Tuesday, May 28, 2019


वीरवर - झाला मान " को समर्पित 

निज शरीर की आहूति दूँगा , 
किसी बात की चाह नही | 
मैं प्रताप के लिए मरूँगा , 
हटो ! हटो ! परवाह नही || १ || 

देख खून पर खून बन्धु का , 
मरना अब इन्कार नही | 
पराधीन की बेड़ी में , 
रहना है स्वीकार नही || २ || 

राजपूत , हूँ राजपूत छाती - 
- उत्तान करूँगा अब | 
मातृ - भूमि बलिवेदी पर , 
अपना बलिदान करूंगा अब || ३ || 

यही समय है मर मिटने का , 
फिर मेरा उद्धार कहाँ ? 
कहाँ - कहाँ भीषण भाला है , 
बरछी - तीर - कटार कहाँ ? || ४ || 

खौल रहा है खून रगों में , 
लड़ने के हथियार कहाँ ? 
बिजली सी गिरने वाली , 
वह नागिन सी तलवार कहाँ ? || ५ || 

कहाँ - कहाँ मेरा घोड़ा है , 
आगे पैर बढ़ाऊंगा | 
माँ के चरणों पर प्रताप के , 
पहले शीश चढ़ाऊँगा || ६ || 

मैं जलता अंगार एक , 
अरि-वन में आग लगाऊंगा | 
प्यासी है अपने शोणित से , 
माँ की प्यास बुझाऊंगा || ७ || 

अड़ जाऊँगा जय प्रताप की , 
जय करता अड़ जाऊंगा | 
अब स्वदेश के लिए उठा हूँ , 
वैरी से लड़ जाऊंगा || ८ || 

झाला मान मुग़लदीप का , 
मतवाला परवाना है | 
दीपक उसे बुझा देना है , 
या जलकर मर जाना है || ९ || 

टोके तो मुझ रण - यात्री को , 
कौन टोकने वाला है ? 
भभक उठा झाला मान अब , 
कौन रोकने वाला है ? || १० || 

तब तक झाला ने देखलिया , 
राणा प्रताप है संकट में | 
बोला न बाल बांका होगा , 
जब तक है प्राण बचे घट में || ११ || 

अपनी तलवार दुधारी ले , 
भूखे नाहर - सा टूट पड़ा | 
कलकल मच गया अचानक दल , 
आश्विन के घन - सा फूट पड़ा || १२ || 

राणा की जय , राणा की जय , 
वह आगे बढ़ता चला गया | 
राणा प्रताप की जय करता , 
राणा तक चढ़ता गया || १३ || 

रख लिया छत्र अपने सिर पर , 
राणा - प्रताप - मस्तक से ले | 
ले स्वर्ण पताका जूझ पड़ा , 
रण - भीम - कला अन्तक से ले || १४ || 

झाला को राणा जान मुग़ल , 
फिर टूट पड़े वे झाला पर | 
मिट गया वीर जैसे मिटता , 
परवान दीपक - ज्वाला पर || १५ || 

झाला ने राणा - रक्षा की , 
रख दिया देश के पानी को | 
छोड़ा राणा के साथ - साथ , 
अपनी भी अमर कहानी को || १६ || 

अगरमहाराणा प्रताप का इतिहास याद करें और उसमें झाला मान या झाला मन्ना का जिक्र हो, यह संभव नहीं। खानवा के युद्ध में बाबर को लोहे के चने चबाने वाले राणा सांगा के एक सेनापति थे अज्जाजी। वे बड़ी सादड़ी के थे। वे 17 मार्च 1527 को इसी रणभूमि में सांगा को बचाते हुए बलिदान हुए। बलिदान का यह सिलसिला ऐसा चला कि महाराणा प्रताप और अज्जाजी के खानदान की विरासत एक साथ रही।

बहादुर शाह गुजराती ने 1535 में चित्ताैड़ पर हमला किया तो अज्जाजी के बेटे सिंहाजी ने 1535 में प्राण निछावर किए। यह महज संयाेग नहीं था। यह अज्जाजी के परिवार और संस्कारों का एक ऐसा जीवंत स्मारक था, जिसने आगे भी अपने बलिदानी कर्म से मेवाड़ को धरा को महकाने में कभी कमी नहीं रखी।

अकबर की सेना ने 1568 में आक्रमण किया तो अज्जा जी के पोते सुरताणसिंह जमकर लड़े और शहीद हुए। क्या कोई परिवार ऐसा हो सकता है, जो इस तरह बलिदानों को निरंतर रखे और युद्ध भूमि में अपने प्राणों की बलि देकर मातृभूमि के प्रति अपने प्रेम को प्रकट करे।

जैसे-जैसे महाराणा परिवार का नेतृत्व बदलता गया, इस परिवार के बलिदानी भी तैयार होते रहे।

महाराणा प्रताप हल्दीघाटी के युद्ध में उतरे तो झाला मान एक शूरवीर सेनापति के रूप में मौजूद थे। कहते हैं, विश्व में झाला को छोड़ ऐसा कोई राजवंश नहीं, जिसने अपने नरेश की रक्षा के लिए ढाल की तरह योगदान किया हो। झाला मान का एक नाम बीदा जी भी था।

नाथू सिंह महियारिया का एक दूहा है

दीधाफिर देसी घणां, मालिक साथै प्रांण। 
चेटक पग दीधी जठै, सिर दीधौ मकवांण।।

यानी जहां चेतक ने सिर दिया, वहां झाला मान ने प्राण दिए। जहां औरों ने सिर्फ पैर दिए, वहां झाला ने प्राण देकर अपना सर्वस्व दिया।

मेवाड़ के शासकों पर जब-जब मौत का साया लहराता दिखा, उसे लपक कर अपनी मुट्ठी में बंद करने का जिस वंश ने लगातार सात पीढ़ियों तक इतिहास रचा, वह झाला राज वंश ही है।

सच में मेवाड़ का इतिहास प्रताप की सेना के बहादुर सरदार झाला मानसिंह या मन्नाजी के बलिदान से महकता है।

कहते हैं, झाला मान दिखने में प्रताप जैसे थे। ये झाला मान ही थे, जिन्होंने हल्दीघाटी युद्ध में प्रताप की सेना के पांव उखड़ते समय मुगल सैनिकों को घायल प्रताप पर आक्रमण के लिए आतुर भांप लिया था।

कहते हैं, हल्दीघाटी के युद्ध में जिस समय प्रताप ने अपने घोड़े चेतक को मानसिंह के हाथी पर चढ़ाया और अपने भाले का प्रहार किया तो मानसिंह तो बच गया, लेकिन महावत मारा गया। प्रताप को उसी समय चारों तरफ मुगल सैनिकों ने घेर लिया और जख्मी भी कर दिया। ऐसे में प्रताप का रणभूमि में ज्यादा समय टिके रहना खतरनाक हो सकता था, क्योंकि मुगल सेना का एकमात्र मकसद प्रताप को पकड़ना या माैत के घाट उतारना ही था। इसे प्रताप ने पूरा होने देने के लिए युद्ध की रणनीति बदली और झाला मान ने इसमें पूरा सहयोग किया।

