Saturday, November 16, 2019


भारतीय संस्कृति में प्राचीन कालसे ही काशी की अनुपम, अप्रमेय, अप्रितम विशिष्ट स्थिति रही है। काशी सर्वक्षेष्ठ शैवतीर्थ है, किंतु इसके साथ-ही-साथ यह वैष्णव, जैन और बौद्ध तीर्थों के रूपमें भी श्रधेया रही है। समीप ही तथागत बुद्धने सारनाथ में प्रथम धर्मचक्र-प्रवर्तन किया। जैन धर्मके २३वें तीर्थंकर श्रीपाश्वंनाथ जन्मभूमि होने का श्रेय काशिको ही है। शैवधर्ममें तो काशीकी महिमा अपरम्पार है। किवदन्ती है कि काशीमें तिलभर भी भूमि लिंगरहित नहीं है। इसे वाराणसी, अविमुक्तेश्वर, विश्वेश्वर आदि पदों से भी व्यवहृत किया जाता है। स्वयं भगवान शंकरने इसकी महिमा में कहा है - 

इदं गुह्मतमं क्षेत्रं सदा वाराणसी मम।
सर्वेषामेव भूतानां हेतुमोक्षस्य सर्वदा।। 
               (मत्स्यपुराण १८०|४७)

अर्थात - 'मेरा यह वाराणसी-क्षेत्र परम गुह्य है एंव सर्वदा सभी प्राणियोंके लिए मोक्षका कारण है।'

पुराणों में तो काशिकी महिमापर पूरे-पूरे खण्डों और अध्यायों की रचना की गई है। यहाँ लिंग-रूपमें शिव साक्षात विराजमान हैं। शिवपुराण की चतुर्थ कोटिरुद्र संहिता में वर्णित द्वादश ज्योतरिलिंगोंमें विश्वेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग भगवान शंकर का सातवाँ अवतार है (शिवपुराण ३|४२) काशीपुरी शिवक गुह्यतम क्षेत्र है।

प्रलयकालमें भी इसका नाश नहीं होता। उस समय भगवान शंकर इसे अपने त्रिशूल पर धारण कर लेते हैं और सृष्टिकालमें भूतलपर स्थापित कर लोगों के उद्धार के लिए स्थित हो जाते हैं। इस जगत में जो लोग अनेक प्रकार के दुःख-परम्परासे पूर्ण संसार-समुद्रके प्रवाह में पतित होकर पुनः उससे निकलना चाहते हैं वे विचारशील पुरुष अन्य मार्गों के होते हुवे भी काशी-निवासरूपी मार्गका ही अनुसरण करते है-

 असारे खलु संसारे सारमेतच्चतुष्टयम्।
काश्यां वासः सतां संगो गङ्गाभ्यः शिवपूजनम्।।

अर्थात इस संसार में यही चार बातें हैं- 'काशीवास, महात्माओं का साथ,गंगाजल-सेवन और शिवपूजन।' इनमें किसी भी उपाय को अपनाकर साधुजन काशीकी ही शरण लेते हैं।

काशीकी तुलना गायत्री से करते हुवे कहा गया है कि गायत्री के समान कोई मन्त्र नहीं है और काशीके समान अन्य कोई पूरी नहीं है। काशी ही ऐसी पूरी है जो साक्षात मोक्ष प्रदान करनेवाली है-

न गायत्रीसमो मन्त्रो न काशीसदृशी पुरी।
न विश्वेशसमं लिंगं सत्यं सत्यं पुनः पुनः।।
अन्यानि मुक्तिक्षेत्राणि काशीप्राप्तिकराणी वै।
काशीं प्राप्य विमुच्येत नान्यथा तीर्थकोटिभिः।।

काशी में तारकमंत्र द्वारा मुक्ति मिलती है। भगवान शंकर मृत्युको प्राप्त होनेवाले प्राणी को अंत-समयमें तारक मंत्र का उपदेश देते हैं, जिस से वह तत्काल मुक्त हो जाता है-

ब्रह्मज्ञानं तदेवाह काशीसंस्थितिभागिनाम् ।
दिशामि तारकं प्रान्ते मुच्यन्ते ते तु तत्क्षणात् ।।

काशी सप्त पुरियोंमें प्रधान पूरी है। अन्य छः पुरियाँ सम्यक प्रकारसे ज्ञानोउत्पादन द्वारा सालोक्य-मुक्ति प्रदान करती है। परंतु काशीमें जाने-अनजाने अथवा किसी कारणसे मृत्यु हो जाने पर मुक्ति ही मिलती है, पुनः गर्भवास की यातना नही भोगनी पड़ती। मत्स्यपुराण अनुसार वाराणसी पितृप्रिय नगरी है। यहाँ अविमुक्त के निकट किया गया श्राद्ध भुक्ति-मुक्तिप्रदायक है-

तथा वाराणसी पुण्या पितृणां वल्लभा सदा ।
यात्राविमुक्तसांनिध्यं    भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदम् ।।
                                  ( २२ | ७ )

पदमपुराण के अनुसार नैमिषारण्य, कुरुक्षेत्र, गंगाद्वार तथा पुष्कर आदि क्षेत्रों स्नान करने या निवास करनेसे मनुष्य को मोक्ष नहीं मिलता है। इसलिए काशी समस्त तीर्थोंमें श्रेष्ट है। यह धर्मक्षेत्र तथा तीर्थक्षेत्र है।

शिवपुराण के अनुसार काशी लोकमें कल्याण देनेवाली कर्मनाशिनी, मोक्ष-प्रकाशिका और ज्ञान देनेवाली नगरी है। काशीसे अन्यत्र जीवोंको सारूप्य-मुक्ति प्राप्त होती हैं। किंतु काशीमें सायुज्य-मुक्ति प्राप्त होती है। जिनकी कहीं गति नही उनकी वाराणसी पुरीमें गति होती है। महापुण्यमयी काशी परिक्रमा-पंचकोसी-यात्रा कोटि हत्याओंका नाश करने वाली है-


शिवपुराण में शिव जी स्वयं पार्वतीजी से कहते हैं कि मेरा परम ग्रहक्षेत्र वाराणसी मुक्ति देने वाला है। सिद्ध पुरुष मेरे व्रतका आश्रय कर लोकोपकार की इच्छासे नानारूप धारण करते है, जितेन्द्रिय आत्माको वशमें कर महायोग का अभ्यास करते है तथा मुक्तिफल देनेवाले योगमें तत्पर होते हैं। भक्त तथा विज्ञानी दोनों ही मुक्तिके भागी हैं। वे जीवन्मुक्त जहाँभी मरते हैं, तत्काल मोक्ष प्राप्त करते है-


परम उत्तम अविमुक्त तीर्थमें सभी वर्ण, आश्रम,बालक, युवा, वृद्ध कोई भी मृत्यु को प्राप्त हो, वह मुक्त हो जाता है। इस क्षेत्रमें ज्ञान, कर्म, दान, संस्कार, ध्यान, श्रेष्ठ जाती किसीकी अपेक्षा नहीं है। यहाँ जो भी मरता है निश्चय ही मोक्ष प्राप्त करता है।

गरुड़पुराण अनुसार जो मनुष्य काशीमें रहकर सदैव पापोंमें रत रहता है, वह तिस हज़ार वर्षतक पिशाचयोनि को भोगता है, तत्पश्चात वहीं उसे ज्ञानकी प्राप्ति होती है और उसके बाद मोक्ष मिल जाता है-


