Sunday, September 1, 2019






We're sure many of us have been in situations where our own happiness and freedom conflicts with few we love and respect. But sacrificing one’s freedom and feeling unhappy about it, simply to avoid a conflict with few we love is just very wrong. Nobody but the individual himself/herself has the right on his/her life and its space. That’s why we say disrespecting dear ones is the mark of a thinking man, and one should be ready to ditch such
... (if one hasn’t committed unconditionally), and why we should not have heros in life.

Though that doesn't mean we should not love or respect other. We should be as kind hearted and full of love as we can. However, we should have a very clear awareness that we love ourselves more than anyone else, and if others intrude on our space, we should be ready to shun ties and let go without anymore emotional hangups. Whenever we failed to stand on their expectation, though we should listen to every arguments that they try to put up, but if we don’t agree with their rationale and logic, just out of respect or love, we should NEVER do something that restricts their sovereignty.

 This liberation dissolves entirely when someone else sets the rules of the game and one follows him/her blindly, out of ego or peer-pressure. 

Such confused actions do not constitute freedom. That’s slavery to the universe.. So out of fear induced by your dears’ actions, you do something you never wanted to do. Would you call it a free choice? Your dears are setting the rules, and you are just following those rules unquestionably.
If you promise someone about something, you ought to stick to it, even if it means restriction of your liberation, Why morality and future commitments take precedence over freedom as it's an important issue and it deserve a fuller treatment.

Briefly speaking, in order to maximize happiness for our dear ones (hence to maximize your own happiness, averaged over a lifespan), expectation of reciprocity is what should drive our journey. If we deviate from our commitments, we should not expect other people to stick to their. However, if their commitments and honesty is important to our happiness, we cannot and should not renege on our commitments.This means that one should be careful about the future. Promising someone about something far in future is not a good idea because closer to the present a commitment is, more confidence you have to fulfill it without impacting much of your happiness.

Who knows which commitments of yours conflict with your future. When such a conflict appears, at that point you don’t want to run away from your commitments just because you didn’t have foresight not to promise things you can’t fulfill.
What liberation ensures is that us, and only us get to decide about our happiness. If it detaches us from external, could-have-been-controlled factors that cause most amount of regret. Such liberation ensures us a regretless life, which gives confidence to be happy even in the worst of circumstances. Thus feedom lets us become an individual capable of conquering the world, all by ourself.

Inherently, everyone is free. Slowly, society and its associated conditioning creeps in and binds one to behave in certain paradigms.
This Sovereignty has self-confidence in the face of complex present and uncertain future.

Actually, anyone can be free by saying any time . .ck-it-v-don’t-care without doing any deep thinking about future commitments. However, that is not moral. Morality is a higher ideal as compared to freedom. Morality is a given.

Many decisions that relate to freedom ultimately end up being counter-intuitive to what society expects. For example, striving for freedom means probably failing at trying to do a startup than taking up a nice, cozy job. It also means disagreeing with people you love and respect, even at the expense of leaving them. It means maximizing possibility of future freedom (remaining bootstrapped) by letting go of short-term happiness and comfort. However, being able to say . .ck-it-v-don’t-care  while still remaining true to your commitments, value system and morality is the greatest source of joy!

This is interesting. Actually, as such relationship between sovereignty and happiness is probabilistic. You could be chained, yet the point of unhappiness may never appear. Many chains of love, respect and commitments in fact usually cause a lot of happiness. However, when things go worse, only then such chains are noticed and cause extreme amounts of unhappiness because one wants to break free yet one cannot do so without being dishonest to oneself and to the world. And dishonesty and inconsistency of one’s value system is what causes incurable unhappiness. In other words, if things are going good, freedom takes a backseat. However, we should always be concerned about absolutely the worst case to ensure in those dark and trying times that we have always chased freedom, so we have been authentic to ourselves, it is just that now circumstances have gone sour. This thought alone gives a lot of happiness and confidence in the worst of periods in life.

And any attempt towards restoring the past in its outward features and fit it to the modern system of life and education will be failure. Better to focus on the fundamental principles which are for all time and to discover a still more effective discipline to replace the old one.

Let others judge and call us stupid for these things. Our own ..., even few might say the same thing. But at least we should try move beyond just condemnation and try to see the structure of this 'stupidity' leads too.....



  1. The Saint become Senti awww
    What you want to say in this topic actully everything's going over my head. I think you should stay away from these type of music it ruins life.

    1. Hmmm..Baisa hukum ji it is more off a vice versa here.. :))
