Saturday, August 29, 2020

Celebrated Sufis of 'composite culture' trojan horse stabbed Hindus

How celebrated Sufis of 'composite culture' stabbed Hindus, converted women

छाप तिलक सब छीनी रे मोसे नैना मिलाइके
गोरी गोरी बईयाँ, हरी हरी चूड़ियाँ
बईयाँ पकड़ धर लीन्ही रे मोसे नैना..
खुसरो निजाम के बल बल जाए
मोहे सुहागन कीन्ही रे मोसे नैना..

Hindus are right when they say that it is not possible to establish social contact between Hindus and Muslims because such contact can only mean contact between women from one side and men from the other. – Dr B R Ambedkar, Pakistan 'or' the Partition of India (1940)

These words from Dr Ambedkar are pure gold. They hold true to this date. Dr Ambedkar discusses the strange Muslim male psyche that wants to interact with women of other faiths but doesn’t let its women interact with men of other faiths. Love/rape Jihad can no longer be brushed aside as figment of Hindutva’s imagination. This is harsh reality of today that agencies, commissions and rational people have started realising.

If Kerala witnessed, in few years, 2600 odd Hindu women converting to Islam to marry Muslim men against just 2 Muslim women converting to Hinduism to marry Hindu men, it can not be natural. 2600 vs 2 (national stats of absolute numbers must be much worse) requires a huge, organised and coordinated game played by one side on the clueless other. One can check how many Hindu women were made wives by Muslim men and vice versa and how many Hindu men were killed by family of Muslim wife/lover and vice versa. You will see words of Dr Ambedkar in action in every local newspapers from West UP, WB, Kerala, Assam, Maharashtra, Pakistan and other Indian states. “We kept your women in beds for 1000 years” is a common slang used by a community in West UP, Hyderabad and elsewhere.

My men-your women madness that came with Islamic invaders is so mean that Hindus took 1300 years to even recognise it. Even today, not many Indians are comfortable discussing this phenomenon even with best of friends. Revered Islamic literature and all popular translations of ‘holy’ scriptures are full of references that can throw light on this phenomenon.

Please do some research to find what Quran, Hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad), Seerat (life of Muhammad), Sharia (Islamic laws) and Fatwas (Islamic judgements) say about Non-Muslims, idol-worshippers, marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men, Jihad against ‘Kafirs’, killing of men, abduction of Kafir women, taking women as sex-slaves, converting masses on sword’s point, spreading Islam to last man in the world, Ghazwa e Hind, and complete annihilation of idolaters & their faith.

According to Dr Ambedkar, not one Islamic invader in india was a mere looter. They were all filled with extreme zeal of Islamic conquest. “These Muslim invasions were not undertaken merely out of lust for loot or conquest. There was another object behind them… there is no doubt that striking a blow at the idolatry and polytheism of Hindus and establishing Islam in India was also one of the aims of this expedition.” – Pakistan or the Partition of India (published 1940) 

Abduction of women, taking them as sex-slaves, converting them to Islam, producing children to contribute to the numbers of Muslim armies was established part of doctrine of early conquests. But an interesting phenomenon also developed in parallel. Some ‘good’ cops were unleashed on Hindus undergoing slaughter, rape, Jaziya (heavy ransom money paid by Kafirs to state to stay alive in Muslim rule) and religious persecution.

With every butcher came a Sufi poet. With butchery of Ghazni, Ghori, Khilji, and Babur came Sufi Shayari of Moinuddin, Nizamuddin, Farid, and Khusro. Not that latter were enlightened souls who valued Hindu lives but they adopted softer approach to Islamise India. While Salar Ghazis, Khiljis and Baburs would kill & erect towers of Hindu skulls and terrorise Hindus to make them accept Islam, Sufis ‘saints’ like Nizamuddin, Moinuddin Chisty, Farid, and Amir Khusro would show ‘miracles’ of Allah’s prowess to ‘idolater’ Hindus to give them proof of One Allah, Islam’s divinity and Hinduism’s futility to make conversion of those to Islam possible who couldn’t be converted by sword.

Islamic butchery of Hindus was complemented by Sufi ‘healing’. According to Moinuddin Chisty’s biography, Prophet himself gave him ‘good’ news of Islamic conquest of Hindus in dream at hands of Muhammad Ghori. Another Sufi Amir Khusro who is commemorated by Govts in India till date for his contribution in arts & Indian culture (!) was a salaried historian cum sycophant in Darbar of greatest butcher Alauddin Khilji.

Let us see how, apart from physical abduction, rape and enslavement, Hindu women were lured/trapped into following Islam. This was subtle Sufi style which Hindus fail to recognise even till date. Look at the celebrated Sufi Amir Khusro and some of his Hindi poems

छाप तिलक सब छीनी रे मोसे नैना मिलाइके
प्रेम भटी का मदवा पिलाइके
मतवारी कर लीन्ही रे मोसे नैना मिलाइके
गोरी गोरी बईयाँ, हरी हरी चूड़ियाँ
बईयाँ पकड़ धर लीन्ही रे मोसे नैना मिलाइके
बल बल जाऊं मैं तोरे रंग रजवा
अपनी सी रंग दीन्ही रे मोसे नैना मिलाइके
खुसरो निजाम के बल बल जाए
मोहे सुहागन कीन्ही रे मोसे नैना मिलाइके
छाप तिलक सब छीनी रे मोसे नैना मिलाइके

English translation:

You’ve taken away
my looks,
my Tilak – faith,
with your glance.

You gave me wine
of your love,
You’ve intoxicated me
with your glance.

My fair wrists
with green bangles
are in your tight possession 
with your glance.

I am yours,
I have your colour
You have poured it on me
with your glance

My life is now yours, Oh, Nizam,
You’ve made me your bride,
With your glance.

(Sadly, this Islamist’s poem has been adopted by many Hindu Bhajan Samrats as some great Hindu Bhajan. You may find hundreds of its versions today. Sometimes cluelessness of Hindus amazes me!)

Some more:

सकल बन फूल रही सरसों।
बन बिन फूल रही सरसों।
अम्बवा फूटे, टेसू फूले,
कोयल बोले डार-डार,
और गोरी करत सिंगार,
मलनियाँ गेंदवा ले आईं कर सों,
सकल बन फूल रही सरसों।
तरह तरह के फूल खिलाए,
ले गेंदवा हाथन में आए।
निजामुदीन के दरवज़्ज़े पर,
आवन कह गए आशिक रंग,
और बीत गए बरसों।
सकल बन फूल रही सरसों।

आज रंग है ऐ माँ रंग है री,
मेरे महबूब के घर रंग है री।
अरे अल्लाह तू है हर,
मेरे महबूब के घर रंग है री।

मोहे पीर पायो निजामुद्दीन औलिया,
निजामुद्दीन औलिया-अलाउद्दीन औलिया।
अलाउद्दीन औलिया, फरीदुद्दीन औलिया,
फरीदुद्दीन औलिया, कुताबुद्दीन औलिया।
कुताबुद्दीन औलिया मोइनुद्दीन औलिया,
मुइनुद्दीन औलिया मुहैय्योद्दीन औलिया।
आ मुहैय्योदीन औलिया, मुहैय्योदीन औलिया।
वो तो जहाँ देखो मोरे संग है री।

अरे ऐ री सखी री,
वो तो जहाँ देखो मोरो (बर) संग है री।
मोहे पीर पायो निजामुद्दीन औलिया,
आहे, आहे आहे वा।
मुँह माँगे बर संग है री,
वो तो मुँह माँगे बर संग है री।

निजामुद्दीन औलिया जग उजियारो,
जग उजियारो जगत उजियारो।
वो तो मुँह माँगे बर संग है री।
मैं पीर पायो निजामुद्दीन औलिया।
गंज शकर मोरे संग है री।
मैं तो ऐसो रंग और नहीं देखयो सखी री।
मैं तो ऐसी रंग देस-बदेस में ढूढ़ फिरी हूँ,
देस-बदेस में।
आहे, आहे आहे वा,
ऐ गोरा रंग मन भायो निजामुद्दीन।
मुँह माँगे बर संग है री।

ऐ तोरा रंग मन भायो निजामुद्दीन।
मैं तो तोरा रंग मन भायो निजामुद्दीन।
मुँह माँगे बर संग है री।
मैं तो ऐसो रंग और नहीं देखी सखी री।
ऐ महबूबे इलाही मैं तो ऐसो रंग और नहीं देखी।
देस विदेश में ढूँढ़ फिरी हूँ।
आज रंग है ऐ माँ रंग है ही।
मेरे महबूब के घर रंग है री।

ऐ री सखी मोरे पिया घर आए
भाग लगे इस आँगन को
बल-बल जाऊँ मैं अपने पिया के,
चरन लगायो निर्धन को।
मैं तो खड़ी थी आस लगाए,
मेंहदी कजरा माँग सजाए।
देख सूरतिया अपने पिया की,
हार गई मैं तन मन को।
जिसका पिया संग बीते सावन,
उस दुल्हन की रैन सुहागन।
जिस सावन में पिया घर नाहि,
आग लगे उस सावन को।
अपने पिया को मैं किस विध पाऊँ,
लाज की मारी मैं तो डूबी डूबी जाऊँ
तुम ही जतन करो ऐ री सखी री,
मै मन भाऊँ साजन को।

बहुत दिन बीते पिया को देखे,
अरे कोई जाओ, पिया को बुलाय लाओ
मैं हारी वो जीते पिया को देखे बहुत दिन बीते ।

सब चुनरिन में चुनर मोरी मैली,
क्यों चुनरी नहीं रंगते ?
बहुत दिन बीते ।
खुसरो निजाम के बलि बलि जइए,
क्यों दरस नहीं देते ?
बहुत दिन बीते ।

