Monday, October 5, 2015


पूर्णे त्रिंशच्छते वर्षे कलौ प्राप्ते भयंकरे।
शकानां च विनाशाथर्थमार्यधर्मविवृध्दये।
जातः शिवाज्ञया सोऽपि कैलासा दु्ह्मकालया्त।।
             -  भविष्य महापुराण (३-१-७/ १४,१५)

विक्रमादित्यनामानं पिता कृत्वा मुमोद ह् ।
स बलोऽपि महाप्राज्ञः पितृमातृप्रियंकरः ।।

पंचवर्षे वयःप्राप्ते तपसोऽर्थे वनं गतः।
द्वादशाब्दं प्रयत्नेन विक्रमेण कृतं तपः ।।

पश्चादंबावतीं दिव्यां पुरीं यातः श्रियान्वितः।
दिव्यं सिहांसनं रम्यं द्वान्तिंशन्मूर्तिसंयुतं ।।

Translation : At the completion of 3000 years after the advent of the terrible Kaliyuga, (ie.101 BCE.) a person descended from the abode of Guhyakas in Kailasa, at the command of Lord Siva, for the purpose of destroying the Sakas and uplifting Arya-Dharma. He was born to the Great King Gandharvasena. The father named him ‘Vikramaditya’ and felt very much rejoiced.
Though aboy he was very wise and pleased his parents. When he was 5 years old, Vikrama went to the forest and did penance for 12 years. Having enriched his greatness by penance he reached the city Ambavati (Ujjain) and was anointed as a king on a golden throne decorated with 32 golden dolls.

According to researchers of the Samrat Vikramaditya Shodhpeeth in Ujjain, this coin ( gold coin. ) is the first definitive archaeological evidence of the great king Vikramaditya. Samrat Vikramaditya has been quoted in the Puranas, Jain Books & various inscriptions.

The Vikram Era second millennium celebrations were held in 1943 across India, commemorating the 2000th Samvat year of the reign of Vikramaditya at Ujjain (57 BCE).

Vikram Era originates and took root in Rajasthan, MP, and Gujarat, but these celebration of 1943 were held all across India.

सम्राट विक्रमादित्य का नाम विक्रम सेन था। महाराज विक्रमादित्य उज्जैन के राजा थे। जो अपने न्याय वीरता पराक्रम शौर्य ज्ञान तथा उदारशिलता के लिए प्रसिद्ध थे। कलिकाल के 3000 वर्ष बीत जाने के पश्चात 101 ईसा पूर्व विक्रमादित्य का जन्म हुआ था। विक्रमादित्य के पिता का नाम गर्दभील्ल( गंधर्वसेन) था। सम्राट विक्रमादित्य की बहन का नाम मैनावती था तथा उनके भाई भर्तृहरि महाराज थे। सम्राट विक्रमादित्य की मां का नाम सौम्यदर्शना था। महाराज विक्रमादित्य की 5 पत्नियां भी थी जिनका नाम मलावती, मदनलेखा, पद्मिनी,चेल्ल और चिलमहादेवी था। महाराज के 2 पुत्र विक्रमचरित और विनय पाल थे तथा उनकी दो पुत्रियां विधोत्तमा(प्रियगुंमजंरी) तथा वसुंधरा थी। सम्राट विक्रमादित्य के एक भांजा था जिसका नाम गोपीचंद था। तथा उनके प्रमुख मित्रों में भट्टमात्र का नाम आता है। महाराज विक्रमादित्य के राज में राजपुरोहित त्रिविक्रम तथा वसुमित्र थे। तथा उनके सेनापति विक्रम शक्ति तथा चंद्र थे। महाराज विक्रमादित्य ने शको को परास्त किया था। उन्होंने अपनी जीत के साथ ही हिंदू विक्रम संवत की शुरुआत की थी। तथा नौ रत्नों की शुरुआत भी महाराज विक्रमादित्य द्वारा ही की गई। जिसको तुर्क लुटेरे जलालुदिन अकबर ने भी अपनाया था।