झाला ने प्रताप को बचाने के लिए राज्य छत्र, चंवर आदि उतार कर खुद धारण कर लिए। रणनीति समझ प्रताप चेतक पर सवार हो निर्जन स्थान की ओर निकल पड़े। राज चिह्नों से भ्रमित मुगल सेना झाला को प्रताप समझ उन पर टूट पड़ी।

नाथूसिंहने आंखें भिगो देने वाले अंदाज में लिखा है

राणगया गिरि ऊपरां, चेटक मोटै ठांण। 
मुगल गया कबरां महीं, सुरग गया मकवांण।।

श्यामनारायण पांडेय ने ठीक ही लिखा है

तबतक झाला ने देख लिया, राणा प्रताप हैं संकट में। बोला ना बाल बांका होगा, जब तक है प्राण बचे घट में। अपनी तलवार दुधारी ले, भूखे नाहर सा टूट पड़ा। कल-कल मचा अचानक दल, अश्विन घन सा फूट पड़ा। रख लिया छत्र अपने सर पर, राणा प्रताप मस्तक से ले। ले स्वर्ण पताका जूझ पड़ा, रण भीम कला अंतक से ले। झाला को राणा जान मुगल, फिर टूट पड़े थे झाला पर। मिट गया वीर जैसे मिटता, परवाना दीपक ज्वाला पर। स्वर्ण पताका जूझ पड़ा, रण भीम कला अंतक से ले। झाला को राणा जान मुगल, फिर टूट पड़े थे झाला पर। मिट गया वीर जैसे मिटता, परवाना दीपक ज्वाला पर। स्वर्ण पताका जूझ पड़ा, रण भीम कला अंतक से ले। झाला को राणा जान मुगल, फिर टूट पड़े थे झाला पर। मिट गया वीर जैसे मिटता, परवाना दीपक ज्वाला पर।

मेवाड़ शिरोमणि के अछूते पहलू

बलिदान की बुलंदी का प्रतीक बड़ी सादड़ी परमवीर झाला मानसिंह जी की जय हो

हिन्दुस्तान के इतिहास में थमोर्पाली के संबोधन से अभिहित मेवाड़ में बलिदान की बुलंदी का प्रतीक एक ऐसा कस्बा है जहाँ जन्मा था महाराणा प्रताप का हमशक्ल जिसने हल्दी घाटी के युद्ध में अपना उत्सर्ग करके अपने राजा महाराणा प्रताप का जीवन बचाया। उस वीर के बलिदान की वह गाथा भारत के इतिहास में अधिक स्थान नहीं पा सकी अतः मैंने उस कस्बे और उस वीर की पूरी शौर्य गाथा जानने के लिए बड़ी सादड़ी कस्बे का रूख किया।

उपखंड स्तर का यह कस्बा झीलों की नगरी उदयपुर से एक सौ ग्यारह तथा जिला मुख्यालय चित्तोड़गढ से चौंसठ किलोमीटर दूर स्थित है। इस कस्बे की आबादी तकरीबन अठारह-बीस हजार है। रियासत काल में यह उदयपुर राज्य का एक ठिकाना था। बड़ी सादड़ी का इतिहास में उल्लेख सर्वप्रथम महाराणा सांगा समय मिलता है। जब अजोजी के छोटे भाई सजोजी को यह ठिकाना बख्श दिया गया था। इस प्रकार सजोजी यहाँ के प्रथम राजपुरूष थे। अजोजी ने झालामण्ड बसाया था। ये दोनों भाई हलवद (काठियावाड़ राज्य) के शासक राजोधर के ज्येष्ठ पुत्र थे। उनका एक सौतेला भाई राणोजी भी था और उन दोनों से छोटा था। पिता राजोधर के देहावसान के पश्चात् जब अजोजी और सजोजी दोनों भाई उनके अंतिम संस्कार की क्रिया संपन्न कर लौटे तो देखा कि उनकी अनुपस्थिति में राणोजी के मामा ने अल्पवयस्क राणोजी को हलवद का राजा घोषित कर दिया था। महल के द्वार उनके लिए सदा के लिए बंद हो चुके थे। दोनों भाईयों की गुहार किसी ने एक न सुनी। हार कर अजोजी अपने सगे भाई सजोजी को लेकर मेवाड़ चले आए। वहाँ राणा रायमल ने उनकी दुख भरी दास्तां सुनकर उन दोनों को अपने राज्य में आश्रय दे दिया।

मेवाड़ के राणा रायमल के पुत्र संग्रामसिंह हुए, जिन्हें इतिहास राणा सांगा के नाम से जानता है। संग्राम सिंह का संपूर्ण जीवन रण करते हुए व्यतीत हुआ था और उन्हें अस्सी घाव लगे थे। कथन है कि वे सिंहासन पर नहीं बल्कि जमीन पर ही बैठते थे। उनका तर्क था कि इस क्षत-विक्षत शरीर के साथ मुझे सिंहासन पर बैठने का अधिकार नहीं है। बाबर और राणा संग्राम सिंह के बीच हुए इतिहास प्रसिद्ध खानवा के संग्राम में अजोजी भी युद्ध में लड़ रहे थे। उस रण में राणा सांगा के चेहरे पर तीर का एक घातक वार लगा और वे मूर्छित हो गए। सरदारों ने राणा को एक पालकी में लिटाया और सुरक्षित स्थान की ओर रवाना कर दिया। उसके बाद सरदारों ने अजोजी को सैन्य संचालन की जिम्मेदारी सौंपी। सरदारों ने अजोजी को राजचिन्ह धारण करवाए और उन्हीं के नेतृत्व में आगे का युद्ध प्रारंभ हुआ। वीरता पूर्वक रण करते हुए अजोजी वीर गति को प्राप्त हुए। महाराणा सांगा ने अजोजी के प्राणोत्सर्ग से प्रसन्न होकर देलवाड़ा, गोगुंदा और बड़ी सादड़ी की जागीर उनके छोटे भ्राता सजोजी को प्रदान की। सजोजी ने बड़ी सादड़ी को अपना ठिकाना चुना। उस समय इस जागीर में एक सौ दो गांव थे तथा 1400 रुपए वार्षिक की आमदनी होती थी।

कालांतर में इस ठिकाने की सात पीढियों ने अपने शासकों के प्रति अप्रतिम बहादुरी प्रदर्शित करते हुए अपना उत्सर्ग किया। इनमें सबसे अनूठा बलिदान झाला सरदार मानसिंह का था। उन्हें झाला मन्ना और झाला बींदा भी कहा गया है। इस आधार पर कुछ इतिहासकार राणा बींदा को अलग व्यक्ति मानते है। बहरहाल, महाराणा प्रतापसिंह के अनुपम शौर्य के संग जुड़कर, झाला मन्ना का बलिदान बेहद बुलंद हो गया।

