day.

RUSSIAN STRIKES: Cities so far targeted include- Kyiv - Odesa - Kharkiv - Mykolai - Mariupol

Results of the first four hours of the operation against Ukraine by Russia: 

•Air Defence destroyed
•Air Force destroyed
•Navy destroyed

The entire airport was blown up in Nikolaev. Claims are hundreds of Ukrainian servicemen are already dead.

Footage of large explosions taking place in Mariupol.

Launching missiles from the territory of Russia

Video of a Russian cruise missile flying over Kherson

Red army as arrived in Kherson, A T-72B3 tank with a roof screen, a "Z" marker, and a Soviet flag driving along the Dnieper.

Ukrainian residents filmed the flight of a Russian cruise missile.

Insane video of a Russian cruise missile striking Ivano-Frankivsk airport

As of 6:55 Moscow time:  The naval forces of Ukraine have been destroyed. Amphibious assault in key naval bases.

Naval base of the Ukrainian Navy is burning near Odessa after being targeted by a Russian long-range anti-ship missiles. The aftermath of the Russian strikes targeting the Ukrainian Navy in port of Ochakov. 

Russian Ka-52 over Armyansk in Crimea. Do notice all of the helicopters are flying really low rendering stingers useless.

Ukrainian MIG-29 ,, firing at probably Russian armour or armoured carrier the pilot saw.

Despite some rumors they’ve been destroyed,

The Ukrainian Air Force is still active. 

Video of Ukrainian MiG-29s active near Kyiv

A Ukranian Mig-29s has been shot down in the Kyiv region. At least one parachute can be seen.

Destroyed/abandoned column of 10 Ukrainian T-64BVs today at Kherson area.

Video of a Hypersonic missile attack near the Trypilska thermal plant - just south of Ukraine's capital.

Intense footage of a Russian MLRS barrage hitting nearby an Ukrainian house in Kharkov Oblast.

Aftermath (LOUD) of a Russian strike, Huge explosion following Russian strike on airbase at Melitopol.

Russian troops have crossed Antonovsky bridge over Dnieper river and moved into Antonivka suburb of Kherson city. Heavy clashes heard around Kherson.

Russian attack helicopters in Belarus using a road as a staging point.

Flight of two Su-25s flying very low. A pair of the Su-25 attack aircraft reportedly on the way to launch airstrikes in the vicinity of the Hostomel military airport in the Kyiv Oblast.

Destroyed Ukrainian BMP alongside the road. Looks like a precise strike by Russian forces.

Russian helicopters being shot at by Ukrainian forces around Vyshhorod city in the Kiev Oblast . Flares can be seen deployed.

Confirmed by Ukrainian authorities. A large air assault operation with Mi-8 helicopters on Antonov International Airport in Hostomel. Interior Ministry says Russia has seized control. Very dangerous; it’s just 15 minutes west of the capital ring road.

Russian Mil Mi-8/17 helicopters reportedly during landing operation to seize Hostomel military airport just outside Kyiv.

Another video from Gostomel, about 30 Russian helicopters moving forward

Footage of a Russian helicopter-borne assault on Hostomel town in Kyiv Oblast.

Russian forces in control of Antonov International Airport at this time 

Interestingly, not much evidence of Russian UAVs playing a key role either. It seems as though Russian forces are operating in a more restrained fashion than It was expected. Maybe Putin underestimated Ukrainian resistance or is more concerned with Russian domestic opinion?

We think people are too much used to US wars and Israeli wars, with massive strikes on civilian buildings, and everything collapsing. We arent seeing that here. 

"It is Not America"

Goal isn't to kill 10 civilians to get one insurgent... and then create more insurgents.

The air assault operation also suggests that Russia thought it could possibly achieve a fait accomplish without killing that many Ukrainian troops by making  a lighting push into Kyiv with light forces and this is still a fraction of the actual Russian force being committed. What we're seeing is very early hours of the campaign. as with these probing attacks thus far, find the weak points and strong points, which Ukrainian units are more of a problem. Russia will refrain much longer, the more dead the more chance of civil disobedience, Compared to its intervention in Syria, the Russian military appears to be taking more efforts to avoid civilian casualties, Which tells us something about its ultimate goals.

Lutsk, western Ukraine. The fact that objects are being hit in the deep rear suggests that the Ukrainian air defense does not exist, it has been destroyed.

90% of Ukrainian air defenses, warehouses and airfields was destroyed in the first 30 minutes, in which the navy, cruise missiles and air support are used everywhere. Russia is not at war with civilians, there is no mass bombing of Ukrainian troop positions (in residential areas).


Trucks loaded with weapons are being distributed to civilians (Cannon fodder 🙄) in Kiev for the city defense against Russian forces.