महाराज विक्रमादित्य अपनी जनता के कष्ट तथा हाल जानने के लिए छद्मवेष धारण कर नगर भ्रमण के लिए जाते थे। वे अपने राज्य में न्याय व्यवस्था कायम रखने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास करते थे। राजा विक्रमादित्य लोकप्रिय तथा न्याय प्रिय राजाओं में सर्वश्रेष्ठ माने जाते थे।
सम्राट विक्रमादित्य के नवरत्न और दरबार

सम्राट विक्रमादित्य के नवरत्नों के नाम।

नवरत्नों की शुरुआत महाराज विक्रमादित्य द्वारा ही की गई।भारतीय परंपरा के अनुसार सम्राट विक्रमादित्य के नवरत्न1.धन्वंतरि,2.क्षपणक,3. अमर सिंह , 4.शंकु,5.खटकरपारा,6.कालिदास,7. वेतालभट्ट(बेतालभट्ट) ,8.वररुचि, और 9.वराहमिहिर थे। सम्राट विक्रमादित्य के दरबार के नवरत्न अत्यंत ज्ञानी तथा विद्वान माने जाते थे ।

1.धन्वन्तरि- महाराज विक्रमादित्य के नवरत्नों में से एक धन्वंतरि वैद्य तथा औषध विज्ञानी थे। उनके लिखे नो ग्रंथ पाए जाते हैं जो सभी आयुर्वेदिक शास्त्र से संबंधित थे। आज भी किसी वैद्य की प्रशंसा करनी हो तो उसकी धन्वंतरी से उपमा दी जाती है।

2.क्षणपक– सम्राट विक्रम सभा के द्वितीय नवरत्न क्षणपक को कहा गया है यह बौद्ध सन्यासी थे। उन्होंने कुछ ग्रंथ लिखे जिनमें भिक्षाट्टन तथा नानार्थकोष ही उपलब्ध बताए जाते हैं।

3.अमर सिंह- इनको कोष( डिक्शनरी) का जनक माना जाता है। इन्होंने शब्दकोश बनाया था तथा साथ ही शब्द ध्वनि पर कार्य किया। यह प्रकाण्ड विद्वान थे। बोधगया में एक मंदिर से प्राप्त शिलालेख के आधार पर पता चलता है कि इस मंदिर का निर्माण इन्होंने ही करवाया था। इनके अनेक ग्रंथों में से एक मात्र ग्रंथ अमरकोश ऐसा है कि इसके आधार पर उनका यश अखंड है। संस्कृत विद्वानों के अनुसार अष्टाध्यायी पंडितों की माता तथा अमरकोश पंडितों का पिता कहा गया है। अर्थात यदि कोई इन दोनों ग्रंथों को पढ़ ले तो वह महान पंडित बन जाता है।

4.शकुं- नीति शास्त्र का ज्ञान रखते थे अर्थात यह नीति शास्त्री तथा रसाचार्य थे। उनका पूरा नाम शड्कुक हैं। इनका एक काव्य ग्रंथ भुवनाभ्युदयम बहुत प्रसिद्ध रहा है। लेकिन वह आज भी पुरातत्व का विषय बना हुआ है।

5.वैतालभट्ट – वेतालभट्ट एक धर्माचार्य थे। और यह माना जाता है कि उन्होंने ही सम्राट विक्रमादित्य को सोलह छन्दों (नीति प्रदीप) आचरण का श्रेय दिया था। या युद्ध कौशल में भी महारथी थे। ये हमेशा सम्राट विक्रमादित्य के साथ ही रहे। तथा सीमवर्ती सुरक्षा के कारण इन्हें द्वारपाल भी कहा गया। विक्रम तथा बेताल की कहानी लोकप्रिय तथा जगत प्रसिद्ध है। वेताल पंचविशंति के रचीयता यही है। किंतु इनका नाम अभी सुनने को नहीं मिलता।

