Thursday, February 13, 2020


Wait - U are in Queue Govt
 Of India Archeological department at present decorating mausoleum.

कृपा प्रतीक्षा करें - आप क़तार में है - संस्कृति मंत्रालय अभी मकबरो को सजाने में व्यस्त है - अभी वह बाबर तक पहुँचे हैं

Amazed by d quality of bricks & d engg to get a perfect dome shape ! If we plan to rebuild can we get the same quality & finish if not better? Sad to see such ancient structures are not preserved against d vagaries of nature!could b kept covered under a shed.v need to ✊ history, So what? Mughal tombs have lights.

Ancient totlakonda Buddhist stupa collapsed due to heavy rainfall on 25, October,2019

So what? Mughal tombs have lights.

The Mahastupa at Thotlakonda, Andhra Pradesh, built in the 2nd century BCE has partially collapsed in heavy rain.

Once they’re done illuminating Safdarjung Tomb types with 213 ‘technologically advanced LED lights’ highlighting ‘architectural beauty’ of what they call historic makbaras, Ministry Of Culture india and ASI may consider UNMATCHABLE GLORIOUS ANCIENT HINU MONUMENTS!

Here Meenakshi Saran sort dharmics, struggling,investing hard earned personal money in producing innovative Saraswati Untold to revive ancient most Civilization- Saraswat Sabhyata, & we have ministries promoting-inaugurating Safdarjung Tomb !
Are they unaware, ignorant about our Temple Dances & Temples ?

25 yr old Persian Shia,Saadat Khan/ Mir Muhammad Amin had accompanied his father on a campaign against Maratha in the Deccan.Reduced to poverty after decline of Safid dynasty,Khan's father fled Persia & came to Bengal in 1707, Khan came to Delhi in search of employment. He was employed by a faujdar in Prayagraj.During Shah Jahan II reign, he accompanied Syed Hassan Ali Khan Bahra against Maharaja Jai Singh II of Jaipur
26 Jan 1722, 18 Yr old grandson of Bahadur Shah, Mohammad Shah appointed him governor of Awadh.
He committed suicide in 1739. In 1739,Saadat Khan’s nephew & son-in-law,  Muhammad Muqim/ SafdarJung succeeded him as Chief Minister of Awadh.
1753,Marathas drove him out of Delhi, he died in 1754. 
Note-All subsequent Nawabs of Awadh down to Wajid Ali Shah are descended from Khan through his daughter!
SafdarJung ‘s son, 

Shuja-ud-daula, (1754-1775) was an ally of Ahmed Shah Abdali against the Marathas!!
& the Safdarjung Tomb came into being because he begged Ahmad Shah to let him build his father’s makbara! 

Let me show you some ‘architectural beauties ’, 1000 yrs older than SafdarjungTomb that still stand tall with pride despite neglect!
When will you wake up to thousand such marvels of ancient Bharatvarsha?? 


how much does the country know about their unique architecture, the dance postures carved on every sq ft of their walls?
What is the MinOfCultureGoI doing about their maintenance, lighting them up & promoting them?

Sakhigopal Mandir, Puri Bhubaneshwar is Klinga style architecture.
A young man once tended an ailing village headman, who in gratitude  promised his daughter in marriage but later refused asking for a witness 

Shri Krishna agreed to be a witness but took a promise from the man that he must never turn back to see Krishna walking behind him
On their way to village,walking on sand,unable to hear tinkle of Krishna’s anklets,he turned back
‘Sakshi Gopal’ turned into a moorti rooted to the spot
Does MinOfCultureGoI know?

Bhubneshwar Parshurameshwara darshan
what are we doing about our mandirs , our spiritual heritage that is screamng its lungs out for maintainence??

Pictire credit- p.pattnaik

have a look,this is how priceless pieces of konark temple are preserved by ASI,our state cm wrote many letters to the Central government regarding protection of our heritage and requested replacement of plane stones with original one but the outcome is as usual zero.

Here is a gem from Rizwan Salim, published in 1997 in HT: 'What the invaders really did to India':
Savages at a very low level of civilisation and no culture worth the name, from Arabia and west Asia, began entering India from the early century onwards. Islamic invaders demolished countless Hindu temples, shattered uncountable sculpture and idols, plundered innumerable palaces and forts of Hindu kings, killed vast numbers of Hindu men and carried off Hindu women.

Many Indians do not seem to recognise that the alien Muslim marauders destroyed the historical evolution of the earth's most mentally advanced civilisation, the most richly imaginative culture, and the most vigorously creative society. It is clear that India at the time when Muslim invaders turned towards it (8 to 11th century) was the earth's richest region for its wealth in precious and semi-precious stones, gold and silver, religion and culture, and its fine arts and letters.

Tenth century Hindustan was also too far advanced than its contemporaries in the East and the West for its achievements in the realms of speculative philosophy and scientific theorising, mathematics and knowledge of nature's workings. Hindus of the early medieval period were unquestionably superior in more things than the Chinese, the Persians (including the Sassanians), the Romans and the Byzantines of the immediate preceding centuries. The followers of Siva and Vishnu on this subcontinent had created for themselves a society more mentally evolved-joyous and prosperous too-than had been realised by the Jews, Christians, and Muslim monotheists of the time.

Ancient Hindu temple architecture is the most awe-inspiring, ornate and spellbinding architectural style found in the world. (Gothic art of cathedrals in France is the only other religious architecture that is comparable with the intricate architecture of Hindu temples).  No artist of any historical civilisation has ever revealed the same genius as ancient Hindustan's artists and artisans. Their minds filled with venom against the idol- worshippers of Hindustan, the Muslims destroyed a large number of ancient Hindu temples.

This is a historical fact, mentioned by Muslim chroniclers and others of the time.
A number of temples were merely damaged and remained standing. But a large number-not hundreds but many thousands-of the ancient temples were broken into shreds of cracked stone. In the ancient cities of Varanasi and Mathura, Ujjain and Maheshwar, Jwalamukhi and Dwarka, not one temple survives whole and intact from the ancient times.
They also slaughtered a lot of Hindus. Virtually every Hindu temple built in ancient times is a perfect work of art. So morally degenerate were the Muslim Sultans that, rather than attract Hindu "infidels" to Islam through personal example and exhortation, they just built mosques at the sites of torn down temples-and foolishly pretended they had triumphed over minds and culture of Hindus

Kailas temple at Ellora indicated a will power, a creative imagination, and an intellect eager to take on the greatest of artistic challenges. The forefathers and descendants of those who built the magnificent temples of Bhojpur and Thanjavur, Konark and Kailas.......invented mathematics and brain surgery, created mind-body disciplines (yoga) of astonishing power, and built mighty empires would almost certainly have attained technological superiority over Europe.

Priceless piece. Must be read in full. Here is the scanned pdf copy of the piece. Sitaram Goel excerpted it in his book 'Hindu Temples - What Happened To Them'.
Must remember: The Abrahamics nurture a deep inferiority complex towards Hinduism, so they try to destroy it.

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