Wednesday, September 12, 2018


सैषा गणेशविद्या ।गणक ऋषिः ।निचृद्गायत्रीच्छन्दः ।गणपतिर्देवता ।ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

"Where there is devotion, God always manifests himself with his gracious presence."

ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः।स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिर्व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः॥

अथ गणपत्यथर्वशीर्षम्। 

ॐ नमस्ते गणपतये। 

त्वमेव केवलं कर्तासि। 

त्वमेव केवलं धर्तासि। 

त्वमेव केवलं हर्तासि।

 त्वमेव सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्मासि।

 त्वं साक्षादात्मासि नित्यम्। 

ऋतं वच्मि। 

सत्यं वच्मि। 

अव त्वं माम्। 

अव वक्तारम्। 

अव दातारम्। 

अव श्रोतारम्। 

अव धातारम्।

 अवानूचानमव शिष्यम्।

अव पश्चात्तात्। 

अव पुरस्तात्। 


अव दक्षिणात्तात्। 

अव चोर्ध्वात्तात्।


 सर्वतो मां पाहि पाहि समन्तात्।

त्वं वाङ्मयस्त्वं चिन्मयः।

 त्वमानन्दमयस्त्वं ब्रह्ममयः। 

त्वं सच्चिदानन्दाद्वितीयोऽसि। 

त्वं प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्मासि। 

त्वं ज्ञानमयो विज्ञानमयोऽसि।

सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तो जायते। 

सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तस्तिष्ठति। 

सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि प्रत्येति। 

सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि लयमेष्यति।

 त्वं भूमिरापोऽनलोऽनिलो नभः।

 त्वं चत्वारि वाक्पदानि।

 त्वं गुणत्रयातीतः।

 त्वं देहत्रयातीतः।

 त्वं कालत्रयातीतः।

 त्वं मूलाधारस्थितोऽसि नित्यम्।

 त्वं शक्तित्रयात्मकः।

त्वां योगिनो ध्यायन्ति नित्यम्।

 त्वं ब्रह्मा त्वं विष्णुस्त्वं रुद्रस्त्वमिन्द्रस्त्वमग्निस्त्वं वायुस्त्वं सूर्यस्त्वं चन्द्रमास्त्वं ब्रह्मभूर्भुवःस्वरोम्। 

गणादिं पूर्वमुच्चार्य वर्णादिं तदनंतरम्। 

अनुस्वारः परतरः।


तारेण ऋद्धम्। 

एतत्तव मनुस्वरूपम्।

गकारः पूर्वरूपम्। 

अकारो मध्यमरूपम्।



 नादः सन्धानम्। 

संहिता सन्धिः।

 सैषा गणेशविद्या।

 गणक ऋषिः।

 निचृद्गायत्री छन्दः। 


ॐ गं गणपतये नमः। 

एकदन्ताय विद्महे।

 वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि। 

तन्नो दन्ती प्रचोदयात्।

एकदन्तं चतुर्हस्तं पाशमङ्कुशधारिणम्।

रदं च वरदं हस्तैर्बिभ्राणं मूषकध्वजम्।

रक्तं लम्बोदरं शूर्पकर्णकं रक्तवाससम्।

रक्तगन्धानुलिप्ताङ्गं रक्तपुष्पैःसुपूजितम्।

भक्तानुकम्पिनं देवं जगत्कारणमच्युतम्। 

आविर्भूतं च सृष्ट्यादौ प्रकृतेः पुरुषात्परम्। 

एवं ध्यायति यो नित्यं स योगी योगिनां वरः।

नमो व्रातपतये नमो गणपतये नमः प्रमथपतये नमस्तेऽस्तु लम्बोदरायैकदन्ताय विघ्ननाशिने शिवसुताय श्रीवरदमूर्तये नमो नमः।

एतदथर्वशीर्षं योऽधीत इत्यादिः फलश्रुतिः।

शुभं भूयात्।


Vyasa recites and Ganesha writes the tale of our human follies, victories, dharma, greatness of warriors, limitations of human ego, intervention of divine will and strategies et al. 

And he is still writing the Itihasa and purana of our times ... as it happens... always ! 
Jaya Mangala Murti who bestows Mangala and Vijaya to Dharmins.