बहुत कठिन है डगर पनघट की।
कैसे मैं भर लाऊँ मधवा से मटकी
मेरे अच्छे निज़ाम पिया।
कैसे मैं भर लाऊँ मधवा से मटकी
ज़रा बोलो निज़ाम पिया।
पनिया भरन को मैं जो गई थी।
दौड़ झपट मोरी मटकी पटकी।
बहुत कठिन है डगर पनघट की।
खुसरो निज़ाम के बल-बल जाइए।
लाज राखे मेरे घूँघट पट की।
कैसे मैं भर लाऊँ मधवा से मटकी
बहुत कठिन है डगर पनघट की।

बहुत रही बाबुल घर दुल्हन, चल तोरे पी ने बुलाई।
बहुत खेल खेली सखियन से, अन्त करी लरिकाई।
न्हाय धोय के बस्तर पहिरे, सब ही सिंगार बनाई।
बिदा करन को कुटुम्ब सब आए, सगरे लोग लुगाई।
चार कहार मिल डोलिया उठाई, संग परोहत नाई।
चले ही बनेगी होत कहाँ है, नैनन नीर बहाई।
अन्त बिदा हो चलि है दुल्हिन, काहू कि कछु न बने आई।
मौज-खुसी सब देखत रह गए, मात पिता और भाई।
मोरी कौन संग लगन धराई, धन-धन तेरि है खुदाई।
बिन मांगे मेरी मंगनी जो कीन्ही, नेह की मिसरी खिलाई।
अंगुरि पकरि मोरा पहुँचा भी पकरे, कँगना अंगूठी पहिराई।
एक के नाम कर दीनी सजनी, पर घर की जो ठहराई।
नौशा के संग मोहि कर दीन्हीं, लाज संकोच मिटाई।
सोना भी दीन्हा रुपा भी दीन्हा बाबुल दिल दरियाई।
गहेल गहेली डोलति आँगन मा पकर अचानक बैठाई।
बैठत महीन कपरे पहनाये, केसर तिलक लगाई।
गुण नहीं एक औगुन बहोतेरे, कैसे नोशा रिझाई।
खुसरो चले ससुरारी सजनी संग, नहीं कोई आई।

दैया री मोहे भिजोया री
शाह निजाम के रंग में।
कपरे रंगने से कुछ न होवत है
या रंग में मैंने तन को डुबोया री
पिया रंग मैंने तन को डुबोया
जाहि के रंग से शोख रंग सनगी
खूब ही मल मल के धोया री।
पीर निजाम के रंग में भिजोया री।

हजरत ख्वाजा संग खेलिए धमाल,
बाइस ख्वाजा मिल बन बन आयो
तामें हजरत रसूल साहब जमाल।
हजरत ख्वाजा संग..।
अरब यार तेरो (तोरी) बसंत मनायो,
सदा रखिए लाल गुलाल।
हजरत ख्वाजा संग खेलिए धमाल।

जब यार देखा नैन भर दिल की गई चिंता उतर
ऐसा नहीं कोई अजब राखे उसे समझाए कर ।

जब आँख से ओझल भया, तड़पन लगा मेरा जिया
हक्का इलाही क्या किया, आँसू चले भर लाय कर ।

तू तो हमारा यार है, तुझ पर हमारा प्यार है
तुझ दोस्ती बिसियार है एक शब मिली तुम आय कर ।

जाना तलब तेरी करूँ दीगर तलब किसकी करूँ
तेरी जो चिंता दिल धरूँ, एक दिन मिलो तुम आय कर ।

मेरी जो मन तुम ने लिया, तुम उठा गम को दिया
तुमने मुझे ऐसा किया, जैसा पतंगा आग पर ।

खुसरो कहै बातों ग़ज़ब, दिल में न लावे कुछ अजब
कुदरत खुदा की है अजब, जब जिव दिया गुल लाय कर ।

जो मैं जानती बिसरत हैं सैय्याँ
जो मैं जानती बिसरत हैं सैय्याँ, घुँघटा में आग लगा देती,
मैं लाज के बंधन तोड़ सखी पिया प्यार को अपने मान लेती।
इन चूरियों की लाज पिया रखाना, ये तो पहन लई अब उतरत न।
मोरा भाग सुहाग तुमई से है मैं तो तुम ही पर जुबना लुटा बैठी।
मोरे हार सिंगार की रात गई, पियू संग उमंग की बात गई
पियू संत उमंग मेरी आस नई।

अब आए न मोरे साँवरिया, मैं तो तन मन उन पर लुटा देती।
घर आए न तोरे साँवरिया, मैं तो तन मन उन पर लुटा देती।
मोहे प्रीत की रीत न भाई सखी, मैं तो बन के दुल्हन पछताई सखी।
होती न अगर दुनिया की शरम मैं तो भेज के पतियाँ बुला लेती।
उन्हें भेज के सखियाँ बुला लेती।
जो मैं जानती बिसरत हैं सैय्याँ।

जो पिया आवन कह गए अजहुँ न आए,
अजहुँ न आए स्वामी हो
ऐ जो पिया आवन कह गए अजुहँ न आए।
अजहुँ न आए स्वामी हो।
स्वामी हो, स्वामी हो।
आवन कह गए, आए न बाहर मास।
जो पिया आवन कह गए अजहुँ न आए।
अजहुँ न आए।
आवन कह गए।
आवन कह गए।

तोरी सूरत के बलिहारी, निजाम,
तोरी सूरत के बलिहारी ।
सब सखियन में चुनर मेरी मैली,
देख हसें नर नारी, निजाम…
अबके बहार चुनर मोरी रंग दे,
पिया रखले लाज हमारी, निजाम….
सदका बाबा गंज शकर का,
रख ले लाज हमारी, निजाम…
कुतब, फरीद मिल आए बराती,
खुसरो राजदुलारी, निजाम…
कौउ सास कोउ ननद से झगड़े,
हमको आस तिहारी, निजाम,
तोरी सूरत के बलिहारी, निजाम…

ज़िहाल-ए मिस्कीं मकुन तगाफ़ुल,
दुराये नैना बनाये बतियां ।
कि ताब-ए-हिजरां नदारम ऎ जान,
न लेहो काहे लगाये छतियां ।

शबां-ए-हिजरां दरज़ चूं ज़ुल्फ़
वा रोज़-ए-वस्लत चो उम्र कोताह,
सखि पिया को जो मैं न देखूं
तो कैसे काटूं अंधेरी रतियां ।

यकायक अज़ दिल, दो चश्म-ए-जादू
ब सद फ़रेबम बाबुर्द तस्कीं,
किसे पडी है जो जा सुनावे
पियारे पी को हमारी बतियां ।

चो शमा सोज़ान, चो ज़र्रा हैरान
हमेशा गिरयान, बे इश्क आं मेह ।
न नींद नैना, ना अंग चैना
ना आप आवें, न भेजें पतियां ।

बहक्क-ए-रोज़े, विसाल-ए-दिलबर
कि दाद मारा, गरीब खुसरौ ।
सपेट मन के, वराये राखूं
जो जाये पांव, पिया के खटियां ।

मोरा जोबना नवेलरा भयो है गुलाल।
कैसे घर दीन्हीं बकस मोरी माल।
निजामुद्दीन औलिया को कोई समझाए,
ज्यों-ज्यों मनाऊँ वो तो रुसो ही जाए।
चूडियाँ फूड़ों पलंग पे डारुँ इस चोली को
मैं दूँगी आग लगाए।
सूनी सेज डरावन लागै।
बिरहा अगिन मोहे डस डस जाए।
मोरा जोबना।

परदेसी बालम धन अकेली मेरा बिदेसी घर आवना।
बिर का दुख बहुत कठिन है प्रीतम अब आजावना।
इस पार जमुना उस पार गंगा बीच चंदन का पेड़ ना।
इस पेड़ ऊपर कागा बोले कागा का बचन सुहावना।

परबत बास मँगवा मोरे बाबुल, नीके मँडवा छाव रे।
डोलिया फँदाय पिया लै चलि हैं अब संग नहिं कोई आव रे।
गुड़िया खेलन माँ के घर गई, नहि खेलन को दाँव रे।
गुड़िया खिलौना ताक हि में रह गए, नहीं खेलन को दाँव रे।
निजामुद्दीन औलिया बदियाँ पकरि चले, धरिहौं वाके पाव रे।
सोना दीन्हा रुपा दीन्हा बाबुल दिल दरियाव रे।
हाथी दीन्हा घोड़ा दीन्हा बहुत बहुत मन चाव रे।

बन के पंछी भए बावरे, ऐसी बीन बजाई सांवरे।
तार तार की तान निराली, झूम रही सब वन की डाली। (डारी)
पनघट की पनिहारी ठाढ़ी, भूल गई खुसरो पनिया भरन को।

These are just a few samples. Khusro’s Hindi ‘poetry’ is full of fantasies of Hindu woman wearing Hindu religious/cultural symbols – Tilak, bangles, red Chunari etc. She is dying to get attention of her not-so-interested ‘Piya’ Nizam. Sometimes the Nizam ‘steals her Tilak’, holds her fair and delicate wrists full of green bangles tightly and makes her his bride. Many times, the scenarios are same as popular Hindu stories of Krishna and Gopis. There are Panghat, Matki, teasing of women but in place of Krishna, there is a Nizam and so on..

Q. You are a fanatic. You don’t understand poetry. These lines were written by Amir Khusro for Nizamuddin Auliya – a Sufi saint in his devotion. In Muslim poetry, it was common for men to portray themselves as bride craving for closeness with her groom – the spiritual master. Your cheap mentality sees Love Jihad everywhere.

