Thursday, November 12, 2020


Naik Nar Singh, son of Shri Uttam Singh was born on 14 March 1926 in village Gangolakatuli, Almora, Uttar Pradesh. He was enrolled in 4 Kumaon on 14 March 1944.

During the 1947-48 Jammu & Kashmir operations, the build-up of the Pakistani forces in the Chakothi area of Handwara sector in May 1948 was a matter of great concern for the Indian commanders. The enemy was holding the area in brigade strength. To meet this threat, 77 Para Brigade was moved to Pandu area, to operate north of Jhelum, so as to cut the enemy line of communication and harass them on the rear. In these operations, 4 Kumaon was ordered to capture the hill feature, Master, north of Jhelum. It was a narrow and steep feature, much like a pyramid, covered with dense pine forest on one side. The other side was barren. The approach to it lay along a very narrow and bridle path. The enemy was holding it with 1 Coy, 1 MMG section and 1 mortar section. The approach to the position was covered by the enemy with 2 MMGs and 6 LMGs.

The advantage lay with the enemy because they occupied a higher ground. During this operation, Naik Nar Singh commanded a section. The attack commenced at 0530 hours. But owing to the lack of space for manoeuvring and intense enemy fire, the 'B' Company could make no progress. During the second assault an enemy bullet hit Naik Nar Singh on the right shoulder blade. A stream of blood started flowing out of his body. The matter was reported to the Platoon Commander who advised him to evacuate. The Company Commander also ordered him not to take part in the third assault. But he maintained a stoic silence. During the third attempt on Master feature, Naik Nar Singh's section led the assault. As the troops started moving out of the concentration area he quietly slipped out and took over the command of his section. While on the lead he spotted an enemy LMG. He encouraged his comrades in his faint voice to push on, "Kumaoni Ke Bachho Jan Chale Jae, Lekin Dushman Ke Aj Tukre-Tukre Kar Dalo, Piche Nahi Hatna." (Oh, the Children of Kumaon worry not even if your life goes, but cut the enemy into pieces today, do not retreat).

Then firing his sten gun, Naik Nar Singh jumped into the enemy bunker, bayoneted two of the gunners and captured the gun. In this attack the enemy was totally routed. The Master hill feature was in Kumaoni hands by 1130 hours. Many guns, rifles and a large quantity of ammunition and stores were captured. The enemy suffered 20 killed and 20 injured. Indian troops suffered 2 killed and 7 wounded. Meanwhile, Naik Nar Singh had suffered heavy loss of blood and was found dead in the enemy bunker lying on top of his two victims, holding fast a bren gun he had captured from the enemy.

Naik Nar Singh was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for outstanding gallantry and devotion to duty, posthumously.

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