लिंगपुराण के अनुसार काशीमें पिशाच-जन्म स्वर्गवास से श्रेष्ठतर है-

कृत्वा पापसहस्त्राणि पिशाचत्वं वरं नृणाम् ।
न तु शक्रसहस्त्रत्वं स्वर्गे काशीपुरीं विना ।।
तस्मात् संसेवनीय हि अविमुक्तं हि मुक्तये ।
जैगीषव्यः परां सिद्धिं गतस्तत्र महातपाः ।।

काशीमें मरने के अनन्तर चार प्रकार की मुक्तियाँ क्रमशः होती हैं-
सालोक्य मुक्ति अर्थात शिवलोक में निवास करना,
सारूप्य मुक्ति अर्थात शिव के समीप रहना और,
सायुज्य मुक्ति अर्थात शिवसे मिल जाना।

काशी-क्षेत्र में सालोक्य मुक्ति, वाराणसी-क्षेत्रमें सारूप्य मुक्ति, अविमुक्त-क्षेत्रमें सामीप्य तथा अन्तर्गृही-क्षेत्रमें सायुज्य मुक्ति प्राप्त होती है।

काशी-क्षेत्रमें भक्तोंद्वारा स्थापित लिंग सर्वकामप्रद तथा मोक्षदायक है। पांच कोसतक विस्तृत इस क्षेत्रमें मरनेवाला प्राणी अमृतत्व प्राप्त करता है-

अत्र लिंगान्यनेकानि भक्तैः संस्थापितानि ह।
सर्वकामप्रदानीह।  मोक्षदानि   च पार्वति ।।
पञ्ञक्रोशचतुर्दिक्षु      क्षेत्रमेतत्प्रकीर्तितम् ।
समेताच्च  तथा जन्तोर्मृतिकाले ज् मृतस्रदम् ।।

अविमुक्तेश्वर में दिए गए विविध, दानोसे शुभ गति मिलती हैं। यहाँ उपवास रहनेसे सौत्रामणि यज्ञ का फल मिलता है और निराहार से सैंकड़ो-करोड़ों कल्पोंमें भी पुनः संसारमें आगमन नहीं होता। अविमुक्त-क्षेत्र में पापशय, कर्मबन्धनोंसे मुक्ति, अभीष्ट फलकी प्राप्ति, प्राप्ति, परागति और अपुनभरव सुनिश्चित है।

कर्मकांड तीन प्रकार के बन्धनमें डालनेवाले कहे गये हैं- संचित कहते हैं, जो शरीर से फलरूपमें भोगे जाते है वह प्रारब्ध है और जो शुभ -अशुभ कार्य इस जनममें किये जाते हैं और उनको क्रियमाण कहते हैं। इन कर्मोमें प्रारब्धका विनाश केवल भोगसे होता है। संचित तथा क्रियमाण-इन दोनों कर्मोंका शय पूजन आदि विधिसे भी हो सकता है। समस्त कर्मोंका विनाश काशी बिना नहीं हो सकता। सब तीर्थ सुलभ हैं, किंतु काशीपुरी दुर्लभ है। यदि पूर्वजन्ममें आदरपूर्वक काशीका दर्शन किया गया हो तो काशीमें आकर मनुष्य मृत्यु को प्राप्त हो जाता है। जो काशीमें जाकर गंगाजीमें स्नान करता हैं उसके क्रियमाण तथा संचित कर्मोंका विनाश हो जाता है। यह भी निश्चित है कि काशीमें मरोत्यु हो जाये तो उस कर्मका शय हो जाता है।

इस प्रकार  काशी सत्यपुरुषों को भुक्ति-मुक्ति देनेवाली है-

इत्यादि बहुमाहात्म्यं काश्यां वै मुनिसत्तमाः ।
तथा विश्वेश्वरस्यापि भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं सताम् ।।

कलियुगमें पापी मनुष्योंको मुक्ति देनेके लिए काशी ही एकमात्र शरण है। आध्यात्मिक उन्नति चाहनेवालोंको काशी का सेवन अवश्य करना चाहिए। यहाँ निवास करनेसे और तत्वज्ञानसे परा उन्नति होती है-

काशीवसत्या तत्वस्य संवित्या चोन्नतिः परा।
जायते सज्जना नूनं काशी संसेव्यतां मुदा ।।

भगवान शंकर पार्वती जी से कहते हैं- 

जन्मान्तर सहस्रेषु युञ्ञन् योगमवाप्रुयात्।
तमिहैव   परं   मोक्षं   मरणादधिगच्छति ।।
                      ( मत्स्यपु० १८० | ७४ )

हे देवी ! ' हजारों जनमोंमें योगका अभ्यास करने से जो मोक्ष प्राप्त होता है, वह परम मोक्ष यहाँ मरने से ही प्राप्त हो जाता है।'

उपर्युक्त संक्षिप्त विवेचनमें काशी का सर्वविध मोक्षदायिनी होना स्पष्ट है। अतः मोक्षप्रदायक सर्वकल्याणप्रद इस काशी-क्षेत्र का सेवन प्राणिमात्र को अवश्य करना चाहिये। स्वयं भगवान शंकर भी काशी का त्याग कभी नहीं करते,

विमुक्तं न मया यस्मान्मोक्ष्यते वा कदाचन।
महत् क्षेतरमिदं तस्मादविमुक्तमिदं स्मृतम्।।
                       ( मत्स्यपु० १८० | ५४ )

इसलिए इसे महान अविमुक्त-क्षेत्र कहा जाता है।

Varanasi on the banks of the river Ganges is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Also known as Benares, it lies about 64 km east of Vidhyachal and about 322 km south of Lucknow. A major religious hub in India, it is the holiest of the seven sacred cities in Hinduism and Jainism, and played an important role in the development of Buddhism and Ravidassia. Varanasi grew as an important industrial centre famous for its muslin and silk fabrics, perfumes, ivory works, and sculpture. Buddha is believed to have founded Buddhism here around 528 BC when he gave his first sermon, The Setting in Motion of the Wheel of Dharma, at nearby Sarnath. The city’s religious importance continued to grow in the 8th century, when Adi Shankara established the worship of Shiva as an official sect of Varanasi. During the Muslim rule through the Middle Ages, the city continued as an important centre of Hindu devotion, pilgrimage, mysticism and poetry which further contributed to its reputation as a centre of cultural importance and religious education. Tulsidas wrote his epic poem on Rama’s life called Ram Charit Manas in Varanasi. Several other major figures of the Bhakti movement were born in Varanasi, including Kabir and Ravidas. The Sikh guru, Guru Nanak visited Varanasi for Maha Shivaratri in 1507, a trip that played a large role in the founding of Sikhism.

As per the 13th c. text, it was at that place that Shiva took the form of liquid ज्ञान (i.e. the water in the well) for the destruction of dullness of intellect. Hence the etymology.

ज्ञानरूपोऽहमेवात्र द्रवमूर्तिं विधाय च।
जाड्यविध्वंसनं कुर्यां कुर्यां ज्ञानोपदेशनम्॥ 

The chapter immediately preceding also discusses Gyanvapi (Jnanavapi/Jnanoda Tirtha) but it also goes off topic and discusses many other Tirtha sites in Kashi as well. However, what's important to note is that the footnote on the first page associates it with the mosque. 