A. How about a few poems like below for devotion?

बुर्क़ा हिजाब सब छीनी रे कान्हा नैना मिलाइके
जाम ए मुहब्बत मोको पिलाइके 
नशे में चूर कर लीन्ही रे कान्हा नैना मिलाइके 
गोरे गोरे जिस्म पर स्याह ताबीज़वा 
कमरिया पकड़ धर लीन्ही रे कान्हा नैना मिलाइके 
महबूब तो कान्हा के सदके जाए 
केसरिया रंग नहलाई रे कान्हा नैना मिलाइके 
खुसरो कृष्ण के चरणों में जाए 
बना खाविंद मोरा कान्हा नैना मिलाइके
बुर्क़ा हिजाब सब छीनी रे कान्हा नैना मिलाइके

I threw a similar challenge at a mob of Islamists and seculars in IIT Kanpur when they normalised hate for idolatry and sang a Pakistani Islamist’s lines “Sab butt uthvaaye jaayenge bus naam rahega Allah ka” (when all idols will be removed.. only Allah’s name will remain..). They said it’s all metaphor. All went in hiding the moment they were asked to repeat the same lines replacing ‘butt’ with ‘Allah/Rasul’ and ‘Allah’ with ‘Shiva’. Problem with these Urdu poets is they never demean Allah/Rasul/Islamic symbols even metaphorically. And the stupid secularism never asks them why! It can only side with butchers in attacking idolatry/Hindu faith. Khusro was an Islamist Jihadi. In poetry, he made a Nizam

– rub Tilak off a woman’s forehead (even metaphorically, the woman with Tilak must be Hindu)
– hold a woman wearing bangles (even metaphorically, the woman with bangles must be Hindu)
– make her his bride (even metaphorically, woman whose Tilak was removed and who became Nizam’s bride must be a Hindu convert to Islam) 
– Saanvre, Matki, Panghat etc used exclusively for Krishna in Indian literature are extensively used and cleverly connected with Nizam instead of Krishna

Q. What is the proof that Khusro wrote this to trap Hindu women? What would he achieve by this?

A. Same that his own father Saifuddin achieved by abducting and converting his Hindu mother (a Rajput Rawat) to Islam (Bibi Daulatnaz).

Same that ‘saint’ Moinuddin Chisti of Khusro’s Sufi tradition achieved by getting a minor daughter of a Hindu Raja abducted after getting her father killed, converting her to Islam and doing Nikah at Prophet’s commands.

Same that Moinuddin’s Ajmer Sharif’s official caretakersachieved by trapping thousands of minor girls, raping, filming, blackmailing, converting them to Islam and forcing them into flesh-trade. Google 1992 Ajmer Rape Scandal to know how it was done.

Same that hundreds of Sufi shrines across Pakistan & India achieve by converting young & minor girls to Islam.

Same that Khusro achieved by portraying abduction of Deval Rani – an unfortunate baby girl whose mother was abducted by Alauddin Khilji when she had infant in her lap, whose father was killed when she was 10 again by the same butcher, who was abducted by same Khilji who abducted her mother 10 years ago, who was put in same Harem at age of 10 years with her mother, who was converted to Islam like her mother and married off to Khilji’s son Khizr Khan, who underwent rapes and tortures by Islamic butchers who usurped power one after another – as some love story which he named ‘Ishqiya’.

Same that Khusro achieved when he wrote below with swelled chest in Islamic pride over victories of greatest butcher cum rapist cum pedophile cum homosexual of all times – Alauddin Khilji. See how much hate this Khusro had for Hindus and their faith. Read bold part carefully. [All quotes are from Khusro’s Khaza in ul Fatah – Campaigns of Alauddin Khilji]
Khusro celebrating helpless Kafir women & children being sold in Delhi’s slave market

“The Mughals (was the time when Mughals were still non-Muslims), taken by surprise, begged for water from the Muslim army. They were all taken captive along with their women and children. A great victory had crowned the Muslim armies. Thousands of Mughals were sent to the fort of Naraniya with ropes round their necks; their women and children were brought to the Delhi slave-market and sold away like Hindustani slaves… He went there and put unhesitatingly to the sword all the Mughals who had been brought to the fort after the victory. Streams ran with their foul blood. 

Most of the Mughals were slain.. their women and children were taken prisoners… out of fifty or sixty thousand Mughals not more than three or four thousand were left alive. Ghazi Malik.. had Kank and his comrades thrown under the elephants’ feet.. and then constructed a tower of Mughal heads… women and children were sold in Delhi and the rest of Hindustan like Hindi prisoners of war.”
Khusro celebrating desecration of Somnath, religious slaughter of Hindus, rivers of blood and forced conversion to Islam

Having described the dagger thrusts in many victories over the Mughals, I now come to the conquest of the Hindus of Gujrat : As the sword of the Emperor of land and sea had been plentifully smeared with the blood of the infidel Mughals, he wished to wash off this clotted impurity in the immense ocean. Consequently, on Wednesday, the 20th Jamadiul Awwal, 699 a.h., a fortunate day, he issued a firman.. to send an army, like clouds and rain, to the coast of Gujrat to destroy the temple of Somnath.

Like an angel directing the clouds, the late Ulugh Khan (May God make him drink out of the fountain of His forgiveness!) was appointed to lead the victorious army. Resolved to conquer, the clouds moved towards the sea; and as the foundations of the temple were water-deep, they wished to bring its summit to the water also. When the Imperial army reached the City of that land, the sword of the righteous monarch completely conquered the province, which, adorned like a bride, had escaped so many emperors of the past.

Much blood was shed. A general invitation was issued to all the beasts and birds of the forest to a continuous feast of meat and drink. In the marriage banquet, at which the Hindus were sacrificed , animals of all kinds ate them to their satisfaction. Then the Khan A ‘Azam moved his army towards the sea. Round the temple of Somnath, which is the centre of Hindu worship, he drew a circle with his troops, and planted his Khaim spear so high towards the centre that its sharp point almost pierced the sky. The banner of Islam was elevated to the equator, while every arch emerging from the two semi-circles, into which the army was divided, -without fail passed its arrow through the black dot of infidelity.

So the temple of Somnath was made to bow towards the Holy Mecca; and as the temple lowered its head and jumped into the sea, you may say that the building first said its prayers and then had a bath. The idols, who had fixed their abode midway to the House of Abraham (Mecca), and there waylaid stragglers , were broken to pieces in pursuance of Abraham’s tradition . But one idol, the greatest of them all, was sent by the maliks to the Imperial Court, so that the breaking of their helpless god may be demonstrated to the idol-worshipping Hindus.

It seemed as if the tongue of the Imperial sword explained the meaning of the text: So he (Abraham) broke them (the idols) into pieces except the chief of them, that haply they may return to it .’ Such a pagan country, the Mecca of the infidels, now became the Medina of Islam. The followers of Abraham now acted as guides in place of the Brahman leaders. The robust-hearted true believers rigorously broke all idols and temples wherever they found them. Owing to the war , Takbir and Shahadat was heard on every side ; even the idols by their breaking affirmed the existence of God.
Khusro praises Islamic sword that purified land with Kafir blood

In this ancient land of infidelity the call to prayers rose so high that it was heard in Baghdad and Madam (Ctesiphon) while the ‘Alai proclamation (Khutbd) resounded in the dome of Abraham and over the water of Zatnzam . As to the city of Nahrwala and the city of Kambayat (Cambay), which the sea raises its head to swallow up, as well as the other cities situated on the coast — though the sea beats against them with force, yet the wave of the Muslim army did not turn to the sea to wash off the contamination of infidelity from the land, but cleansed the ground by a deluge of infidel blood, for if blood is not clean, and cannot cleanse, yet the sword is a purifier ; and the sword having overcome the infidels, their blood became pure also. My object in this simile is not real blood, but (only to show) that the sword of Islam purified the land as the sun purifies the earth.
Khusro celebrating seize of Ranthambhor fort – hunger, thirst, helplessness of Hindus, burning of Hindu daughters, and sacrifice of men therein

In a single campaign Ranthambhor was conquered, and by the decree of providence the land of infidelity became the land of Islam.

When the celestial canopy of the Shadow of God cast its shade over the hill of Rantambhor and the conqueror of the world emitted his heat like the sun over the unlucky inhabitants of that place, the days of their life began to decline. The towering fort, which talked with the stars through its lofty pinnacles, was surrounded by the troops. The Saturnian Hindus, who are related to that planet, had for purposes of defence collected fire in all the ten towers, thus turning the towers of earth into towers of fire. Everyday the fire of those people of Hell extended its heated tongue to the light of Islam. But as the Mussalmans, men of pure elements…

May the country prosper under such an Emperor till water and earth, fire and air continue to exist… A mountain moved against the infidel fort, and the hearts of the Hindus began to fail them... Hradas inside the fort, being the brides of the Hindus, had borne them female offsprings of s tone and were openly throwing them out…

Famine prevailed to such an extent within the fort, that they would have purchased a grain of rice for two grains of gold but could not get it. The fire of hunger had roasted their hearts within their earthen bosoms — and they wished to open their bosoms and cut up their roasted hearts… After the nauruz, the Sun of Justice (the Sultan) shone full on the Rantambhor hill and every day its heat and light increased, till finally the lofty fort, which drew its water- supply from the azure sky, became a desert from lack of vegetation and water. The world seemed smaller to the Rai (of Rantambhor) than the prison within a rose-bud. 

So in his desperation one night he lighted a high fire, which rose like a mountain-tulip on the hill, and threw into it the rosy-coloured young maidens, who had grown up in his arms. After he had personally despatched to hell these deserving inmates of paradise, he came.. with one or two other unbelievers, bent on sacrificing his life with honour. Though the morning breeze had begun to blow, the narcissus-eyes of the watch- men had not yet closed in sleep… 

Thus on the fortunate date, Tuesday, the 3rd Zil Qa’dy 700 a . h . such an impregnable fort was taken through an exercise of the strong will. The title of the ‘ Place of Islam ’ was sent from heaven for this house of infidelity. The inhabited parts of Jhabun, that old land of paganism, became the ‘ New City ‘ of the true believers. The great Imperial banner stood over the iron fort like a key in a lock ; for it was the key for the conquest of southern lands.
Khusro celebrating destruction of all temples and plunder of Hindu city by ‘holy warriors’

First the temple of Bahir Deo, the support of which he had invoked, was destroyed. Then the houses of infidelity were overthrown by the strong arm of the holy warriors. Many strongly built temples, which the trumpet of the Day of Judgment could not have shaken, went to sleep on the ground as the morning breeze of Islam blew upon them. The stones of the infidel fort had grown deaf from hearing the Hindu conches ; but now they re-echoed the (Muslim) call for prayer, Where formerly the loud pealing of the Brahman’s kettles had torn the ears of the Hindus, now the sound of the Prophet’s Khutba filled true believing ears with a melodious joy...”