हल्दीघाटी काव्य के सुविख्यात कवि श्याम नारायण पांडेय लिखते हैं-

"झाला को राणा जान

मुगल फिर टूट पड़े थे झाला पर।

मिट गया वीर जैसे मिटता,

परवाना दीपक-ज्वाला पर।।

झाला ने राणा रक्षा की,

रख लिय देश के पानी को।

छोड़ा राणा के साथ-साथ

अपनी भी अमर कहानी को।।"

अब, मैं उस अप्रतिम कहानी को प्रस्तुत करता हूँ-

हल्दीघाटी में युद्धरत महाराणा प्रताप को अकबर की सेना ने घेर लिया था और अपनी सारी शक्ति उन पर प्रहार करने में लगा दी थी। प्रतापसिंह उस घेरे से तीन बार उबरे किन्तु मुगलों की अपार सेना से वे कब तक पार पाते? शनैः शनैः प्रताप पस्त होने लगे थे। दुश्मन के हाथी की सूंड में बंधी तलवार से उनके अश्व चेतक का भी एक पैर टूट गया था। बड़ीसादड़ी के झाला सरदार मानसिंह ने अपने स्वामी की उस दशा को लक्ष्य किया और उस घेरे को चीरकर महाराणा प्रताप के पास पहुँचे और झपट कर मेवाड़ के राजचिन्ह 'स्वर्णसूर्य' को अपने सिर पर पहना तथा छत्र व चंवर को धारण करते हुए राणा प्रताप से बोले, “अन्नदाता! आप रणक्षेत्र से दूर चले जाएँ।" चूंकि राजपूत युद्ध के मैदान से पीठ दिखाकर भागना कायरता मानते हैं, इसलिए महाराणा ने आनाकानी की तो वह वीर बोला, "स्वामी, आप जीवित रहे तो पुनः शक्तिशाली होकर दुश्मन के दांत खट्टे कर सकेंगे।" यह सुनकर महाराणा प्रताप रणक्षेत्र से बाहर जाने को तत्पर हो गए। तभी झाला मन्ना जोर-जोर से चिल्लाने लगे "प्रताप आ गया है.. प्रताप आ गया है.."

उस चिल्लाहट से मुगल सैनिक भ्रमित हो गए और असली प्रताप को छोड़कर झाला मानसिंह पर टूट पड़े। झाला मानसिंह की शक्ल महाराणा प्रताप से बहुत साम्य रखती थी और उनकी कद-काठी भी लगभग वैसी ही थी (देखिए यहाँ प्रस्तुत उन दोनों के चित्र) इस प्रकार राणा प्रताप युद्ध के मैदान से सुरक्षित बाहर चले गएइतिहास में आगे उल्लेख है कि दो मुगल अश्वारोहियों ने महाराणा को घाटी से बाहर जाते देख लिया था और वे तेजी से उनका पीछा करने लगे। चूंकि राणा का हवा से बात करने वाला प्रिय अश्व चेतक एक पैर के टूट जाने से तीव्र गति से दौड़ नहीं पा रहा था। अतः दुश्मन के सैनिक प्रतिपल पास आते जा रहे थे कि सामने एक नाला आ गया। चेतक वहां ठिठक गया। महाराणा ने उसके आयालों (गर्दन के बालों) को सहलाया और पीठ थपथपायी। चेतक समझ गया कि उसे हर हाल में अपने स्वामी की रक्षा करनी है। उसने अपनी सारी शक्ति संचित की और एक छलांग में उस नाले को पार कर गया। जबकि मुगल सैनिकों के अश्व वैसा नहीं कर सके।

नाले के दूसरी ओर चेतक गिर पड़ा था। उसने अंतिम सांस ली और प्राण त्याग दिए। मेवाड़ की धरा पर चेतक ने स्वामीभक्ति का एक अलग और अदभुत इतिहास रच दिया था। उस स्थल पर चेतक का स्मारक उस अनूठी दास्तां का आज भी मूक गवाह है।

डिंगल के कवियों ने लिखा है.

"टूटो पग चेटक तणो

साम बचाय सरीर।

राण मान सिर राखिया,

छत्र चंवर छंहगीर॥

रक्त तलाई - खमनौर, राजसमन्द
(हल्दीघाटी के वीर योद्धा राजराणा झाला मानसिंह जी की छतरी)

उधर मुगलों से युद्ध में वीरता पूर्वक लड़ते हुए बड़ी सादड़ी ठिकाने के झाला सामंत मानसिंह ने वीरगति पायी। महाराणा संग्रामसिंह की रक्षार्थ अजोजी के प्रथम उत्सर्ग के पश्चात् मानसिंह और उसके बाद भी अगली पीढियों ने कुल सात शहादतें निरंतर दी और उसके प्रतिफल में मेवाड़ रियासत के राज चिन्हों को धारण करने का गौरव भी बड़ीसादड़ी के ठिकाने के वंशधरों को प्राप्त हुआ था। कैसी विडंबना रही कि अपने पैतृक राज्य हलवद (गुजरात) से निर्वासित किए गए दो राजकुमार ने राजपूताना (राजस्थान) में केमेवाड़ राज्य में शरणागत होकर, अपने अभूतपूर्व शौर्य और बलिदानों से राजाओं जैसा सम्मान अर्जित किया।

बड़ी सादड़ी कस्बे के पुराने बस स्टैण्ड चौराहे पर उस झाला सरदार की प्रस्तर प्रतिमा जिरह-बख्तर सहित अवस्थित है, जिसे देखते ही महाराणा प्रताप की प्रतिमा होने का आभास होता है। कस्बे में राजराणाओं की उन्नत हवेली है, जो अपने स्वामियों की शहादतों की दास्तानों की मूक बयानी कर रही है। बड़ीसादड़ी के मध्य में सूर्य सागर सरोवर है जिसका निर्माण प्रतापगढ नरेश सूरजमल द्वारा करवाया गया था नीमच रोड़ की पहाड़ी पर एक अधूरा किला है। इसका निर्माण संवत् 1835 में सुल्तानसिंह ने प्रारंभ करवाया था किन्तु किसी कारणवश अधूरा रह गया। इसी जगह पर तोपखाना भी है। कस्बे के दूसरे छोर पर पहाड़ से गिरने वाले झरने को रोककर शिव सागर तालाब ठाकुर शिवसिंह ने करवाया था। इस स्थान पर हरियाली अमावस को लोग पिकनिक मनाने आते हैं। ब्रह्मपुरी की बावड़ी स्थापत्य कला का नायाब नमूना है। फतहकुंवरी द्वारा निर्मित बड़ा कुंड और अनेकानेक बावड़ियाँ भी इस कस्बे में हैं। धार्मिक महत्व के अनेक प्राचीन मंदिर और मस्जिदें हैं जिनमें दाउदी बोहरा समाज की मस्जिद विशेष आस्था का प्रतीक है। राजपूती शौर्य के बड़ीसादड़ी कस्बे के राजराणाओं के बारे धांग्रधा के महाराजा श्रीराज ने अपनी पुस्तक 'ए ब्लड ऑफरिंग' में बड़ी सार्थक पंक्ति लिखी है. "राजाओं का इतिहास, मेवाड़ के इतिहास के बिना क्या है? और मेवाड़ का इतिहास, झालाओं के इतिहास के बिना क्या है?"