It's divided into 20 volumes (Skanda Purana is the 2nd longest Hindu text after Mahabharata, as far as we know) in the Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology Series.
The 10th volume is the one which contains the Purvardha of Kashi Khanda, which we quoted.

Traditional etymology links Varanasi to the names of the two Ganges tributaries forming the city’s borders: Varuna, still flowing in northern Varanasi, and Assi, today a small stream in the southern part of the city, near the Assi Ghat. The old city is located on the north shores of the Ganges, bounded by Varuna and Assi. In the Rigveda, the city is referred to as Kasi or Kashi from the Sanskrit verbal root kas which means to shine, making it known as the City of Light. The name was also used by pilgrims dating from the Buddha’s days.

काल भैरव शिव at बनारस | Lord of time, destiny
Kal Bhairav, Shiv at Kashi Varanasi 10th century.

Holds 5th head of Brahma, do you know Why?

According to Hindu History, Varanasi was founded by Lord Shiva. During a fight between Brahma and Shiva, one of Brahma’s five heads was torn off by Shiva and as was the custom, the victor carried the slain adversary’s head in his hand and let it hang down from his hand as an act of ignominy, and a sign of his own bravery and also put a bridle into the mouth, dishonouring Lord Brahma’s head, and kept it with him at all times. When he came to the city of Varanasi in this state, the hanging head of Lord Brahma dropped from Lord Shiva’s hand and disappeared in the ground. Varanasi is therefore considered an extremely holy site.

महादेव की नगरी काशी में पंचक्रोशी यात्रा को दर्शाता 200 वर्ष पुराना चित्र 18th century schematic map of Varanasi made in Rajasthan, as a guide for pilgrims. V&A Museum 

turtles, gharials, dolphins, visible in the Ganga river.

Closely associated with the Ganges, Hindus believe that dying here and getting cremated along the banks of the holy Ganges allows one to break the cycle of rebirth and attain salvation. Kashi Naresh or the King of Kashi is the chief cultural patron of Varanasi, and an essential part of all religious celebrations. Varanasi was also where the Benares gharana form of Hindustani classical music was developed and it is also home to one of Asia’s largest residential universities, Banaras Hindu University or BHU. Excavations in 2014 led to the discovery of artefacts dating back to 800 BC with further excavations at Aktha and Ramnagar unearthing artefacts dating back to 1800 BC, supporting the view that the area was inhabited by that time.

Manasara, an ancient text of Shilpa-sahstra, recommends that if a town has to be located along a river bank, it should then be at a height sloping towards the east or north (praganutham uttara natham samam va bhumi); and, it should be situated on the convex side of the river bend. The text mentions Varanasi as a classic example that satisfies this norm; the other instance being the ancient city of Madurai along the convex side of the Vaigai.

Situated on the western bank of the Ganga, the Kashi Vishveshvar Temple is one of the 12 Jyotirlingas or temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. The main deity of Kashi Vishveshvar Temple is Lord Shiva, also known as Vishwanatha or Vishweshwarar meaning the ruler of the universe. The very first mention of the temple can be found in the Puranas including the Kashi Khanda section of the Skanda Purana.

Kashi is Varanasi ; because, the city included the land bound between two rivers the Varana and the Asi. The Varana is a rivulet, which rises to the north of Prayaga (Allahabad) ; and, has a course of about hundred miles; while Asi  a mere brook , which , as Ether says,  is now reduced to a lamentable nullah. The Varana joins the Ganga at the north of the city, while the Asi joins the Ganga at its south. The distance between these two confluences is around 2.5 kosas (One Kosa is about 1 ½ miles; making 2.5 kosa to about 3.75 miles); and, the round trip is known as Pancha-koshi –yatra (about 7.5 miles). The great city of Kashi lies on a higher ground at the confluence of three rivers, metaphorically a trident.

Kashi is a city of contradictions. It is Anandavana the grove of happiness as also Rudravasa or Maha-shmashana the great cremation ground. The cycle of life and death is nowhere more pronounced than in Kashi; for , this is the ‘City of Good Death’ to where people come to die, to rid themselves of the cycle of birth and death. The fires of cremation burn here ceaselessly; and, Lord Shiva whispers the sacred verse of liberation to the departing.

Kashi was the ancient name of the kingdom; one of the sixteen Maha-janapadas of ancient India. It was also the name of its chief city, which was also called as Varanasi or Baranasi.  Since the arrival of the British in India , the city has also come to be known as Banaras or Benares.

The name Kashi is derived from the root kash meaning light (kashate pra-kashate iti kashihi). Kashi , literally means the city of lights. It is said; as one sails up the river Ganga at night, the city with myriad temples, mansions (prasada) and palaces glows like festival of lights.

Right from the ancient times, Kashi was reckoned among the seven primer sacred cities (Saptapuri) that granted liberation (moksadayikah). Its name also suggests that Kashi was the ‘luminous’ or pre-eminent of all the seven great and holy cities of ancient India: Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya (Haridwar), Kashi (Varanasi), Kanchi, Avanthika (Ujjain), Puri, and Dvaravathi (Dwaraka) .

Ayodhya Mathura Maya Kashi Kanchi Avantika | Puri Dvaravati chaiva saptaita moksadayikah ||

Some scholars opine that Kashi is in fact a later name; its earlier name being Varanavati. Through the ages, the city had various other names such as: Avimuktaka, Anandakanana, Mahasmasana, Surandhana, Brahma Vardha, Sudarsana and Ramya; besides Kashi and Varanasi. But in most legends and lore , the city is celebrated as the holy city of Kashi or Varanasi.

A holy well, Gyaan Vapi here is believed to be where the Shivalinga was hidden to protect it from foreign invaders.

This well is only accessible to Hindus. The structure of the temple is composed of three parts with the first part a spire, the second, a golden dome and the third a gold spire atop the temple carrying a flag and a trident. On the outside, the temple is adorned with intricate carvings. It is widely believed that a visit to the temple followed by a dip in the Ganges is the way to attain liberation or moksha and another belief states that Lord Shiva himself whispers the mantras of salvation into the ears of the people who die naturally at the temple.

In ancient times, on special occasions, the King of Kashi or Kashi Naresh used to pray first when the temple was closed to devotees who could only enter the temple after the king had finished his prayers.

Ramnagar Fort

Located on the eastern banks of the river Ganga, opposite Tulsi Ghat, Ramnagar Fort is a stunning 18th century historical monument built by Raja Balwant Singh in 1750 according to the Mughal style of architecture. The current King of Benaras, currently resides in the Fort. The fort features carved balconies, open courtyards, and scenic pavilions.

Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple

The Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple is situated by the Assi river and was built in the 1900s by Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya and is dedicated to Lord Rama and Lord Hanuman. Everyone visiting the city does not fail to visit this temple. The laddoo offered at this temple as an offering is amous among the locals and one needs to be aware of the monkeys who throng the temple premises and try to steal away the offerings, but are said to be harmless.

Sarnath Temple

Located 10 km north-east of Varanasi, near the confluence of the Ganga and the Varuna rivers, Sarnath was variously known as as Mrigadava, Migadāya, Rishipattana and Isipatana throughout its history. The Deer Park in Sarnath is where Gautama Buddha first taught the Dharma, and where the Buddhist Sangha came into existence through the enlightenment of Kondanna. Singhpur, a village approximately one km from Sarnath, was the birthplace of Shreyansanath, the eleventh Tirthankara of Jainism with a temple dedicated to him an important pilgrimage site. As Isipatana, Sarnath is mentioned by the Buddha as one of the four places of pilgrimage his devout followers should visit.

