Friday, December 13, 2019


As we stooped to clasp the gentle bird,   Who seemed our own, by some mysterious tie, 

Just once again, her cooing tones we heard,   And then she shot into the distant sky. 

That happy souls, permitted, ever came   To soothe the mourner---her's was there with us!

We state but simple facts—yet who will blame,    If fancy linger over them—might it be 

We Hindus wanted to celebrate the Ayodhya Judgement like never before.

But we did not want them to feel bad.

Look at them now their Protest is against shattered fantasy of ghazi wa hind orga... Bcoz of 370, RAM MANDIR etc 

CAA 2019 turned out to be a mere opportunity

In Secular India...created with application of emergency in india.

Darra hua "peacefools" insulting "OM" which is the epitome of Hindu Faith openly & brazenly..

Is India for Hindus? 

So On the birth anniversary of this bharat breaking brigade khilafat 2.0 ( for example shots from caa protest by tukde tukde banglore brigade )

Let us share something on Dalit Leadership (Pre/Post Independence of India)

In middle 1930s, There were two prominent Dalit faces in India
1. Jogendra Nath Mandal
2. BR Ambedkar

In 1940s, JN Mandal joined Muslim League.
July 1946, Elections were announced for Provincial Legislation, BR Ambedkar tried it from Bombay but Congress didn't let him succeed.
Later JN Mandal helped BR Ambedkar and sent him in 296 People's assembly from then undivided Bengal (With the help of Muslim league)

JN Mandal was an advocate of DALIT-MUSLIM unity, therefore he wanted BR Ambedkar to join him in this movement, This was one of the prime reasons why he sent BRA to assembly in 1946 that too after making his legislator resign.

BRA outrightly rejected Dalit- Muslim unity. This is where his difference started emerging with JN Mandal.

JN Mandal was one of the founding father of Pakistan, became it's first Law Minister of Pakistan under Liaqat Ali's leadership.

JN Mandal's idea of Dalit Muslim unity and creation of Pakistan didn't go well in Pakistan, While BRA did smart thing and didn't let Dalits and marginal section of Hindu society to toe Dalti-Muslim unity line.

From 15th August 1947 to 8th October 1950, He remained a law minister, commonwealth and minister on Kashmir affairs.

And when he saw the massacre of Dalits/marginal section being beaten up by Muslims of Pakistan and Pak leadership didn't do anything, When around 5 thousand Dalit were beaten up and paraded in Pakistan, JN MANDAL's Dalit-Muslim unity formula FAILED miserably. Now he had become the culprit of throwing Dalits into fire for his ambitions.

On 8th october 1950, He resigned and In February 1951, He came back to India, leaving Dalits/marginal section of Hindus die in Pakistan. Rest you know how many Hindus are alive in Pakistan as on Today. After returning to India in February 1951 to the death of JN Mandal on 5th october 1968. He lived the life as 'A Grand example of Dalit-Muslim Unity Failure', Died and literally nobody bothered. Almost 17 years lived in humiliation, Couldn't face Dalits/marginals in India

Moral of my whole narration is that DALIT-MUSLIM unity is a farce, JN Mandal tried and got millions of Dalits/Marginal section K!lled.

BR Ambedkar outrightly rejecting this Dalit Muslim unity. Says a lot. Learn from the history and never repeat the same mistake again 12/n
Those who considers BR Ambedkar as their idol and talks about Dalit Muslim unity are the biggest enemies of his work.

JN Mandal was a Monumental Failure of Dalit Muslim Unity, 
All proponents of "Jai-Bheem-Jai Mim" should read J. N. Mandal's letter to the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan.

More links to letter:

Height of agenda. Citizenship Ammendmemt Act 2019 is all about protecting Dalit Hindus being persecuted in Pak and B’desh. Babasaheb has said that he will not consider partition complete till all Hindus will not come to India and Muslims will not go Pakistan.

In Hindu Population of Pakistan mostly are Dalit 95%

Govt of Pakistan don't accept them as SC because they don't want to waste their money as schemes for vulnerable Community like in India.

The Scheduled Castes Hindus are the worst victims of discrimination as they are 
twice condemned as a religious minority and lower castes.
They face discrimination in 
every walk of life from the provision of basic facilities to employment opportunities.
Majority of them are Majority of them are lower castes Hindus such as panther, Bhangi Kolhi, charmkar
Menghwar, Bheel, Bagri, Balmaki, Jogi and Oad etc
According to
 1998 census the total population of Hindus in 
Pakistan was 2,443,514 of which 2,111,171 R (upper castes) & 332,343
Are SC representatives, including five former legislators, in a 
consultation held in June, 2007 in Karachi, simply rejected the official statistics
stating that it is incorrect. According to their 
estimates, the population of Scheduled Castes should be more than two million.

They say their numbers have been deliberately shown less.
Govt of Pakistan don't provide them education and health facilities
It is irony 
to note that only 1 percent of the Scheduled Castes are graduates with only a few lucky 
ones having post-graduate degrees. Scheduled Castes are denied services at barbershops; there is separate crockery 
for them at restaurants. Abduction of young women of Scheduled Caste is commonplace and is often not
reported in  newspaper.They are kidnapped or lured and then sexually abused 
and sometimes they are abandoned after keeping them in custody. 

Dalit in islamic country, Pakistan,where's the handshake????

A young Scheduled Caste boy was beaten to death by mob under 
Blasphemy Law in Sindh province becoz he didn't begged apology from the village. His sin was that he
was sleeping in the field with his legs in the direction of Makkah Madina

ppl from the SC recall many incidences where nurses/ doctors refused to touch their body saying it will pollute them or they Are dirty and filthy caste. A Pakistani Hindu SC caste youth complained that a nurse refused to treat his sister when he took her to hospital after severe pain in her teeth. nurse said that she won’t like to pollute her instruments by using on a Kafir of low caste .

A journalist asked him, why he is alleged in force conversions of Hindu girls?
He tried to divert question and said "It happens daily, 4 girls were converted yesterday"

Mian Mithu may saying about Laxmi 10years, Sonia 13 yrs, Parmila 14yrs &  Samina 15yrs.

Those who want to know pplight of hindus in P..kistan who now majorly left in sindh.. should google search Mian Mithu, many have heard of attack on headmaster notan das , the school principal riot case where he has been accused of commiting blasphemy in Ghotki 3 months back, had given refuge to a Hindu girl wjo was abducted by mian mithu's goons.

She is "Mahik Keswani" daughter of Amer Lal is abducted on friday (13th Dec. ) Fro. Defence karachi, p..kistan,
Still nobody has contact with her family for ransomor about her conbersion and mariiage untillast night when...

... when the video surfaced,, she was unfortunately gangraped and her video has emerged where she's in a burqa sayiing she conberted to islam on her own and marrieed a muslim on similar lines in all such crimes before...

Minorties inislamic state.. maulana gandhi made ddhimmi fight against as the know Biggest beneficiaries of Citizenship Ammendment Act 2019 will benefit dalits from PK, BD. 

Their daughters are routinely picked up, married against her will, converted to Islam and forced to publicly acknowledge dt she converted out of her own will. 

Never forget that they burnt buses and trains because this man will get Indian citizenship and Today's bahujan people stands with them

To not  give these persecuted minority on jehadi lines,, Around 2000 Hindus return to Pakistan in last 3 years !

Is it not shameful that Pakistani Hindus has to return to Pakistan, to face so many atrocities ?

Illegal Bangladeshis & Rohingyas  get ID proofs , how & why ?

Four minor Hindu girls who have been abducted, forcibly married and converted to Islam in Pakistan. 
Two minor girls 13 and 15 faced the abuse and forceful conversion on 22. March 2019
Their mother died of the heart attack.

Future of all Hindus when Muslim population reaches 50% in India. This what Hindus will get in return to support minority and secularism 

Father of Pakistani hindu girls Raveena and Reena abducted and forcibly converted to Islam and married held protest at police station. 