6.घटकर्पर – जितने भी लोग संस्कृत जानते हैं वह सब जानते हैं कि घटकर्पर किसी व्यक्ति का नाम नहीं हो सकता। उनका वास्तविक नाम यह नहीं है। इनकी प्रतिज्ञा थी कि जो भी विद्वान इनको अनुप्रास तथा यमक में पराजित कर देगा यह उनके घर फूटे घड़े से पानी भरेंगे। बस तभी से इनका नाम घटकर्पर प्रसिद्ध हो गया किंतु इनका वास्तविक नाम अभी तक लुप्त है। इनकी रचना का नाम भी घटकर्पर काव्यमहीं है। उनका एक अन्य ग्रंथ नीतिसार के नाम से भी प्रसिद्ध है।

7.कालिदास- महाराज विक्रमादित्य के नवरत्नों में से एक कालिदास प्रसिद्ध संस्कृत राज कवि थे। कालिदास जी महाराज विक्रमादित्य के प्राण प्रिय कवि थे। कालिदास जी की कहानी अत्यंत रोचक है कहा जाता है कि इनको विद्या मां काली की कृपा से प्राप्त हुई। सबसे इनका नाम कालिदास पड़ गया। व्याकरण की दृष्टि से यह कालीदास होना चाहिए था। परंतु इनकी प्रतिभा को देखकर अपवाद रूप में कालिदास ही रखा गया। जैसे विश्वामित्र को उसी रूप में रखा गया हैं। कालिदास जी के चार काव्य तथा तीन नाटक प्रसिद्ध है। शकुंतलमउनकी अनंतमय कृति मानी जाती है।

8.वराहमिहिर – वराहमिहिर उस युग के प्रमुख ज्योतिषी माने जाते हैं। जिन्होंने महाराज विक्रमादित्य के बेटे की मौत की भविष्यवाणी पहले ही कर दी थी। तथा वराहमिहिर ने ही विष्णु स्तम्भ का निर्माण करवाया था। 

जिसे तुर्को के आक्रमण के बाद क़ुतुब मीनार में बदल दिया गया था। वराहमिहिर ने ही काल गणना, हवाओं की दिशा, पशुधन प्रवृत्ति, वृक्षों से भूजल का आकलन आदि की खोज की। उन्होंने अनेक ग्रंथ लिखे जिनमें से बृहज्जातक,सुर्यसिद्धांत, बृहस्पति संहिता, पंचसिद्धान्ती, मुख्य हैं। गणक,तरिन्गणी,लघु जातक, समास संहिता, विवाह पटल, योग यात्रा आदि का भी इनके नाम से उल्लेख मिलता है।

9.वररुचि – यह कवि तथा व्याकरण के ज्ञाता थे। शास्त्रीय संगीत का ज्ञान प्राप्त था। कालिदास जी की भांति ही इन्हें भी काव्यकर्ताओं में से एक माना जाता है। उनके नाम पर मतभेद है क्योंकि उनके नाम के तीन व्यक्ति हुए हैं।

नौरत्नो के चित्र– मध्य प्रदेश के उज्जैन महानगर के महाकाल मंदिर के पास ही सम्राट विक्रमादित्य टीला है। यहां पर विक्रमादित्य के नवरत्नों की मूर्तियां विक्रमादित्य संग्रहालय में स्थापित की गई है।

उनके प्रमुख मित्रों में भट्टमात्र का नाम आता है। महाराज विक्रमादित्य के राज में राजपुरोहित त्रिविक्रम तथा वसुमित्र थे। तथा उनके सेनापति विक्रम शक्ति तथा चंद्र थे।

Chakravarti Samrat Vikramaditya of Ujjain.

Dynasty:- Parmar

Vansh:- Agni Vansh

Birth:- BCE 102

Death:- A.D. 15

Lifespan:- 117 Years

Coronation:- B.C.E. 85

Reigned:- 100 Years (till A.D. 15)

Father:- King Gandharvsen

Elder Brother:- King Bhartuhari

Younger Brother:- Prabhata

Kuldevi - Mata Har Sidhi

 The founder of vikrami Samvat and he contributed immensely to India.

As per Bhavishya Puran King Vikramaditya of Ujjain inhabited seven holy cities called Mokshdayinee Saptpuri Ayodhya being one of them. 

In 57 BCE, Vikram Samvat began on the day of coronation.