The ruins of traditional historical architecture from the Hindva Surya MahaRana Pratap Era stand testimony to the same. Though a major part of his life was spent on the battlefield yet
he managed to establish several monuments under his direction and patronage. These
monuments have become the traditional evidence of Mewar archeology.

Out of many such the establishment of Harihar temple at Badrana in Jhadol district stands out distinctively

The idol in Harihar
temple, a beautiful fused representation of Vishnu (Hari) and Shivaa (Hara) from crown to toe is
one of a kind. In this statue Shivaa and Vishnu share the same body. The ornamentation,
beautification, and sculpting of the idol is an unparalleled specimen. 

झाला ने देख लिया , राणा प्रताप है संकट में 
बोला न बाल बांका होगा , जब तक हैं प्राण बचे घट में 
अपनी तलवार दुधारी ले , भूखे नाहर सा टूट पड़ा 
कल कल मच गया अचानक दल , अश्विन के घन सा फूट पड़ा 
राणा की जय, राणा की जय , वह आगे बढ़ता चला गया 
राणा प्रताप की जय करता , राणा तक चढ़ता चला गया 
रख लिया छत्र अपने सर पर , राणा प्रताप मस्तक से ले 
ले सवर्ण पताका जूझ पड़ा , रण भीम कला अंतक से ले 
झाला को राणा जान मुगल , फिर टूट पड़े थे झाला पर 
मिट गया वीर जैसे मिटता , परवाना दीपक ज्वाला पर 
झाला ने राणा रक्षा की , रख दिया देश के पानी को 
छोड़ा राणा के साथ साथ , अपनी भी अमर कहानी को 
अरि विजय गर्व से फूल उठे , इस त रह हो गया समर अंत 
पर किसकी विजय रही बतला , ऐ सत्य सत्य अंबर अनंत 

Jhala Maan singh is an outstanding dazzling example of extraordinary valour, bravery and sacrifice who shrouded with the glory of struggle for freedom. In the battle of Haldi Ghati in 1576, Jhala Maan decorated himself with the Crown and the royal emblem from Pratap and started fighting valiantly. 
Jhala Maan has set a unique example of bravery and courage by sacrificing his life to save the life of Pratap for his country. 

दानव समाज में अरुण पड़ा 
जल जन्तु बीच हो वरुण पड़ा 
इस तरह भभकता था राणा 
मानो सर्पो में गरुड़ पड़ा 
हय रुण्ड कतर, गज मुण्ड पाछ 
अरि व्यूह गले पर फिरती थी 
तलवार वीर की तड़प तड़प 
क्षण क्षण बिजली सी गिरती थी 
राणा कर ने सर काट काट 
दे दिए कपाल कपाली को 
शोणित की मदिरा पिला पिला 
कर दिया तुष्ट रण काली को 
पर दिन भर लड़ने से तन में 
चल रहा पसीना था तर तर 
अविरल शोणित की धारा थी 
राणा क्षत से बहती झर झर 
घोड़ा भी उसका शिथिल बना 
था उसको चैन ना घावों से 
वह अधिक अधिक लड़ता यद्दपि 
दुर्लभ था चलना पावों से 
तब तक झाला ने देख लिया 
राणा प्रताप है संकट में 
बोला न बाल बांका होगा 
जब तक हैं प्राण बचे घट में 
अपनी तलवार दुधारी ले 
भूखे नाहर सा टूट पड़ा 
कल कल मच गया अचानक दल 
अश्विन के घन सा फूट पड़ा 
राणा की जय, राणा की जय 
वह आगे बढ़ता चला गया 
राणा प्रताप की जय करता 
राणा तक चढ़ता चला गया 
रख लिया छत्र अपने सर पर 
राणा प्रताप मस्तक से ले 
ले सवर्ण पताका जूझ पड़ा 
रण भीम कला अंतक से ले 
झाला को राणा जान मुगल 
फिर टूट पड़े थे झाला पर 
मिट गया वीर जैसे मिटता 
परवाना दीपक ज्वाला पर 
झाला ने राणा रक्षा की 
रख दिया देश के पानी को 
छोड़ा राणा के साथ साथ 
अपनी भी अमर कहानी को 
अरि विजय गर्व से फूल उठे 
इस त रह हो गया समर अंत 
पर किसकी विजय रही बतला 
ऐ सत्य सत्य अंबर अनंत ? 
∼ श्याम नारायण पाण्डेय 

Saturday, May 25, 2019


To be a hero in undiscovered territories is to be obscure; these territories and their songs are lit only by the most anonymous blood and by flowers whose name nobody.

Nawab of Arcot had thought that capturing Gingee from the young Raja Tej Singh would be easy. Only seven hundred men were with Raja Tej Singh and they had defended the fort for seven years against Nawab’s Eighty thousand strong army

Gingee or Senji in Tamil Nadu has a rich history that dates back to 200 BC. The main name that crops up in its history is that of Rajput Raja Desingu, who ruled the kingdom, though for a short period, but with great valour during the 18th Century.


“ Desingu raja desingu raja ” is a hit song from Dum dum dum directed by Alagam Perumal with Richa Ahuja, Jyothika and Madhavan on the cast.

Remembering Desingu Raja and his horse Neelaveni -

Do you know the significance of Neelaveni ?

The character of Raja DeSingu is reminiscent of the stories of Maharana Pratap of Chittoor and his horse Chetak. It is quite unfortunate that in these parts history is not well documented and we regularly fail to honour our valiant heroes.

Where the story starts when Shortly after the conquest, the Rajput lord Raja Swarup Singh Bundela, was appointed as Commander of Gingee. Nine additional forts and substantial land were also bestowed. Swarup Singh’s clan was a key Mughal ally for generations. He apparently had a good relationship with the Nawab of Arcot, the provincial Mughal governor. Swarup Singh was also respected by the Nawab’s superior, the Mughal Viceroy of the Deccan, Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah (who later became the first Nizam of Hyderabad).

The Rajput ruler of Gingee, treats both Hindus and Muslims with fairness. He and his wife Rambai beget a son whom they name Tej Singh Bundela, pronounced Desingu in Tamil. He was a worshipper of Sri Rangnathar of nearby Singavaram. This temple is full of rock sculptures. Desingu grows up with his childhood friend, another brave young man called Mehboob Khan (aka Maavuthukaran)

Desingu marries Ranibai, his uncle’s daughter. Meanwhile,  Mehboob Khan falls in love with Ayesha. In the meantime, the Sultan of Delhi offers to free any State coming under his dominion, whose ruler manages to tame a wild horse from his stable. With the intention to free his kingdom, Swaroop Singh leaves to Delhi without informing his wife and son. But he fails to take the wild horse, and is therefore imprisoned by the Sultan. The news is broken to Desingu by the minister and he rushes to Delhi and seeks his uncle Bheem Singh’s advice. 

Desingu manages to tame the horse and rides it amidst loud cheers by the huge gathering. The Sultan frees Swaroop Singh and grants Gingee’s independence. 