You b...., all Hindus of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afganistan are Dalit ...They will get shelter in Hindustan...Your father Jogendra Mandal had gone Pakistan in with all Hindu  in 1947 and flee away after 3 years..when Hindu geneocide occur there. Now you shout "Jai Bhim Jai Mim"

During partition, Pakistan did not allow Dalits to leave for India. Pak PM Liaqat Ali told Indian High Commissioner "who would clean streets and latrines of Karachi if they are allowed to leave?" 

Most Hindu refugees coming from Pak are Dalits. Those opposing CAB are anti-Dalit. 
People of India. Most of the refugees from Pakistan are Dalits. Read what Pakistani PM said about them. 

So all Dalits and Dalit cause warriors should support CAA 2019 

This is giving them second chance in life after facing relentless persecution.

Many Hindus who’ve fled Pakistan to escape persecution are SC/ST.

This throws a wrench into two false theories:

1. People convert to “escape caste oppression.” Rather so-called lower castes resisted and fought Islamic invaders, didn’t leave their traditions even in Pakistan.

Second that Islam is “egalitarian.” Rather Islamic societies are deeply racist. Arabs are at the top of the racial hierarchy and even within Arabs there is a hierarchy of tribes.

All non-Muslims are automatically put at the bottom in Islamic ideology.

Rather than Islamic invasions “liberating lower castes” they created untouchables. Just as in Pakistan sanitation jobs are forced on non-Muslims, defeated Kshatriyas were forced into those jobs and *became untouchable* due to Islam. Other fled to forests, were called ST later.

Dalit Hindus were tagged in Pakistan, Gandhiji knew it.See Gandhiji ki Dilli Diary,vol 3/344 

Hindu Dalit women in Sindh, Pakistan seek protection against ‘forced’ conversion to Islam 

The biggest beneficiary of CAA will be 3 million untouchable Dalits of Pakistan. They are treated as bonded labors, even chained, their women are supposed to offer sex on demand, are deprived of basic amenities, and no activism is allowed in Pakistan to uplift their status.

Dalit Hindus status in Pakistan is similar 2 Kashmir.They were asked 2 stay& given temptations 4 that too.M have superiority complex& felt tht Maila collecting shd b task of Hindus only,so they retained D class.D now hav no rights& way 2 change prof. Untouchability is practiced freely

The People who are opposing Citizenship Ammendment Act 2019 are Anti-Dalit. Those Hindus who are coming to Bharat from Pakistan after persecution, maximum are Schedule Caste.

Around 80 Lakhs Hindus are left in Pak, most of them are Sweepers and SC Community, More than 80% of the Hindus of Bangladesh and Pakistan are Dalits.

But, many so called Dalit organizations are with anti nationals who oppose CAA. New age Dalit leader of Bhim Army protesting against CAA that gives citizenship to persecuted Pakistani Dalits.
We are impressed, time to replace Mayawati with him as the biggest Dalit leader.

Why don't they prefer the wellness of Dalits in our neighbourhood?

But International media showed far more outrage over India offering refuge to  persecuted Hindus than actual persecution of Hindus by Pakistani and Bangladeshi Islamists. 

Whereas The same New York Times which referred to Bhagat Singh as "deluded terrorist"

The same Guardian which referred to Gandhi as "naked Beggar"

Just imagine how deep their hatred is.
If they had cared about what these magazines wrote, India would never have got freedom. Stop being such a western stooge

By opposing Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 , are so called Liberals once again showing their anti-dalit credentials.

What problem can u have if Prosecuted Dalits who will be biggest beneficiaries of CAB are given citizenship in India. 

Nothing has been learnt from the painful past.😢😢

Hindu refugees in West Bengal who came from East Pakistan during 1971 War. Result of Team Gandhi's politics!!

But not anymore these radicals should be checked and sidelined with facts

Citizenship bill was pending for 64 yrs 

Article 370 was pending for 65 yrs

Triple Talaq was pending for 72 yrs

Ram Mandir was pending for 591yrs

All of the above was done by Modi 2.0 in just 180 days 

Dont you think this is just the best 6 months India has ever had?

Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019 passed in Rajya Sabha After Lok Sabha.

Finally we performed Pitrutarpan and Matritarpan to all our ancestors who perished in the Jihadi fire that engulfed eastern and Western ends of Bharat khand.. 

Tears of happiness!!! Feel so happ ly for all the persecuted Hindus. 
citizenship amendment act

Our one vote to Narendra Modi govt
Got us-

•Ram mandir
•370 removal
•Triple Talaq
•Stable govt

India gives equal rights to Dalits in Jammu & Kashmir: It’s anti-Muslim!
India gives refuge & citizenship to Dalits from Pakistan & Bangladesh: It’s anti-Muslim. For goodness sake liberals! Plz stop justifying your anti-Dalit bigotry using Muslims as a shield.

 It is Very important to bring it out. As Dalit hindus both in Pakistan and Bangladesh face the worst kind of persecution and humiliation imaginable. They would be the biggest beneficiary. Bringing it out in open would also inhibit the 'secular' judges from overruling this amendment. Do u really think Modi-Shah would have gotten this bill passed without contingencies in place? What we r seeing now is the collective frustration of jehadis, marxists, libtards, newstraders, brothelwoodiyas pent up since 2014. It is their way of coping up to 303 given by Hindus. Jehadis & their leftist backers are playing all their best cards & will soon tire out. While they are at it, anyone who calls themselves a Hindu must stop despairing & stop spreading negativity. For Rama's sake you are winning & you don't even realize it! B+ve!

Look at the backdrop.
One point the greatest Chanakya, and the other end the real Patriot veerasavarkar photos visible.
In the middle a combined character seated with lot of confidence...

Our next gen in safe hands. India's great days are in near future.

Just 6 years ago, $0nia's congi was *this* close from heaping the CVB on Hindus (read the draft prepared by her NAC, will send a shiver down any Hindu's spine)

6 years later, here we are. On the verge of passing biggest pro-Hindu legislation ever. Things Hindu unity can achieve.

But Let's not rejoice prematurely. Some more checks were needed in bill.
And just see how much international coverage the hostile entities of this so-called "fascist" govt is getting. If this govt goes, all hell would break loose on Hindus again!

125 voted for CAB, 105 voted against CAB 
Hindus would do well to remember that hundreds of MPs openly declared that let Hindus be killed and young girls abducted and raped in Pakistan, they don't care. This is your destiny waiting to be in India too, and at that time, there will be no nation left to discuss any CAB.

Rest Bill Pass hona wagerah wagerah .., 

Ye Sab Pehle hota tha !! 

Mota Bhai HMO sambhaalne k baad toh seedha Kaanoon banta Hain Kanoon !! 😄🤟

But Don't forget to praise AIADMK for voting to pass the Citizenship Ammendment Act inspite of the pressure put on them by adharmic parties in TN. 11 MP's vote was crucial!

Raja Raja Chola and other Tamil heroes will be proud.


but Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena chose to walk out before voting.

Whenever CAB will be mentioned, history will remember Shiv Sena act as political party without a backbone.

In Telugu saying - "Adagandi Amma Annam Pettadu" which roughly means "Unless you ask, even mother won't give food". 
We cannot rely on politicians and media to fight for us. (SS became secular)
Our right. Our fight.

But Haven't seen a bigger troll than NaMo. While the opposition has been burning their houses down for CAB, this man is quoting Bharatiyar - "தனியொருவனுக் குணவில்லையெனில் சகத்தினை அழித்திடுவோம்" 
Translation:- "even if one person goes hungry, we will burn down this entire world"

But Amit bhai seems bigger troll...

Enjoyed watching him in LS and RS on CAB...

Hahahaha. Will be laughing for a week at least

We think between Narendea Modi and Amit Shah, this is a sort of rite of passage. The baton has passed from modi to Shah. And in such style.