Rishabhdev's son Raja Bharata was the first Chakravarti emperor, after whom our country was named Bhaarat. Emperor Vikramaditya of Ujjain was also the Chakravarti emperor. Vikramaditya's name was Vikram Sen. 

The stories of Vikram Vetal and the throne Battisi are associated with the great emperor Vikramaditya.

According to Bhavishya Maha Purana  verses-

At the completion of 3000 years after the advent of the terrible Kaliyuga, (ie.101 BCE.) a person descended from the abode of Guhyakas in Kailasa, at the command of Lord Siva, for the purpose of destroying the Sakas and uplifting Arya-Dharma. He was born to the Great King Gandharvasena. The father named him ‘Vikramaditya’ and felt very much rejoiced.

According to Vikram samvat, Vikramaditya was born 2287 years ago. He is the son of Raja Gandharvasen. A temple of King Gandharva Sen is built in Gandharpuri, next to Sonkach in Madhya Pradesh.

According to a Jain monk named Mahesra Suri, The Saka ruler defeated Gardabhilla in the war. He was made prisoner and after some time he was released into a forest, where he fell prey to wild animals. King Vikramaditya was the son of this Gardabhilla.

Watching the misbehavior with his father, King Vikramaditya decided to take revenge. On the other hand, the Shaka rulers got a sense of their power. They started spreading their kingdom in North-Western India and persecuted Hindus. The cruelty of Saka (powerful Central Asian Tribes) rulers increased but finally vikramaditya defeated them n established peace.


Avad, called as Adjudea(Ayodhya) by the educated Hindus, is a city of very olden times. Its houses are (mostly) made up of mud only covered with straw or tiles. Many (however) are made of bricks. 

"The most remarkable place is the one which is called Sorgadori(Swargdwara), which means the celestial temple. Because they say that Rama took away all the inhabitants of the city from there to heaven: This has some resemblance/similarity to the Ascent of the Lord. " 

The city, thus deserted, was repopulated and was brought back to its earlier status by Vikramaditya the famous king of Oudjen(Ujjain)
There was a temple in this place constructed on the elevated bank of the river.

Ayodhya, the city of PRABHU SREE RAM JI, was re-discovered by Vikramaditya, after having been lost for centuries. He started searching for Ayodhya, and met Prayaga, the king of tirthas. Guided by Prayaga, Vikramaditya marked the place.  but subsequently forgot its location. A yogi told him that he should let loose a cow and a calf; Ayodhya would be at the place where milk starts flowing from the cow’s udders. Using this advice, Vikramaditya managed to re-identify the site of ancient Ayodhya

Borders of Vikramaditya’s Empire

पश्चिमे सिंधुनधंते सेतुबंंधे हि दक्षिणे।
उतरे बदरीस्थाने पूर्वेच कपिलांतिके।।

Translation : This verse from Bhavishya Purana states that, in the west the other bank of the Sindhu River; in the South the Setu; Badarinarayana in the Himalayas formed the North limit and the city of Kapilavastu, the boundary in the East. These were the limits of Vikramaditya’s Empire.

There are other instances which prove that he travelled beyond these borderd later to conquer other kingdoms. Emperor Vikramaditya of Ujjain (city originally named as Ambavati) lived during 101 BCE – 19 CE based Jyotirvidabharana of Kalisada, Jyotishaphala Ratnamala of Krishna Misra, history of Nepal, Kashmir, Stapatha Brahmana, Bhavishya Purana.

This king is considered legend, while he is actually part of history and even referred in Puranas.
Few vedic astrology books written during his time prove his existence in 1st century BCE.
Vikrama Saka (era) followed in vedic panchangs since 57 BCE as Vikram Samvat.
Famous poet Kalidasa, Astrologer Varaha Mihira were among the 9 gems in his court.
Kalhana‘s Rajatarangini (river of Kings), Vikramditya’s contemporary Krishna Misra’s astrology book Jyotishaphala-Ratnamala, few mentions in Bhavishya Purana, recorded history of Nepal prove his existence with correct dates and years.