There are hundreds of pages this man Amir Khusro wrote on how the sword of Islam killed Hindus, enslaved women, sold them in slave markets, demolished Hindu temples to humiliate Hindu faith and establish Islam – the only true religion. He was not a mere commentator or a neutral historian but someone who took part in military campaigns of Alauddin Khilji against Hindus in pure Islamic zeal. His sycophancy and approval of a butcher like Khilji finds no parallel in history.

Q. Still, we studied in school that Amir Khusro was a great Sufi mystic and an ideal example of India’s Ganga-Jamuni composite culture. Why are you bringing all this to demonise him?

A. Because millions of women were enslaved at sword’s point by Khiljis as recorded by Khusros in history of India. Millions were fooled/forced into accepting Islam like today’s Pakistan and India. Statistics prove that religious conversion of Non-Muslim women is primarily carried out at Sufi shrines. From history of Khusros, Moinuddins and Khiljis, it is crystal clear that they and their followers were/are on a mission. Mission of eradicating Hinduism/ idolatry from earth, taking women as Maal e Ghanimat and convert all to Islam. Those who wish to remain fools may wait for Khiljis.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


"So completely has almost every trace of Hindu occupation been obliterated by the Musalmans, I have not been able to identify even one site with any certainty"

Alexander Cunningham on Kannauj, ASI report, 1862-65 C.

An entire civilization wiped out. Mahmud Ghori of Ghazni on Kannauj/ Kanoj before ravaging it mercilessly:

"A city which raised its head to the skies, which in strength and structure might justly boast to have no equal"

From here to what Mr Cunningham noted in 19th C.; where is Kanoj on the world map today?

His ancestor Govindchandra implied taxes to punish turks ...known as" turuska danda"...

His father vijaychandra also waged war against islamists...and saved kashi

Such a great ancestory he had ...

But the history we know only demonized this legend!! 

But there was always a Jaichand building temples of lord Rama and laying down his life in some Battlefield of Chandawar, which is how people could survive to ignorantly blabber about him centuries later.

Its astonishing that Jaichand is used as a 'slur' for traitor. Just because Jayachandra didn't turn up at Tarain the year before in 1192 CE to assist Pritviraj Chahamana against ghori does not make him a traitor. If we judge kings of that era by that metric, it would make literally everyone a traitor.

He was the one who built the golden spired temple at ayodhya for Prabhu Shri Ram.

Under his patronage, the last Mahakavya of sanskrit was written.

He lost his life defending our motherland till last breadth of his life against shahbudin ghori

History Buff is Wrong Again.

The Brave MahaRaja Jaichand didn't die in the Tarain 2, but in Battle of Chandawar,1193 against Ghurids.

Though his son Harishchandra Regained the Empire including Varanasi & rebuilt temples destroyed by Ghurids.

Source: Gahadavala Dynasty by R. Niyogi 

Gahadavala Dynasty is the only book on Jaichand that covers vast topics. Mentions that, MahaRaja Jaichand had NO role in defeat of Prithviraj & MahaRaja Jaichand himself posed a Great stand against the Ghurid Army.

After the war, Islamic writers said 'Army of Kafirs have been defeated' After the defeat of Jaichand at the Battle of Chandawar, People believe that the Dynasty was routed but, his son Raja Harishchandra, succeeded at the age of 19 and regained lost territories including Varanasi, rebuilding Temples & ghats destroyed by Ghurids.

S: Kotwa Inscription. 


MahaRaja Jaychandra (Jaichand) was a great Indian king from the Rajput Gahadavala (Gaharwara) dynasty of Kannauj. He was the son of Raja Vijaychandra.

Raja Jayachandra inherited the royal titles of his grandfather Raja Govindachandra's : AshvaPati NaraPati GajaPati RajatraYadhipati ( the leader of three forces: the cavalry, the infantry and the elephant corps)


( the patron of different branches of learning)

He was the ruler of Antarvedi country in the Gangetic plains, including the important cities of Kanyakubja (Kannauj) and Varanasi. His territory included much of the present-day eastern Uttar Pradesh and some parts of western Bihar. Raja Jaychandra was a fearless fighter, a brave king, whose empire, as per the Hindu-Muslim chroniclers of the time, stretched from the borders of China to Malwa.

Raja Jaichand : Hero or Traitor?

A group of ultra intellectuals believe that Raja Jaichandra connived with Ghori to defeat Chauhan in the Second Battle of Tarrain in 1192 and that he was chiefly responsible for the disunity among the Rajput rulers of the time. Yes, Raja Jaichand didn't support Prithviraj during 2nd Battle Of Tarain because PRC didn't ask him for any help. OTH, there is no proof that he supported Ghori and betrayed Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan.

Jaichand was not a traitor but a patriot king.

The Jaichand story was fabricated later by these leftist and Marxist historians. There is no Islamic or contemporary Hindu sources which tell tale of Jaichand's betrayal except AIN - I - AKBARI. 

The Hindu accounts such as Vidyapati's Purusha Pariksha and Prithviraj Raso claim that Jayachandra defeated the Ghurids multiple times. 

Contemporary accurate historical sources Prithviraj Vijay and Hammir Mahakavya do not mention Jaichand as traitor.

A giant statue of the king was found near the famous Mahabharata age Shiva temple at the fort here amid chanting of pro-Jaichandra slogans by hundreds of Kanyakubji brahmins, the traditional inhabitants of the area. 

Professor of medieval Indian history Ramesh Tewari pointed out that barring Chand Bardai, the court poet of Chauhan, no historian has branded Jaichandra a "traitor". 

Citing the works of 11th century poet Ballabha Deo, Shukla said Jaichandra had not done anything which could be termed as "treason".

Hindi critic Ramchandra Shukla has also made references to the writings of two poets of the time, Bhatta Kedar and Madhukar, who showered praises upon the king of Kannauj.

Chronicler of Kannauj history AS Mishra and well-known writer from the area Lakshmikant Pandey have lauded Jaichandra as a "great king".

One of the most vilified historical characters in this country is Gahadavala king Jayachandra aka Jaichand. If anyone deserves to have a book written about him, it is undoubtedly Jayachandra

He died fighting the same enemy he is accused of fraternizing with. How ungrateful r we? 

Raja Jaichand valiantly died fighting in the battle of Chandawar against Ghurids. As per the chroniclers, battle between the armies of Raja Jaichand and Qutubuddin Aibak is one of the fierce battle of the time. His dead body was identified by his teeth which were gold plated.

The History of India by H M Elliot and John Dowson, which recounts the battle of Chandwar in Etawah district.

The historians and educationists are of the opinion that the accusation of traitor has not been historically proven and "it will would be a grave injustice to the erstwhile ruler of Kannuaj to brand him so".

In 1889-91, an ASI team led by Alois Anton Führer conducted the survey of Ayodhya.

And the "Treta ka Thakur" inscription was found by A. Fuhrer. 

 According to Führer, Mir Khan built the Babri mosque at the place of Janmasthanam temple in 930 AH (1528 CE).

He stated that many columns of the old temple had been utilized by the Muslims for the construction of Babri mosque : these pillars were of black stone, called kasauti by the natives. Führer also wrote that Aurangzeb had built now-ruined mosques at the sites of Svargadvaram and Treta-ke-Thakur temples.

A fragmentary inscription of Jayachandra of Kannauj, dated to 1241 Samvat (1184 CE), and a record of a Vishnu temple’s construction were recovered from Aurangazeb’s Treta-ke-Thakur mosque, and kept in Faizabad museum. It was written in the preface that the Sanskrit Inscriptions found by Fuhrer would be published, yet ASI has never published that the inscriptions of Raja Jaichand that was found at Ayodhya which means truth was suppressed by ASI but that inscription is still safe and the inscription is now in possession of the State Museum in Lucknow.

((Source :- Kiśora Kuṇāla: Ayodhyā Revisited, Page 304, 306 ) UPDATE :- Kishore kunal writer of Ayodhya Revisited has welcomed the supreme court decision. He also mentioned that as a secretary of Mahavir mandir their commitee has deposited Rs 2 crore per year to give the amount for the construction of ram mandir.

The Gāhaḍavāla kings from the very beginning stood as Champions of Sanātana Dharma and guess what, In 1184, MahaRaja Jayachandra built a majestic temple for Rama at Ayodhya with a golden spire.

Via:- TIinExile

 The archaeological trace of this temple along with inscriptions (Treta Ka Thakur etc) decided the case in favour of Hindus in 2010 

Yes, the same Raja Jaychandra (Jaichand) whom you and a group of ultra intellectuals call 'traitor' without any single evidence. Raja Jaichand and Gahadwal Rajputs of Kannauj were the trustees and guardians of the Shri Ram Janmasthan. Jaichand & Gahadwal kings built temples of lord Vishnu at Ayodhya. The last one was destroyed by Aurangzeb, described by Meenakshi Jain in her seminal work on Ayodhya.

But what to  expect from Ignorant .....

Those doesn’t know the spelling of history but wants to abuse Ashwa-Pati Nara-Pati Gaja-Pati Rajatrayadhipati, Vividha-Vidya-Vichara-Vachaspati Parambhattarak, Gau-Brahmin Pratipalak Maharaja Jaichand a traitor !

A Left narrative being perpetuated by supposedly anti Left ideologues, who are not just mentally deficient but also lack discerning abilities or even plain reading.

The entire edifice of Jaichand as traitor is built upon Prithviraj Raso, a 16 century romantic ballad, a fiction, a later day poetic imagination. It’s FIRST extant copy discovered at Dharanojwali village in Gujarat in 1610. Most scholars date it in 16 century, during Akbar’s reign recognised by its language. It’s oldest recension exist in a form of manuscript copied for a grandson Kalyanmal Rathore, Bikaner.

Over years scholars have called out the ‘historical fallacies’ ingrained in Raso. But surprisingly, post Independence, Raso became the most important historical text to prove Rajputs as Foreigners & Jaichand as traitor.