On the other hand khangressy qabul sibbal said how do you know Bangladeshi Hindus face persecution even after 28% to 8%

In 1971 Pakistan army in current Bangladesh region checking whether man is muslim or Hindu. If non muslim he may not see next sunrise. 
A Pakistani soldier examines whether the Bengali man is circumcised or not (i.e. Hindus are not).
During this nine month long madness the Pakistani military killed nearly 3 million Bengalis & raped around 2-4,00,000 women. 

If you're not a Hindu refugee from East Pakistan/Bangladesh, you'd never understand the deprivation, the dehumanisation and the degradation we faced. My grandmother left me a crumbling document: the refugee certificate that gave her, a widow, and her 5 children refuge in india. So long as she lived, nobody asking for food was turned away from the gate of her house. She always ate last, lest there was no rice left to be given to the hungry. My uncle once rebuked her. She shot back: We too were hungry when we came here, we lived on charity of relatives. 

Refugees who came in from the west were recipients of Govt largesse. Refugees who came in from the east were left to fend for themselves. We were the unwanted. In 1979, hundreds of us seeking shelter in India were massacred by the @cpimspeak led Left Front Govt at Marichjhapi. 

In 2001 BNP supporters unleashed a horrible violence on Hindus in Bangladesh. Later judicial findings ascertained that total number of rapes were 18k. 200 women raped just in one night. Make no mistake. Those in Murshidabad and West Bengal are same rapists.

Forget neighbouring countries,30 years ago when Hindus were persecuted in India,they couldn’t care less!Just that they managed to hush it up through facilitators in the Media and the masses were kept ignorant.This time, they cannot hide it.This time,any ignorance will be wilful. 

Painful. Masses were really kept in the dark. We're ashamed for not knowing about the genocide & exodus of Kashmiri Hindus in their own motherland. One who doesn't raise one's voice against this tragedy is no less than the perpetrators. In India Isaw Roja movie ,hero says “your country willnot get divided” ,but no hint of KP,saw TV serial, GulGulshanGulpharm -on Kashmiri. In news saw, BMasjid too, All international news -Pop songs2wars but no KP news.
Only bcoz of social media we hear from Kashmiri pandits forum share this shocking fact.

The Citizenship Ammendment Act 2019 will ensure that the less fortunate among us, Hindu refugees from Muslim majority countries where they face dehumanising persecution, are restored their dignity. Please do not grudge them the compassion they deserve. Stand by CAA. In these times, personal is political. We have always worn my refugee origins on my sleeves. We are grateful and unflinchingly loyal to india, my country of birth. We live, breathe and dream India. And we believe we have been a useful member of the nation's citizenry. 

Don't worry dear Left-Liberals. We the poor, the unwashed, the disinherited and the persecuted will not seek shelter in your fashionable drawing rooms. We will rebuild our lives and contribute to India in more meaningful ways than you ever have. We will be loyal to India.

We support Citizenship amendment act pass constitutionally in 2019. Hindus across globe are ours. Bharat is homeland of them also.


Downloaded the 2019 amendment as introduced, from this link

 Here you can read citizenship act passed by GOI.

Anybody who says Citizenship Amendment Act impacts citizens in India is a malevolent, dangerous casuist. The amendment does not impact any citizen, least of all Indian Muslims. Please read the law. Even refugees fleeing persecution do not get auto-citizenship. There is a process.

The first part of amendment is applicable to those who entered prior to Dec31-2014. But there are other amendments made that make it easier for non-Ms going forward as well. 

The first part of amendment is applicable to those who entered prior to Dec31-2014. But there are other amendments made that make it easier for non-Ms going forward as well. The "Third Schedule" has been amended and for non-Ms period of residence before qualifying through naturalization process has been reduced to 5(+1) years. This is applicable going forward as well. 

The Central Government has given itself the authority to issue a "certificate" and also the power to make rules on how/why it will issue a certificate. Once this certificate is issued, person no longer remains "illegal" And once certificate is issued, person just has to qualify per conditions in Third Schedule (which for non-Ms is 5 years now). Person becomes citizen from date-of-entry, So multiple benefits does exist for illegal entrants post 31Dec2014 also. All depends now upon how GOI will frame the rules for determining basis for issuing "certificates" 

For example (may be wrong)- Let's say on 1Jan2015 one non-M and one M entered. Both are "illegal" refugees. On 1Jan2022 GOI grants them certificate. Both are now no longer illegal. But non-M passes the "third schedule" test straight away. But M has to wait till 1Jan2026.

Like Long term visas (LTVs) are granted to refugees renewed annually for a maximum period of 5 years after which decision on further extension has to be made by MHA. LTVs entitle them to many livelihood benefits. The shorter time frame for naturalization will ease the problem for non-M who may need few or no extensions beyond the five years (depending on how long after entry into India they were granted LTV) but M will need more of those. 

LTV approval process, as per the 2011 SOP, we gather, involves a recommendation from the state govt. This could be another barrier for M over non-M. Overall, going forward, non-M will have significant advantages in meeting the (diminished) hurdles to citizenship. Though LTVs are for legal migrants. This entire CAB, except one clause, is about illegal migrants. See first para here

( To notice- LTVs are granted to undocumented to both refugees (pg.10) who would be legal and undocumented non-M (illegal?) who arrived pre-2015 (pg. 8-9).)

India as a democratic republic did not right its civilisational wrongs. Hence we are seeing many things changing after 70 years. It needed a BJP to do that. But to call BJP right wing is honestly an insult to good old Right wing politics. Eventually India will see a real economic Right wing. The BJP is the need of the hour. Once the civilisational wrongs are righted constitutionally we will have to move to the eventual economic party of India emerge.( Though  BJP did cut corporate tax, has approved BPCL privatisation and plans to do more, is going to reduce Personal income tax in this budget(most probably).

India is still very poor to expect real capitalist political outfits. Even social liberalism will come at a slow pace. Eventually when there will be a significant chunk of middle class and above "lower caste" indians who will want social liberalism and free markets is when this change will happen. We think it has already started. Will become a tsunami in 3 decades. Hopefully we see it before we're dead.

We ourself and many other natives have crossed that economic barrier and hence we demand those changes now (not calling it wrong). But that change has to go all the way down to other natives. When that happens a socially liberal and fiscally conservative polity will come. We are still a largely conservative society culturally. We are different because certain Abrahamic issues are not issues for Hindu conservatism. Doesn't mean we're not of the same type, just means we're of another category. These things sort out gradually with financial success.

Passing of a bill in the Parliament, after a thorough discussion that addressed all queries, beamed live across the nation, is not a democratic process; burning trains, vandalism, destroying public property, attempting to set fire to a bus with passengers inside is?


Remember when we were advised not to celebrate the Ram Janmabhoomi verdict and even a simple Jai Shri Ram was deemed provocative But We are  still not able to understand why all Hindus were told not to celebrate Ram Mandir verdict so that we don't hurt the feelings of muzis. Look what they have given in return.? They want "Hinduon Se Aazadi" 

But slogans of "bas naam rahega allah ka" in the Hinduon se aazadi is supposed to be a declaration of brotherhood or something 🙄When you see the radical brainwashed "22 yr old" Islamist bigots who are her heroes, you can see the reflection of the ISIS brides who held down 10-yr old Yezidi girls to be raped by the "true believers." Same fanaticism. By the Book. We should be thanking all the Gods that Muslims are not following Islam, otherwise.....! well, read quran and related books, truth is far more frightening. 

Especially, with our fantasy of "SECULARISM".

In English - Secular India
In Hindi - All are one
In Arabic - There is no god other than Allah 

Islamic taqqiya at it's peak hahaha.

If there are still some hindus who support these lots, thoo on them, khatna karwalo ASAP. 

Where have we reached following secularism? Sad, U can never do enough to appease them.Whatever u do,however much u bend to adjust n accommodate them,u will still fall short.Appeasement never pays.The more u do,still more will b the demand. It's just like a treadmill.If u want to get off it,u will have to stop it eventually.

If CAA 2019 is to oust Indian Muslims then 

Why? This government have done development for Indian Muslims under Different Schemes?