Paramara Kings

Among the Paramara kings, the first one reigned between

Name of King Years

Paramar 2710 – 2716 Kali Yuga (392 – 386 BCE)
Mahamara 386 – 383 BCE
Devapi 383 – 380 BCE
Devdatta 380 – 377 BCE
Sakas defeated next kings, who left Ujjain and fled to Srisailam 377 – 182 BCE
Gandharvasena (1st time) 182 – 132 BCE
Sankharaja (son of Gandharvasena) went to forest for meditation and died without a child 132 – 102 BCE
Gandharvasena (2nd time) returned from exile and took over the throne again 102 – 82 BCE
Vikramaditya (2nd son of Gandharvasena born in 101 BCE i.e. 3001 kali yuga) 82 BCE – 19 CE
Devabhakta 19 – 29 CE
[Names of Kings not mentioned in Puranas] 29 – 78 CE

Salivahana dynasty rule From 78 CE

Salivahana established his own Saka in 78 CE, which is followed even today in most parts of India and years in panchang (vedic almanac) known as Saka Samvat or Shaka Samvat.

Vikramaditya of Ujjain was most likely a Malava kshatriya whose clan inscriptions are found at numerous places in Rajasthan. 

One must also know about Bhartrihari, he was also from Rajasthan, very near Jaipur and after giving up his realm to Vikramaditya he did Long Meditation near Alwar Rajasthan, known as a "Jogi Sant Bharthari"

Paramara dynasty continued to rule Ujjain, which ended in 1305 CE, whose last king was Mahakaladeva.

One sloka in bhavishya purana mentions that Devabhakta knew that his killer was born and traced him to be in Pratishtana (modern day Paithan in maharashtra).
In a war, Devabhakta, after ruling for ten years, was killed in a battle by the cruel Sakas. (Kali 3130 or 29 CE).

Vikramaditya conquered Middle-East

Victories of Babylon, Persia, Turks led Vikramaditya to the Arabia. When he conquered Arabia, he did so to cheers from the Jewish and Arab Community, who welcomed him as a liberator. He showed great forbearance and respect towards the religious beliefs and cultural traditions of other races. These qualities earned him the respect and homage of all the people over whom he ruled.

The victory over Arabia expressed all the facets of the policy of conciliation which Vikramaditya had followed until then. He presented himself not as a conqueror, but a liberator and the legitimate successor to the crown. He took the title of “King of Aryavrata and Liberator of the Arabs, Turks and Jews”.
Vikramditya had no thought of forcing conquered people into a single mould, and had the wisdom to leave unchanged the institution of each kingdom he attached to the Aryavrata Crown. Vikramaditya was upright, a great leader of men, generous and benevolent. He spread the Vedic Culture in the land of Arabia. He also reconstructed the temple of Brahma and Mahesh and placed a Jiyotarlinga there. Several other Vedic Temples were made in Babylon, Persia and Turkistan. For the first time they got a King that cared for the inhabitants of his Empire. Arabs, Kurds and Persians saw him as ‘the annointed of the Lord’.

After the 4 year of Wars that saw whole west Asia under the belt of Vikramaditya Empire he stayed for a year in Arabia till the Mahadev Temple was not completely reconstructed.

Chaubis khamba temple, Ujjain, Dating back to the 9th or 10th century, the temple was built by parmar dynasty but some claims was built by maharaj vikramaditya. 

The temple got its name from the 24 pillars that adorn the structure of this temple.

He built admirable highways, and developed an excellent postal system both of which allowed him to receive rapidly information from his provinces. He accepted Perisans as Aryans and called them as long lost cousins. During the Vikramaditya’s regions persians felt like they felt under the region of Cyrus. He also bulit several monuments in the respect of Chandargupta Maurya and Cyrus. Another project undertaken by Vikramaditya was the royal road, the world’s longest, extending 1,700 miles. Due to an extensive network of relays, postmen could travel the road in six to nine days, whereas normal travel time was three months. The motto of the Vedic postal service became memorable: stopped by neither snow, rain, heat or gloom of night.

