Monday, October 7, 2019

अधर्म पर धर्म की जीत का पर्व - विजयदशमी

आपदामपहर्तार्म दातारं सर्वसम्पदाम |
लोकाभिरामम श्री रामम भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम ||

रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय मानसे |
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नम: ||

नीलाम्बुजश्यामलकोमलाग सीतास्मारोपितवाम भागम |
माणओ महासायक चारुचापम नमामि रामम रघुवंश नाथम || 

विजयदशमी भारतीयों का एक प्रमुख त्योहार है। अश्विन मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की दशमी तिथि को इसका आयोजन होता है। प्रभु श्री राम ने इसी दिन लंकाधिपति रावण का वध किया था तथा हर साल इस उपलक्ष में हम दशानंद के पुतले को जलाते हैं लेकिन....
महसूस किया है कभी किसी ने जलते हुए दशानन्द का दुःख,
जो सामने खड़ी भीड़ से बार बार पूछता है कि

" तुम में से कोई प्रभु श्री राम है क्या" ?????

और क्या रावण के पुतले को जलाने से असत्य पर सत्य और अधर्म पर धर्म की जीत हो जाती है। दरअसल दशहरा रावण के वध से जुड़ा है। विजयदशमी का अर्थ शरद नवरात्रों के दशमी के दिन माँ दुर्गा की विजय के रूप में ही नही, बल्कि मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्रीराम की अहंकारी रावण पर जीत से भी लिया जाता है। आज जगह - जगह रावण जलता है, लेकिन कड़वा सच यही है कि रावण कभी नही मरता। जरूरत इस बात की है कि हमें अपने अंदर छिपी बुराई को खत्म करना चाहिए।

प्रायः यह सुना जाता है कि विभीषण कुलद्रोही था। कहा है कि घर का भेदी लंका ढावे तो क्या विभीषण वास्तव में कुलद्रोही था या रामभक्त ? 

यदि इस विषय में विस्तार से विचार किया जाए तो यह निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि विभीषण कुलद्रोही नही था वह तो एक भक्त था। कुलद्रोही तो अपने आपमें स्वयं रावण ही था। विभीषण के कुलद्रोही होने के कही कोई प्रमाण नही मिलते हैं। विभीषण को तो किलद्रोही तो तब माना जाता जब कि स्वयं रावण के खिलाफ कोई षड्यंत्र रचता या उसमें स्वयं राजा बनने की प्रबल इच्छा होती। ऐसा कुछ भी पढ़ने या सुनने में नही आता । उसने तो राज्यहित में ही रावण को उचित सलाह देकर समझाया था कि पराई स्त्री को अपने राज्य में रखना उचित नहीं है। 

श्री गो. तुलसीदास जी ने सुंदरकांड में दोहा संख्या ३८ से पहले लिखा है - 

सो परनारि लिलार गोसाई। 
तजउ चउथि के चंद कि नाई।।

तथा दोहा संख्या  ४० से पहले लिखा है कि -

कालरात्रि निशिचर कुल केरी।
तेहि सीता पर प्रीति घनेरी।।

इस तरह विभीषण के बार - बार समझानेपर भी जब रावण की समझ में नही और अहंकारवश उसने भरी सभा में विभीषण पर चरण प्रहार  कर कहने लगा कि - 

मम पुर बसि तपसिन्ह पर प्रीति।
सठ मिलु जाई तिन्हहि कहु नीति।। 
( रा. मानस, सुंदर - कांड, दोहा संख्या ४१ से पहले)

इसके अनंतर अशोक वाटिका में जाकर रावण का माता सीता जी से यह कहना कि -

कह रावन सुनु सुमुखि सयानी।
मंदोदरी आदि सब रानी।।

तब अनुचरी करउं पन  मोरा।
एक बार बिलोकि मम ओरा।।

(रा. मानस सुंदरकांड दोहा संख्या ९ से पहले)