PM Ujjwala Schemes,
PM Awas Yojana,
(If needed details will share blog regarding which is private)

Not a single scheme is without Indian in which all citizen and resident included

Hindus exercised their fundamental rights through the ballot box & got what they wanted through the parliament (370 & CAB) & judiciary (Ram Temple)

While jehadis are exercising their fundamental right by destroying public property, loot, arson

Again remind me who is democratic?

Harish Salve says CAB isn't against Article 14,15, 21.  “the constitutions of these Islamic countries are based on religion. This does not mean that other communities won’t be given citizenship. So, I do not see why this bill is being opposed so much.”

Serious questions:
1. Are Ahmadis claiming they are not Muslim? Are they lining up to become Indian citizens?
2. Are the Baloch seeking independence from Pakistan or are they seeking Indian citizenship?

What are we even debating here? 

The Act is not an invitation to Pakistani Hindus to come and get Indiain Citizenship. The Act is for those are migrated from Pakistan to India on or before 31.12.2014.

If they can protect those Hindus, Indian will be more then Happy. Else BE SHUT UP

Before CAA 2019 constitution allows Citizenship to Indian residents of 11+ years to all religions. Which is remaining allowed.

This particular Act is for a particular categories of Indian Residents of 5+ years 

Such type of Acts were passed by earlier govts also.

Those who are safe in Pakistan has nothing to do with CAA2019

Those who are staying here in India for more then 5 yrs can opt for CAA2019 

I am fine with if it's Vote Rajneeti. Let's all Indians  request GOI to keep up doing such Vote Rajneeti

Incredible: even intelligent Muslms and Xians don't get it that the ONE creator of this universe OF COURSE doesn't throw Hindus into eternal hell becoz they don't follow Jesus or Mohamed but Ram, Shiva...

How to make them see sense?
How to get them out of delusion?

The protesters going beserk against CAA, what are they protesting? They don’t want India to give citizenships to the thousands of persecuted Hindus & religious minorities who are living a subhuman existence as refugees, with no rights? Is that it?

What protesters want:

Unfortunately that is the crux. Because till CAA became a law, all these illegal immigrants, now living across India, were happily enjoying India’s resources. Now, they will be sent back. loss of voting rights is bothering the political parties who use them as vote bank.

"People who divided this very nation in 1947 to create Islamic countries and who tortured minorities in those countries to reduced them to an almost extinct stage MUST be given equal rights as their victims!"

Mind blowing indeed...Say it in short...say it loud and clear...

Tell us that you don't want us to be alive, you don't want us to exist. You don't want the Indic way to survive!

Here is our reply, this time...


Itna fascism hai ki police waalon ko pakad pakad kar butkashi ka bakra samajh kar maara ja raha hai aur Police bechaari jaan bachaati ghoom rahi hai..

Thats what used to happen in Nazi Germany.. 
Remember how people used to stone Schutzstaffel officers and beat them in public?

If giving some relief to persecuted minorities is Fascism, Nazism and makes Shah into Hitler, then yeah, rioting, arson, threatening massacres and terrorising citizens is democratic.

The true Nazis are the Nazi soldier’s daughter led uprising on a lie that CAA is anti Muslim! If you are pro Hindu then you must be anti Muslim. If you are pro Muslim you are secular.

We are Sick of the justification for Jihadi violence that they were provoked-

1) Danish Cartoonist provoked them
2) Twin Towers did it
3) Paris 
4) Brussels
5) Nice a truck did
6) London Metro did

Now India Parliament’s law did. 

Stop making excuses for attacks!

''After partition minorities of countries like Bangladesh suffered persecution and it is our moral obligation that these unfortunate ppl should be granted citizenship'' -Dr. Manmohan Singh. 

Can Cong explain why they are opposing CAA which was actually demanded by them itself ? 

As BJP's countdown has begun to eliminate anti-India forces, here's how Congress MLA shows mirror to Sonia Gandhi on CAB

Hope Congress learns its lessons!

Okay caa is not but with nrc combine would be, these Same people who needed proof for birth of Lord Ram is now crying, that nobody should ask them proof for the birth of their father and grand father.... 

No one cares for facts anymore. Logic doesn’t matter. It has gone beyond post-truths. CAA just an excuse. It is revenge of the “Left Lib” for the wipe out of May 2019 - when they were certain of Modi’s ouster. This is a fight to finish at Modi-Shah’s invitation. It would be naive to think Modi-Shah would have gotten this bill passed without contingencies in place. 

Karma is a boomerang..... problem is not with Citizenship ammendment act nor with CAA +  NRC combine, What we are seeing now is the collective frustration of jihadis, marxists, libtards and newstraders pent up since 2014. It is their way of coping up to 303 given by Nationalist

India must stand strong under modi ji as anti-India forces seek to cause trouble again, with their main support from Leftists inside and outside of India, and from Jihadi forces, which congress has allied with as usual. It is desperation over Kashmir and Ayodhya.
It's collective frustration of 
303 seats
CAA 2019
These are preplanned riots but won't take much to douse them as majority people are not with them. What more they are at starting of term, .

He is also student
But He is not one among the Jamia terrorists who hide behind girlfriend in fear of the police..
He is the brave ABVP activist who was attacked by SFI criminals in Kerala Varma College of Thrissur, Kerala for speaking out in support of country's Citizenship Amendment Act... 

Opposition political parties KNOW what's CAA. Why bother explaining when they acting deaf.

- More than 70% protestors don't know a bit about CAB.

- Islamic organisations and Mosques played a major role in anti-CAB protests.

- Yakub Memon's fan - Ayesha Renna made a hero by Media.

- Left ecosystem fuelled fear mongering.

- Lack of proper riot gear for Police forces.

This stone pelting is growing like a calamity for the country..This is what Hindus are facing if CAA, NRC , UCC and pop control don’t get implemented

We are sure this will reach to our policy makers and masses across globe now.. 

Thanks to social media.

Do these people deserve citizenship of India? Even if they are freedom fighters descendents please throw them out. I'm ashamed that I have to share citizenship with such huglians.

This how million's of Hindus peacefully protested against Sabarimale protest

No Property damage

No Road Block

No stone pelting

No Injuries

No Provocative speach

Only swami Sharanam Ayyappa

But illegal Islamic elements protest are most violent, cruel...

Everything is well planned. They first did a small scale trial in the Chandni Chowk temple. Now with the bigger JamiaProtest. Soon they will burn cities, then states and finally the country. Ghazwa E Hind is real.

These are Anti-hindu (modi) riots: Samajwadi Party’s MP Shafiqur Rahman(the old jehadi who object to vande matram), Firoze Khan booked by UP Police for violence and arson in Sambhal
Police detain Congress Party Corporator Shahzad Pathan and 24 others in the horrific assault on Police Patrol few hours ago in the Shah E Alam Area. Ahmedabad, gujrat

At 0:16 in video a aman in white shit make 3 strikes with sword on cornered police personals

 “Congress out of power
is more dangerous
than congress in power”
- Atal Bihari Vajpayee

This is one of the so called students whom the secular brigade were glorifying. Just go through the write up and learn the intention.The biggest advantage of CAA is that the lesson europe is learning by paying a heavy price, india has come to know cheaply. There is no point of the development done in europe, infiltratora are ruining the whole of europe, so remov the intruders first and development in name of  sabka sath sabka vikaas later.

If they are ‘students’, it seems they are on the fast track to becoming ‘religious scholars’...

A section of bollywood celebrities r safe. Many r married to j!had!s and many r in queue.

Its we who going to suffer if such voices r winning. 

We never mistook you. A few secular Hindus who are doing Purda and skull cap fancy dress has mistaken you. We knows you well and will deal w/ you so only.

It has always been a religious war for the mindset that encourages illegal immigration into India. The tragicomedy is that we refuse to accept it despite their clear, repeated and unequivocal assertions. The fatal joke is on us, not them.

Same Girl, Protesting At Three Different Spots. Looks like bharat breaking gang mouthpiece  have hired her for the same cause. 

