Saturday, November 19, 2016


कांगड़ा नरेश महाराजा संसार चंद जी कटोच

उक्त चित्र स्वंय में अत्यंत दुर्लभ है। कांगड़ा लघु चित्र शैली में निर्मित प्रस्तुत चित्र में कांगड़ा नरेश महाराजा संसार चंद जी के, स्लेटी छोड़े पर विराजमान बजीर नौरांग सिंह व सहायक अबतार सिंह को आखेट खेलते हुए देखा जा सकता है। बजीर नौरांग सिंह का वर्णन हमें इतिहास में तब मिलता है जब गोरखाओं क सेना के खिलाफ लड़ते लड़ते कांगड़ा की सेना को हमीरपुर में कांगड़ा सीमा पर स्थित महल मोरियां का दुर्ग हाथ से गबाना पड़ता है । जिसके फल स्वरूप नादोन तालुका सुजापुर टिहरा से कट जाता है। कांगड़ा की सेना सुजानपुर टिहरा में मोरचा संभालती है और गोरखों को 3 वर्ष तक छापामार युद्ध में उलझाए रखती है और गोरखाओं की सेना 3 वर्ष के लंबे अंतराल के उपरांत भी कांगड़ा की राजधानी सुजापुर टिहरा में सेंध लगाने में असमर्थ रहती है। इस पूरे संघर्ष में नौरंग सिंह का विशेष योगदान था।

In 18th century a mid chaos in shimla hill states and punjab, Raja Ram Saran of Hindur allied himself with Raja Sansar Chand of Kangra. In his quest for expansion, Raja Sansar Chand with large army invaded territory of Kahlur (Bilaspur) located on the right bank of Satluj. Occupied fertile land there and built a fort at ‘Dhar Jhanjiar’. In meantime, ally Raja of Hindur attacked Kahlur and sacked Bilaspur town, with areas of Fatehpur, Bahadurpur and Rattanpur.
This act led to downfall of the Sansar chand; as action against Kahlur aroused bitter resentment among other hill states, fearing for their own possessions, hill chiefs formed coalition against him.Army of Sansar Chand attacking Kangra fort

Raja Sansar Chand was most ambitious ruler of kangra. He was only “10 years” of age when he succeeded to the Gaddi(throne) in 1775 A.D . Sansar Chand’s chief aim was the capture of ‘Kangra fort’ ,which was then under the garrison of ‘Saif Ali Khan’. Sansar Chand called to his aid Jai Singh Kanheya and in 1781-82 A.D, combined forces laid siege to the stronghold. It was only after settling territories with Jai Singh Kanheya; in 1787 A.D Sansar chand got the possession of the ‘Kangra fort’ and supreme power in the hills.KANGRA FORT

Raja Sansar chand dreamt of establishing the old empire of Jalandhar-Trigarta,which his ancestors had held at one time. The rise of Raja Ranjit Singh proved a great hurdle for his ambitions; therefore, he diverted his attention towards local hill chiefs. Sansar chand demanded from the hill chiefs their surrender to him, as Lord Paramount of all the fertile tracts, that had been included in the Imperial ‘Zamindari’, attached to the fort during the rule of Mughals.

In pursuance of this policy, the Chamba chief was required to make over Rihlu, and on his refusal, the Chamba was attacked and Raja was killed in a battle at ‘Nerti‘ (near Shahpur). The Mandi kingdom was also treated alike, the young Raja Ishwari Sen being made captive and retained as prisoner at Nadaun for 12 years. Other states like Kutlehr was annexed completely. During this period he made Sujanpur Tira his capital; and erected palaces and temples at this place.