There is a famous folk dance known as ‘Poikal kuthirai attam” (literally translated as dance of false horse legs) – in this dancers have a dummy horse at the waist – instead of 4 legs of animal, there would only two human legs, sometimes on a stilt. Fast would be their movements; though there are more themes,

Most times they capitulate the story of Raja Desingu – a popular ruler who reigned from Gingee. The warrior was killed in the battlefield on 3rd Oct 1714 by the Arcot rulers. His courage and valour are part of folklore eulogized in many ballads.

The famous Tamil idol, MGR had acted as Raja Desinghu in a superhit tamil film in 1950s eulogizing the hero with MG Ramachandran on lead role – “Raja Desingu”. In Villupuram district (around 150 km away from Chennai) not far away from the famous temple of Thiruvannamalai, lies Gingee fort (Chenji or Jinji), one of the few surviving forts of Tamilnadu. 

The epic saga of Rajput Raja Desingu became part of Tamil folklore. Ballads, stories, puppet shows, dance dramas, stage plays, and therukkoothoo (street plays) have been inspired by the tragic tale of this brave Rajput hero of Gingee.

The Mughal Empire depended heavily on the fidelity, valour and skills of Rajput princes, nobles, and countless Rajput soldiers. Mughal alliances with key Rajput clans were established and maintained through marriages, modes of formal patronage — and sometimes by force. Even as the Empire unravelled, many Rajput clans continued to serve the Mughal Emperor. A scion of one such clan, the very young Raja Tej Singh Bundela, lord of Gingee in Tamil Nadu, entered Tamil folklore as the brave and virtuous ‘Desing Raja’ — the Tamil moniker being a corruption of his real name.

In India, young warriors who attain Veergati have been canonised — or even deified. Folklore, artistic interpretations and coloured chronicles play a great part in this. Even in modern times, we have the shrine of Jaswant Singh Rawat in Tawang. In some cases, communities once preyed by such personalities have later turned out to worship their old enemy. The ‘Ghazi Miyan’ of Bahraich and the ‘Nikal Seyn’ Sect are cases in point.  Tej Singh’s reputation, his qualities and accomplishments, and his heroic death at a very young age made such an impression that legends blossomed. Raja Tej Singh, however, did not become a saint like Jaswant Singh, Ghazi Salar Masud and John Nicholson. Regardless of the origin and course of his war — and the question of the rightness of his cause Desingu, Desingh aka Tej Singh was the son of Swarup Singh, a Bundela Rajput from Orchcha (near Agra).

The Carnatic province — comprising parts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh — was the Mughals’ southernmost possession. Gingee was critical to its control and was wrested from the Marathas in 1698 with great difficulty.

 In recognition of the military services of the Rajput chieftain, Aurangzeb is believed to have conferred the mansabdari and khiladari (land grants with custody of the forts) at Gingee in 1700 AD. In return, Swarup Singh was to pay a huge tribute to the Emperor through the Emperor’s deputy in the South, Nawab of Arcot. However, in 1714 AD Swarup Singh died of natural causes. Nawab Sadatullah Khan of Arcot claimed a hefty tribute as overdue. The headless fort was unable to meet the demand. The Nawab in turn moved his huge army to Gingee. Hearing his father’s death, Tej Singh hastened to Gingee from Bundelkhand. He hastily mobilized an army to face the Nawab. While his tiny army was routed and he himself was killed at a young age of 22, Tej Singh’s valour in the face of the mighty Nawab became the inspiration for Tamil ballads that are sung even today at Gingee.

After the death of Aurangazeb, the Mughal empire crumbled. The Deccan sliped like butter from the Mughal fingers. The Mughal governor in the Carnatic, the Nawab of Arcot declared his independence, but Raja Swaroop Singh refused to accept his sovereignty. He swore fealty to the Mughal emperor in Delhi, but the Mughal army was too far and too busy to pay his request any heed.

The fortress of Gingee was just 90 kilometers away from Arcot, the Nawab’s capital. It was fabled to be the greatest fortress in the country. Even the great Maratha, Chhatrapati Shivaji, called it the ‘most unassailable fortress’. Its location and strong defenses tempted the Nawab. Raja Swaroop Singh died of a fever and his fifteen year old son, Raja Tej Singh was crowned king. The Nawab had decided to strike the hot iron.

Unfortunately, the siege wasn’t going well.

The fortress was living up to its name. It stood on top a hill with seven layers of battlements surrounding it. One solitary path wound around the mountain and it was overlooked by archery towers. The top of the fortress could only be reached by crossing a tiny drawbridge built, over a rocky chasm, hundreds of feet deep.

The Marathas were ingenious folks, they had tied ropes to monitor lizards, climbed the rocky walls of the fortress and captured it. The Nawab decided to try the same trick, but Tej SIngh’s men were ready. They trained their kites and falcons to swoop down and snatch the lizards from the rocks. The Nawab cursed the blasted birds.

(The drawbrige on the top of the hill)

In the meantime Dawood goes to Nawab of Arcot and wins the confidence of the Nawab, who appoints him as his General. Desingu also dismisses his general Yusuf Khan from service for molesting a woman; the humiliated Khan turns traitor, joins hands with Dawood, 

On other hand at Gingee, The hot summer sun was beating down upon the land. It had not rained for the past two years and the river Palar had run dry. Drought had hit Arcot and Gingee. Rebellion was breaking out in the kingdom. An army living off the land during a drought didn’t go well with the local people.

Inside the fortress too the situation was bad. Tej Singh had only 700 men. Most of his men were twice as old as him, but they respected him. They were even ready to die for him. The food stores had run out and there was no water either. The fortress was strong enough to withstand an army, but not a famine.

Later, in a turn of complicated events, The king Tej Singh Bunela, put on his iron armour and mounted his favorite horse, Bara Hazari – The winged horse of heaven. Not a word did he utter, but his men knew. Seven hundred pairs of feet turned and followed him on the dusty path. 

Both sides soldier's are engaged in a bitter duel. 

The beats of a lonely drum was the only sound. Vultures were circling in the skies knowing that the time of their feasting was near. Raja Tej Singh had heard tales of his Rajput ancestors’ bravery from his grandmother. He was now going to write his own. His helm bit into his forehead. He looked up to the harem quarters, he could feel his young queen’s eyes looking at him. He closed his eyes and muttered a silent prayer for strength. He pulled the reins of his horse and broke into a gallop.
When the drawbridge was lowered, the king saw a lone horseman in a wedding dress standing outside. It was Mohammad Khan, his best friend. He had walked out of his own wedding and had come to help. Tej Singh jumped off his horse and hugged him.

The small army galloped down. The hillside resounded with the old Rajput war cry.

Life is cheap. Honour is not.

The Nawab was not expecting an attack. His army was out searching for food and water when the gates of the fortress were thrown open. Cannonballs fizzed into the Nawab’s army. The Nawab’s elephants stampeded in the noise and crushed  his own men. By the time the Nawab’s army could regroup, Tej Singh’s men had penetrated deep into their formation.
Blood and glory followed the Rajput sword. None of the Nawab’s soldiers could keep up with the winged horse of heaven. One of the Nawab’s horsemen galloped towards the Tej Singh with a lance. Just before he could run into Tej Singh, a bolt of green lightning passed them by and the horseman slid off his saddle. Headless.