It was also the site of the Buddha’s Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, which was his first sermon after attaining enlightenment, in which he explained the four noble truths and the teachings associated with them.

Revered for being spot or Rishipattana where Lord Buddha revealed his first eightfold path sermon, the Dhamek Stupa is the main stupa in Sarnath.

King Ashoka renovated the existing pre-Buddhism structure in the 3rd century BC and the cylindrical stupa is made entirely out of bricks with a diameter of 28 metres. Elaborate murals, wall carvings and a small museum after the entrance provide insights into the monument’s details and the Buddha’s teachings. Halfway across Dhamek Stupa, there are arched niches and dilapidated statues of the...

The above picture was clicked in 1905 at the initial stage of excavation in Sarnath. One can spot the parts of the Ashoka pillar in the picture. Today you can see this piece of marvel everywhere from the museum of Sarnath to the money you carry in your wallet.

The Sarnath Archaeological Site is where the Buddha began to preach his sermons and is built around the main Dhamek Stupa and its gardens. It is also home to the legendary lion memorial pillar built by King Ashoka, the current Indian national emblem, both of which are maintained by the ASI as well as the Sarnath Museum across the road. Over the centuries, various Buddhist kings have added small and large temples built with exceptionally well-preserved Chunar sandstone. Buddhist monks would worship the exquisite statue of the seated Buddha, the first idol ever built. When villagers started stealing bricks and stones from this seemingly endless source, British officials protected the area in 1904.

Banaras Hindu University

Established by Madan Mohan Malviya in 1916, 

Banaras Hindu University is a 5.3 sq. km campus with about 30,000 students residing in campus and is the largest residential university on the continent. With many notable alumni, the Indo-Gothic architecture and sprawling lawns add to the beauty of the place.

The New Vishwanath Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva on the premises of the Banaras Hindu University. The temple also consists of nine other temples within it incorporating elements from the Hindu cosmos. The foundation of the temple was laid down in 1931 and the temple was completed in 1966. The path leading to the temple is lined with dense trees and offers marvellous views of the architecture with each part of the temple designed intricately including the balconies, pavilions and spires. Several sculptures of various animals like the bull, crocodile, lion and are dotted in the area of the temple. The richly decorated hall has pillars and is mostly made of lambent marble and stands at 77 meters high. Its tower, the shikhara, are said to the tallest in the world with the Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures, are engraved in the marble walls and the idol of Lord Shiva rests on the upper floor in a marble room with the balcony on the upper floor offering a beautiful view.

Tulsi Manasa Temple

Constructed in 1964, the Tulsi Manasa Temple is dedicated to Lord Rama and is named after the saint poet Tulsidas. It displays the Shikhara style of architecture and exhibits various inscriptions from the Ram Charit Manas on the walls of the temple. Various episodes of Ramayana have also been depicted on the upper storey of the temple in the form of carvings. The temple is a must visit during the months of Saawan which happens in July – August when it opens up a special display of puppets, related to the Ramayana, and is a wonderful experience.

Durga Kund & Temple

Located near the Durga Ghat on the banks of the Ganga, the Durga Temple was built in the 18th century and houses an imposing idol of Goddess Durga and is one of the main temples in Varanasi.

Nepali Temple, Kath Mandir

One of the oldest temples in the city, the Nepali Temple is a 19th century shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva.

It was established by the King of Nepal and is a spitting image of the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu. The architecture of the temple is traditional and is made of stone, terracotta and wood carvings.

Batuk Bhairav Mandir

Famous for being a place of worship for the aghoris and tantriks, the Batuk Bhairav Mandir is dedicated to Batuk Bhairav, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. An interesting feature of the temple is the sacred Akhand Deep which is believed to be burning for ages with the oil from this lamp said to have healing powers.

Bharat Mata Mandir

The Bharat Mata Mandir is a unique shrine dedicated to the country in the incarnation of Mother India. The temple does not have any deity, but a relief map of the country carved in marble. The brainchild of Babu Shiv Prasad Gupta, a freedom fighter, the temple was built in 1936 and inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi and is the only one dedicated to a country in the world.

Dashashwamedh Ghat

It is believed that the Dashashwamedh Ghat was where Lord Brahma performed the Dasa Ashwamedha sacrifice. A visit during Kartik Purnima, about November/December, is when the Ghat is lit up for the Dev Diwali festivities. The Ghat is famous for the Ganga Aarti conducted every evening, with thousands visiting it daily.

The Ganga Aarti is an important ritual held every morning and evening on the banks of the Ganga. priests perform the Aarti at the Dashashwamedh Ghat and the entire ghat is illuminated. The ritual involves huge brass lamps lit with oil with the priests chanting holy mantras.

Assi Ghat

The Assi Ghat is located at the confluence of the Rivers Assi and Ganga and is famous for the large Shiva Lingam installed under a peepal or sacred fig tree. It has immense religious importance and has been mentioned in the Puranas and various legends. The ghat is the heart of Varanasi and has amazing views of the sunset and sunrise over the Ganges. The Ghat has started a morning aarti which is a must watch. According to an ancient legend, Assi Ghat came about when Goddess Durga threw her sword in the river after killing a demon and the spot where she stood became the ghat.

Kedar Ghat

Kedar Ghat is one of the oldest ghats in Varanasi and is considered cleaner for bathing and offering prayers to Lord Shiva at the Kedareshwar Temple. The Shivala Ghat has a number of historic monuments around. The mansion of the King of Nepal, is located next to the Ghat, also is the Chet Singh Fortress with stunning views of the river from the ghat. 

Manmandir Ghat

Built by Maharaja Mann Singh of Jaipur in the early 17th century, the Manmandir Ghat is famous for the palace built by him and an observatory built in 1710 by Savai Jaisingh II.

On the northern side of the Ghat is a stone balcony from where visitors can get a beautiful view of River Ganga.

Manikarnika Ghat

Manikarnika Ghat is considered as a gateway to the next and it is believed that spending the last few days of life at the ghat and completing the rituals of cremation here will ensure a painless passing and also a way to attain freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death.

Alamgir (Aurangzeb) Mosque

Alamgir Mosque is a 17th century structure built by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, on land which once had a Shiva Temple and was demolished by him. The mosque is an architecturally stunning building built according to the Indo-Islamic style of architecture with beautiful minarets and high domes.

Gyan Kup

Well of Knowledge, 1870

The Gyan Vapi Well is a sacred well located inside the Kashi Vishwanath Temple. The water of the well was considered to be holier than the water of the River Ganga before it was polluted by offerings made by pilgrims. It is said that when Emperor Aurangzeb attacked the old temple, the temple priest threw the Shivalinga into the well and jumped inside to protect it.


Kashi mentioned in Vedas, Epics, Purana, Buddhist & Jain literature was a substantial settlement by 9 Century BCE. First seals with Shaivite symbols were found in 1 century CE. Mahabharat mentions Vrsadhwaja, a Shiva sanctuary with a bathing tank (Kapilaharada). Seals of 4-6 Century, mostly by Shaivite shrines, particularly of Avimukteshwara were found.
Vaishnavism too flourished in early Christian century, an image of Balarama too was found.
Sarnath stone inscription of Prakataditya speak of a Vishnu temple built named Muradvis !