The US postal service also adopted this motto and the famous Pony Express mail delivery resembled the original Vedic design. Vikramaditya laid the foundation of Vardhan Dynasty. His empire controlled many parts of Modern day China, Entire Middle East and Many Parts of South East Asia. After his death his descendents and Parthians controlled Iran.

By 102 CE descendents of Vikramaditya lost control over Iran and Parthians established there empire in Iran and Babylon.

Viraat Vikramaditya Parmar.  Defended Bharat from foreign invasions while also keeping our sanskriti strong and promoting the arts and our culture.  A True Kshatriya King.  He had Brawns, Brains and culture! 

Vikramaditya in History of KashyapMeru (Kashmir)

When 82nd king in the list of the Kashmir monarchs, Hiranya died without leaving any heir to the throne, the cabinet of the ministers, in Kashmir sent a prayer to their over-lord, Emperor Vikramaditya and requested him to depute a ruler. Then, out of his favour towards Matrigupta, a Scholar-poet of the court, Vikramaditya installed MatriGupta with the sovereignty of his vassal state, Kashmir in 14 CE. [Rajatarangini 3-125]

Vikramaditya in History of Nepal

In the year 3044 Kali or 57 BCE, Vikramaditya visited his vassal state Nepal and established his Era there (Vikrama Saka). This information is published in the Indian AntiquaryVol. XIII. Pages 411 onwards.

Vikramaditya mentioned in Ancient Vedic Astrology Books

Jyotirvidabharana is an astrological work by Kalidasa.

Here, he mentions that he was writing it to enhance the fame of Vikramaditya of the Paramara dynasty (Rajput), his patron king. [Jyotirvidabharana. Sloka No. 4—89]
Kalidasa also defines the word Saka.
He says that whoever kills large number of Sakas, will become Saka-Karaka.
This book Jyotirvidabharana, says Kalidasa, he began to write in the month Vaisakha (around May) of 3068 Kali Era (or 33 BCE) and was completed in the month Kartika (around november) of the same year.

In the beginning of the 22nd chapter Kalidasa described, to some extent, the Emperor Vikramaditya and in the 6th sloka he says that this book of 22 chapters and 1474 slokas is written with the purpose of invoking good to Vikramaditya, the Emperor of Bharat.

In the 7th sloka of Chapter 22 Kalidasa gives some particulars of Vikrama’s empire, which are as follows:-
1. It extended over the whole of Bharata-Varsha of 180 Big jyotisha yojanas (approximately 1800 miles)in length and breadth. ( 1 Big yojana [not to be confused with Yojana in Ramayana etc] in those days is close to 10 miles )
2. The Bharata-Varsha shines forth with the culture of the Vedas and Dharma Sastras. This book is dedicated for the good of Vikramaditya, the emporer of Malwa, by me (Kalidasa).

In the 8th and 9th slokas of Chapter 22 Kalidasa gives a list of poets and pundits adorning the court of Vikrama.
1. Sanku, 2. Vararuchi, 3. Mani, 4. Angudatta, 5. Jishnu, 6. Trilochana, 7. Hari (Hariswamy, the commentator of Sukla Yajurveda and the head of the departments of Dana and Dharma (Daanaadhyakshaa and Dharmaadhyakshaa), 8. Ghata karpara, 9. Amarasimha, 10. Satyacharya, 11.Varahamihira, 12. Srutasena, 13. Badarayana, 14. Manittha, 15. Kumara Simha and astrologers like 16. Myself (Kalidasa), and others. (Slokas 22-8,9)
9 Gems in court of Vikramaditya

Kalidasa mentions the nine Gems of scholars
adorning the court of Vikramaditya :
1. Dhanvantari
2. Kshapanaka
3. Amarasimha
4. Sanku
5. Vetalabhatta
6. Ghatakarpara
7. Kalidasa
8. Varahamihira
9. Vararuchi

n 22-11 Kalidasa gives a further account of the court of Vikrama.
There were 800 Vassal kings, one crore of good soldiers, 16 great scholars, 16 astrologers, 16 efficient doctors, 16 bhattas and 16 scholars of Vedik lore; Vikrama sitting on his throne was illuminated by these scholarly courtiers.
In 22-12 the following particulars are given about the army of Vikramaditya :-
His army continuously spread over 18 yojanas (small jyotisha yojanas, 1 small jyotisha yojana is around 5 miles) and consisted of the following:—
1. There were 3 crores of soldiers.
2. Ten crores of various vehicles.
3. 24,300 elephants.
4. 4,00,000 (four lakhs) of ships,
This was the army that accompanied him in his expeditions. In this respect there was no emperor to be compared to Vikrama in those days, says Kalidasa.