It was Mehboob Khan. Tej Singh held out his sword to thank him. Mehboob Khan barely raised his sword in acknowledgement when a stray arrow pierced his neck. He fell down in a pool of blood.
Tej Singh jumped off his horse and rushed to his dying friend. He took Mehboob Khan in his lap. He looked at his friend, who had come to help him out in the battle even on his wedding day. Tears streaked his dirt-stained face. Mehboob Khan gave a slow smile. The light went out form his eyes. Tej Singh’s scream was swallowed by the noise of the battle.
The young king looked around with bloodshot eyes. The Nawab’s army had surround him and his men. He slowly mounted on his horse and whispered ‘Death’ in its ears. The horse seemed to understand and raised its forelegs. His men rallied around him. There was no noise. No trumpets, no drums, no war cries. There was only a whisper which was louder than any cry.


~They were no longer fighting for victory.~

The Nawab surveyed the battlefield in the light of the setting sun. The red hue of the dusk mingled with the blood on the battlefield. Raja Tej Singh and his 700 men had died, but they had inflicted massive casualties on his army. Half his army was either dead or dying. He looked at the arrow-riddled body of Tej SIngh on a funeral pyre. Near him was the pyre of his faithful horse. A priest was lighting the pyres and chanting a prayer. 

Tej Singh’s young queen had slumped on the ground and was sobbing into her saree. The Nawab looked at her. She was pretty and would make a good addition to his harem. The young queen looked at the Nawab and seemed to understand his thoughts. She stood up wordlessly and jumped into the orange flames of her husband’s pyre as sati.
The Nawab slowly walked back to his tent. If this was victory, why did it taste so bitter.

The memorial for Raja Desingh and his wife Ranibai is located on the banks of the Palar river.

This majestic memorabilia today stands stripped of its ancient fame and name. Now, it has become a totally despicable place where society's underworld elements gather to drink and carry out their nefarious activities.

A king and his queen lie buried here on the banks of Palar. Much water has flown through Palar since their times, eroding history and brushing aside memories. Now, forgotten by the queen's namesake -- Ranipet town -- and abandoned behind a scrap godown, their only company now are some antisocial elements that frequent the area to booze and gamble. With every round of 'cheers', Raja Tej Singh and Ranibai turn in their graves.

To add to the woes of the place, thick bushes and unwanted greenery had overrun the place. With the passage of time, the marble stones laid inside the structures have mostly been shorn off. All signs of this once magnificent structure has now totally vanished without a trace.

At the inauguration of the bifurcation of Vellore district into Ranipet and Tirupattur districts, Chief minister Edappadi K Palaniswami, Dy CM O Paneerselvam and other ministers and dignitaries in their inaugural speeches traced the importance of Ranipet to the Raja Desingh era, and most importantly stressed on Queen Ranibai's sacrifice.

It is high time that the district administration restores the memorial to its past splendour.

Ardent fans of historical artefacts and residents alike want the administration to not only restore the memorial, but also convert the place into a tourist attraction, and preserve the archaic fibre of the place.

Responding to a query on the subject, Sub-collector Elambagavath said that efforts to restore the memorial is already progressing. Only after the first few steps into the project did officials realise that the memorial stood on patta land. Hence, measures to bring the land into government possession has been taken.

Swarup Singh’s son, Raja Tej Singh, was a famed young warrior who also served the Empire. Swarup Singh died in late 1713 and the question of succession arose. On the ensuing events, there are four versions, with key commonalities, but different content, tone and style.

Firstly, European records mention that in 1714 C.E., the Arcot Nawab suppressed the rebellion of Gingee’s new lord, the son of the previous Rajput lord. He had claimed Gingee as a hereditary right granted by the Emperor. This was not accepted by the provincial governor, who also raised the issue of tax arrears. The new lord was killed in an ensuing battle. Even these ostensibly unbiased records vary on the origin of the conflict. Perhaps the Nawab feared Tej Singh and used a pretence to destroy him; perhaps Tej Singh was guilty after all. Nevertheless, these sources describe Tej Singh’s stubbornness, daring exploits, and his heroic death. 

This story second narrative is provided by imperial chroniclers sympathetic to Arcot and Hyderabad. They blame Tej Singh’s rashness and pretences of sovereignty for the war. The Emperor had never bestowed Gingee to Tej Singh: the latter had broken faith with his ultimate liege lord. These sources also mention the fidelity and courage of Tej Singh — and that of his friend and feudatory, Mahabat Khan. The Nawab is portrayed as chivalrous and compassionate. He pardons Tej Singh’s followers and even organises the Sati of Tej Singh’s wife, after futile attempts to convince her to live.

The third narrative from certain Marathi chronicles — diverges significantly. Tej Singh — also termed Jai Singh — is portrayed as a flawless hero and Asaf Jah is the main villain. This narrative incorporates dubious claims of pedigree and many fantasy elements, and Muslim rulers are shown negatively. This is unsurprising as Mughals and Hyderabad (ruled by Asaf Jah’s successors) were the Marathas’ mortal enemies. The Emperor is also portrayed as rather malevolent. 

(The fortress of Gingee)

Gingee is located near Villupuram in Tamil Nadu. It is a small town situated in a barren plain, overshadowed by the tall fortress. The hills look like some giant had once lived in this land, collected rocks together and put them up in a pile. History traces the site of a small fort built by Cholas in 9th century AD, later modified by Kurumbars and then by Vijayanagar empire when it became a citadel. It was the headquarters of Gingee Nayaks. The fort was a strategic place for fending off invaders. Marathas captured it in 17th century; then was in possession of Carnatic nawabs and finally fell to British. Once upon a time, it was so well fortified that Chatrapathi Shivaji ranked it as the most impregnable fortress in India and was called Troy of the East by the British.

Legend has it that the actual name of Gingee is 'Sengiri' meaning perhaps the "Red Hill" in Tamil that has got corrupted into Gingee. Some also say that the name Sengiri originated from 'Sanjeevi' the hill mentioned in Ramayana. The name has also been traced to Singavaram the neighbouring Vaishnavaite shrine, whose lord is considered the guardian deity of the place. Gingee was one of the greatest fortresses in India, impressing even Shivaji. The Nawab of Arcot did capture the fortress; but the siege, Tej Singh’s attack and the drought left his power in tatters. The weak Nawab found himself caught in between the clashes of the rising powers in the Deccan. The British, the French and Tipu Sultan. The Nawab lost Gingee to the French who took the fortress’ treasures to Pondicherry. The English later captured Gingee from the French. The British called Gingee, ‘the Troy of the East’. Gingee lost its former charm under the British and became a small, idyllic, agrarian village.
The fort complex is massive. It has three separate forts on three hilltops. The largest of the three is called Rajagiri, which was used by Raja Tej Singh. It is an imposing citadel built on the top of a 800 feet hillock. The base of the hillock has a fortification wall with a dried up moat.

