Monday, November 2, 2020


भाटी रज रो घर भलो।हीरो समदो खान।इन मरुधर देश मे आप तनो सम्मान।

जय हो।

ना गढ़ दिल्ली ना गढ़ आगरा अध गढ़ बीकानेर
भलो चिनयो भाटिया गढ़ सिरमौर जैसलमेर

भाटी राजपुतो की राजधानीया 
काशी ,मधुपुरी ,प्रयाग ,गजनी ,भटनेर ,कश्मीर,तनोट,लौद्रवा, व नवो जैसलमेर 
जठे यादवो राज जोर जमाया
वठे जोगणी करी छत्र छाया। 
जठे भाटी रठे तोय माता 
वठे आई रखे पुत्र नाता

Uttar-bhad Kiwad Bhati, Chhtrala Yadav Pati - Maharawal Sabal Singh of Jaisalmer.

“Uttar-bhad Kiwad Bhati, Chhtrala Yadav Pati”
“Mighty Bhati, the gatekeeper of North India, the canopied Lord of the Yadus.”
Said the world about the holders of the ancestral title which belonged to Maharawal Sabal Singh. What could be better service to your ancestors than to stand by every word of it?
Is there something better than Harsh times in foreign terrain equally harsh as the times themselves, to prove the resolve of a man? Land of the ancestors was in grave danger!
Born to the exiled Khet Singh branch of the Imperial House of Jaisalmer, the titleholders of none other than Shri Krishna himself, the eldest line of the Vrishni Yadavas; providence had decided to give him the opportunity rarely given to the mortals, to save the entire sub-continent from going into the chaos comparable to that brought by the invading bands of Hunnic hordes.
Opportunity arrived when he accompanied his uncle, the ruler of Marwar, to Peshawar. Great conspiracy was being conceived. Horde after horde of frontier tribes were gathering to march on motherland with their full might. Plans were made. Mughals had only loose control of the North-West, frontier tribes decided to change that and bring Punjab, Rajputana, Sindh, and lands beyond, under direct foreign rule.
Sabal Singh single-handedly neutralized the entire band of frontier chieftains who were trying to capture the treasury. This would have enabled them to finance their great invasion of Hind. He brilliantly got the locals on his side and crushed the rebels, proving before even bestowed upon himself, by destiny, the throne of Krishna, that he is a capable ruler.
Back in Jaisalmer the clouds were getting darker. A land blessed by having sons as great as Sabal Singh, a land under the rule of family with blood of Krishna himself in their veins, how could that land be cursed by anarchy and uncertainty? How could son of a usurper rule this proud country?

Jaisalmer is the proverbial Kurukshetra, and Ramchandra, the son of usurper is Duryodhana. Sabal Singh, you are the Arjun, and you are your own Shri Vishnu. Destiny called you either triumph against the usurpers and save the honor of your family by brining legitimate rule back to Jaisalmer, and give your people a chance to prosper once again; or go back to your father in the world beyond this with the medal of martyrdom.

With just 800 soldiers he marched against the usurper in Jaisalmer. As Indra gave Sudas victory against the enemy who greatly outnumbered him, Indra blessed him with victory against great odds of being severely outnumbered by a factor of at least 

Justice was served. Usurper was defeated. Legitimacy along with stability was brought back to the proud land of Jaisal.

The Jaisalmeri throne was graced by the presence of Sabal Singh’s sovereignty. The Bhati rule saw a great revival throughout North and West India. 

Maharawal’s flag reached the outskirts of Multan in the North, crossed Indus in the West, and humbled the rulers of Marwar and Bikaner in the East. Jaisalmer became the paramount power of North and West India, brining universal peace and prosperity. Despite seeing intense competition from new naval routes of trade, Jaisalmer maintained its status of being the primary trading hub of South Asia thanks to economic policies of the Maharawal.
All of this happened in a period which was most uncertain, thanks to the destabilizing policies of Aurangzeb in rest of India.

Nothing proves the adoration of the legitimate rule of the high-born by the divine more than the history of Subcontinent. With the end of oppressive rule of the usurper Ramchandra, return of legitimate rule of Sabal Singh in Jaisalmer brought the days of ancient Yadu glory back to the Imperium.
Amar Singh, son of Sabal Singh, succeeded as the Imperial Lord of the Yadus, the Chhatrala Yadupati at the age of 22. While the Bhatis were celebrating the succession of their lord, horde of warlike barbarians were preparing to march on the land of Jaisal from Southern Iran through Baluchistan.

These warriors considered no book holy, and no promise sacred. Amar Singh butchered the dark clouds of doom to snatch from it an opportunity to establish the superiority of the Rajput sword. And so stood the Rajput sword in front of the might of entire Southern Iran, brought in by the Baluchi invaders, and it conquered. Victorious were the mighty warriors with blood of Krishna in their veins raging against the invading sons of Vritra.

The chaos created prior to the ascend of his father Sabal Singh, the rightful ruler of Jaisalmer, had created more traitors than the atoms of sand in Thar desert. Treacherous noblemen were hand-in-gloves with foreign powers and the invaders alike.
Amar Singh brought back the house in order, imperial authority established its supremacy once again.
And then, Jaisalmer retained its position as the paramount Rajput power in the west and the foremost center of trade. Carvans of traders from far and wide started using Jaisalmer as the hub to enter the Indic market. The state became prosperous with no equal. The golden city also became the supreme hub of religion.

Call it nature, call it God, or call it the law of divine, it certainly favors the legitimate over usurper, gold over copper.

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