तदंतर उसकी गरिम के बिल्कुल विपरीत था। विभीषण जब लंका छोड़कर गए थे तब उनके पीछे रावण ने जो दूत भेजे थे और उन्होंने वहां जाकर रामादल का परिदृश्य अपनी आंखों से देखा और भगवान श्री राम जी की ताकत को आंका जिसका वर्णन दूतों ने रावण से किया किंतु रावण ने अहंकारवश दूतों की बातों को गंभीरता से न लेकर उनको यूं ही उड़ा दिया। 

इसके अतिरिक्त्त समुद्र पर पुल बांधकर जब रामचंद्र जी की सेना उस पार पुहंची तब रावण बड़ा विकल हुआ और अपने दसों मुखों से बोला-

बांध्याबननिधि, नीरनिधि, जलधि, सिंधु बारीस। 
सत्य तोयनीधि कंपति उदधि पयोधि नदीश।।
( रा. मानस लंकाकांड दोहा संख्या ५ )

तब मंदोदरी ने रावण की। मां स्थिति को देखकर समझाया कि आप भगवान रामचंद्र जी से बैर न किजिए, लेकिन रावण की मती भ्रष्ट हो चुकी थी, क्योँकि उसका अंत आ रहा था, क्योंकि गो. तुसलिदास जी ने भी लिखा है, प्रभु जिसको विपता देई, उसकी मती पहले ही रह लई। रावण समझ नही सका। मानव को समझना चाहिए कि कभी अहंकारी न बने और अपनी बुराई को खत्म करें।

तातो युद्ध परिश्रांतम
समरे चिंताया स्थितम
रावणम चाग्रातो धृषत्वा
युद्धया समुपस्थितम
देवा टैश्च्या समागमया
द्रश्तु मभया गतों रणम
उपगमया ब्रविद्रामम
अगसत्यो भगवान ऋषिही।
राम राम महाबाहो
श्रुनगुहुह्यम सनतानम
येन सर्वनारिन वत्स
समरे विजयश्यासी
आदित्य हृदयम पुण्यम सर्वशत्रुविनाशनम

सिया वर राजा रामचंद्र भगवान की जय।
पवन पुत्र महावीर हनुमान की जय।।


  1. Ravan vibhisan ka badha bhai tha ekbaar gussa karne pr hi vibhisan ne ram ji ko uski mratryu ka rahasya bhi bta diya
    Maana ravan galat tha lekin ek bhai kumbhkaran bhi to tha janta tha bade bhai ki galti hai fir uske liye fight ki aor jaan de di
    Uske bete ( ingrajeet) ne bhi pita ke liye jaan di. Ye hoti bhai unity jo lakshman and bharat me dikhai sath hi kumbhkaran aor indrajeet ne bhi khub nibhai lekin vibhisan se na ho saka :))

    1. Baisa hukum ji, vibhishna being younger brother of dashanand and Kumbakarna, he had no quality of an asura. He had all qualities of a pure devotee. Which is bcoz Once Ravan, Kumbakaran and Vibheeshan did penance to please Lord Brahma. Each had different wish. For Ravana it was to get immortality but it was not possible, Kumbakarna wants to get powers to destroy anyone, but due to Saraswati Maata, he asked to sleep for 6 months every year! But only Vibheeshan’s wish was fulfilled correctly. He asked Brahma dev to give him a boon that makes him not to forget Dharma forever and wants a chance to serve the lord. Pleased with devotion and pure mind of Vibheeshan, he blessed him and also said that “ Lord Vishnu will take a human avatar and he will be named as Rama, you would get chance to serve him”. Vibheeshan being overjoyed, from that day on wards, he started to chant the name of Lord Rama like how Hanuman was advised to do like this by Matang Rishi and Lord Shiva. You can even notice that Vibheeshan was overjoyed to see Rama’ Bhakth, Hanuman and even helped him! He left his brother and went to help his lord Rama as he wants to stay with Dharma only....

  2. Maine blog dashara ko dekha tha lekin usdin ye point rakhti to sayad galat rahta
    Lekin point ye hai ki jo apna hai uska sath har kimat pr dena chahiye

    1. Baisa hukum ji ek doha hai ispar aapke liye-
      अच्छी संगत बैठ कर, बदलें मन के रूप
      जैसे मिलकर आम से, मीठी हो गयी धूप
      So bottom line here is that Satvic(आत्मा) unite with sanatan (परमात्मा) only..

