Tuesday, May 7, 2019


अक्षयतृतीयापर्वणः सर्वेभ्यः शुभाशयाः | 

अक्षय्या भगवद्भक्तिरक्षय्यं कर्मकौशलम् | 
अक्षय्या धर्मबुद्धिः स्यादक्षये शुभपर्वणि ||

Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akti or Akha Teej, is Annual spring time festival of the Jains and Hindus. It falls on the third Tithi (lunar day) of Bright Half (Shukla Paksha) of Vaisakha month. It is observed regionally by Hindus and Jains in India and Nepal,

As signifying the "third day of unending prosperity"

In Sanskrit, the word "Akshayya" (अक्षय्य) means "imperishable, eternal, the never diminishing" in the sense of "prosperity, hope, joy, success", while Tritiya means "third".

It is named after the "third lunar day" of the spring month of Vaisakha in the Hindu calendar, the day it is observed.

To share its importance,, On this auspicious occasion of 
Akshaya Tritiya, also known as the day of unending prosperity is one of the most significant Days for Hindus 

1) Birth of Sri Parasurama Bhagwan.

2) This is the day when Sri Ganga mAta touched Earth.

3) This is the day when TrEta yuga started.

4) This is the day when Bhagawan Sri Krishna met his friend Kuchela

5) This is the day when Sri vEda vyasa, with the help of Sri Ganesha started to pen MahAbhArata. 

6) This is the day when Lord sUrya gave akshyapAtra to pAndavas in AgyAtavAsa. 

7) This is the day, where Lord Kubera was appointed as guardian of riches and abundance.

8) This is the day when Sri Sankara bhagawadpAda Adi Sankara chanted " kanakadhArAsthavam"

9) This is the day when mAta Annapurneswari took her Avatara. 

10) This is the day, when Bhagawan Sri Krishna saved Draupadi from the kaurava dussasana. 

11) The day when Shri Kedarnath Temple reopens after the extreme winters.

Such is the importance of today.

Akshaya Tritiya has morphed into a gold acquisition spree in recent years. 

There is nothing written anywhere in the vedas or shAstra-s about procuring gold today.

Buying Gold or gold ornaments on अक्षयतृतीया ... Is a hoax ... Dharmik texts don't advocate it.

As one can see, it is marked by pUjana, shrAddha, upavAsa, snAna, japa, dAna and such solemn practices.

Nowhere has buying of gold for personal use been praised or recommended.

I don't understand how such a holy day could be perverted to serve consumerism.

This is like westernization of our festival, in western countries every festival has just been turned into an occasion to go shopping. There is no deeper significance than vain consumerism.

Consumerism isn't bad. But everything has a time & space for it.
Akshaya-tritiyA is not that day. 

So, if you see adverts of gold buying and how auspicious it is to hoard it on AT, they're clearly misleading you. 

Will share some details on it's actual traditional practices

Oldest ref to Akshaya Tritiya is in विष्णुधर्मसूत्र. 
Which emphasis on the worship of vAsudeva, fasting, oblations of whole grains & donating them.Whatever a man donates on that day becomes inexhaustible.

उपोषितोऽक्षतैर्वासुदेवमभ्यर्च्य तानेव हुत्वा दत्त्वा च सर्वपापेभ्यः पूतो भवति।

The MatsyapurANa too praises donation or sacrifice on Akshaya Tritiya. Fasting is recommended as well. The tithi becomes special with kRttikA-nakShatra.

The BhaviShyottara-purANa says that this day is yugAdi for kRta-yuga. Whatever is done on it such as bath, dAna, japa, homa, VedAdhyayana, tarpaNa etc., all become akShaya.

स्नानं दानं जपो होमः स्वाध्यायः पितृतर्पणम् ।
यदस्यां क्रियते किञ्चित् सर्वं स्यात्तदिहाक्षयम् ।। (Bh.P).

shrAddha performed on days designated as yugAdi (AkshayaTritiya is one such) gives akshaya gratification to pitrs.

UdakumbhadAna (gift of a water pot) on this day in honour of devas or pitRs is highly recommended. Samudra-snAna on this day is recommended as well.

Ghopuja or divine ceremonies to the holy cow helps to remove poverty, gives health, wealth & comfort. It helps to repay debts & gives strength to overcome enemies.

 This is the day, any kArya's that you undertake, whether good or bad will follow you irrespective of your prarabdha karma's and births. 

So please involve in Dharmic kriyas today, 

You will never go hungry or thirsty if you offer water and curd rice to the thirsty and hungry today and whenever it's possible for you. 

Feeding and quenching thirst of anyone and everyone gives one good karma. 

You can offer footwear, umbrellas and handfans as dAna today

Stay away from doing any sort of Adharmic deeds at least for today. 

Please stay away today from anger, arrogance, killing of innocent creatures, overindulgence of physical needs, deceit and hate. 

This day has the power to attract  immense energies. 

Stay positive. Stay Dharmic


1. History of DharmashAstra Vol V Part I by MM PV kANe.
2. A Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism by svAmI HarshAnanda.
3. Dharmasindhu by shrI-kAshInAtha-upAdhyAya. Kannada translation by shrI-shambhu-sharmA.


  1. According to our custom, people buy gold today because it is a sign of auspiciousness and Buying gold brings prospairity in the house and persists forever
    And this custom does'nt force people to buy gold
    if you can afford then go for it.
    And many more things have'nt been written in Puranas, then why do we do them?

    1. Baisa hukum ji jai shri prabhu ji ki_/\_

    2. Well baisa hukum ji, nobody is stopping anyone from buying it, but akshaya tritya is not just about buying gold, it has much more divinity in it..like all our ancient practices and celebrations are..

    3. Jai Ram ji ki 🙏
      I know that, even today I was also going to post same topic but you posted first so I avoid to post.
      anyway you added everything except thereof story why?

    4. Basically baisa hukum ji 11 auspicious event we mention, but there are hundred such event occur on this eve as we read more, it is difficult to compile all here.. rest aim for saving it here was not to aware people about vaishakha shukla tritya but the lack of knowledge regarding our own tradition basically.. we was also unaware until read it sumwhere, so backlogging it here, as a jigyasu for future quest..

    5. Good to see your curiosity about it
      I Was sad last year to see that except me no one did tweet about it but can say that I have enough knowledge about it as its do and do'nts and approximately all rituals about it as what we should cook, do, eat and donate on this special day.

    6. Basically baisa hukum ji our interest is not limited to one holy eve.. will share further about it in future, will love hear about it if baisa hukum ji you have refrences of ancient holy text regarding does n don't.. as hinduism library is so large that everyday we read about it, it put us back in position from where we begin seekig