Should give to these entire ecosystem in making propagation. They are making this comedian a war hero out of no where, just because he was seen in camo uniform. Zelensky will soon end up in prison! For turning civilians into viable military targets. This is not good.

Lol, its literaly most friendly towards enemy civilians invasion in XXIst century.

All this shows is that Russian soldiers are more tolerant of Ukraine civilian dissent than Canadian police. This also shows Russia actions are for self-defense, Please understand this, Russia left with no other choice so is shown in Putin Appeal to the military of Ukraine - your fathers and grandfathers did not fight the Nazis in order for you to serve them now.

Obviously, Russia hopes that Ukraine or Zelensky will surrender without employing maximum force. The question is what would Russia be willing to do if Ukrainians continue to resist and start an insurgency in cities?

Russia lacks stockpiles of PGMs though, and if they go into cities, civilian casualties will increase. Lets keep in mind that 24-02-2022 action was only prelude and attempts to identify and especially asses ukrainian defences - but still not full scale war. One of explanation why Ukrainian air defences was almost silent, It seems clear now that they'll have to use armor to get week we will see strongest cards on the table - S-300, S-200, SAM BUK, Iskanders, Tochka's, Smerch's, strategic bombers and etc!



The Russian tank column allegedly goes towards Ukraine

Strength and truth are on our side, All Our soldiers will do their duty. The Ukrainian military can not prevent the Russian military from pushing farther into Ukraine. The question is whether Russian troops will go into cities and how bad that could get. It appears Russian forces are trying to bypass some cities, but probably not Kyiv. Unfortunately, we expect we'll see Russian forces escalate and use more force against the Ukrainian military if they dont stop.

With US and NATO BACKING The Ukrainian army has been fighting since 2014. There are several hundred thousand battle-hardened fighters in Ukraine. 

Ukraine is rearming and getting modern weapons with assitance from nato to destablize Russia(if not why United States and NATO nation Arming them). Ukraine has the Second largest army in Europe, this army is well armed, trained and motivated with NATO and US interest in the Russian region. 

NATO is a military alliance formed in 1949 by 12 countries, including the US, Canada, the UK and France. During the cold war, there were 2 opposing sides : 

NATO (most Western countries) against the Soviet alliances. That's why even today these 2 superpowers are still rivals.

A summary of what is happening between Ukraine and Russia :

Basically Ukraine wants to join NATO, but president Putin doesn't like this because if Ukraine were to join NATO, they would be able to put missiles and military bases right next to Russia doorstep. It will take only few minutes for a nuclear warhead to reaches Moscow. This is extremely alarming especially when we consider the fact that the tensions between NATO and Russia had not cooled down since the cold war. The old scar from past conflicts still remain between these 2 superpowers.

Ukraine has the most trained in Europe, battle-hardened army and army special forces, excellent artillery, modernized air defense systems, air force, MLRS, mortars, tanks, missiles, anti-tank systems, Javelins, Bayraktar TB2 UAVs, including cruise missiles of their own production.

The next Turkish military drone after Bayraktar is the Akinci drone. It will go into service with both the Turkish and Ukrainian armies. It is produced jointly with Ukraine. Flight altitude up to 12 km, 24 hours in the sky, carries about 1350 kg of missiles and bombs.

Air defense. Ukraine has S-300, S-125, Buk-M1, Tor and other anti-aircraft missiles and systems. After all the technical updates, the Ukrainian S-125 is a completely new system. Modern Ukrainian S-125 There are also Russian aircraft, including the Su-35 and the like. 

In addition to the existing air defense systems, Ukraine receives FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS from the USA and Grom (jet) MANPADS of Polish production.

 The Stinger and Thunder are superior to any Russian counterpart and will leave no chance for any Russian aircraft at low altitude.

Ukraine has a large fleet of MLRS "Smerch", "Grad", "Hurricane", modernizing the old ones, creates Ukrainian MLRS systems "Alder", "Verba" - very accurate, deadly and inexpensive.

5-6 volleys will destroy the task force of the Russian battalion - almost a thousand fighters.

To date, Ukraine has thousands of Ukrainian ATGM "Stugna" and "Corsair". And this deadly weapon is complemented by American Javelin anti-tank systems. Moreover, in Ukraine there is a huge number of old Soviet anti-tank missiles of the Fagot type.

Ukraine has a large fleet of American Javelins (FGM-148 Javelins) that will destroy any Russian tank and any Russian armored vehicles.

The UK is supplying Ukraine with one of the best NLAW anti-tank grenade launchers, which are ideal for urban battles with tanks and armored vehicles of the Russia.

Footage confirms that Britain today ferried a vast number of guided missiles to Ukraine - 5 cargo plane loads worth of NLAW ATGM’s, it is clear that NATO and its allies want to escalate tensions with Russia 🇷🇺.