Huein Tsang travelling in 7 Century recorded that Banaras has hundreds of Deva temples.

The first half of the 10th century is remembered in Indian history for Mahmud Ghaznavi's constant invasions in present india and the destruction of countless temples. These raids caused extensive damage to the Indian economy, looting the wealth of many temples. But despite wreaking havoc in almost the whole of northern India, Mahmud Ghaznavi was never able to destroy the shrines at Holiest Varanasi, as the powerful Emperor Mahipal of Pala Empire crushed the Ghaznavid invaders in the northwestern region. ● Sources :

* Muhammadan Historians of India Vol ll, Henry Miers Elliot, pp- 531-532

* Tarikh-i-Bayhaqi, Abul-Fazl Bayhaqi.

* Banger Jatiya Itihash, Nagendra Nath Basu, pp- 160- 161

● 1st Pala-Gaznavid War (1018-1019 AD):-

In 1013 AD, Mahmud attacked the Pala Hindu Shahi kingdom under Anandpala and he lost the Battle of Waihind, the Hindu shahi capital near Peshawar. Then returned again in 1014 AD he captured Thaneswar & attacked Kashmir in 1015 AD. In 1018, he attacked Mathura and fought the Maharaja Hardatt Dor of Baran & Kol. The mighty barbarian forces of Gajanvi under the direction of Sultan Mahmud destroyed the grand Krishna temples of Mathura and later Kannauj. Pala Emperor Mahipal Deo marched to Kashi with a huge Gaur Rajput army to protect the sanctity of Varanasi Sarvoch Dham. Samrat Mahipal defeated Mahmud Ghaznavi in a devastating battle. As a result, Gajanvi's tyranny was confined to Kanauj, & Varanasi was not the victim of his destruction.

● Later to celebrate victory over Mahmud Ghajni Established 100 Temples:-

After expelling Ghaznavids, Samrat Mahipal Deo re-established Dharma by constructing 100 temples at Varanasi. Sarnath inscription mentions, Gaudādhipa Samrāṭa Mahīpāla established a hundred temples of Īśhāna-Chitraghanṭā (Śhiva-Śhakti) at Varanasi.

"वाराणसीसरस्यां गुरव श्रीबामराशिपादाब्जं । आराध्य नमितभूपति-शिरोरुहै: शैवलाधीसं ।। ईशानचित्रघण्टादिकीर्तिरत्नशतानी यौ । गौड़ाधिपो महीपाल: काश्यां श्रीमानकार्येत ।।"

- Saranatha inscription of Gaudeshwar Samrat Mahipal Devasya .

● Pala- Chola War (1019 AD):-

In such hard times when King Mahipal Deo was busy fighting the Ghaznavids, Rajendra Chola l of the Chola Dynasty started invasion towards Bengal. In 1019 CE, Rajendra's forces marched through Kalinga towards the river Ganga. Cholas were also a mighty Hindu power, but instead of resisting Gaznavid invaders, they attacked Hindu kingdoms of east & entered Rāṛhadēśha. In such situation, Baṅgādhipa Rājā Gōvinda Chandra resisted Cholas at his best destroying Chola warships with Baṅghāl-Ḍiṅghi boats. Getting the news of the Chola raid on Rarh, Samrat Mahipal Deo hurried back to Gauda and stopped the Cholas on the banks of the Ganges. Recognizing the power and strength of Samrat Mahipala, the Chola king did not dare to cross the Ganges and fled from Takkanalāṛama immediately.

● 2nd Pala- Gaznavid War:-

According to the Persian chronicles "Tārikha-i-Bā'yhāqī" (تاریخ بیهقی) Mahmud's son Masud Ghaznavi and ruler of Lahore Ahmed Nialtigin attacked and looted Kashi in 1033 AD. The Gajnavids after the second prayer of noon started looting Kashi.

In the afternoon, the Pala army entered Kashi and crushed down the Ghaznavid looters. Masud was engaged in conversation with Sarfu-l Mulk when Kunwar Gopala, son of Samrat Mahipal Deo charged him and aiming with his mace at his head, wounded him on the nose, struck out two of his teeth.

Gajanvi was forced to flee from Kashi by the immense attack of the Pala army. For the reason of protecting Kashi Dham from terrorists, Emperor Mahipala Deo was felicitated with honour from all over Bhāratavarṣha.

Āryakṣhēmīśhwara in his "Chaṇḍakauśhika" (চণ্ডকৌশিক/चण्डकौशिक) nāṭaka compared Gaudadhipati Samrat Mahipal as "Chandragupta- swarupa" (চন্দ্রগুপ্ত-স্বরূপ/चन्द्रगुप्त-स्वरूप).

Chandradeva, founder of the Gahadavala dynasty made Banaras a second capital in 1090 and after fall of the Pala Rajput Empire.

Tarikh-i-Yamini of Utbi, written in early 11th century calls Varanasi a city of “seven forts” and “ten thousand temples” under the reign of imperial Rajapala of Pratihar Rajaput dynasty. This was around the period which marks the end of Imperial Pratiharas.

After the disintegration of Pratihara Dynasty, Varanasi was ruled by Kalchuri Rajput dyansty of Tripuri for a brief period. Gangeydeva Kalchuri established his rule over it, his son Lakshmikarna Kalchuri was famous as a great warrior and a patron of arts, architecture & culture. The image above depicts the Karna Temple at Amarkantak, built by Lakshmikarna Kalchuri.

Lakshmikarna also built the Karna-meru shiva temple at Varanasi. He commissioned the Karna-tirtha ghat at Prayaga (Allahabad) & also established the Karnavati agrahara (village) for Brahmins. 

The Chero dynasty ruled Varanasi till the Mughal rule. In the 16th century, Varanasi had a cultural revival under the Mughal emperor Akbar who patronised the city, and built two large temples dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.

The  Gyanvapi mosque in Varansi U.P. standing on the ruins of an older temple AviMukteshwar now known as Kashi Vishwanath is 1 of 12 jyotirling of Shiva, the temple was demolished by Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1696.

The temple was destroyed several times between the 12th and 16th centuries by!!  Kashi Vishwanath was first destroyed by Aibak in 1194 after his victory over Maharaja Jaichand who Attained martyrdom at Battle of Chandawar.

It was rebuilt by a Gujarati merchant during Illtutmish’ reign 1211-66.

Again destroyed by Hussain Shah Sharqi (1447-58) or Sikander Lodhi (1489-1517).

Hindu Rulers after Islamic Invasion

Varanasi first suffered Islamic bigotry in 1033 when Nialtagin, son of Mahmud attacked the city. al Baihaqi says that army stayed there for only few hours. Salar Masud’s General Mohd Alavi was defeated near Varanasi, his entire army wiped out by Pala Rajput Emperor Mahipala Deo. 

Site of battle is Masjid-i-Ganj-i-Shahidan & the women, children with the army were allowed to settle nearby, they survives even today as Alavipura.

Gahadvals shifted their capital to Varanasi & levied tax, Turushkadanda on Muslims. They called themselves as Protectors of Holy Places in India. Gahadval Chandradeva built many temples including the 

Adi-Kesava !