"Know Your Enemies, Expose Urban Naxals and Expose the Deshdrohis" 

The problem with their revolution is that it is running on a tight schedule 

All government changes need to happen before 31st. The NYE parties cannot be cancelled under any circumstances, 24th actually. Midnight mass bhi toh jaana hoga in ricebags cryptos ko.
We can’t live with this threat anymore and now we need to demolish the ecosystem made by Congress to blackmail the country whenever they are out of power.

They're protesting to set fear into your hearts so tomorrow none of those crores of illegals can be touched by the govt.

Those against CAA are against this nation. They're traitors, not protestors.....hope you get the point

Where there is smoke, there must be fire. Where there is ISIS one finger salute, there must be..?  

Let me correct it for you.We admit not all MusIims are bad.

But Question is:

When bad MusIims burn trains, pelt stones on school bus, do riots

Why no good MusIim come to stop them like the police offcer tanveer Ahmad (in above video)?


Kashmir : Burhan Wani was fighting for Islam 


Jamia : We fear only Allah, we dont fear government 

Mubarak ho Dilli, jihad hua hai.

Raza Academy Jehadis burnt OB vans of media in Mumbai at Azad Maidan few yrs back. Media took it on chin & moved on. Again repeated today. Sekoolar media Jokers, when jehadis rampage first casualty are useful idiots.

Remember it for life See JNU AMU etc are young masses 
We feed snakes everyone knows it. We are kind. We are extremely educated and hyper secular.
Let wisdom, knowledge and light not rumours,  jahaalat and ignorance be our guide. Stay safe from evil. CAA2019 is a classic case of post-truth. No one interested in facts. The extrapolation of evidence is amazing. Isolated call for action by sundry groups at 3 or 4 Univs/Institutes other than Jamia Millia and Aligarh MU being interpreted as nationwide unrest.

Their fight of AMU and Jamia Milia Universities are fighting for equality.
They also oppose Dalits inside their Universities by not giving them reservations.
True fighters for equality.

Who are talking about secularism-

•A university which gives reservation on basis of religion

•A party going to give reservation in job on basis of religion

•A community which get scholarship on basis of religion

•Followers of a book which says there is no god but Allah

Though I support the students of Jamia Millia Islamia in their fight for secularism. 

Jamia Millia Islamia has 50% reservation for muslims. Fascist Shah jiand communal Modi ji must bring a Bill to end all religious and caste based reservations in this country as soon as possible..

Actually its nice that everything is out in the open. No more masks to peel off these hidden enemies of t country. They  want 2 bend things their way by force. They want democracy when it suits them. But they pretend 2 b blind 2 others pains. That's just plain rotten.

In 2016, 30 men were ki**ed in poIice firnig in BJP ruled Haryana in 3 days after Jat reservation protests turned viioIent.

Why don't we see such ruthIsseness when viioIent protests are by a speciaI community? You need to set exmaples for long term peace.

भय बिन होय न प्रीत।

10 militants of Jamia case who have been arrested by the police, 
1 danish alias zafar
2 dildhad alias aman 
3 sharif ahman
4 mohammad hanif
5 Samir ahmed
6 mohammad danish
7 aniyal hussai 
8 Anwar
9 younis
10 jumman miyan
All  of them have no religion and buses were "burned" just by seeing their ummah beauty...

Thanks to Citizenship Amendment Act now we know who are real traitors in this country(who keep second largest community of nation in ghettos for their vote bank for last 70 years ). it looks like they all together fighting their last battle and propaganda which eventually fails.

Sushant Singh wanted to change his last name just because some Rajput slapped bhansali. N we have not heard a single word from any Muslims artist asking people to calm down forget about getting mad about this extremely anti India behavior.

Don’t worry.  Nation is patiently watching and noting their hypocrisy and stupidity every day.  When you are forced to live with snakes in your house, it's safer to encourage them to make hissing sound And cut those hoods one by one also stop them from procreating. Let’s see to what extent they will go before they are fully bare in front of Nation.

Frankly you should read about moplah massacre where more than 10000 Hindus were massacred by Muslims in Kerala during Khilafat.

Those Moslems were led by those two.

This protest is Muslims vs All Indians. 
(Sikh, Christians, Jain, Budhh, Parsi, Hindu)

Muslims hate other religious minorities. 
They want to take away their rights.

 As per Dr Ali Sina There are 3 types of Muslims.

1. Good Muslims who follow Muhammad to the letter and are even ready for Martyrdom.
2 Bad Muslims are those who are weak in faith but overridden by guilt and want to be good muslim.

3. Hypocrites : who say that what the Fundamentalists preach is not true islam. No muslim listen to people like Tarek Fatah .They instead try to convince the victims(western world and Hindus) rather than convincing their fellow muslims. 

Turkey PM Erdogan is honest. He clearly says that there is no Moderate Islam.Such terms are offensive , ugly and insult to islam Islam is Islam and that's it. 

The current slogans of Tera Mera Rishta Kya
La illahi illah allah is no different from what a Maulana Azad said "A muslim is first of all a citizen of the world muslim brotherhood...

Khilafat original

Keeping all the debate on Citizenship Ammendment Act 2019  aside, it is great to see there is such a great demand to be considered for Indian citizenship from across the world. Congi's pipe dream of turning these protests into an arab spring kinda of situation will remain a pipe dream. Except for the rioting jehadis & a small group of libturds who are giving them intellectual cover, NONE, absolutely NONE are amused. The silent Hindu majority is watching Any kind of "student" uprising has always failed miserably in India. People comparing this with 2011 IAC movement need to understand that movement collapsed as soon as RSS withdrew its active ground support. Leftist & ford foundation toadies took over from there & rest is history

At the same time for these peacefuls Hindus are Bigots ...( Like in above video from jamia milia jehadi protest)

This is the real aim of "Hinduon se azadi." To turn them to the fate of yezidi. The Islamist dream. Already succeeded in Kashmir. Kerala soon.
congress and anti bjp party doing conspiracy to burn India and blame BJP.
Ye Terrorist hai student nahi. Saale madarchod hindustan ka khate hai , aur Desh ke khilaaf naare lagate hai.
Modi is Fascist ....
Peacefuls are Unsafe in India... 

But But But
We want Indian Citizenship or else we will burn your trains,stone you, riot on streets  This is a testimony that India has always been the holy land that is desired by all the religions to make its own home. So that when we are in majority like Kashmir we will terrorise and force you to leave your land 
Who am I ❓

Few years ago this ummah was busy shouting "Bharat Tere tukde honge" now he is a believer of constitution.. Because for these people end result is supreme - they can change ways to achieve it.

Example is coughpurush- who tried anarchy and even rejecting Republic Day. When it failed, he became savior of Constitution. ( 2 sal me HANUMAN chalisa naa gata phire to Bata Dena)

Those rioting today are illegals who do not belong in this country.
NRC can take its own time, deport these terrorists first 

Terrorist attck in west bengal - First of all the Bengal CM  would have swang into action to punish the culprits . Such a orchestrated and simultenius rampage can not take place without the blessings from the top .

Chain pulling in train - is an offence & penalty is there.

Smoking in train - is an offence & penalty is there.

Traveling without ticket - is an offence & penalty is there.

But, burning & vandalism of train is protest ?? How ?

A complete destruction of railway property at Naopara, WestBengal

DCP Ajeet Singh was leading to arrest those involved in vandalising the Railway Station in Sankrail

But a bomb was hurled on him by miscreants to stop him and he got seriously injured.

While Payal Rohtagi get arrested for her MotiLal Vora video,How many arrests for this vandalism?
People are identifiable on the videos circulating on channels... can’t the same be used to round them all in? Is that something too much to ask for ?

Terrorist Attack in Delhi - Jihadi Jamia burns down buses with an intention to cause big blasts. Myanmar mai bhi Rohingya muslman ne jalaya

West Bengal mai bhi Rohingya muslman ne jalaya, The real reason for riots & Jamia Protest.