    2. Ravan is 1000% wrong for me but as a brother vibhisan was wrong being a bhakt he had right to go with Ram ji but what he did with his elder called back stabbing.
      Ram ji was God he could have find many option to kill Ravan
      Overall vibhisan was not a good brother as like lakhsman, bharat ,kumbhkaran

      And jaha tak baat aapke dohe ki hai to aam ka season kafi time se off hai :((

    3. Baisa hukum ji in Bengal they have a popular phrase ‘Ghorshotru Vibhishan'. It means Vibhishana, the traitor in the family. This actually makes us feel a little ..... of our culture in kaliyug.
      Before leaving his brother, what did Vibhishana ask of him? Did he ask for the kingdom,or any elevation of his position within the royal family? Did he blackmail or try to hold him hostage for increasing his personal wealth? No,he pleaded with his brother to respectfully return the woman he had kidnapped. Was it a wrong demand? And how can't Bengalis, who revel in their reverence for women by worshipping Ma Durga, see the piety and compassion in this?

    4. What was the alternative? To empower the evil side,and help them defeat the good ones?

      It seems a very easy understanding that we can't choose our births,but we certainly have more control on our actions. Vibhishana was unlucky to be born in a family of rapists,murderers and usurpers. But does that mean he needs to remain on the side of perpetrators?

      And here we are arguing, social seggregation in the name of section, ethinicity isn't fair. Everyone has equal rights irrespective of their births. Nobody should be judged by his father's or mother's actions, or that of his brethren,etc

    5. Hypocrisy,isn't it?

      When people smear campaign someone like Vibhishana,they only reveal their own primal instincts and the absence of moral values.

      Nobility stays where it always does. At a peak beyong reach, like a lofty mountain that cannot be scaled.

    6. Do you know about story of vranda (tulsi mata) vranda was also a devoti and her husband was also a asur so how she avert her husband from GoD.
      Here vibhisan had also option to avert his brothers life but he was selfish.
      srf apna socha and ramji ne to pahle hi vibhisan ka rajyilak kar diya tha to kya yaha pr singhasan ka lalach nahi tha
      Being a bhakt he helped ram ji was very good thing but he used the way was wrong
      According to me agar mere bhai ek acche insaan hai to mai unki lakshman hu,
      agar bure insaan hai to duniya kuch bhi kahe mujhe kumbhkaran banne me koi sharm nahi
      Bas mai uske baad bhi koshish karungi unhe sahi raste pr laane ki lekin kisi bhi keemat pr unke enemy le sath nahi jaungi

    7. I don't think so
      Ram ji ne Ravan ko mara samaaj ko accha msg dene ke liye
      Even unki puri life aor ramayan ke sabhi event samaaj ko ek msg dete hai.
      Ab agar log vibhisan ke bhakto aor support kare to theek aor vahi agar uske dhokhe aor swarthi hone samarthan kare to galat
      Ye konsa point hua
      Sur ho ya asur jo galat hai vo hamesha galat hi rahega

    8. Baisa hukum ji you must have known why prabhu ji take avatar in bhumandal, same arguement occur between balbhadra ji n lord krishna when bheemsen killed Duryodhan.. that you foremost of whole universe then why mahabharat to establish dharma. Ravan ki bal baat ki jaye to usse bali ne bhi haraya thha.. par adharma ko....

    9. Baisa hukum ji swarthi.. phir to sugreev bhi swarthi hai angad bhi swarthi hai, jabki bhakti me aapki sabse badi badhak aatachment hoti hai

    10. Nahi sugreev ka chapter alag tha vaha pr sabko pta hai bali galat tha bada bhai hone ka matlab ye nahi ki aap kuch bhi kare bali ne sugreev ko jaise treat kiya vaise to log servant ke sath bhi nahi karte.
      Aor vaise bhi relationship dono trf se hoti hai

    11. Sirf dharam ek taraf hota hai.. waise hi aap jaise ravan aur kumbhakaran ko prabhu ka dushman samajh rahe hai waise hi hum unhe pabhu ke dwaarpal

  3. When ravan indrajit and all others thought to satisfy their ego. Vibeeshan was the only one who thought about the aftermath of war and the resulting condition of poor people and woman. Many heroes faught for their brothers, friends, kul, kul maryada and much more. It was only vibeeshan who considered a woman's life and her self esteem superior to any brotherhood, friendship, family relationships and all.