Affection for Art and Religion

Beside this territorial expansion, Sansar Chand had great affection for Art and Religion; He patronized Kangra Kalam, and it flourished under his reign. He was a devotee of ‘Sri Krishna’ and the ‘BhagvataPurana’ had been his ‘family bible’. Central theme of kangra paintings was Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha.KrishnaLeela forms one of the basic features of Kangra paintings. Sansar Chand commissioned paintings from Bhagvata Purana, Gita Govinda, Mahabharata, Baramasa, Satsai (of behari lal),an Rasikpriya (of Keshavdas). Two brothers ‘Manaku’ (Manak) and ‘NainSukh’ is considered as the great masters of Pahari miniature painting, both achieved greatness during this period.

Raja Sansar Chand and his son Anirudh Chand worshipping Shri Ram & Sita ji Style of Purkhu, Kangra, 1792–95

“Radha” c1775 commissioned by Raja Sansar Chand on the occasion of his marriage. Painted in Nainsukh’s studio.

Kangra-style miniature from the National Museum Delhi recounts an incident from KrishnaLeela

At “Chaugan” of Sujanpur Tira where acclaimed Holi festival takes place every year since Raja Sansar Chand ‘s time. Popular Holi festival sees people from many states visit the ancient town during the festival of colours. It exhibits tradition limelight , provides entertainment through songs, dances, folk dramas and skirt performed by local artists.

Raja Sansar Chand playing a pastel coloured Holi in c.1800. Purkhu of Kangra

famous “Chaugan” of Sujanpur Tira where acclaimed Holi festival is taking place every year since Raja Sansar Chand ‘s time

Sansar Chand’s fame spread far, he was regarded as ‘Hatim’ of that time, and his court became the resort of all class of people, in search of pleasure or personal advantage. For 20 years Sansar Chand ruled as undisputed monarch of the hills, but his overwhelming ambition carried him too far, and his fortune turned to his misfortune. In 1803-04 A.D, he twice invaded the plains of Hoshiarpur and Bajwarah, but defeated and repulsed by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Disappointed by his loss in plains, he turned his arms against Kahlur (Bilaspur), and annexed part of state lying on right bank of Satluj river.

(In meantime, the Gurkhas of Nepal had also developed similar ambitions as that of Sansar Chand and before the end of 18th Century, they had extended their dominion over whole Kumaon, Garhawal, Sirmaur, and other hill states.)

Upon action of Sansar Chand on Kahlur (Bilaspur); Raja of Kahlur and other hill states formed a coalition against him and invited Gurkha commander Amar SinghThapa, who is said to have army of 40,000 soldiers. The combined armies fought against Sansar Chand’s army at Mahal Morian in Hamirpur near Kharwar. Sansar chand defeated ‘combined forces’ and compelled them to retreat on the left banks of river Satluj.

By that time, Sansar Chand on the advice of General Gulam Muhammad tried to affect economy in the army by replacing the existing ones with Rohillas. This proved a self-defeating folly on his part.On hearing weakness in opponent army, the combined forces again attacked at Mahal Morian in the second battle and forced a crushing defeat on Sansar Chand in 1806 A.D. Gurkhas then advanced into the state and on reaching Nadaun, Ishwari Sen (Raja of Mandi) was liberated by the Gurkhas from Nadaun jail.

Raja Ishwari Sen of Mandi. Painting posthumously, A.D 1855, GhulamAli School.

Raja Sansar Chand along with family took shelter in the Kangra fort. The Gurkhas laid siege to the Kangra fort and ruthlessly looted the area between the fort of Kangra and Mahal Morian; virtually destroyed the villages. The siege of the fort continued for three years.

At last, Raja Ranjit Singh on the request of Sansar Chand, waged war against the Gurkhas and defeated them in 1809 A.D. But Sansar Chand had to pay a heavy price whereby he had to lose Kangra fort and 66 villages to the Sikhs. The entry of the Sikhs in Kangra hills was the end of Raja Sansar Chand’s dream of establishing a strong and stable ‘Trigat Kingdom’. With this, the glory of Katoches passed away. The Sikhs maintained their sovereignty over Kangra and Hamirpur till 1846; when they were defeated by the British Army in the first Anglo-Sikh war.
Battle of Aliwal fought on 28 January 1846 between British and Sikh forces in Punjab.

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