Anything which sets back plan to make India Islamic is problematic for the Jamaat. And therefore for "seculars", who are merely their ball-boys.

Delhi Police is showing restraint—with karsevaks they'd used live bullets not tear gas.

Entire Delhi locked down due to violence by one community. Some of these areas hv been peaceful even in era of 92

It was this naked display of communalism which fake liberals were fanning till now in the name of peaceful protests. You all have blood on your hands! Let’s all rise ensure we don’t end up being a Belgium or Paris, There probably has been no imperialism like that of Islam and the Arabs.

The Gauls, after 500 years of Roman rule, could recover their old gods and reverences; those beliefs hadn't died…

…they lay just below the Roman surface.

But Islam seeks to erase the past.

Arrest him immediately under New Terrorism Act. AAP leader is openly justifying this terrorist act on Zee News. The Jihadis were led by Amanatullah Khan.

It does not end there. They are waiting for government action so that they can start the cries of fascism, curtailing freedom of expression, democracy in danger, etc.
Ohh Indians this is the real face of our Indian Muslim brothers & sisters.
They(Paid by Ummah) are now ready to fight against us.
Boycott @Radio Mirchi

*ek peaceful, 4 marriage kar sakta hai.
*every wife have 4 to 7 Child
*ek wife ko triple talaq dene ke baad, wo dusra marriage karta hai.
*same thing happened again and again
*child bara hota peaceful ka, usko apne baap ke bare me pata nahi.
*problem yahi se suru hoti hai.
*usko apna ancestors ke baare me pata nahi.
*issiliye sab bahana bana rahe hai.
*document Flood me kho gaya.
*poor hai, document kaha se laye ga.
*india me livelihood itna easy hai, kisiko kuch document ki jarurat nahi parhti.
*ek puncture dukan daaldo.
*railway ke space par kuch bhi shop open kar do like clothes, 👟 etc.
*tax dene ki bhi jarurat nahi.
*kuch din baad local political (peaceful political most of the cases) usko voter 🆔, aadhar card, shop ka document bana deta.
*yea scheme Bangladesh ke peaceful ko pata chal gaya hai.
*yahi Bangladesh ka peaceful ke sath Indian peaceful difference karna muskil ho jayega.

This is the fear amongs ummahs every where especially bolly'da'wood ummahs and their employed dhimmis

For these bunch of fool who keep indian muslim in such plight by alienate the whole community from merging with mainstr eam they themselves being self proclaimed leader of muslim are part of,

Lawmakers again and again mentioned this non stop

it's ok if they don't have documents but govt have records of all indian citizens,they will cross check their records if any citizen's documents has been lost, destroyed or damaged, don't you understand this simple thing, illegal migrants will be unable to show documents

Hope we got it.

Amit Shah sir, should've named it 'Persecuted Refugees Bill' instead of 'Citizenship (amendment) Bill'.

There wouldn't have been so much hue and cry and a bull load of misleading propaganda all over by the Lefties. The left is taking advantage of the word 'citizenship' to spread all kinds of rumours and lies inside and outside the country.

Ditto for the international press which hates us anyways.

The word 'Persecuted refugees' in the bill would've automatically highlighted the humanitarian work this bill is intended for.
No explanations required.
Unlike now.

(But what if it's a deliberate trap made by Amit shah for the opposition to fall into?)

Why are elite Bolly'da'wood celebs provoking poor Indian Muslims to get violent against India? 

What kind of thinking is that? Urban Naxals.

This despite making unthinkable wealth from poor Indians hard earned money. 

Just 8-10 filthy rich celebs are giving bad name to Bolly'da'wood and India.

it's not the filthy rich Bollywood celebrities but ones who lost out on being filthy rich are provocative ones.
Ones that realise that they hv missed the bus to big glory & wealth and are trying to stay relevant through radicalism. Major chunk of their income consists of Brand endorsements.
Boycott such brands, LMAO, clutching at straws.
Any screaming moron becomes a hero.

These screaming bigot wants the persecution of minorities in neighbouring theocracies and also wants people to burn public property and harm children in Indian cities.
This is what Bolly'da'wood, bigot want!

नक्शा ही नहीं Facts भी गलत थे posted by jevadi akhtar chasme e chiraag

Out of the many lies, this fool claims Dalits are excluded from CAA 2019

More than 75% of Pakistan Hindus are Dalits. They are all covered under the CAA 2019

Notice the "Stand with Kashmir" logo. This Anti-Indian group fights for a separate Islamic Kashmiri state

यथा पिता तथा पुत्रः

Farhan Akhtar identifies himself as "moderate Muslim" or "Atheist Muslim". Most of his fans are Hindus and he made his career out of their love and affection.

But he subtly posts lies & propaganda from Anti Indian Jihad supporting pages. This is their true face.

Wait for few years... Bollywood might tell us how rape is actually an expression of intense love.
Look how they are propagating equal rights for those who left India because of their belief that Jahil Indics can't be equal to Islamic people who 'ruled' Hind for 1000 years!

We thank our friends in Bollywood for supporting violence on the streets of Delhi today. Hope some of them burn BEST buses as well to support their friends in Seelampur.

When in reality Solicitor General for the government tells Supreme Court that he has written communication from the proctor of Jamia university that some students are creating a law & order problem & police force is requested in the campus. 

They are angry with lathicharge on students where CJI next day said,

-We cannot assume jurisdiction for things happening across the country. We are not a trial Court.

-Police is entitled to take action against all illegal activities(on plea that Police cant arrest students)

-We refuse to act upon or even look at media reports

Most dangerous Muslims are not those rioting in streets, but the intellectuals or Bollywood Celebs who remodel themselves in secuar clothing, with friendly smile - but have same hatred of Hindus in their hearts. Unfortunaletly, Hindus are innocent and gullible and they get fooled

Waste of breath. Even if some of them understand that it's a totally misplaced protest, they will not dare speak aloud. The strength of Islam is its rigid dogmas & violence that were alll right ten centuries ago for the mentalities of Middle Age, but totally inappropriate today,

 Talk about expertise !!

Badges of Accomplishments:

Pakistan, Bangladesh, Linguistic States, Khalistan Movement, POK, ULFA, NSCN, TLF, LTTE, North East Ultras....

The list is endless !!

The root of all problem in INDIA is Con+grass

When 40 lakh illegal immigrants were given citizenship by Congress Govt in 1983 without any Ques, nobody had a problem. But now, even if just 40000 genuinely persecuted refugees r provided justice by BJP, seculars are going crazy.  Indira Gandhi deployed military at the drop of a hat. Calcutta during the Naxal movement saw a heavy deployment of the military to combat the movement. Siddharth Shankar Ray was the CM. Read all about it in the NYTimes article:

स्वर्ण मंदिर में फौज भेजने वाली इंदिरा गांधी की पोती प्रियंका वाड्रा पूछ रही है : जामिया मिलिया यूनिवर्सिटी में  बिना इजाजत पुलिस को क्यों भेजा मोदी सरकार ने...

इन गांधी-नेहरू परिवार ने देश का बेड़ा गरक कर दिया है...

हिंदुस्तान को खुशहाल बनाने में ये खानदान ही बाधक है

Never shy away from calling out what these so called protestors are! They are bigots. They hate the minority who suffers in patent theocracies. They believe that keeping a lion and deer in the same enclosure is granting both freedom. No bigot, that’s not how it works. Also bigot, because you’re a unread bigot, you also don’t understand how the law works, bigot! You instead persuade murderous mobs to go on a rampage bigot. You love watching the country burn if it proves your Modi hatred. Bigot, once all this settles down, and it will. You will be crying hoarse in a corner as more Acts will be passed to save the country and the government will keep winning in the elections. You will lose bigot, because you’re a bunch of losers.

Write to them that you can't support Hinduphobia and anti- national activities by buying such products. This is where it will hurt more.. Hit where it hurts. These so called celebrities are just high profile beggers who doesn't have any ethics or stand. Whoever gives money talk in their favor. Just boycott these ppl and ignore them. In 2 days these will come in line. This is what government should look into. Why even small products like oils, matressesl need these plas tics. Is there any threat or phone calls made to take these people as brand ambassadors ?