Jai Ganesha Paahimaam 
Shri Ganesha Rakshamaam 

गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहेकविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम् ।ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पतआ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम् ॥
May This Shri Ganesh Chaturthi Prabhu Shri Ganesh bless our lives with happiness and prosperity! Ganpati Bappa Morya

सुखकर्ता दुखहर्ता , वार्ता विघ्नाची 

नुरवी पूर्वी प्रेम कृपा जयाची 

सर्वांगी सुंदर उटी शेंदुराची 

कंठी झळके माळ मुक्ताफळाची 

जय देव जय देव जय मंगलमूर्ती 

दर्शनमात्रे मनकामना पुरती 

श्री गणेशाय नमः

Sukhkarta Dukhharta, is a popular  Marathi arati song or  bhajan  (devotional song) dedicated to the Hindu god Shri Ganesh, composed by the saint Samarth Ramdas (1608 - 1682 CE).

Samarth Ramadas was inspired to compose the arati by seeing the icon of Mayureshwara (a form of Shri Ganesh) at Morgaon Shri Ganesh Temple, the chief shrine in the Ashtavinayaka pilgrimage circuit, consisting of eight Shri Ganesh temples around Pune.

The temple circuit is known as Ashtavinayak ("Eight Shri Ganeshs"). The pilgrimage is considered incomplete if the pilgrim does not visit the Morgaon temple at the end of the pilgrimage.

The arati is composed in the  raga  (musical mode) Jogiya (Jogia).The "addresses and references" to Prabhu Shri Ganesh in the song as "remarkable", considering Samarth Ramdas's patron deity was Prabhu Shri Rama, not prabhu Shri Ganesh.

रत्नखचित फरा, तुज गौरीकुमरा|
चंदनाची उटी , कुमकुम केशरा|
हिरेजडित मुकुट, शोभतो बरा |
रुणझुणती नूपुरे, चरणी घागरिया|

लंबोदर पीतांबर, फणिवरबंधना |
सरळ सोंड, वक्रतुंड त्रिनयना|
दास रामाचा, वाट पाहे सदना|
संकटी पावावे, निर्वाणी रक्षावे, सुरवरवंदना|

जय देव जय देव जय मंगलमूर्ती..

एकदन्तं महाकायं तप्तकांचनसंनिभम्।
लम्बोदरं विशालाक्षं वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्।।
मुंजकृष्णाजिनधरं नागयज्ञोपवीतिनम्।
बालेन्दुकलिकामौलिं वन्देऽहंगणनायकम्।।

Sri Ganesh represents the power of knowledge, both outer and inner. 

His worship is a testimony to the wisdom of Bharat's great gurus, rishis and yogis and the magnificent heritage of its enduring dharmic civilization.

Sri Ganesha is the Cosmic Guru and the primary icon of India's vast knowledge based civilization. He holds the power of all time from our ancient origins to all future transformations. 

⚡️ On auspicious occasion Shri Ganesh Chaturthi lets go on journey of a mighty civilization with Beloved Vinayaka....

A civilization that extends from Kashmir to Kamarupa in present but has left its traces from Afghanistan to Japan and from Mongolia to Indonesia! 

On the eastern border of Bharatvarsh - Rulers of Kamarupa/Assam adopted Shri Ganesh on their royal seals. It was and is land of elephants afterall! 

1300 Years Old ( 7th Century A.D )  Rock Cut Images of Prabhu Shri Ganesh In Unakoti , Tripura  

For Modern looking Shri Ganesh. 
Picasso must have learned some strokes from Unnakoti.

त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं तत्त्वमसि ।
त्वमेव केवलं कर्ताऽसि ।
त्वमेव केवलं धर्ताऽसि ।
त्वमेव केवलं हर्ताऽसि ।
त्वमेव सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्मासि ।
त्वं साक्षादात्माऽसि नित्यम् ॥ 

In the remote Chhattisgarh, Dholkal Shri Ganesh 1000+ years old magnificent Shri Ganesh swaroop

There is a famous Twin Ganesh Temple in Barsur village of Dantewada, Chhattisgarh. ASI found ruins of nearly 150 Temples in the area, out of which only 5-6 are intact in the tribal belt. 

Prabhu Shri Ganesh, Dubele ,near Khajuraho. 

This ~1000 yrs old elaborate Swaroop of  Shri Ganesh comes from the area not far from Anantnag, Kashmir. Now a days it is known as Islamabad. 

A 7th century copper allow Murti of Hindu deity Prabhu Shri Ganesh from Kashmir.

9th Century A.D. Prabhu Shri Ganesh swaroop From Swat Valley ( Now In Pakistan )

Prabhu Shri Ganesh swaroop

( Photo - Lahore Museum )

Benzaiten, Kangiten and Bishamonten gracing ancient Daishō-in temple, Japan. We also know them as Maa Saraswati, Shri Ganesha and Kubera respectively.

Prabhu Shri Ganesh  at The Edge of Mount Bromo Volcano Crater In Indonesia for over 700 years.