The fortress reminds us of a fictional Minas Tirith from The Lord of the Rings hollywod flick. Both have seven layers of defenses with the gates for each level situated in a different direction from the next level. The top has a tiny drawbridge which leads to the crown of the hill.

Finally, we have the ornate and fantastic Tamil folklore. This incorporates themes of Vaishnavism, and even more fantastic and dubious episodes. The Mughals as portrayed as wholly steeped into Hindu traditions. Desing Raja’s bride, the Sati-mata and Mahabat Khan invokes Narayana along with Allah. At the end of an epic battle caused by miscommunication and pride (and tax arrears), heartbroken by Mahabat Khan’s death, Tej Singh dies after annihilating his enemies. The popularity of the Desing Raja emanates from this folk narrative, which wove together many popular themes. Artists and poets undoubtedly helped popularise this version regionally to inspire and entertain. 

It is interesting that a young Bundela chieftain, whose native lands lay 2000 kms from Gingee became the soul of the ballads of Tamil Nadu through his valour in Tamil lands. The forts of Gingee stand mute today, witness to the saga of valour and history of the Deccan. It is also unique to hear of the ballads in Telugu on Raja Desingh, though in strict terms Tamil and Telugu lands were parts of composite kingdoms for many centuries. — the Rajput Raja Tej Singh has been immortalised in the regional memory as the valiant ‘Desing Raja’ through numerous literary works, art forms and even movies.

Raja Tej Singh is still famous among the local people who call him Raja Desingu. People sing ballads of his bravery, his faithful friend Mehboob Khan and his winged horse of heaven. Quite a few shops here are still visible named after him and even a college.

Perhaps the most popular legend in Tamil culture was that of the tragic tale of Raja Tej Singh of Senji fort in Tamilnadu who lived in 18 century, popularly known in Tamil as Thesingu Raasan,

It is amazing to find a Rajput Warrior unknown to its native place is loved by a peoples so far away from his home.


'The Grace of Kings' was meant to read like a set of legends about characters who were bigger than life.

The Greatest King of Dogra Clan 

The royal title of Maharaja Hari Singh was "Indar Mahindar Rajrajeshwar Maharajadhiraj Shri Jammu Kashmir Naresh Tatha Tibet Deshadhipati". Interesting that the Maharaja's title includes Tibet. What was the connotation that Dogras applied to the word 'Tibet'?

Maharaja Shri Hari Singh Ji full name with all the epithets was Lieutenant-General His Highness Shriman Rajrajeshwar Maharajadhiraj Sri Sir Hari Singh Indar Mahindar Bahadur, Sipar-i-Sultanat, Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO.


Amar Mahal, located in Jammu city on the bank of Tawi river, once a palace, is now a museum, frequented by tourists. The beautiful palace designed like a French villa and was the residence of Raja Amar Singh where Hari Singh was born on 23 Sept.1895.

The Dogra dynasty (or Jamwal dynasty) was Hindu Dogra Rajput dynasty that formed the royal house of Jammu and Kashmir.

Maharaja Hari Singh Ji belonged to the Jamwal Rajput clan that ruled Jammu. The Rajputs who created J&K are the same warriors who liberated Kailash from China. Raja Amar Singh probably foresaw the writing on the wall and brought up his son to learn the traditions and values which were the hallmark of Dogras in general and ruling family in particular.

In 1903, Hari Singh served as Page of Honour to Lord Curzon at the grand Delhi Durbar. At the age of 13, Hari Singh Ji was dispatched to Mayo College in Ajmer, which was the prestigious institution catering for the need of modern education of the members of the royal families at the hands of British teachers. In 1914, successful completion of the military training. Maharaja Pratap Singh appointed Hari Singh as Commander-in-Chief of state forces. He also held position of senior member of state council and later was in charge of Defence & Foreign Affairs. After the sad demise of Maharaja Pratap Singh, Maharaja Hari Singh ascended the throne. The period under him will always be remembered for the social reforms and modernization of the state.

He inherited the vast state of JnK comprising of the Jammu Province, Jägirs of Poonch and Chenani, Province of Kashmir and Frontier Provinces of Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit. The credit of consolidating a vast territory and the founding of the state rests upon the vision of the warrior and statesman, Maharaja Gulab Singh, the great-grandfather of Maharaja Shri Hari Singh Ji. The rich legacy of his forefathers, Maharaja Gulab Singh (1846-1857), Maharaja Ranbir Singh (1857-1885) & Maharaja Pratap Singh (1885-1925) in form of consolidation of state as stable political events of his time.

The Visionary & Exemplary Maharaja Hari Singh lead the JAK forces in face of a barbaric tribal invasion to secure the future of his subjects & we reap rewards for it today.

A few among his many achievements:
1. A focus on education;Over 20k schools were built under his rule.

2.Agriculturists Relief Regulations,July 1926;Cooperative lending system for farmers.

3. Promoted the publication of newspapers through Press and Publication Act, April 1932.

4.His rule was marked with progress and elevating living standards especially for women;Dhandevi Memorial Kanya Fund

5.1st among 560 rulers to support the cause of Indian Independence at the Round Table Conference, 1931.His famous quote“I am an Indian first, and then a Maharaja”

6.The state lead in health infrastructure due to his reforms. 3 state of the art hospitals built in Jammu, Srinagar and Mirpur, sanatoriums for TB treatment.

7. Improved connectivity; roads ,posts & telegraph,which lead to a significant boost in tourism industry.

In 1929, there were massive floods in Srinagar. The river bund was in danger of being breached. When the information was received, Maharaja Hari Singh was among the first to arrive on the scene and his presence encouraged his troops to superhuman efforts to save the city. Troops had to work on scanty materials, around the clock, and had to contend with darkness and incessant rain. But nothing could encourage them more than the presence of the Maharaja, who stood with them, sharing their joys and sorrows, directing the effort to save the city. The Maharaja himself would share refreshments with his soldiers. The efforts succeeded. The river bund was not breached, and the city was saved. After that was done, Maharaja Hari Singh himself ensured that every soldier got Rs. 2 for every soldier and Rs. 3 for every NCO. But the greatest reward for the soldiers, according to their own writings was the Maharaja's congratulatory message to them on the successful accomplishment of the task. The Maharaja called his soldiers morale `the greatest source of his strength'. Raja and praja united.

Its a testament to his brilliant self that his legacy is still etched in public consciousnes & as bright as the day he left us nearly 60 years ago.

This, BTW, is in the highest traditions of Indian sense of honour. Maharaja Hari Singh did not move away from the scene of danger. Au contraire, he rushed to danger spot and refused to go away till danger was past. Why are we not told of all this?

On a funny note, even the `Azad Kashmiri' Chief Justice, Mohammad Yusuf Saraf grudgingly acknowledges this point.

"The Brahmanas of the old, enjoying large patronage and support from the Kshatriya Kings, were able to preserve unsullied their alloted duties of Sastric Dharmas" - Sri Ramananda Sarasvati Swami (former Sri G Ramachandra Iyer) in his book The Hindu Ideal.

 All the Hindu Rajas of Princely States had been supporting until their twilight years in the 20th century. Donating rare valuable Sanskrit books from the land of Kashmir to a Vedapathasala to Tamil Nadu is one of the many great sukrtis performed by the Maharaja of Kashmir. 