"Seculars": "Bangladeshi Muslims who entered illegally into India must be welcomed."

"Police who is maintaining order in their own country is illegal."

We would like to see Mumbai Police stand in solidarity with those cops of DelhiPolice AhmedabadPolice and other city police depts that faced assault and attack from violent protestors, by boycotting Umang, the event that Bollywood organises to butter them. 

They burn down Buses, Trains and public properties while we will spread love, give roses & disseminate the right info. Policemen are getting lynched by peaceful protesters all over India,why is nobody talking about the human rights of cops?Are they not humans?Does their service to nation means nothing?Speak now because they are fighting a lone war with rioters.

You choose to disagree or agree with us but we wont hold India to ransom. This is what Hindutva is & this is how peaceful Hindus behave.

Bolly'da'wood supported attack on police

Be there!
Jb 3 din se stone pelting ho rhi h tb kashmir nhi hua but internet band hote hi inhe kashmir bhi yaad aa gya... Kahan se aate hain itne victim card... Kahan se aate hain ese log, Ye sab humare tumhare jaise chehre me hi chhipe hote hai. Inka koi imaan nhi hai bus inko nafrat, dange, problems create krni hai kyunki dekha nhi ja rha na inse BJP ki success, sab sukoon se kyu chale bhai bawaal machao.

If you try to create a mini Kashmir by waging jihad in every Indian city, you must get ready to face Kashmir-like clampdowns.

Faces are immaterial but who pays for the entire circus?
We, the people.

टीम A दंगा कर चुकी ...

अब टीम B मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता बन के सामने आएगी...

टीम C ( एनडीटीवी, रवीश कुमार, राजदीप, बरखा दत्त) आदि इन्हें पीड़ित साबित करेंगे

टीम D (वकीलों की फौज) कपिल सिब्बल, सलमान खुर्शीद, प्रशांत भूषण, इंदिरा, आदि इनके लिए कोर्ट में मुफ्त में केस लड़ेंगे

A big should out to our entire police force. They are dealing with violent mobs and are armed with far less, shackled by the law. Thank you for keeping us safe 🙏

End of story दो मिनट का मौन उनके लिए

जो रोहिंगया को अपना बाप समझकर
नागरिकता संशोधन बिल का विरोध कर रहे हैं


Was the whole Pakistan movement not enough for Hindus to conclude Muslims are violent ? Is the present rioting even comparable? If Hindus didn't learn then, will they learn and change after this?

Would have been, if facts and real history was taught in schools.

As of taught history now - independence came out of Gandhi's charkha. And two nations due to british. Who will have problem with anybody after reading this?

George Kurian, member of the National Commission for Minorities writes welcoming the CAA, says it is good for Christians. Kurian had recently written to HM Amit Shah asking him to look into complaints of how Christian women were "soft targets" for Islamic terror recruiters. 


OMG! How can the US where around 75% population is Christian, give priority to Christian refugees? “Secular” America becoming Christian Rashtra. Waiting for Indian columnists in Western press to write on American Christian “fascism”.


Have u seen the poll of Euope they dislike Islam and think its incompatible with their values and society....... This enforce it more....Muslim clerics must also explain  why the community in distress  due to war and poverty  migrate only to non-Muslim countries, such as to US and Europe, Bangla Deshis, Rohingyas, etc., to India , and not to prosperous countries such as Saudi Arabia?

What a loss for UK 🤦🏻‍♂️

BJP wins UK. 

Boris Johnson bhi sanghi hi
Woh UK ki shakha me jate huye RNDTV ke camera man ne photo li hai

Congrats to my Hindu brothers and sisters.... 

Proof that khongress party is a panauti 

This baseless allegation was made by BBC, Al Zajeera, Shela Rashid, R. Ayubb, Kavita Krishnan and their ilk and regurgitated by Lutyens mediaand their desertculthoodprogenies across globe, Now they will have to eat crow, again...


Glimpse of Gajwa-e-Europe

SWEDEN --so they forget Sweden 2013 burning: Stockholm riots and violence enter 4th day reports. Immigrants running riot in one of the world’s most peaceful capitals that made the mistake of welcoming Shari’a loving immigrants 

Sweden's fight against immigrants, watch before saying anything against CAA 2019

Video purani lkein inki Soch 1400 saal se wahi sadi gali hinsak he hain ! Isiliye issey koi farq nhi pdta ki video kb ki hai !


'I will never forget it' - Russia Putin on terrorist attacks

Folks, it seems you haven’t noticed that it is a 2017 news. This is not new but the whole point is that “secular” Western Christian countries are as protectionist & careful about demographics as the rest of the world. No developed country in the world keeps its doors open to ALL. Wonder why people don’t understand such simple logic 🤔Puri duniya main bawal ek hi kar raha hai


Do we need to right about china .....

In their occupied land big man Imran Khan has criticised CAA 2019.

What he may do is to go a 'tit for tat' step further,

and pass a bill to protect Muslims who feel threatened in India, Bangladesh and Afghanistan to escape and come to Pakistan to get Citizenship. Absolutely...infact all those people who are against this Bill should tweet in unison to Imran Khan!@ndtv pl ask all your panelist’s who are against this bill to do the same and would love to see their remarks..

Now Speaking of identity, did these opposition party ever protest against RTE being imposed only on Hindu run schools, or the govt happily helping itself to Hindu temple funds for govt activities, or against Pak/BD persecuting non-Muslims?

The price of one way secularism is being paid as torched buses, trains & destroyed public property PM modi ji, I refuse to have my tax money appropriated for a community majority of which is criminal & illiterate. Stop appeasing muslims & start equal application of laws 

Their one way secularism is not to be questioned. Only they get to question others secularism because they believe in manifest destiny

Day And Night

Pic 1 Muslim in States of India

Pic 2 Hindu in States of Pakistan.

From around 12% in 1947 to less than 2%, Hindu population had dwindled drastically in Pakistan

Facing Religious discrimination for years, CABBIll brings justice to these unprevilaged&marginalized  

The results of the 1946 provincial elections was an endorsement of partition by the muslims. Even Madrasi Muslims voted for Pakistan. All except NWFP.

In the 1945-46 elections that created partition and Pakistan, 87% of Muslim votes went to Pakistan And the shameless lies and deceit to just push the agenda.. Time they be called out, because they did what was done in 1938 by none other than Jinnah.. Using lies to stoke fire of jehadi caliphatism

Trust them to say "we voted for secular India" after voting for Pakistan and staying back for more. Muslim stayed here bcoz unlike them, Hindus didn’t attack them.
They stayed to make another Pakistan.

It is NOT Muslims who rejected "Islamic Rashtra" but All Hindus have rejected Hindu Rashtra.

Hindu Mahasabha was failed to secure even a Single Constituency.

We have accepted a State for all

Look at the election result of 1947.

Not a single seat Hindu Mahasabha got but You and most of the like you often here & there call RSS or Savarkar was the proponent of 2 Nation Theory.

Congress Look what you have done
Let's move to 2019 from 1947
This bill against the Muslims who voted to form Islamic Rashtra who torn our India into two parts.

Nehru_Liaquat pact of 1950 (69 Years from now) has given extra rights to minorities in India and Art 29 & 30 were made for Cultural & Education right. We have accepted this too because in our  understanding Minorities are not only Muslims but others too which doesn't seems is right after watching scenes in West Bengal where children are burning trains streets & other public properties.

What is FEAR then?

Hamid Dalwai in his book "Muslim Politics in Secular India"

The other side of the 1971War
4,000 Bengali girls rescued by Indian forces from #PakistanArmy ran harems.
The #Pakistani Army had slaughtered up to 3 million Bengalis in nine months of madness.