It wasn’t inadvertent but concerted effort at subverting history. Left historians were sole repositories of knowledge in Nehruvian India. Likes of DN Jha, BC Roy, Satish Chandras, Shrimalis, Thapar, Irfan Habib & most importantly, Mohd Habib, Irfan’s Pa in AMU.

Mohd Habib started the whitewash of history. His most famous theory was “Temples in India were attacked for WEALTH not for iconoclasm” !

Left found two things which was commensurate with their theory.

1. India was always ruled by foreigners, Aryans, Huna, Shaka...Rajputs.

2. India always had traitors, they found Raso & made Jaichand a target ‘ Sanga inviting Babur’ comes from same stables.

On Jaichand !

Jayachandra was crowned on 21 June 1171 according to Kamauli inscription. According to contemporary Muslim chronicles, Jaichand was the greatest king. Kamil-ut_Tawarikh says he had a million soldiers & 700 elephants. 

The fact that Hammira Mahakavya, a 13 Century eulogy to Chauhan Hammirdev of Ranthambhore doesn’t speak of Jayachandra makes the claims made in Raso written in 16 Century all the more suspect.

GH Ojha, RB Somani, Shyamal Das debunked Raso but Left loves to use it as a whip.

अनि नृप कोय ना ऐहो, जग माझि जैचंद जैहो ।
कुळ दळ बळ अग्रकारी, धर पूरब छत्रधारी ॥

संसार में राजा जयचंद जैसा शक्ति, बल और कुल में अग्रगण्य छत्रधारी नहीं हुआ । 

सनातन संस्कृति , धर्म व राष्ट्र की रक्षा करने के लिए क्षात्र धर्म का निर्वाहन करते हुये सन् ११९४ मे चंदावर की युध्द मे अपनी प्राणों की आहुति देने वाले धर्मपरायण देशभक्त महाराजाधिराज जयचंद्र जी की जय_/\_

पर आजकल किसी भी धोखेबाज, देशद्रोही या गद्दार के लिए जयचंद नाम मुहावरे की तरह प्रयोग किया जाता है। गौरी को भेद देने वाले थे नित्यानन्द खत्री, प्रतापसिंह जैन, माधोभट्ट तथा धर्मायन कायस्थ जो तेंवरों के कवि (बंदीजन) और अधिकारी थे (पृथ्वीराज रासो-उदयपुर संस्करण)। 
समकालीन इतिहास में कही भी जयचन्द के बारे में उल्लेख नहीं है कि उसने गौरी की सहायता की हो।

साहित्यिक रचनाएँ हो, कवियों की काव्य रचनाएँ हो या देशवासियों के आम बोलचाल की भाषा में धोखेबाज, गद्दार, घर के भेदी, देशद्रोही को जयचंद की तुरंत उपमा दे दी जाती है। बेशक उपमा देने वाला व्यक्ति जयचंद के बारे में कुछ जानता तक नहीं हो। यही क्यों ? खुद जयचंद के वंशज भी बिना जाने कि वे भी उस जयचंद के ही वंशज है, जिस जयचंद को पृथ्वीराज-गौरी के युद्ध में साहित्यकारों, कवियों आदि ने देशद्रोही घोषित कर, पृथ्वीराज की हार का ठीकरा झूंठ ही उनके सिर पर फोड़ दिया। जाने अनजाने सुनी सुनाई बातों के आधार पर देशद्रोही ठहरा देते है और अपने आपको उसका वंशज समझ हीनभावना से ग्रसित होते है।

जयचंद पर आरोप है कि उसनें गौरी को पृथ्वीराज पर आक्रमण करने हेतु बुलाया और सैनिक सहायता दी। लेकिन समकालीन इतिहासों व पृथ्वीराज रासो में कहीं कोई उल्लेख नहीं कि गौरी को जयचंद ने बुलाया और सहायता दी। फिर भी जयचंद को झूंठा बदनाम किया गया उन्हंे गद्दार, देशद्रोही की संज्ञा दी गई। जिसे एक वीर ऐतिहासिक पुरुष के साथ न्याय कतई नहीं कहा जा सकता है।

"पृथ्वीराज रासो की सच्चाई"

* यह ग्रन्थ चन्दबरदाई ने सम्राट पृथ्वीराज चौहान के जीवन पर लिखा

* इस ग्रन्थ को अधिकतर लोग सही मानते हैं, पर कई महान इतिहासकारों ने इसकी सच्चाई पर प्रश्न चिन्ह लगाए हैं

1) चन्दबरदाई ने पृथ्वीराज चौहान के देहान्त का वर्ष 1101 ई. लिखा है, जबकि उनका देहान्त 1192 ई. में होना सभी जानते हैं। अब यदि कोई ये कहे कि चन्दबरदाई ने एेसा गलती से लिख दिया होगा, तो यह भी सम्भव नहीं है क्योंकि पृथ्वीराज रासो में संवत् वगैरह सब कुछ काव्य रुप में लिखा है।

2) इसी तरह पृथ्वीराज चौहान के जन्म का वर्ष चन्दबरदाई कुछ इस तरह बताता है :-

"एकादस से पंचदह विक्रम साक अनन्द।
तिही रिपुपुर जय हरन को भे पृथिराज नरिन्द।।"

अर्थात् शुभ संवत् विक्रमी 1114 (1057 ई.) में राजा पृथ्वीराज अपने शत्रु का नगर अथवा देश लेने को उत्पन्न हुआ

3) पृथ्वीराज रासो के मुताबिक मेवाड़ के रावल समरसिंह भी पृथ्वीराज चौहान के साथ 1101 ई. में मारे गए

(इस बात में कोई सन्देह नहीं है कि रावल रतनसिंह रावल समरसिंह के पुत्र थे और रावल रतनसिंह 1302 ई. में राजगद्दी पर बैठे | रावल समरसिंह के देहान्त के 201 वर्ष बाद उनके पुत्र रत्नसिंह का मेवाड़ की गद्दी पर बैठना सम्भव नहीं)

4) पृथ्वीराज रासो में मेवाड़ के रावल समरसिंह का विवाह पृथ्वीराज चौहान की बहिन से होना लिखा है, जबकि रावल समरसिंह 1273 ई. में राजगद्दी पर बैठे, तो उनका विवाह पृथ्वीराज चौहान की बहन से होना सम्भव नहीं है, क्योंकि पृथ्वीराज चौहान रावल समरसिंह से 100 वर्ष पहले के थे।

5) रावल रतनसिंह व रानी पद्मिनी के बारे में चन्दबरदाई ने लिखा है कि "अलाउद्दीन ने रावल रतनसिंह को पराजित किया। रानी पद्मिनी समेत कई औरतें कैद हुई व कैदखाने में मर गई"

(ये जौहर 1303 ई. में हुआ था अर्थात रासो में चंदबरदाई की मृत्यु के 100 वर्ष बाद की घटना भी दर्ज है)

6) चन्दबरदाई ने पृथ्वीराज चौहान द्वारा गुजरात के भीमदेव सोलंकी का वध करने की बात लिखी है, जबकि प्रशस्तियों से ज्ञात होता है कि राजा भीमदेव सम्राट पृथ्वीराज के देहांत के कई बर्ष बाद तक जीवित रहे।

7) विवाह वगैरह के खयाली किस्से :-

* पृथ्वीराज चौहान का संयोगिता के साथ प्रेम-प्रसंग यदि कोई पृथ्वीराज रासो से पढे, तो शायद ही विश्वास कर पाए

चन्दबरदाई के अनुसार एक तोते द्वारा संदेशों के आदान-प्रदान से ये प्रेम प्रसंग चला

* पृथ्वीराज चौहान द्वारा एक अन्य रानी हंसावती से विवाह के बारे में चन्दबरदाई ने फिर उसी तोते द्वारा संदेशों के आदान-प्रदान की बात लिखी

* चन्दबरदाई के अनुसार एक हंस के कहने पर पृथ्वीराज चौहान ने देवगिरी के राजा की पुत्री पद्मावती से विवाह किया

* पृथ्वीराज रासो के अनुसार उज्जैन के राजा भीमदेव परमार की पुत्री इन्द्रावती से पृथ्वीराज चौहान का विवाह हुआ, जबकि उज्जैन के परमारों की वंशावली देखने पर मालूम हुआ कि वहाँ भीमदेव नाम का कोई राजा हुआ ही नहीं

8) पृथ्वीराज रासो के अनुसार जयचन्द गंगा में डूब मरा।
जयचन्द की मृत्यु 1194 ई. में हुई थी, जबकि यदि चन्दबरदाई 1192 ई. में ही मर गया होता, तो वो ये बात नहीं लिख सकता।

9) चन्दबरदाई ने मुहम्मद गौरी के पिता का नाम विश्वविजेता सिकन्दर लिखा है, जो कि मुहम्मद गौरी से 1300 वर्ष पहले का था

असल में मुहम्मद गौरी बहाउद्दीन का बेटा था

10) चन्दबरदाई ने कभी फारसी तवारिखें नहीं पढी, जिस वजह से उसने मुहम्मद गौरी के सिपहसालारों के जो नाम लिखे हैं, वे सभी काल्पनिक हैं और हर एक नाम के पीछे "खां" लगा दिया, जो कुछ इस तरह हैं -

* खुरासान खां
* मूसन खां
* दादू खां
* सालम खां
* सकत खां
* हीरन खां
* ताजन खां
* हासन खां
* पीरोज खां
* अली खां
* ऊमर खां
* रेसन खां
* काइम खां
* देगन खां
* तोसन खां
* गजनी खां
* आलम खां
* ममरेज खां
* जलाल खां
* राजन खां
* जोसन खां
* ततार खां
* सोसन खां
* मुस्तफा खां
* पीरन खां
* मीरन खां
* जलू खां
* हाजी खां
* विराहम खां
* नवरोज खां
* सुरेम खां
* कोजक खां
* मोहबत खां
* मिरजा खां
* दोसन खां
* जलेब खां
* गाजी खां
* मीर खां
* एलची खां
* सहदी खां
* नगदी खां
* महदी खां
* लालन खां
* सेरन खां
* एरन खां
* समोसन खां
* गालिब खां