Like the FGM-148 Javelin, the NLAW grenade launcher is a new generation weapon.

Ukraine has more tanks than Britain and Germany combined. New ones are created, old ones are modernized. The crews of the tanks are well trained, motivated, and each of them is a huge rapid-fire, accurate and deadly strike force worked out to automatism.

The military-industrial complex of Ukraine manufactures and supplies the Neptune (R-360) cruise missiles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Sapsan" is a Ukrainian multifunctional operational-tactical missile system (OTRK), in which operational-tactical, anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles are used as weapons of destruction.

Ukraine produces its own tanks. Oplot-M main battle tank and upgraded T-64BM Bulat tanks. These tanks successfully defeated Russian tanks in battles in 2014 and 2015.

Armored personnel carriers BTR-4, Armored cars Dozor-B, Armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle (BRDM-2DI) "Khazar", KrAZ Shrek One (KrAZ MPV).

The Ukrainian army receives armor of its own production and it is more reliable than that of the Russian army.

UAG-40 - 40 mm Ukrainian automatic belt-fed grenade launcher. One such, because of an ambush, will shoot the entire column of Russian uninvited guests, destroying lightly armored vehicles.

Ukrainian sniper rifle VPR-308. A good weapon is in the hands of Ukrainian snipers, who have extensive experience in shooting at Russian occupiers.

Ukraine does not experience a shortage of either rifles or cartridges.

A couple of years ago, Ukraine really needed large-caliber sniper rifles. Now Ukraine has its own excellent Snipex Alligator. This is a long-range large-caliber rifle that destroys equipment for kilometers and tears off the heads of Russian invaders, 

At present Ukraine is not the same as 8 years ago. Ukraine even exports Varta and Cossack-5 armored vehicles. Ukraine today is a developed military-industrial complex. The Ukrainian army is mobile, equipped, mechanized, trained, tempered by many years of combat experience of the war.

Ukraine has a HUGE stockpile of Kalashnikovs (millions) and manufactures its own small arms. Vulkan-M (Malyuk) - a modern excellent weapon that can perfectly destroy the Russian horde.

The United States and allies are supplying Ukraine with some military equipment, which is still lacking in sufficient quantities. Military aid will grow because Ukraine AS is now used ass the shield of all of Europe and their entire interest against Russia. 

Ukrainian special forces are almost 40,000 professionally trained fighters already in the ranks! They have been trained by the best American, British and Canadian specialists.

Ukraine for the Russians will not be a walk. Afghanistan and Chechnya are child's play compared.(but still they will cry to world to demonize Russia)

Ukrainians are warriors of honor and courage. They do not want war, they always defend themselves against the occupier but by inviting NATO and US to establish their bases in Russian backyard trying to pretext false image of Russia Ocuppier in their own Region.

Ukraine will fight back only for NATO interest. Her sons are ready to fight their own brother Russians, they have something to fight for and with what....

Listening to many military experts, everyone doubts the slightest success of RUSSIA in this adventure of his to keep its sovereignty intact. Ukraine With NATO & US with Western media backing is too tough for RUSSIA.

The situation now is kinda similar to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 (cold war era) during which the US placed ballistic missiles in Italy and Turkey, alarmingly near Russia so they retaliated by placing missiles in Cuba. This confrontation almost led to a full scale nuke war.

The United States Of America was eager to overthrow Fidel Castro, the dictator of Cuba, who was allied with the Soviets. During the height of the Cold War, the CIA considered planting explosives in seashells to attract Castro, a keen diver, to pick them up and detonate them.

Unfortunately history is repeating itself. NATO is expanding nearer and nearer to Russia by which Putin feels threatened so he responded by placing troops near Ukraine border to prevent it from joining NATO. Up until now no diplomatic efforts have worked so it's a stalemate.

Their Goals: let’s start WW3. We will profit from selling arms and equipment to the Europe. Increase employment, increase rate of innovation, change social attitudes, have higher GDP, lower inflation. But will send Europe into hyperinflation and F everyone...

War doesn't build bonds, it only fosters sadness and hate. The Media have so much whitewashed the West as the Messiah to deliver the whole world from some dangers of a Boogeyman somewhere in Russia(Putin) or the Middle East/N.Korea.

No one buys their lies anymore.
They have been caught too many times lying. No one can trust them.

For a generation that grew up in the putative peace of post-Cold War prosperity and comity, today’s events are eerily reminiscent of what a previous generation experienced on a nearly continuous basis, punctuated by crucial events like  to Budapest -56 Taiwan 58, Berlin 61, Cuba 62 and Prague -68

So in conclusion the situation is still very intense. Chance of WW3: low but never zero

Will there be peace ? :  That's hard to say, we don't know what's going to happen next, best we can do is prepare.

☠️☠️How to survive a nuclear war up next...

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