Prabbhu Shri Ganesha depicted on Indonesian currency note of 20000 Rupiah! (FYI: Indonesia is today a Muslim majority country). 

Statue OF Prabhu Shri Ganesh At Prambanan temple In Indonesia

The Huge  Shri Ganesh statue in Thailand : Shri Ganesh Park

One More ,Big Prabhu Shri GANESH statue of thailand

Kadlekalu Shri Ganesh Temple - Hampi, Karnataka
- Kadalekalu Shri Ganesh is one of the largest monolithic statues of Prabhu Shri Ganesh. The shrine housing the statue of Kadalekalun Shri Ganesh is situated on the slope of the Hemakuta Hill in Hampi.This Shree Ganesh swaroop is unique in the sense it is about 5.6 meters long and carved entirely from granite.

Almost 1000 yrs old majestic Golden mask of  Shri Ganesh found at DiveAgar, Konkan coast. (now stolen and destroyed!)

7th Century A.D :: Prabhu Shri Ganesh from , Quang Nam ,Vietnam 

5th Century A.D  Prabhu Shri Ganesh Idol Found In Gardez , Paktia Province of  Afghanistan is well known. Notice Naga Yajnopavita and Tiger skin wrapped around legs. These are the iconographic features of Vinayaka mentioned in Chitrasutra of Vishnudharmottara purana. One of earliest surviving swaroop of Shri Ganesh.

 These ~1300 years old murtis of Vinayaka...One found from Afghanistan and another from Vietnam...Separated by 1000s of miles and yet follows the same iconographic convention of Vishnudharmottara purana!

Equally interesting is the inscription on the pedestal of the Murti. Shows the true extant of Indian civilization in this part of the world.

Although it wasn't only Shiva that they embraced with Indianization. Other gods of Hindu pantheon received equal devotion of the people of Champa.

Strong Indian influence would help Champa to withstood Sinicization for a very long period of time. 

Once upon a time Vinayaka reached to the northern deserts of China with pious Arya merchants.

This fresco portraying Ganesha  from Dun hung caves from Gansu province, Northern China is proud legacy of those Aryas. Dates back to Tang dynasty or earlier times.

NOW our Indian society collectively thinks ill about 'merchants'. While these merchants carried 'their/our' culture/wisdon to distant places and remained very much  part of it.

Ancient Shri Ganesha Pendent 24K Gold Dating Back to 400 BCE - 400 AD Found in South Indian Origion Vijayanagar Empire. Currently in British Museum London.

Prabu Shri Ganesh image carved on the back wall of Shri Ganesh Gumpha, Udayagiri hills, Bhubaneswar. 9/10th CE.

Here in Parsurameswara Temple, Bhubaneswar also carved besides the sapta matrikas.. stylistically belong to The Great Gupta Empire era, devoid of his carrier, the mouse..

Dancing Prabhu Shri Ganesh from the vimana niche of Brahmeshwar Temple, Bhubaneswar. 9th CE.

Seated two armed Shri Ganesh from the same Parsurameswara temple, Bhubaneswar.

One of the best specimen of seated Prabhu Shri Ganesh also probably one among the ancient one. This image is from the outer walls of ashtasambu temple, Kualo in dhenkanal dist odisha. Spot the dotted hair-do..damaged n repaired..
7th CE

Another detached image from the same temple of dhenkanal dist odisha. Ganesh sitting in rajalilasana posture.

Prabhu Shri Ganesh image made of black chlorite at Shri Ganesh khola of dhenkanal.
6/7th CE.

Two mutilated Ganesh images from Buddhakhola of Ganjam district. Unusual sitting position in the first pic.
Date: 5/6th CE or earlier.

Prabhu Shri Ganesh image carved besides sasana devis of Jain tirthankaras inside Navamuni cave, khandagiri hills, Bhubaneswar. 14/15th CE.

This Ganesha was installed as the presiding deity of Unryuin Temple(Kyoto, Japan) in 1372.CE by Japanese Emperor Gokogon.

Ganesh has been worshiped in Japan by Buddhists for thousands of years and is known as 'Kangiten' or 'Vinayakaten'

Prabhu Shri Ganesh
City Palace Udaipur

Ancient Prabhu Shri Ganesh Swaroop at Banke Bihari ji temple behind Jagdish temple, Udaipur (Medapat/Mewad)

More than 6" high Siddha ganesh or Buddha Ganesh from Jajpur. It could be a part of one set sapta matrika images now existing just besides this Temple. Vermilion has been applied over the black chlorite image. Image of vishnu & Shantinath also found here.
Date: 6/7th CE.

Source- TrueIndology, Adivaraha and LostTemples Sir's

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