Sloka 13 of the 22nd chapter says that Vikrama annihilated innumerable Sakas (who were Mlechcha Kshatriyas) and established the Era. Every day he made gifts of pearls, jems, gold, cow, horse, elepahnts to the four castes. Hence he was called “Suvarnaanana“.

Sloka 16 of chapter 22 says that Ujjyini, the capital of Vikrama gives salvation to the inhabitants on account of the persence of Lord “Siva” in the name of ‘Mahakala‘.

Sri Krishna Misra, lived in the court of Vikramaditya wrote in his book, Jyotishaphala-Ratnamala, a book on astrology, that :

Let that Vikramarka, the Emperor, famous like the Manus, who protected me and my relations for seventy years, having endowed upon me one crore of gold coins flourish for ever with success and prosperity.. [sloka 10 of Jyotishaphala Ratnamala]

Sri Krishna Misra was in court of Vikramaditya for 70 years from 57 BCE, which means that the emperor lived atleast till 13 CE.

Having consolidated his empire, Vikramarka went to Nepal; he made the king, Amsuvarma a feudatory, and as a symbol of his over-lordship founded his Saka in Nepal in 57 BCE.

Another book Satapatha Brahmana, also mentions of Vikramaditya. A resident of Ujjain, who belongs to Parasara Gotra, the son of Naga Swamy, holding the offices of ‘Dharmadhyaksha’, (Justice of Vaidika Dharma) and “Danadhyakska” (Distributor of gifts) adorning the title of “Sarvavidyanidhana Kavindracharya Saraswati” (Treasure of all sciences and Learning, Professor of Poets or poet Laureate, the goddess of the Muses) in the court
of Vikramaditya, the king of Avanti, by name “Hari Swamy“, has written commentary or Bhashya to Satapatha Brahmana.

Several works by Jain authors include legends about Vikramaditya. These include:
Prabhachandra’s Prabhavaka-Charita (1127 CE)
Somaprabha’s Kumara-Pala-Pratibodha (1184 CE)
Kalakacharya-Katha (before 1279 CE)
Merutunga’s Prabandha-Chintamani (1304 CE)
Jinaprabhasuri’s Vividha-Tirtha-Kalpa (1315 CE)
Rajashekhara’s Prabandha-Kosha (1348 CE)
Devamurti’s Vikrama-Charitra (1418 CE)
Ramachandrasuri’s Pancha-Danda-Chhattra-Prabandha (1433 CE)
Subhashila’s Vikrama-Charitra (1442 CE)
various pattavalis (records of lineage of head monks).

India is a land which was being ruled by many kings at different phases of time.

Out of which, we personally picture 2 kings as the greatest.

1. Samrat Vikramaditya l
2. Raja bhoj

Viraat Vikramāditya stories reached Mongolia and became a part of popular Mongolian folklore. Raghu Vira translated one collection into Hindi with Devanāgarī transliteration of Mongolian. बिकर्मिजिद् = विक्रमादित्य​, आराजि बोजि = राजा भोज​. 

Sadly,  both two have been completely erased from our history textbooks and now few historians are desperately trying to poof them mythical. As a result very least and confusing datas are available about these kings. Still we believe vikramaditya is the greatest among all.

As for the claim that there are many Vikramadityas in our history, our understanding is that these later era Kings added Vikramaditya with their names as a glorify title to glorify themselves clearly establish Vikramaditya as the greatest among all. We mean there are many scriptures and sculptures available all around the globe providing his details. But we think, our historians are still interested in Marauders Turk, mughalai's only.

Still we don’t understand why a king like him has been erased from the history??

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