In 1194 CE Aibak led a force which attacked Banaras after Maharaja Jaichand died at Battle of  Chandawar.

Nizami says, a thousand temples destroyed including the ancient temple of Sri Vishvanatha, said to have been built during the reign of the King Vinaya Gupta (505-508 AD). Aibak, it is said, carried away about 1,400 camel loads of wealth from Kashi. Aibak’s blitz didn’t serve as deterrent 

1212 CE inscription of Sena King speaks of a sacrificial post & victory pillar at centre of Banaras & named it Kshetra of Shiva Visweshwara.

Later, Razzia Sultana (1236 -1240) raised the Bibi Razziya mosque over the site of the temple destroyed by Aibak , using the pillars rescued from the ruins.

Again, during the thirteenth century a temple of Sri Vishvanatha was erected by the local Hindus, near the adjoining Avimuktesvara temple. This temple too was destroyed , but  partially,  by the Sharqi kings of Jaunpur (1436-1458). Sikandar Lodi, however, completed the job during 1490, by destroying it entirely.

Sharqi Sultans continued in the iconoclastic zeal of Delhi Sultanate. Ibrahim Shah built many masjids over temples raised by Vijaychandra Gahadval.

Sikander Lodhi ordered destruction of all temples in his campaign of 1496 CE. Next 80 years no temples were rebuilt.

Narayan Bhatt (head of Banaras's most-famed Brahman family) , 16 Century scholar & religious leader in his Tristhalisetu speaks of ruins of Visweshwara & consoled devotees after which Rebuild by MahaRaja Maan Singh of Jaipur in late 16th century.

Rajput Ruler Raja Bir Singh Bundela, a close associate of Jahangir, was patron in 17th century and also refurbished the temples in Varanasi to some extents.

Last round of desecration was under orders of Aurangzeb, net result was sacrilege that started with Nialtagin was that Banaras of Puranic mahatamyas was lost.

Kritivasweshwara, Omkara, Mahadeva, Madhyameshwara, Visweshwara, Kal Bhairava, Bindu Madhava & hundreds others were destroyed & mosques built.

In 1656, the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb ordered the destruction of many temples and the building of mosques, causing the city to experience a temporary setback. However, after Aurangzeb’s death, most of India was ruled by a confederacy of pro-Hindu kings and much of modern Varanasi was built during this time, especially during the 18th century.

The painting is from Mewar and is one of the oldest paintings of original kashi vishwanath which was demolished by Aurangzeb.

The incident mentioned here reminds me of an instance of year 1669 in Benaras,& role of House of Kacchwahas for the cause of Kashi Vishwanath.

After destruction of Vishwanath Temple,Benaras, construction of a mosque was initiated.

The temple has seen complete annihilation and rebuilding many times. In 1669, Emperor Aurangzeb destroyed the temple and built the Gyanvapi Mosque in its place.

Aurangzeb ordered the destruction due to following reasons(Quoted by Asher): 

1. To teach a lesson to rebellious Rajput zamindars of Benaras

2. Religious teachings inculcated by Brahmins of Benaras hampered the cause of 'X'.

3. Another important one was to teach a lesson to Rajput zamindars who facilitated the escape of Shivaji M from Aurangzeb's custody.

**The temple structure that existed prior to the construction of Gyanvapi mosque was built by Raja Man Singh of Jaipur, yes the same Man Singh who is cursed by everyone today. Jai Singh I, the grandson of the temple's builder Raja Man Singh, was widely believed to have facilitated Shivaji's escape from Agra.*

Area around the temple was inhabited by Rajputs. The local Rajput inhabitants of the Kashi(not the royalty) decided that the mosque shouldn't be built at that place & called for a meeting, where it was unanimously decided that they won't let the mosque be built in an area which was inhabited only by Hindus.

So, after the unanimous decision at meeting of Rajput, it was decided that the mosque shouldn't be allowed to build & should be razed to ground.

They decided to attack the mosque in night, when the Mughal artisans reached the site, the walls of mosque were demolished, next day the wall was rebuilt but it was again destroyed the same night.

This happened 3-4 times. At last, one day Sayyid hid himself in a corner in night. When, Abdul Rasul gave the alarm, Mughal forces came out of hiding and began to fight and the mughal forces were routed at night by the strike of rajputs of Benaras.

Later, faujdar ShahYasin sent a Mughal force to detroy temples, where 100s of Rajputs were killed defending them. That day around 500 temples were destroyed, and a large scale massacre followed.

In 1671, a Mughal faujdar was sent to Ujjain to destroy the temples, he was able to destroy some, until a Rajput Zamindar ( Name Unnknown ) overpowered him, killed the faujdar and routed his army.

In 1698 Maharaja Bishan Singh ruler of Amber surveyed the site and mapped Gyanvapi to lie at a temple site and purchased  much territory on site around Gyanvapi, including from muslim habitants to establish vishweshwar temple without demolishing mosque but failed. In 1698, Raja Bishan Singh of Amer, grandson of Raja Ram Singh launched an initiative to build the Vishwanath temple, Benaras(Yes again a Kacchwaha). His agents surveyed the surrounding land, & detailed various claims  on the topic.

His court purchased land around Gyanvapi precinct to build a grand temple, but Sadly, he couldn't fulfill his wish & was unable to rebuild the temple as he died in the following yr.

In this old map/painting the old temple of Bishwanthji is the one which was built by Sawai Jai Singh in 1680. Later even his son Ishwari Singh also shown interest in rebuilding Kashi Vishwanath but couldn't materialize. 

Sawai Jai Singh II made several Jaishinghpuras throughout the majour pilgrims of India.

Forced Mughals to remove Jaziya & bathing tax on Hindus at Kashi, Prayag & Gaya. Mughal policy of taking over of a Mathas property after death of the Mahant, was also banished by Maharaja Sawai Jai SIngh II.

Raja Jai Singh of Amer built a school nearby the Kashi Vishwanath temple, ans also built the nearby Annapurna temple. Sidenote: Bir Singh also rebuilt the Krishna Janmbhoomi temple ie Keshavdev temple which was also demolished by Aurangzeb later and still the mosque stand at its place. And Bundelas are descendants from Gahadavalas, who has their capital at Kashi itself and one of the Gahadavala vassal also rebuilt Mathura temple after it was destroyed by Mahmud Ghazni. Anyway so after the Vishwanath temple was demolished by Aurangzeb, during the life time of Aurangzeb, Bishan Singh of Amer, father of Sawai Jai Singh planned to rebuilt the temple at Kashi, he purchased quite a land around the precinct even from muslim owners nearby but the building of Vishwanath temple could not be started as he died quite early. His son later Sawai Jai Singh took the project and carried out extensive survey of the land around the newly built mosque.

Original Viśveśvara was replaced by Razia mosque, it was shifted to the site Avimukteśvara down the hillock (Bakker).

Avimukteśvara was located just to the north of the sacred well, Gyanvapi, where the mosque sits today (Kṛtyakalpataru of Lakṣmīdhara).

This site where an older of Vishwanath over which a mosque was built during Sultanate period. That was considered the original location of Kashi Vishwanath and was called Adi-Vishweshwar.

Sawai Jai Singh built a temple at that location even when Aurangzeb was alive he wanted to pull down the Gyanvapi mosque too but couldn't complete this project. 

A painting from the early eighteenth century, with a giant Nandi statue built by the Maharaja of Nepal in the courtyard of the Vishwanath temple.