Whole idea of creating a separate nation for people who thought that we are two nations in one, but they stayed here however they were given separate nation what was the motive of that

Just see the strategy and Pattern they follow.. Jehad Jamia Jadhavpur JNU

Be it Gaza or Kashmir or Bengal or for myanmar ummah problem Protest burn mumbai is By Stone pelting and Burning

Rape , Murder , Burn

Hacking to death with major Cut open of Head or Neck.

They are being Motivated in Bulk

What we mean is they don't care about Cab/Caa or NRC or Anything

Their Hatred Towards India and Hindus especially is at Peak but they act normal infront of all.

When they get a call from their mullas (Wolf call) all sullas Get together and start showing their true colours.

Ambedkar has died again
All so called Ambedkarites Samajwadi,laal Salam, marxwadi,
Dalit leaders of India are supporting atrocities (1947-2019) on Pakistani Hindu Dalit
Genocide , rapes of million women
They left
10 million Dalit to die in Pakistan
By their Anti CAA Stand

Dr. Ambedkar had famously said in his book ‘Pakistan and the Partition of India’ that Muslim politics is like Gangsters’ politics, in which they make more and more unreasonable demands, use riots as a tactic in the overall strategy, while playing victim all the while.

Just imagine if the kind of riots that happened in Bengal yesterday had been done by Hindus.

Human rights activists would have cried.

XYZ would say they are ashamed to be Hindu.

New York times would be crying.

Awards would be returned.

But seculars did it.  So silence.

With Ram Rahim's followers and with karsevaks police used live ammunition, not tear gas. 30 followers were killed with head shot in ram rahim case protest.

Only the highly violent "peaceful" are handled with kid gloves by the police, even when rioting and burning buses.

Modi ji way if winning "vishwas".
So can't complain.
Hindus are always fucked by Hindus throughout our history.
Now Modiji. What great difference does it make!

Our intell ctual elite fight ferociously on Hindi, Caste quotas!
Hum sab born hizre hai aur stupid MKLde And we hope to enforce population control laws on them?

Their modus operandi 

1. Infiltrate.
2. Intimidate.
3. Marginalise.
4. Annihilate.

Dear Secular India.
You are at stage 2. It will take 30 years to reach stage 4.

Unless you wake up, it will be all over in your sleep.
Secularism is just an illusion to make you feel good about your capitulation.

Now this persecuted minorities who came here before 2014 .. from these 3 islamic state will get citizenship.. ummahs and their...... Wants the rapid breeding culprit who came here to take our youth employment ( bangladeshis alone in are 5.7 crore.. which on highways do prositution which leads to cases like nirbhaya where our women can't go with their family not just alone in nights, and politicians for their greed make their documents in illegal means so freebies are offered to this ghettos by your tax returns.. ) if hindu sikh jain parsis persecuted anywhere in world where will they go.. why syrian iraqi immigrants go to europe then most wealthy arab countries, rather then encouraging goverment to bring uniform civil code we want bangladeshis and porkistani muslim in india,
Then why let geneocide of millions in partition, question for gandhi ke 3 chaman.......🤬

157 Christian Countries in the World

62 Islamic Countries in the World

12 Buddhist Countries in the World

1 Jews (Israel) country

0 Hindu/Sikh/jain Country

Still the world wants Muslims to be migrated in india

Knowing Every govt giving scholarships in the ne of minorities in schools like educationally backward students ,economically backward student scholarship etc etc
Kya Hindu students economically weak nahi hai kya
No noise on such injustice to Hindu students
So much partiality, It is all about demographic change.  That is the ultimate motive of so called peacefools to bring Gazwa-e-Hind
Foolish HIndus do not realize.  Now if they do not wake up, by 2040-2050, they will not have numbers either to fight.
By then, it will be too late!

Nobody is bothered about plight of HIndus in own country when M is in majority! Nobody questions Mamata begumon rapes/killings of HIndus in Waste Bengal (remember 5 districts in WB already approaching M majority very soon)! Assam is not next; it is ahead of Bengal. Almost 25-assembly constituencies they are close to majority or in majority. We saw what happened in Kashmir, It is just matter of 10 to 15 years! We shudder to think of the consequences of a muslim majority India. Our blood boils at the situation this country currently is faced with. They all are fighting for ummah and we are fighting for economy.20% muslim jab aisa kar raha hai hai to aage kya hoga socha hai.

Oh, we see the true spirit every day.

With every act which shouts "Allahuakbar." From New York. To Paris. To London. To Mumbai.

When will you accept the truth?

The Citizenship Amendment Bill is the first explicit acknowledgement of the civilizational commitment of the Indian republic. Well done and thank you, Mota bhai has already started to treat parasite and today's ho halla is because it is very painful for these parasites when they die. Now Hindu are waking up, so next 5 year cleansing will go on. 

Just 1 % commited persons in hindu samaj is enough to safe Gaurd this huge geography without further partition.

It ll be ripple effect . Imagine just 5 million Israeles are holding on to territory and thriving . Now this effect is spreading across globe.

No votes, not yet. The incidents are going to reinforce two things: 
1. Muslims are violent 
2. BJP is anti-Muslim 
so real question is which of these are going to be reinforced more strongly and among more people, and if strengthening of any of these thoughts change votes.

This Past 1 week changed my perception  of Indian Politics.Regardless of ANY criminal conviction Hindus must vote for anyone that stands for BJP for India. Fair and clean politics is not for India especially rotten environment CONparty has created in 70 years.

Desh mein 6 pramukh dharma hain, lekin bawal ek hi kar raha hai.

And If Muslims are scared even after offering Namaz five times a day...
they should try reciting Hanuman Chalisa for once...

And those saying how can a poor india can feed these persecuted Minorities, We have been feeding crores of illegal BD Muslims for generations. A few BD pakistan persecuted minorities won't be a huge burden.

Nation SupportCAA and All the political parties opposing the CAA bitterly, where do you think you'll be fighting elections going forward?
The Hindus will remember. And this treachery won't be forgiven or forgotten. it is funny khangressies crying as bjp fullfulling there election manifiesto which eventually leads to consolidation of all natives against there age old infiltrators vote bank .. and thus these native slaves for whole millenia will gradually move to their bright and better future and thats is the reason for this opposition outburst on shoulders of trusted ghettos of freeloaders they created over time , whole nation should read what wrong in it .. in history the hindus sikhs jain baudh brothers and sisters came empty handed and yet bring prosperity to their motherland through hardwork .. yet opposition objecting them to let suffer just bcoz they will not beg and will never become their votebank.. rest debating with them is waste as they never will.. like in ayodhya, kashi and mathura without one prooof on their side  still under garb of protection given by khangress under article 25 to 30 they humilate natives till now not anymore in the era of social media when they caught empty handed still if they want to keep themselves in desert caves of 1400 year back.. no one can help them .. but atleast not support these sucidal cults..

Modi and Shah are seasoned, highly competent commanders. They have huge political capital.

Hindu on social media is vast, well organized, hard working and experienced in information combat.

This ain't 2004 anymore.

 Bring it on.


  1. Is everything ok with you??
    Anyway,You are turning at political way in these day one by one political blogs.
    Koi historical story belong karti hai aaj ki maujuda situation me ????

    1. Yes most of them baisa hukum ji,, one such is of king chandrasen dor ruler of koil(aligarh named after khwaja lal ali).. in context of hinduon ki kabar khudegi AMU ki chati pe .. can quash every statement made in caa protest made by Bharat breaking brigade with their own historical facts .. but belive trueindolgy and chandrapida sir should lead as they always hold unmatched wisdom in every department.

    2. Rest used this refrence as it is relevant with the context..
      For more broader context refrence note was alreaady shared and readed by you baaisa hukum ji

    3. Yep, I know I read it in evening of last janmastmi

    4. What you liked in it, that you would like to acknowledge, which you baisa hukum ji that we missed in it

    5. Ranadev ji, If you start writing a book about this, that too will be incomplete because there are still many facts which we don't even know about that and my knowledge is too short about it so..

    6. Sorry to interupt again but in my last comment confirmation is the sufficient word inteed of verification :))