Sri Sankaragurukulam of Srirangam (Sringeri Sankara Matham, Srirangam), Trichy in Tamil Nadu is an institution where Vedas & Sastras are taught. It was founded by Gurubhakta-shikhamani, Sastraprasarabhushana, Sri TK Balasubramanya Aiyar(disciple of Sringeri Shankaracharya). In one of the editions (probably between 1940-1946) of 'The Journal of Sri Sankaragurukulam' published by him he expresses his gratitude towards the Kashmir Maharaja for contributing many books published under the Kashmir Sanskrit Series to the Gurukulam's library. He also mentions that some manuscripts found in the Gilgit were also given by the King. The books were mostly of Kashmirika Shaivism. 

TKB Aiyar expresses great joy at receiving copies of Sri Vidyarnava Tantra, a work concerning the details in Srividyopanasana, written by Sri Vidyaranya Swamigal that were preserved in the King's private collection. Within the two bulky volumes of this book, Sri TKB Aiyar says, are collected all the available authoritative texts from whatever source they might be thus exhausting practically all available literature on Srividya.

This is famous ‘ Jai Jai Shiv Shankar, Kanta Lage Na Kankar’ Shiv Mandir of Gurmarg managed by Army from long.

The Army Battalion at Gulmarg, with the help of locals, repaired the structure of the Shiv temple, Gulmarg.This Shiv temple was constructed in 1915 by Maharani Mohini Bai Sisodia, wife of HH Maharaja Hari Singh Bahadur of Jammu & Kashmir.

यह फोटो है महाराज हरिसिंह जी द्वारा बनवाया गया भगवान शिव जी के मंदिर, उत्तरवहिनी, जम्मू में। मंदिर के शिखर पर पेड़ निकले है। मंदिर की जगह है लेकिन रख रखाव नहीं।

If such kings are there why do we need fake Democracies. That’s why we called Ram Rajya and nothing less nothing more.

His contributions to state are many but his commitment to India even as ruler of vast independent Princely state even more noteworthy. He was the first amongst 560 rulers, who supported the cause of India’s Independence at the Round Table Conference in the House of Lords in London in 1931. He earned the wrath of British and an unsavoury saga of conspiracies unfolded against him upon his return to the state.

Nevertheless, his words spoken in House of Lords as Vice-Chancellor of Chamber of Prince’s rang loud and clear and should help in settling any doubts one may have of his loyalties. In the conference presided by British Crown,

he said: “ I am an Indian first, and then a Maharaja”.

( This was the statement why Maharaja had become an enemy for British!!

Thats why British incited communal tensions in Kashmir!!

13 July 1931 was the 1st time when Stone pelting was done in Kashmir (under the leadership of NC (then k/a Muslim Conference)))

This snippet might help you:
Maharaja was pressurised by British officials to delay instrument of accession & go with pakistan!!

It was the dirty politics of British-Muslim Conference-& Abdullah's National Conference that demonsied & blackmailed him by rebellion & propoganda British officials always wanted to take revenge on him for his fiery & bold speech in 1st Round Table Conference in London, 1930 where he supported Independence of whole of India

Most of controversies in his rule occured only afted 1930!!

All of us must have wondered, What was the reason behind the controversies in Kashmir towards the end of British rule?

The answer can be inferred from this letter exchanged between Shyama Prasad Mukherjee & Sheikh Abdullah

Here Mukherjee clearly supported Maharaja Hari Singh Mukherjee cites the incident when Maharaja Hari Singh spoke in favour Indian Independence in the First Round Table Conference at London,1930

That was the reason why Maharaja was had become an enemy for British & their rule in India

He is remembered as true nationalist and his address in the First Round Table Conference at London in 1930-31 wherein he spoke of SELF RULE FOR INDIANS and his declaration in 1942 conference that his state would be the first to join Independent India, became rallying point for the political parties and rulers of other states. Signing of Instrument of Accession of Jammu and Kashmir with India, is thus a land mark in the History, which projects Maharaja Shri Hari Singh Ji as a nationalist to the core.

Maharaja Hari Singh is the story of a man who stood for his race and people against time. The year was 1947, the Rajput states with thousands of years of history were standing on brink.

Socialists and Islamists had been bootlicking occupying thieving Britishers for almost a century now. 

The Photograph Summarily describes the end of once Glorious Dogra Kingdom. To this day, we are treated shabbily by India and New Delhi.

When British leave, they are certain to handsomely reward these special interest groups at the cost of Princes who so bravely defended the ancient heritage and people of our nation.

Mirpur, a prosperous town of pothwaris ceases to exist on 25.11.1947. Town’s Hindus & Sikhs, brutally looted killed, raped,imprisoned or forced to flee. Mangla Dam submerged the old town.

These Two temples standing in ruins & silent testimony. Mangla Devi & Raghunath Temple.

He decided that he shall not give up his ancestral lands, and soul of his people without a fight. Congress and the League had embargoed his kingdom to ensure he had no ammunition and supplies.

Yet his 105 men put up a fierce fight. At several front these great men outnumbered 1:100 pushed back the invaders several time. Maharaja Shri Hari Singh Ji, history would always remember you, you did not succumb to destiny without a fight. Oh brave ruler, your people would create a new Jammu and Kashmir with the blood of yours and every drop of every great soldier like Rajinder Singh Jamwal.

These people were the soldiers who wrestled with the vultures of destiny with nothing more than an absolute faith in the ancient Rajput code of honor.

When Maharaja Hari Singh & his wife Maharani Tara started touring the state to interact with their ppl in 1948-49, a petulant Sheikh Abdullah threatened by the Maharaja’s popularity complained to Delhi & Nehru asked Maharaja Hari Singh to leave the State. Sheikh Abdullah used plebiscite as a bargaining tool. Nehru naive enough to have take Kashmir to the UN. Maharaja Hari Singh was forced to sign a Proclamation on June 20, 1949 and lie to his people that he was leaving the state for health reasons. He died in Mumbai, in exile.

A modern, progressive and a reformist Ruler who made Jammu Kashmir an integral part of India was banished from his own land because of an insecure Sheikh Abdullah & Nehru and died in exile..

Maharaja had requested that Maharani Tara Devi be allowed to stay with her young 18 yrs old son, Karan Singh, who had been reunited with his parents after 13 months of being invalid & bed ridden in NYC. The request was declined.

And we slept
Not a word spoken 
No protest either

Looting of Dogra Dynasty’s treasures by Sheikh Abdullah was just the beginning. Loot continued unabated under Abdullahs, Muftis, politicians of all kinds & bureaucrats. Others worked tirelessly to create false anti-India narratives on JK to dodge scrutiny.

Respectful Homage to Legendary warrior, Statesman, Administrator, Philanthropist, Maharaja Hari Singh Ji. Maharaja Shri Hari Singh Ji valuable contribution to Jammu and Kashmir state specially work for educational and social progress will always be remembered.

Remember that without him there would be no Jammu and Kashmir in India. We should follow him and his foot step. Jai Hind 🙏