Vishwanath was destroyed at least Thrice. First by Aibak in 1194, soon Razia (1236-40) appropriated the ruined site & constructed a mosque there. 

Hans Bakker, “further history of Visweshwara is ‘one of stubbornness & bigotry’…” 

A Vishwanath temple was rebuilt adjacent to Bibi Razia mosque in early 18 century, in 1725 by Sawai Jai Singh, it was named Adi Visweshwara, Adi denoting the site of original temple. Traditions hold that Argha, avoid seat on which rests the Linga was from original Vishweshwar temple & obtained by Sawai Jai Singh from Mughals for his services. Desai writing in 2017, 

“the site shows prior location of Visweshwara Linga may have existed in collective memory”.

आदि विश्वेश्वर मंदिर में श्रृंगार गौरी का मूल विग्रह मौजूद है। यह करीब एक हजार साल पुराना बताया जाता है।

Since Razia Mosque was the original site, the Visweshwara Linga was consecrated at Avimukteshwara at foot of original Vishweshwar mound.

Avimukteshwara was shifted a bit north to accommodate Visweshwara between its former resting place & Gyanvapi. With Avimukteshwara destroyed & original Visweshwara site occupied by Razia Masjid, Hindus decided to construct a new sanctuary at the site of Avimukteshwara & referred it as Visweshwara.

Avimukteshwara & Vishweshwara came to known as one. Soon Avimukteshwara lost its identity & became another name for Vishweshwara, who became holiest of the holy.
Even religious authorities believed that both were names of same Linga.

Mittra Mishra of Orchha in his book ‘Viramittrodaya-Tirath Prakash Khand (1620) showed that according to Kashi Khand itself both Lingas were not the same & Visweshwara worshipped the Avimukteshwara.

After demolition of Vishweshwar during Aurangzeb’s reign, the Linga was reinstalled in an inconspicuous corner south of Gyanvapi well. 

According to the diaries of the Tirtha Purohits, Maharaja Bhav Singh, Rewa, Maharana Jagat Singh & Maharaja Anirudh Singh, Rewa worshipped at the Linga at Gyanvapi.

In 1734 Maharana Jawan Singh consecrated a Linga near Vishweshwara, which survived under the name of Jawaneshwara. In 1749 Maharana Sangram Singh II offered his veneration, in 1765 Maharana Ari Singh worshipped at the Shiva Linga at Gyanvapi and, in 1777 Ahilya Bai built the small temple over Linga consecrated by Maharana Jawan Singh!

In 1839 Maharaja Ranjit Singh wife draped the spires with gold. Maharaja Ranjit Singh wife Datar Kaur's donated around 800 Kg of Gold for Kashi Vishwanath Temple..

Adi Visweshwara was built by Sawai Jai Singh in 1725 !

The original Linga at New Vishwanath Temple too was consecrated by Maharana Jawan Singh in 1734 over which Ahilya Bai built that Temple in 1777 & the golden sheets draped by Maharaja Ranjit Singh Wife in 1839.

However, new narrative peddlers can’t digest the Truth is so obvious but certainly a sad part of history !

Bindu Madhav Mandir

Also visible is the red-bricked Alamgir mosque, not disputed Gyanvapi, but this was also built by demolishing temples and Just Like Kashi Vishwanath, this Bindu Madhav Mandir was rebuilt by Raja Man Singh of Amber in the 16th century. Both were eventually destroyed by Aurangzeb, rebuilt again but not at their previous sites.

From "HISTORY OF INDIA" book by JOHN CLARK MARSHMAN, 1873. Describing how Aurangzeb destroyed temples in Banaras and used the idols as stairs of the mosques.

The French traveler Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, who came to India in the 17th century, was awestruck by the beauty of the temple. He describes the temple as “the great pagoda” in his travel accounts, with towers on each of the four arms and a large spire rising from the sanctum.

The installed deity was six feet tall and garlanded with pearls, diamonds and rubies. Sant Tulsidas also spent time here and wrote “Oh Bindu Madhav ! You are like a cloud which pours rains of happiness and joy. You are the one who purifies the symbolic forest called Varanasi, a forest which is very pleasant by the virtue of your presence."

Which also narrates story that lord Krishna is in exile not only in Mathura but also in Kashi too. Our Temples are a symbol of resilience of Hindu civilization. They survived not because of benevolence of 'Mughals' but we kept rebuilding them. Story of this sacred space has nothing new to it.

Aurangzeb captured Kashi in 1663 and destroyed much of its sacred geography. Like Kashi Vishwanath, Bindu Madhav was destroyed and Alamgir mosque built over it.

(Sherring in 1868, “… all buildings of antiquity have been appropriated by Musalmans; being used as mosques, tombs & dargahs” !)

When invaders attacked the temples, priests were able to save the 'shaligram' vigrah of vishnu, carved from shaligram stone from river Gandaki in Nepal. The Vigrah was kept hidden in Ganga, waiting for his new abode that was built by Maratha ruler Bhawan Rao in the nineteenth century, 

next to the Alamgir mosque, at the Panchganga Ghat

The original temple of Bindu Madhav has a recorded history that goes back to the Fifth century A.D. Today. The temple is mentioned in the Matsya Purana, it was one of the most important Vishnu temples in Kashi, along with Adi Keshav.

औरंगज़ेब ने काशी विश्वनाथ और बिंदु माधव के मंदिर तोड़ डाले। एक और मंदिर जिस पर मुगलों ने हमला किया था: राम घाट पर स्तिथ राम मंदिर। 1708 के सांभर युद्ध में राजपूतों ने मुगलों को हराया और सवाई जय सिंह ने फिर इस मंदिर का पुनर्निर्माण किया। 

Ram Ghat 1869 British Library

The Kashi Khanda enumerates 72 Devi mandirs. Of these the Bhavani Gauri deity was worshipped until 16th c. as Annapurna & Bhuvaneshwari was worshipped in the Annapurna temple. Both were demolished in 1496 by Lodi, & the Bhavani temple lay ruined.

A new temple was built by Jai Singh II at the site of the Bhuvaneshwari temple, under the name of Annapurna & the new Annapurna deity continued to be worshipped in the way prescribed for Bhavani Gauri.

The Adi Vishwanath temple is the older temple of Vishwanath which was rebuilt by Sawai Jai Singh. all the temples built by Rajputs were maintained by their states until 1947, and later by the Rajasthan Devasthan vibhag. The list of Kashi temples, including Annapurna Mata, constructed by Rajput rulers is given in their website.

मुगलों को हराकर जयपुर का निर्माण करने वाले, जयपुर राज्य का विस्तार करने वाले, काशी मथुरा गोकुल वृन्दावन और अन्य धर्मतीर्थों में मंदिरों का जीर्णोद्धार करने वाले महाराजा सवाई जय सिंह जी। Maharajadhiraj Sawai Jai Singh portrait Rijkmuseum.

The map is now in Sawai Man Singh II Museum at City Palace, Jaipur.

Ayodhya Map of Jaisinghpura is quite known since the court case and all. Here is a Map of Gyanvapi Mosque and nearby Gyanvapi well surveyed by Kachhwaha surveyor under orders of Sawai Jai Singh which less known. At the time the map was drawn of there was no Ahilyabai holkar temple as she wasnt even born then. Sawai Jai Singh carried out extensive and highly detailed survey of the site for purpose of rebuilding the temple. Sawai Jai Singh's cartography was quite modern for that time, and unlike anything that was prevalent at that time in india.

