Friday, September 14, 2018

Real Hero - Padma Bhushan Dr. Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir - The Great & Genius ISRO Rocket Scientist


As today september 14, 2018.. shri Nambi Narayanan Sir has been cleared of charges, little history behind these false accusations:

Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir is a former ISRO scientist. 1960s :: Young Scientist Nambi Narayanan Working In ISRO.

Padma Bhushan Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir was instrumental in developing the Vikas engine that would be used for the first PSLV that India launched. 

Hailed as a Great Rocket Scientist, he was heading a team working on Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) project.
During 1990s ISRO was very successful in launching (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) PSLVs. It was when India decided to work on GSLV as there are various added advantages of using GSLV over PSLV.

Following is a small comparison of PSLV and GSLV (Roughly General Idea)
PSLV can carry about 1800 Kg lift off mass.
GSLV can carry about 2500Kg lift off mass.
PSLV can go 600-900 Km altitude. (Range)
GSLV can go 36000 Km altitude. (Range)
So, early 1990s ISRO had formed a team to work dedicatedly on GSLV and Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir was heading this team.
This ISRO team was working with a team from Russia Scientist, who came to India for helping ISRO with advanced space technology.

Next what we write is mostly ALLEGEDLY 

As always, US was against this as it didn’t want India to excel in this “Elite” field (As per Crap NewYork Times). The then US president George Bush even wrote a letter to Russia objecting this collaboration. But India and Russia didn’t buzz and USA started its dirty games.
In 1994, CIA put espionage allegations on Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir and his team. It compelled the Indian Government (Congress Govt.) to charge and arrest the team scientists.

Kerala Police charged Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir and the team. He was kept in jail for 50 days, the Russia team went back and the project got delayed. The Intelligence Bureau (IB) assisted the Kerala Police & SIT formed by Supreme Court.
Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir many a time has accused IB of subjecting him to extreme physical and mental torture.

The most important thing: 

And do you know who the Deputy Director of IB was?

Sreekumar, the one who accused Narendra Modi in 2002 riots. This Sreekumar was the officer who started this 2002 debate and falsely implicated Modi and his Govt.
He really has a history of falsely accusing people just to please his masters (And I’m SAYING ALLEGEDLY).
And we think all know who these masters are.
Because of these false accusations, the GSLV project got delayed by around ONE decade.
ISRO could succeed in GSLV 7-8 years before. But Kerala and UPA Govt's actions failed ISRO and nation as a whole.

You can imagine the importance by just this:

GSLV will be used for Manned Space mission(Gaganyaan),
Sun Mission (Aditya) 
and many other space missions which require satellites to be launched at higher altitude.

After that CBI started investigation and found no substance in the case and dismissed the charges in 1996, same was done by the Supreme Court in 1998. But it damaged the reputation and career of Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir and others.

Shameful and Disgrace

The worst was the Kerala Govt. which didn’t even help them and even dropped the charges on the Kerala Police officials who falsely implicated them. He said he was disappointed with ISRO as it didn't help him (but ISRO said it couldn't, in these legal matters)

Finally, Supreme Court has made it clear that it was a conspiracy against thses distinguished Scientists. It was a sabotage against Indian Space Research Organisation and nation to drop the project.

But would be more happy if Court charges Sreekumar and other IB and Kerala Police officers and their masters who destroyed the career of distinguished scientists, who were just working for their country so that we could be a leader in Space Science and Research. Those officers should be charged with Sedition & working with anti - national intentions. We're sure there are few political leaders too behind all this.

Every citizen should ask this Govt & Supreme Court to arrest them and provide justice to our Scientists.
Along with sabotaging India's space mission, the ISRO spy case against Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir had the blessing of Vatican to remove the then Hindu Chief Minister K Karunakaran & bring in Christian lobby to forefront in Kerala Congress under AK Antony & Oomman Chandy.

50 lakhs? FIFTY LAKHS? Is that what will compensate the UTTER AND COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the life of a BRILLIANT scientist who gave everything short of his life for this nation?

It is not even 1 year salary of a Software engineer working in an MNC. Whole life and reputation of a patriot and brilliant scientist was destroyed.

There can be NO argument on this: 

We are an ungrateful people. feel SICK. but not surprised as This country doesn't value its patriotic people. It doesn't value people who give it all; those who give up things ..
It only values those that have amassed power. Everything else is eyewash.What about de-registering khangress for it's anti-India sabotages, Be it Space programme or development in Nuclear field or Industry or Power generation, it appears that INC, through its "Urban Naxal" arm forever tried to sabotage indigenous efforts with a view to keep India dependant upon

it took 25 years for Dr. Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir to get justice - inspite of CBI informing the courts that its  a frame up in '96 itself. the folks who framed him are roaming free & have reached old age comfortable in the belief that their time on earth will be over b4 any action is taken...

Can we imagine the misery of an honest brave scientist and his family of being labelled as "Traitor" due to a corrupt system and anti-India Lobby?
surprised (albeit unpleasantly).

and making them pay for their crimes against innocents? foreign powers or conglomerates. this great nation Seeks real justice.. Beyond the grievous personal wrong suffered by Shri Nambi Narayanan Sir, what is more disturbing is the lack of nation will to act against Traitors and Internal Enemies


Must read Story. We are glad someone is exposing this rotten fellow Hamid Ansari. Now you must also think why Sonia Gandhi have this moron two-terms as Vice President of India. 

This is the story from 1997 about events of 1996 when Ratan Sehgal was caught and later removed and let-off because Indo-US Relations were souring. 

This is Ratan Sehgal, the man accused by N K Sood of colluding with CIA and conspiring against Nambi Narayan. 

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