  4. While people like ravan did lip services to shiva and did adharm throughout his life and called himself a great devotee. Vibeeshan was the only person who showed the world that reciting God's prayers composing tandava sthotrams and doing tapasya is not real bhakti. Real bhakti is in always supporting truth for which even if you have to leave your kingdom, your relationships and much more; then you have to do it happily and support truth by working for dharma. He was insulted again and again by family members still he thought only good for them. He always adviced them to follow right path tried his level best to bring them to the path of dharma.

  5. Coming to the point traitor. Vibeeshana never had duel policies or multiple faces. He was in favour of Rama even in front of Ravan. He made his policies very clear in front of Ravan and his associates that he will not support his foolish brother in his evil deed. He is not ready to earn the enmity of Rama for the stupidity of Ravan. Now who is a traitor. A traitor is a person like ravan who did real treachery to his entire family, clan and motherland by inviting destruction to all of them just because of his insane nature. A king should not sacrifice the lives of innocent people and soldiers of his kingdom for the fulfillment of his desires.

    1. Exactly my point is kyu usne apni bhakto ko hi priority di ek baar bhi apne family brother ya kingdom ka nahi socha?
      Maine kabhi ravan ko support nahi kiya he was 1000time wrong vibhisan ek acche insaan the lekin ek acche bhai nahi the
      Kyuki ek acche insaan ko sabhi pahlu pr focus karna chahiye.
      Aapne question kiya na blog me
       क्या विभीषण वास्तव में कुलद्रोही था या रामभक्त ? 
      Accha bataiye ram ji to jante the na ki sita ji bilkul pavitra hai fir kyu unka tyaag kiya
      Kyuki samaaj me accha sandesh jaye na.
      Vahi vibhisan ne as a brother samaaj ko kya msg diya back stabbing karke ??
      Ravan ki mratyu to nishchit thi kyuki ramji ka janm hi isiliye hua tha
      Sari maya rachi hi isliye gayee thi

    2. Baisa hukum ji depends on which holy ramayan you are reading as original have none of such prasang

  6. Those who follow path of truth and righteous are never traitors. Whatever vibhishan did he did it openly. He openly criticized his brothers actions and gave him sane advice of respectfully returning sita to Rama and make peace but ravan along with his son insulted him and abused him. He tried his best to save his clan from anhilation. What he did require supreme will power and guts which only noble souls posses. Like yuyutsu switched over in mahabharat on yudhisthiras call and vidura resigned as prime minister.

    1. Maine aajtak jo bhi stories or movies dekhe sabko logo ke nahi apne nazariye se dekhe sahi galt bhi vaise hi deside kiya
      aapko lagta hai as a devotee vibhisan was right vahi mujhe as a brother vo galat lagta hai
      Kyuki sayad aap dharm ko priority dete ho aor mai risto aor family ko
      tbi sayad hamare perception yaha alag hai yaha pr
      To ye debate yahi khatam karte hai kyu ram ji ki khilafat karwakar hanumaan ji ko mere se naraz karvaynge
      Vaise bhi aaj tuesday hai
      And yes if I said anything wrong then sorry but never intention to spoil your blog fir bhi bahot sari arguments ho gaye so sorry...

    2. Mujhe as brother bhi wohi sahi lagte as he always shows his family right path.. there are many prasang which 99.9 percent of present era dnt know.. baaki hamare civilisation ki yeh khasiyat hai ki humein vichar rakhne ki abhivyakti hai.. waise achayi burai aapke kqram ke dusro ke prabhav se defination hoti hai.. if vibhishan has not advised him n joined prabhu with vengeful attitude towards his brother then we can say him traitor but he never joined for greed but for sanatan