We are sure this map just like Ayodhya's map will be used in future court case but Kachhwaha Rajputs just like now will never get single credit for their dedication towards the holy sites of hindus and ungrateful people will keep on ranting against them. Nonetheless the dedication of Kacchwaha Rajas from Raja Man Singh to Raja Jai Singh, Bishan Singh, Sawai Jai Singh and till Ishwari Singh towards Kashi Vishwanath temple was enormous and apart from that they also built many temples in Kashi. One Vedhshala ie Jantar Mantar at Man Mandir was also built by Sawai Jai Singh.

Clicked in 1890 this frame shows how the landscape of Ghats has changed within a century. The Mann Mandir(on right) is restored and is in better condition today. The empty space on the left to Mann Mandir is converted to Rajendra Prasad Ghat.

Manmandir Ghat, surmounted by the Man Mandir, a palace built by Maharaja Man Singh of Amber. Built before 1585 C.E. One of the oldest living structures in Varanasi.

Incidentally, it was in this place that Sawai Jai Singh constructed Jantar Mantar Observatory in 1737 C.E. 

Rana Mahal Ghat, Vārāṇasī

Rana Mahal is the Sisodiya mansion in Vārāṇasī, marked with the affluence of Rajasthani sthāpatya (स्थापत्य).

Mewari tradition maintains that the palace was built in 1641 CE by Mahārāṇā Jagat Singh.

In 1780, Holkar Rajmata Ahilyabai constructed the present Kashi Vishwanath Temple adjoining the mosque.

Finally Holkar Regent Ahilyabai constructed the present Kashi Vishwanath Temple to the immediate south of the mosque which now known as Kashi Vishwanath temple.

जब अहिल्याबाई ने काशी विश्वनाथ का निर्माण किया तब वहां ब्रिटिश राज था।

Why Ahilyabai did not rebuild the temple at the original site is a real mystery? Original Somnath, where there was only the piddly little nawab of Junagadh, was also not reclaimed..

MahaRaja Man Singh of Amber had reconstructed the Kashi Vishwanath during Akbar’s reign. No Hindu tried to stop him.

Here they must be talking about 1748 when Malhar Rao wanted to do it but Nawab of Oudh put paid to his fantasy. Peshwa could have demolished the mosque & rebuilt the Temple, who could have stopped him ?

Specious argument !

The Base Of A Shivling (Yoni)  At Dargah Of Shaikh Shah Jalaluddin near Pariyon Ka Talab , Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

Is anyone Aware Of this? 

Naib, Vakils of Mughals, Peshwa were Secular Leaders ! They failed even to rebuild temples in their own city of Pune!

The Puneshwar and Narayneshwar temples presently occupied by dargahs instead peshwa donated grants to this encroaches in 1768.. 

Jodhpur a comparatively small principality than the Maratha Confedracy broke down each & every Mosque built over Temples in Marwar by Aurangzeb & rebuilt Temples.
Not one Masjid stands in Jodhpur of yore.

Spot the Difference !

JODHPUR, capital of one Rajput clan Rathores, was liberated by them in the heart of Mughal Empire in 1708 !

RAIGAD, capital of Maratha Empire was under the lowly Siddis till 1733 when they proclaimed to be Emperors of Hindustan !

The entire town of Raigad was abandoned, Chhatrapati Shivaji's chhatri was not built, and meanwhile tombs of izlamic invaders are standing all across Maharashtra ..... built by whom?

Supposedly the evidence of Brahmins of Kashi not allowing  Subahdar Malhar Holkar & Peshwa Balaji Bajirao to rebuild the Vishweshwar or Kashi Vishwanath in June 1742 when Malhar Rao camped at Mirzapur, of Vindhyavasini Temple fame.

Summary found in diary of Peshwa by Parasnis.
Date is important, June 1742. Peshwa has literally forced the Mughal Emperor to sign on dotted lines with condition that he will be loyal to Mughals. 

Marathas were paramount power, no debate on  it. Who was their rival ?

Nawab of Oudh, a formidable but not enough to thwart Peshwas

Entry in diary says, “बादशाह क्रुद्ध होकर ब्रह्मणो को मारेगा” if permission to demolish the Masjid wasn’t taken.

Who believes this claim in 1742 ?
They are talking about Mohd Shah who was moribund.

Diary presupposes that this proposition by Marathas wasn’t liked by Brahmins. “And, thus temple should be constructed at a different place. Coz they’d face the ire of Emperor & to refuse प्रतिष्ठा would be against the wishes of Lord Shiva.”

Hence, from this entry in diary unsubstantiated by any other sources is taken as gospel by Maratha Revisionists ! 

Benares Maharaja Ishwari Prasad Narayan Bahadur, 19th century Christies: 

Under British Rule:-

In 1764 the Mughals were defeated in the Battle of Buxar by the EIC.

काशी मंडलेश्वर जिनके पूर्वज मुगलों की नौकरशाही मैं थे और जिन्हें 1738 में राजा की उपाधि मिली। They continued to wield power and importance through much of the British Raj period right up to India’s independence in 1947 when the kingdom of Benaras was ceded to the Union of India.

Struggle of local rajputs even during British times

The history of making and breaking of Kashi Vishwanath goes back a thousand years, rarely we see a correct timeline of these events.

In 1828, Baiza Bai, widow of the Maratha ruler Daulat Rao Scindhia, constructed a colonnadeto support a roof over the Gyan Vapi well.

Salt Lake Herald, 1906 “Absurd Religious Practices in India” 
Most British officials were properly shocked by the “impurity and extravagance” of the superstitious reverence of the Hindus for all sorts of idols”. They gave, in their letters to family and friends back home, the  graphic descriptions of “hosts of hideous beggars, cripples, and hunchbacks, assembled here (who) torment you with their lamentable cries; and, will not leave you until they have extorted a few coppers.”

*On the bottom left in the picture, one can spot a hand-painted double haul boat. These were hired by aristocrats and were pretty common at that time. Today all we see are diesel boats with ugly branding of telecom companies.*

“Although England has ruled here for more than a century, and the Protestant missionary societies have spent upwards of a hundred million gold dollars in trying to make converts to Christianity, the mass of people still adhere to the ridiculous practices of the ancients”

Hindu philosophy is so evolved that it will take very long for newer faiths to understand the timeless beauty of this philosophy.

We should not be negligent as the culture is slowly disappearing from the new generations with the systematic decimation of education and native languages and that makes them easily susceptible to conversions. This is the long term plan of conversion and is that’s why rampant now,

They ridicule what they can't understand. And then preach values to others. Hindu journalism have still to get courage to write a similar article on Abrahamic, but as their master it is in thier ideology that abuses Raja Man Singh & Raja Jaichand day in and day out but creates political carrers on the reclaiming of temples built by them.

On other hand Left coalition attacks Hinduism but leaves the genocidal ideologies out of such debate. 

Where these Malech cults ravaged city of light; the City of delight ; the abode of Visveswara; the city of the well of knowledge – Jnanavapi ; the City of purity, where the Mother Ganga purifies all who surrender to her in love and reverence;  the City of Maha-smashana the ultimate end of all; and, above all, which is home of the graceful and loving Mother Annapurna.