पढने से ही ये नाम खयाली मालूम पड़ते हैं। मुहम्मद गौरी के सिपहसालारों के कुछ असली नाम इस तरह हैं :-

* अमीर हाज़िब हुसैन हवशी
* अमीर हाज़िब हुसैन अली गाज़ी
* मलिक ताजुद्दीन ज़ंगी बामियान
* मलिक हिमामुद्दीन अली किर्माज़
* मलिक ज़ियाउद्दीन
* मलिक ताजुद्दीन मकरान
* मलिक नासिरुद्दीन तमरान
* मलिक शहाबुद्दीन मादिनी
व अन्य

चन्दबरदाई ने मुहम्मद गौरी के काज़ी का नाम "मदन" लिखा है, जबकि मुहम्मद गौरी का काज़ी "काज़ी ममालिक सद्र शहीद निजामुद्दीन अबूबक्र" था

11) पृथ्वीराज चौहान की मदद के लिए रावल समरसिंह दिल्ली पहुंचे

इस बारे में रासो का ग्रंथकर्ता रावल समरसिंह की तारीफ करते हुए लिखता है "दक्खनि साहि भंजन अलग्ग चन्देरी लिइ किय नाम जग्ग"

इन शब्दों से ग्रंथकर्ता का प्रयोजन मांडू के बादशाह से है, क्योंकि चन्देरी उन्हीं के कब्जे में थी और मांडू राजपूताना से दक्षिण की तरफ है और चन्देरी को राणा सांगा ने मांडू के बादशाह से लिया था।

ग्रंथकर्ता यह भी नहीं जानता था कि मांडू की बादशाहत की बुनियाद दिलावर गौरी ने 1403 ई. में कायम की थी।
चन्देरी राणा सांगा ने 1518 ई. में ली थी, इसलिए साफ जाहिर होता है कि इस ग्रन्थ में 1518 ई. तक का वर्णन मौजूद है।

12) पृथ्वीराज रासो के अनुसार पृथ्वीराज चौहान ने शब्दभेदी बाण चलाकर मुहम्मद गौरी का वध किया, जबकि पृथ्वीराज चौहान के देहान्त के 14 वर्ष बाद 1206 ई. में मुहम्मद गौरी दमयक गाँव में कक्खड़ों के हाथों मारा गया और ये बात उस ज़माने के लेखों में ज़ाहिर है


पृथ्वीराज रासो के एक दोहे में छंदों की संख्या 7000 बताई गई है, लेकिन समय-समय पर इसमें अनगिनत बदलाव हुए और छंदों की संख्या 16300 या इससे भी अधिक हो गई, जिससे मूल रासो पूर्ण रूप से अस्त-व्यस्त हो गई। वर्तमान रासो में ना तो सम्राट पृथ्वीराज की जन्म तिथि सही है, ना देहांत का समय, ना युद्धों का हाल सही है और ना ही विवाह संबंधों की जानकारी। कई ऐसी घटनाएं भी शामिल हैं, जो चंदबरदाई के देहांत के बाद घटित हुईं, इसलिए हमारे द्वारा लिखित विवरण में रासो का कोई भी अंश सम्मिलित नहीं है।

कुंवर आयुवान सिंह स्मृति संस्थान, क्षत्रिय वीर ज्योति के इतिहास शुद्धिकरण अभियान के साथ ज्ञान दर्पण.कॉम द्वारा भी इन्टरनेट के माध्यम से जयचंद-पृथ्वीराज प्रकरण पर कई सत्य ऐतिहासिक तथ्य युवाओं के सामने लाकर इस सम्बन्ध में जागरूकता फैलाने की कोशिश की गई। जिसके अच्छे परिणाम सामने आये। महाराजा जयचंद के बारे में युवाओं के मन से भ्रम के बादल छंटे और इस वर्ष 1 मई को जयपुर में कन्नौज नरेश जयचंद की जयंती मनाई गई। जयंती कार्यक्रम में पूर्व आईएएस करणसिंह राठौड़, पूर्व विधायक रघुवीर गौड़ के साथ मौसम विभाग, भारत के महानिदेशक डा. लक्ष्मण सिंह राठौड़ मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में उपस्थित हुए। कार्यक्रम में उपस्थित कई इतिहासकारों व विद्वानों ने महाराज जयचंद से जुड़े कई अच्छे ऐतिहासिक तथ्यों को उजागर करते हुए उनसे जुड़े दान पत्रों व शिलालेखों के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी दी।
यही नहीं अभी हाल में राजस्थान के बाड़मेर जिले के एक विधायक द्वारा सभा में जयचंद पर गलत टिप्पणी करने के बाद देश भर के क्षत्रिय युवाओं ने सोशियल साइट्स के माध्यम से रोष जाहिर किया और प्रताप युवा शक्ति की बाड़मेर इकाई ने विधायक के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन कर उसका पुतला फूंक कर अपना विरोध जताया।

उक्त घटनाएँ साबित करती है कि क्षत्रिय विरोधियों, वामपंथियों व छद्म सेकुलर गैंग द्वारा इतिहास को तोड़ मरोड़ कर, क्षत्रिय शासकों के चरित्रहनन करने के खिलाफ क्षत्रिय युवाओं में जागरूकता बढ़ी है और वे इस तरह के कृत्य का विरोध करने को उठ चुके है।

सोशियल साइट्स पर क्षत्रिय युवाओं की इतिहास शुद्धिकरण पर सक्रियता देखकर लगता है कि अब क्षत्रिय इतिहास से छेड़छाड़ करने वालों को करारा जबाब मिलेगा। मुझे प्रसन्नता है कि अब क्षत्रिय युवाओं के मन में महाराज जयचंद के प्रति भ्रम के बादल छंट रहे है और युवा वर्ग का महाराज जयचंद के प्रति नजरिया बदल रहा है, जो इतिहास शुद्धिकरण के काम पर लगे समाज बंधुओं के लिए शुभ समाचार है।

"राजा जयचंद गहड़वाल"

यहां एक प्रश्न उठता है कि राजा जयचंद गहड़वाल थे या राठौड़ !!!!

मारवाड़ के बड़वा-भाटों ने वहां के राठौड़ों को कन्नौज के जयचंद का वंशज माना है, जिससे वर्तमान राठौड़ सूर्यवंशी कहलाए

जबकि गहड़वाल सूर्यवंशी हैं और राठौड़ चंद्रवंशी हैं। इन दोनों में आपस में संबंध भी होते आए हैं और आज भी होते हैं।

(अब कई लोगों के मन में विचार आ सकता है कि राठौड़ों को तो सूर्यवंशी ही बताया गया है, तो ऐसा नहीं है। कई सदियों पुराने शिलालेख भी मौजूद हैं, जिनमें राष्ट्रकूटों को चंद्रवंशी बताया गया और राष्ट्रकूटों से ही मारवाड़ का राठौड़ वंश निकला है। राष्ट्रकूट वंश के कृष्णराज, इन्द्रराज, अमोघवर्ष, दंतिदुर्ग नामक शासकों ने अपने शिलालेखों में राष्ट्रकूटों को चंद्रवंशी बताया है, लेकिन क्योंकि कन्नौज वालों को मारवाड़ के राठौड़ों का पूर्वज मानकर यह प्रसिद्धि फैलाई जा चुकी है, इसलिए वर्तमान राठौड़ सूर्यवंशी ही कहलाते हैं।)

 इस विषय में अधिक जानकारी के लिए "ओझा निबंध संग्रह के दूसरे प्रकरण का अध्याय 7" पढ़ें, जिसका शीर्षक है "राठौड़ और गहरवार"

"राजा जयचंद पर गद्दारी का आरोप"

कहा जाता है कि राजा जयचंद ने शहाबुद्दीन गौरी को सम्राट पर हमला करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। इस कारण आज राजा जयचंद गद्दारी का पर्याय बन चुके हैं।

पृथ्वीराज विजय, हमीर महाकाव्य, रंभा मंजरी, प्रबंध कोश जैसे समकालीन ग्रंथों में तथा फ़ारसी तवारीखों में कहीं भी ये उल्लेख नहीं है कि राजा जयचंद ने गौरी को आमंत्रित किया। राजा जयचंद तो स्वयं 1194 ई. में चन्दावर की लड़ाई में गौरी से लड़े और वीरगति पाई।

"तिलोत्तमा (संयोगिता) हरण"

पृथ्वीराज विजय में तिलोत्तमा, रासो में संयोगिता व सुरजन चरित में कान्तिमयी नाम दिया गया है, जो कि राजा जयचंद की पुत्री बताई जाती है।

ये ग्रंथ बताते हैं कि सम्राट पृथ्वीराज चौहान ने कन्नौज की राजकुमारी तिलोत्तमा पर मुग्ध होकर उनका स्वयंवर से ही अपहरण कर लिया और फिर अजमेर आकर विवाह किया।

"इस घटना के पक्ष में तर्क"

* सबसे बड़ा तर्क पक्ष में यही है कि जयानक ने इस घटना का वर्णन किया है।

इसके अलावा भी यह घटना कई ग्रंथों में लिखित है। फ़ारसी तवारीख अकबरनामा में भी संयोगिता का वर्णन है।

* संयोगिता हरण वाली लड़ाई में कनकराय बड़गूजर का सम्राट की तरफ से लड़ते हुए वीरगति पाना बताया जाता है।

"विपक्ष में तर्क"

* कई विद्वान इतिहासकारों ने इस घटना को पूर्णतः काल्पनिक सिद्ध किया है। उनका मानना है कि कई बार राजा-महाराजाओं के सान्निध्य में लिखने वाले बड़वा-भाटों ने अपने राजा की अत्यधिक वीरता दिखाने के लिए कई मनगढ़ंत किस्से-कहानियां  लिखे हैं, जो पक्षपात भरी होती हैं।

* यह घटना तराइन की पहली लड़ाई के बाद की बताई जाती है, जबकि तराइन के बाद सम्राट ने सरहिंद की लड़ाई के लिए 13 महीनों तक घेरा डाल रखा था। सरहिंद की लड़ाई के ठीक बाद तराइन की दूसरी लड़ाई हुई।

