Saturday, May 25, 2019



We are going to see a much more moderate BJP in this next term. At least till 2022 G20 summit in New Delhi.

Best things that will work in Mr. Modi’s favour this time:

1. Moderate urban expectations:

Expectations were skyhigh in 2014. People thought Modi magic will positively impact their daily life experiences immediately. India will embark on a an urban transformative journey, But people have realised that, their daily life experiences aren’t changing with a click of a button. It will take much longer than they anticipated. SEZs, exports, real jobs are not really urgent priorities And people have accepted it because of Modi’s personal integrity and equity on national security, inflation management and of course to counter the personal mindless name calling by Modi haters. Modi haters are Modi’s real commando force. Priceless asset.

2. No real political threat in foreseeable future:

Thanks to Mr. Modi’s smart leadership and vision, India has achieved something in a long long time, in fact in more than 1000 years...Modi has in fact made the impossible possible by uniting the Indian society. His style of politics keeps his supporters busy with one issue after another. One attack after another. And as always, hate (fear) is always the greatest unifier in human society. Modi acknowledges this reality via his action. And he deserves all the respect & credits for this.

IMO, Mr. Narendra Modi is the greatest unifier of the Indian society after Adi Shankara (I am not exaggerating). If he can continue like this for another 10 years, India (and South Asia & World) will change for ever. He is far greater unifier than Gandhi.
Modi’s style of politics doesn’t leave any room for opponents (Look at his track record in GJ). This will give him much better elbow room to take decisions. Impact of these decisions could vary as per different perceptions, but free flowing decision making shouldn’t be an issue.

3. Chaotic world will provide strategic cushions:

Just like the Indira Gandhi era, world now is extremely chaotic as two powers are fighting for hegemony. This will keep the performance benchmarks much lower. Thanks to a formidable ecosystem in social AND mainstream media, it will take Indian public much longer to realise that they are actually losing out to countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Bangladesh etc to capture the space vacated by China, Just like the Indira Congress era, BJP under Modi is focusing on the low income group (LIG) with various schemes. He has successfully broken the caste and linguistic walls with a divine hammer. Now they belong to him. And THEY are the assurance of power in India. Not MIG. Even if India manages to grow by 7/8 percent, it’ll be considered as a great achievement. Fact is that with a demography like India, we need to grow at double digit to have a peaceful future. But, Mr. Modi is not a fool to let go his political treasure chest (LIG) for 10% GDP growth

4. The Middle East crisis:

The Middle East crisis along with US-China trade war provides ideal situation for India to navigate through geopolitical challenges. Till the time chaos settles down, we can have this felling of a rising pole of power in the world, even if it’s fake A powerful nation is measured by only two indicators (since the rise of global human society) - Exports & The scale of Military Industrial Complex. India is still at a neonatal stage in both (opportunity Vs delivery wise). But these things can be managed by ‘influencers’ Middle East crisis will provide India a real opportunity to emerge as a global power. Modi has all the capabilities to deliver in real world. This is the best time for him to take the national resurgence agenda forward.

5. A resource rich and isolated China:

China now has all the ingredients to become a superpower. But the incumbents are not letting it land their ass on the throne. Being an authoritarian regime, it is restless for growth. And India has the key to provide further growth, If India can milk China well, they could become what US was for them at their initial stage of growth. But, this would be most challenging task, because all these superlative political equity that Modi enjoys at the moment is not free. India’s assigned role is to stop China, Although this won’t bring anything significant for the country in mid to long term. But this how it is.

But whatever way we embark our journey from here, this political magic that Mr. Modi has crafted must bring the desirable changes in the country. And hopefully this time, we won’t have to trade our organs (Pakistan & the Kashmir mess) in exchange for ‘freedom’ The last political prophets were costly for the country, whether it was the Mahatma or Nehru or Indira...

As of now only political ‘common man’ like PVNR & Atal Ji delivered transformational growth for the country, all the Op-Ed’s and all the devotees & haters aside...!

When World is moving towards a face off. Thankfully, we will have a capable leader to lead us through the chaotic process of leadership change. Just like every high tide, low tide will also eventually (and surely) come. Hopefully, our chosen leader and the unifier in chief will use this opportunity to deliver a transformative growth for the nation.

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