* इस अपहरण के बाद सम्राट और राजा जयचंद की फ़ौजों में प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कोई बड़ी लड़ाई होने का साक्ष्य नहीं मिलता।

* कन्नौज के गहड़वालों की वंशावली में संयोगिता, तिलोत्तमा, कान्तिमयी नाम की किसी भी कन्या का कोई उल्लेख नहीं है।

"लेखक का निजी मत"

हम विद्वान इतिहासकारों के मत से सहमत हैं। संयोगिता हरण की कथा काल्पनिक लगती है। रासो के अनुसार संयोगिता पूर्वजन्म में रम्भा नामक अप्सरा थी जो शाप के कारण संयोगिता के रूप में जन्मी। रासो में यह प्रेम प्रसंग किसी तोते द्वारा संदेशों के आदान-प्रदान से होना बताया गया है, जबकि जयानक संयोगिता को सीता माता का अवतार मानता है। इन्हीं किस्से-कहानियों के कारण आज कई लोग सम्राट पृथ्वीराज चौहान को एक भोग विलासी शासक के रूप में जानते हैं, क्योंकि संयोगिता हरण की कथा के समर्थक इतिहासकारों ने तराइन की दूसरी लड़ाई में सम्राट की पराजय का प्रमुख कारण यही माना है कि सम्राट तराइन की पहली लड़ाई के बाद संयोगिता पर मुग्ध हो गए और कई-कई दिनों तक अपने अंतःमहलों से बाहर नहीं आए, जिसका फायदा गौरी ने उठाया।

इसके ठीक विपरीत हमारा शोध कहता है कि सम्राट भली-भांति जानते थे कि गौरी जैसे शत्रु को जड़ समेत उखाड़ना कितना आवश्यक हो चुका है। यही विचार करके बिना समय गंवाए सम्राट ने गौरी के सिपहसालार के अधीन किले तबरहिंद (भटिंडा) को फतह करने के लिए 13 महीनों तक घेरा डाला।

बहरहाल, ये तर्कों पर आधारित हमारा मत है ना कि कोई दावा। वास्तविकता इतिहास के गर्त में है, जिसे कोई कहानियों से तो कोई तर्कों से सिद्ध करने का प्रयास करता है।

References :-

Kannauj Ka itihas tatha Maharaja Jaichand Ki Satya Kahani (कन्नौज का इतिहास तथा महाराज जयचन्द्र की सत्य कहानी) by Anand Swaroop Mishra

"Braj ka Itihas" by Krishna Dutt Vajpayee

The History of the Gāhaḍavāla Dynasty : Roma Niyogi

Massacres of Hindus before and after Bangladesh was created.

Bongal Kheda is the name retrospectively given to a set of murderous acts against the Hindus in undivided Assam in the late 1940s that continued into the 1960s. 

Abduction of young girls from minority communities, indiscriminate rape, and conversion in Bangladesh - 

Property damage, ethnic policing and even instances of street violence occurred in the region. During its peak in 1960, a large number of Hindus left Assam & took shelter in West Bengal. Robin Dey, the Bengali-born creator of teenage adventure series of Dasyu Bhaskar in Assam was forced to leave Assam and settle in Kolkata. In 1959, Sukomal Purakayastha, who was later martyred.

Marichjhapi massacre refers to the forcible eviction of hundreds of Hindu Dalit refugees on Marichjhapi island in the Sundarbans, West Bengal, in 1979, and the subsequent death of some due to gunfire by police and Communist goondas, blockade & subsequent starvation, and disease.

The Goreswar massacre was the massacre of Hindus in Goreswar, Assam. During & after the independence of India movement, Bengali Hindus were ethnically cleansed in Assam. After the partition riots, the next major ethnic conflagration in Assam occurred during the Bengali language movement in 1960. The Govt of Assam decided to make Assamese the only official language in the state. Bengali people protested against this decision as it would affect their employment prospects. The Barak Valley was a Bengali dominated area and became a center of agitation. This in turn resulted in a spate of police shootings. In the Brahmaputra Valley, Assamese mobs started attacking Bengalis. On July 14, 1960 riots began in Sibsagar with the looting of Bengali shops and assaults on several Bengalis. In lower Assam intense violence occurred in 25 villages. On July 3 an Assamese mob of 15,000, armed with guns and other weapons, raided Bengali shops & houses. The whole area was ransacked. 4,019 huts & 58 houses destroyed. 9 Bengalis were killed & raped. Nearly 1,000 Bengali Hindus fled from the area during the riot.

 Destruction of Ramna temple during 1971 Bangladesh war. Most of us know what Pakistani did to the hindu population of then East Pakistan. But do you know what they did to this old and revered dharmic place of hinduism there ?

Ramna Kali temple - Pakistani army began "Operation Searchlight" at 25th March 1971. The committed a genocide where most victims were young hindu men, intellectuals and academics. At 26th March 11.00 Am Pakistani army entered Ramna temple and Maa Anandamoyee Ashram. They told residents to not go anywhere. And, temple and Ashram residents beloved their word. Big mistake. Pakistani army came back on the next day. They encircled the temple and Mass Anandamoyee ashram with their supporters at night. The whole area was well lit by the searchlights of Pakistani forces to make sure no one can flee.

After entering temple area they started throwing some kind of explosives(according to some eye witnesses they were firing canons. As a result Deity and the back portion of the temple were blown away. Subsequently the whole temple was destroyed. Many people were sleeping and some woke with anxiety when Pak army entered the temple premise. Some people were still taking dinner, they started running. Womens started breaking bangles made of conch(Sankha), wiping out  vermilion dots and everybody began to shout "Pakistan Zindabad" in panic. Some people went into hiding into different corners of temple. Pakistani army searched them out at the point of beyonet. Pak army made people stand in the line in front of temple. Woman and children at one line and men at a different line. 

The temple priest swami Paramananda Giri told army 

"These are innocent people. Don't harm them. If you people want to kill someone, kill me."

However the terrorist army made him recite "Kalema" and killed him afterwards by piercing the beyonet into his stomach and then shooting him. Subsequently many people were made to recite "Kalema" and then killed in the same way. The remaining men folks were gunned down in hail of bullets. It is learned from the testimonies of the witnesses that 80-100 people were killed at this time.The women were beaten by guns when they started screaming after seeing this horrible carnage.Many of them turned senseless.

Pakistanis heaped the dead bodies together and set them on fire with gasoline. Those who were wounded also perished in the fire. Witnesses mentioned that some women and children were burned to death in the fire. Pakistani soldiers forced them to shout "Jai Bangla" when they were shot in the mouth and killed. During the rampage The Ramna Kali temple and Anandamoyee Ashram was burning(This was narrated by the eye witnesses to the public investigation committee in Dhaka in 2000).

There was about 50 cows in the cowshed of Ashram. They were burned alive. Before returning to the base Pak army soldiers took 12 young hindu women with them(according to some witnesses the number is 14). They are still missing. Eyewitness Abdun Ali Fakir, Khadem of Shahabagh Mosque situated not far from Ramna Kali Temple, said that after the terror was started by Pakistani invading forces, every one in Ramna Kali Temple and Ma Anandamoyee Ashram was forced to say "Pakistan Jindabad" and also recite "La-illaha illa' Llah". All the men and women standing in the line uttered those words in united voice and then the shooting started.

• Kamala Roy used to live in the premises of Ramna Kali Temple and Ma Anandamoyee Ashram at that time. She said to the Commission that after the Pakistani invaders surrounded from all sides, the women, panicked and scared for their lives, wiped out the ' sindur (vermilion dot on forehead)', and removed 'sakha (bangles made from conch shell)' from their forearms. Men and women were lined up separately. Then the men were mowed down to the ground. Some of them were half dead and screaming for water. Pakistanis collected all the dead bodies along with the half dead people, throw the bamboo fences, taken from the houses,on those bodies and set them on fire. Pakistani soldiers threw the children in fire when they found these children running around and screaming in mortal fear.

•  According to another eye witness Shankarlal ghosh Paramananda Giri was asked whether he is hindu or Muslim ? After he gave his religious identity, he was killed. 

Eyewitness Raghubir Chauhan - " Me and my son was able to flee when the invader army set my room to fire but my wife couldn't. She died in the fire."

The deputy-editor of Daily ittefaq Ahsanullah in his testimony before the commison said, "3 days after the incident I saw heaps of burned human skeletons and about 14 rotten deofrmed human bodies. I saw another 10 bodies in the destroyed temple and Ashram premise".

Ramna Kali temple after destruction. At the end of April month that year they destroyed what remained of the temple and cut many trees in the temple areas. Pakistani army destroyed many temples across East Bengal. Important among them was Jasoreshwari(which is a Shaktipeeth, however fortunately the Vigraha was brought to WB. So, while the temple was destroyed, the Vigraha was spared), famous Manasa temple established at 1494 by poet Bijaygupta of Barisal(then known as Bakla-Chndradwip) and famous Chatteshwari of Chittagong. The 350 year old Vigraha made of wood was cut down by barbarians. The priest was shot down and the body was thrown in the middle of the road. 

Ma Chatteshwari 

Pakistan army killed 8 monks of Jagabandhu Math at Faridpur town. With the news of their arrival some monks fled the monastry But nine monks refused to leave the ashram. At that time the monks were singing kirtan at the prayer hall of the temple. It is said that the Pakistani soldiers mistook the chants as "Jai Bangabandhu" and the Bihari collaborators too convinced them that the monks were chanting for victory to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

The Pakistani soldiers entered the prayer hall and dragged the monks to the open space in front of the temple, beneath the elephant apple tree adjacent to the temple. One monk, Nabakumar Brahmachari escaped and locked himself up in the room beneath the staircase. The remaining eight were made to stand in a line in front the Pakistani soldiers who had already taken position. According to eye witness accounts, twelve shots were fired one by one. The monks chanted "Jaya Jagatabandhu Hari" as they fell down. The soldiers and the collaborators looted valuables and cash from the ashram. On the next morning, the corpses were taken away by a Faridpur Municipality truck. On 26 April, the Pakistan army destroyed the shikhara of the temple using dynamite.

The Mahant of the Ram Thakur Ashram at Kaivalya dham was shot down and 10 ashram residents were killed. The holy banyan tree was cut down by the barbarians.

Attack on Bangladeshi hindus following babri masjid demolition :

Muslim mob attacked all over the Bangladesh, specially Dhaka, Chittagong, Noakhali . They Burnt 30+ Temples, Looted Hindu Shops,Houses, Killed Hundreds Of Hindus, Rapped Hindu women. Thousands of Bangladeshi Hindu family fled to India that time , u can find then in Assam , Tripura State now , Recently i have been to Bangalore & meet one of them . I m surprised when came to know that he was from my city. His family stays in Assam & he doing job in Bangalore.

Sadly u can find very less info regarding this in internet , surprisingly the details gone away from peoples access , few of them u find in unhcr archives , here but those r very less informative -

The Famous Dhakeshwari  Temple and Bholanath Giri Ashram of Dhaka destroyed and burned . 5000 mod attacked Dhaka national stadium where India vs Bangladesh cricket match was being in process . Later it was cancelled. 14 temples burned in coxsbazar.

Famous temple of Chittagong Panchanan Dham and Tulsi Dham along with 3 temples were destroyed . There was a dham where a kamdhenu used to served & was worshipped, mob entered temple immediately slaughtered her in front of temple in banskhali .

The Bijon Setu massacre or Ananda Margi Monks killing was the killing and burning of 16 sadhus & a sadhvi belonging to Ananda Marga, Ballygunge, Kolkata in West Bengal, India, on 30 April 1982. Despite the attacks being carried out in broad daylight, no arrests were ever made.

The Khoirabari massacre was an ethnic massacre of an estimated 100 - 500 immigrant Hindus in the Khoirabari, Assam. 7 Feb 1983, Activists of the Assam Agitation sought to block an assembly election that day & had cut communications to the Bengali enclaves, which were perceived to be pro-election. Indigenous Assamese groups, who had held resentments toward the immigrant Bengalis, took advantage of the resulting isolation and surrounded and attacked the Bengali villages at night.

Silapathar massacre of Hindu refugee settlers from East Pakistan in Silapathar, Assam in February 1983. Around 1,000 Hindus were killed in the massacre. The Hajongs, another refugee group though not the primary target, suffered casualties.

Hajoi massacre of Hindu refugee from East Pakistan in Hajoi, Assam on July 1993.More than 100 Hindus were killed in the massacre. The incident started with a tiff between a photo shop owner & a customer. During the massacre, the Bengali Hindus were killed in very brutal manners which included, being axed to death, being shot by arrows, beheaded by swords, shot, and being hacked to death by machetes and also hacked into pieces. The Brutality of the massacre is very well recorded.

07/2003. 12 yr old Hindu girl gang-raped by members of Jamaati-e-Islami political party and left unconscious for three hours.

07/2003. "What we are seeing is the Talibanisation of Bangladesh," Maolama Abdul Awal.

Village of Fhainjana: mob of 200 fundamentalists looted 10 Christian houses, allegedly assaulting many women and children.

Kamalnagar massacre refers to the massacre of 14 unarmed Hindu villagers in Kamalnagar on 14 August 2003 by the All Tripura Tiger Force insurgents. 

From 1964 to 2013, around 11.3 million Hindus left  Bangladesh due to religious persecution and discrimination.

October 2016. Hindu homes and temples were attacked in Nasirnagar, Eastern Bangladesh, injuring over 100 people.

Jun '17. Hindu girl Ritu Parna Mistry, 18, kidnapped at 5:00 pm and forcefully converted to Islam. One of numerous such incidents.

June 2017. Sukhiya, a cobbler who dragged out, raped, tortured and brutally killed in Bangladesh.


Kha Maung Seik massacre by Rohingyas 

On 25 August 2017, Hindu villages in a cluster known as Kha Maung Seik in the northern Maungdaw District of Rakhine State in Myanmar were attacked & 99 Bengali Hindu villagers were massacred by Muslim insurgents from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA). A month later, the Myanmar Army discovered mass graves containing the corpses of 45 Hindus, most of whom were women and children.

Even Leftist amnesty usa confirmed this massacre

Persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh: Over 50 Reported Hate Crimes in Mar-Apr ’18

2018 Tinsukia killings, On 1 November 2018, ULFA militants massacred 5 Hindus on the banks of Brahmaputra, Assam. Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal condemned the killings.

Year 2019 Hindu torture stats from Bangladesh given by Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mahajot.

434 Hindu families displaced, 690 H families faced such situation, 160 H families got such threat, 641 families were threatened to leave the country, 397 families were forced to leave the country, 2261 H families suffered from insecurity, organized attacks nos 125, 449 temples were destroyed & put into fire, 246 vigrahas destroyed, 31 vigrahas stolen, 76 Hs kidnapped, 7 attempts of kidnapping, 42 H women raped, 18 gangraped, 6 killed after rape, 34 rape attempts, forceful conversation+ conversation attempts nos 148, 99 cases of hurting religious sentiment, 109 Hs were arrested on false case, 105 H families were put under confinement, 5 temples desecrated, 22 Hs were fed beef.

108 Hs were killed, 484 Hs injured, 79 Hindu businesses were attacked, 641 families were evicted from their home, 378 families had to leave the country, 641 families were threatened to leave the country, 448 H homes were attacked, 9507 acre Hindu owned lands were grabbed.

Instances of Hindu persecution in Bangladesh during April. 2020

(compiled by World Hindu Federation, B'desh)

1. April 04

Raihan Mir Faruk, a land robber, has occupied the ancestral property of Narayan Sarkar in Puran Mahipur Union of Mahipur Police Station in Patuakhali District.

April 06

Local land robber Ishaq Ali and his two sons Akmal Hossain and Ashraf Ali have seized 100 bighas of land belonging to 50 Hindu families in three villages of Chaugachha police station in Jessore district.

April 07

The Islamic fundamentalists vandalized the idol of a Hindu temple located in Patuakhali district.

April 08

Police have arrested a school teacher named Indrajith Hazari for the allegation of posting 'abusive' words about the Prophet Muhammad in Satkhira district.

April 09

The miscreants vandalized the idols of Sri Sri Radha Gobind and Lakshmi of Shiva temple in Kuki Kalidas village of Bogra district.

April 10

Jahidul Hawlader grabbed the ancestral property of 6 bighas in SA 717 Khatian in 104 Dewatla Mouza of Jobon Mridha in Morelganj.

April 11

Local terrorist Md Shahin Sheikh demanded 5 Lac Taka from Hindu businessman Asit Kumar Sarkar, a resident of Titukandi village in Alamdanga upazilla in Faridpur district. Later Shahin Sheikh and other 30 gangs attacked and seriously injured Asit sarker by local weapons.

April 12

On Monday morning, Ali Munshi and his sons looted the house of Sudhanshu Das of Nazirpur

village in Nasirnagar upazila of Brahmanbaria district and cut down valuable trees worth more

than three lac taka.

April 13

A helpless widow Basna Rani Das and her son and daughter were brutally beaten by Muslims. House and properties forcefully occupied. 

April 15

Dhaneshwar Roy's daughter Pratima Rani was forcibly taken away and converted to Islam in Dimla upazilla in Nilphamari district.

April 16

Harun Mallik and his two terrorist sons carried out a surprise attack on a Hindu family in the village of Paschim Sujankathi (Mallikpur) under Agailjhara police station in Barisal district. Four Hindus were admitted to the hospital with serious injuries.

April 17

Ashtami Sarkar (14), daughter of Nimai Sarkar of Rajshahi district, was forced to committed suicide in her room due to regular harassment by Golam Mostafa and his friends.

April 18

Police have arrested Paritosh Kumar Sarkar, an innocent Hindu college student, for the allegation of obscene comments on his Facebook page about Islam in Nageshwari upazill in Kurigram district.

April 19

Police have arrested Madhu Kundu, 32, of Fakirhat in Bagerhat for posting status about the mass gathering within the time of lockdown for COVID-19 for attending the janaza of Maulana Jubayer Ahmed Ansari at Nasirnagar in Brahmanbaria district.

April 21

In order to expel the Hindus from the country, 30 Hindu families were attacked in Satkania by the local identified terrorist group of 60 people led by Zia Uddin Habibullah and Musa Uddin. 25 Hindu people including children were seriously injured.

April 22

The criminals vandalized the temple and attacked several Hindu houses at Akkelpur municipal area of Joypurhat district for obstructing gambling at the Parghati temple.

April 23

Fundamentalists killed  Subrata Mandal (30 years old) at Dakop upazila in Khulna district.

April 24

The identified terrorists attacked a Hindu family at Mongla in Bagerhat district with the intention of evicting them from their homes. Six members of the family, including a pregnant woman, were injured. The locals rescued them and admitted them to the hospital.

April 25

Local Terrorist group led by UP member Tariqul Islam attacked and vandalized the house of Rabidas attacked and vandalized to grab his property at Sariyakandi in Bogra district.

April 26

The miscreants vandalized the idol and setting fire to two temples in Laxmipur municipal town.

April 27

Local identified extremists led by Babul and his two sons beat Narendra Moktar to grab his properties at Begumganj upazila in Noakhali district.

April 28

Fundamentalists attacked the Durga Temple and its adjoining Bankali Temple at Maheshail Bazar under Ishania Union No. 2 of Bochaganj Upazila in Dinajpur and vandalized the Shiva and Kali idols of two temples.

April 29

Bikash Chandra Ghosh of Sadar police station in Satkhira district was attacked by 35 to 40 Muslim men with the intention of seizing 5 bighas of property. When Soleiman Gazi tried to kill Bikash Ghosh with a gun, he and his family had to leave their house.

Hindu temple vandalized on May 13 2020 -

May 18, '20: Hindus threatened/killed by Islamists when they refuse to let go of their ancestral land.