Monday, October 7, 2019


कर्पूरगौरार्धशरीरकाय ।
धम्मिल्लकायै च जटाधराय
नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ १ ॥
चितारजःपुञ्जविचर्चिताय ।
कृतस्मरायै विकृतस्मराय
नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ २ ॥
पादाब्जराजत्फणिनूपुराय ।
हेमाङ्गदायै भुजगाङ्गदाय
नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ३ ॥
विकासिपङ्केरुहलोचनाय ।
समेक्षणायै विषमेक्षणाय
नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ४ ॥
कपालमालाङ्कितकन्धराय ।
दिव्याम्बरायै च दिगम्बराय
नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ५ ॥
तटित्प्रभाताम्रजटाधराय ।
निरीश्वरायै निखिलेश्वराय
नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ६ ॥
समस्तसंहारकताण्डवाय ।
जगज्जनन्यै जगदेकपित्रे
नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ७ ॥
स्फुरन्महापन्नगभूषणाय ।
शिवान्वितायै च शिवान्विताय
नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ८ ॥
एतत्पठेदष्टकमिष्टदं यो
भक्त्या स मान्यो भुवि दीर्घजीवी ।
प्राप्नोति सौभाग्यमनन्तकालं
भूयात्सदा तस्य समस्तसिद्धिः ॥ ९ ॥
इति श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्य कृत अर्धनारीश्वर स्तोत्रम् ।

चिदानंद रूपः शिवोहं शिवोहं

हम अनंत हैं, पर अधूरे हैं..अगर इस अनंतता को बांटने के लिए कोई साथ न हो, तो हम अधूरे ही रहेंगे....तुम मेरी अनंतता को पूर्ण करती हो ..अब मैं अधूरा नही हूँ .. । 

ये कितना सुखद है न ..एक वैरागी भी प्रेम राग के गीत गाने लगता है ...इससे सुखद क्या होगा ...न जाने कितनी सदिया बीत जाने के बाद भी आज स्त्रियों को भगवान शिव जैसे पति ही चाइए ...इस एक बात से पता चलता है सनातन सही मार्ग पे है विश्व को सदाचरण के पाठ देने हेतु ।।

भगवान शिव घर के वो बाबा प्रतीत होते है जिनके होने मात्र से ही हमारे जीवन का अर्थ है ...

कैसा लगता है न जब अपनी पत्नी की मृत्यु पे वो विक्षिप्त की भांति व्यवहार करते है ..कैसा लगता होगा न जब इस विश्व का सबसे योद्धा सब कुछ उजाड़ देने पे उतारू हो जाए अपनी पत्नी वियोग में ...।।

वो अर्धनारीश्वर ऐसे ही नहीं कहलाये ...ये शब्द उनके प्रेम की ही देन है ..वो वाकई उनका आधा अंग थी ..वो कभी उनसे अलग नही हुई ..

कोई अपनी अनंतता से जुड़ने के बाद कभी अलग नही हो सकता ...जैसे वो नही हुए शक्ति से ।

समस्त सनातनियों को प्रेम पहुँचे ।

Supreme lord deity in the Hindu (Shaivite) pantheon is "Ardhanarishwara" ("The Lord Who Is Half Woman"). All concepts in Hinduism are psychological or at micro level ( सूक्ष्म) and not at macro(स्थूल) level/physical.

An epitome of
*Equality & Totality
*Unity of Opposites
*Completeness of Universe
*Fusion of Shiva & Shakti


Ardhanarishwara symbolizes the unity of Purusha and Prakriti... of consciousness and energy... whose union has created the universe.

This eternal union of the cosmic male Shiva and the cosmic female Shakti is also symbolized in the Linga and Yoni portions of Shiva Linga.

It represents *synthesis* of Shiva and Shakti, male and female. But both these gender identities are expressed visually as coexisting *facets* of a single body.

The interpretive tradition may nudge us toward synthesis, but the visual iconography tells a different story.

Though ArdhaNarishwara also conveyed deep philosophical symbolism, here is its significance for material world perfectly in sync with Dharmashastra.

How many people know that first realisation Ardhnarishwara was to Devi Parvati herself! As per tradition, female anatomy is more closer to "form" of "Ishwara" hence the concept of "ArdhnarIshkara" and NOT "ArdhnarEshwara"!!

How Maa Parvati became half of the body of Bhagwan Shiva? Here is an explanation from Stri Dharma Paddhati by Tryambaka.

What the Supreme Goddess herself states in the  Devi Bhagwat Puran 'There is oneness between me and the Puruṣa; Who is I, that is Puruṣa; who is Puruṣa, that is I. The One Eternal Brahman becomes dual at the time of creation. As one face becomes two by reflection in a mirror; as one becomes double by his shadow Only during creation are these differences conceived. When everything melts away, then, I am not female, I am not male, nor I am hermaphrodite. I then remain as Brahman with Māyā latent in it.'

Nowdays Everyone is using Ardhanarishwara roop for their evil agenda. Ardhanarishvara is Purusha and Prakriti, not male and female gender. It is the functioning of consciousness & energy. Purusha does not mean male, Prakriti does not mean fema|e. Shiva-Shakti are one & indifferent. Lgbt shouldn't be spread through Hindu itihasa. Dharma isn't a ground for you to spread adharmik agenda. Now if we reveal the secrets of gêñders, it will be politically incorrect. Being a lgbt is a cúrse. It's unrighteousness & sin. Pull the reins before time ticks. 

Parambrahma Nirguna nirakara Sarveshwar has appeared in the form of Panchdeva ,i.e. Vishnu, Aditya, Binayak, Rudra & Shakti. All five of them are equal. Parambrahma appeared in both male and femã|e form, that's why they are worshipped, not because they are femã|e. There is no gendëπ difference between Gods. We worship the forms of God, not a wømãn or a man.

Now in unitarity level, relation is greater ;  not man or women. Who is greater mother or son? Mother. Father or daughter; who is elder? Father. So it's a simple matter that coz of a particular gēnder, one does not get respect.

Woman becomes mother, the lineage goes ahead because of the her. She is the first teacher, that's why she is more respectful. Look, when someone does his/her duty in rightful manner, respect is gained automatically. Respect isn't begged, unrightful respect isn't earned. 

MOTHER is heavier than Earth, FATHER is taller than heavens. Why do we need the sh!!tt from West- lgbt ?
Which is neither practically possible nor allowed in Shashtra ! Each and every smriti, Shrutis Upanishads, Puranas discard Lgbt. It's promoters are adharmiks. 

Those civilizations who followed lgbt turned to ashes within few years. This may not be visible to you as not everyone has that vision to see that. Don't say that there exists that tribe, that civilization. Just see their level and say next. Now let's move to the topic.

In Shakta theology, the female and male are interdependent realities, represented with Ardhanarishvara icon.

Amazingly, ancient Hindus respected the manifestation of non-binary beings in nature, as exemplified by the Ardhnarishwara concept expressed in sculptures like this one from the Chola dynasty (1050 CE)

This 11th-century Chola bronze trishula with Ardhanarishwara (half-Shiva, half-Parvati). Now at Cleveland museum. A curved trishula was the emblem of several 7th–12th century Hindu monasteries in India.

Exquisite details of a niche from Vaitala Deula, Bhubaneswar(Odisha)

Mathura Museum has housed this antique Ardhnarishwara sculpture dated back to Vikramaditya era. This form was first iconographically evolved during Vikramaditya era in 1c later which became impeccable in Gupta's era.

A 5th century Kalacuri art work representing this idea at the Elephanta Caves;

Sculpture of Ardhanarishvara, This 7th–8th century was found from cambodia of pre-Angkor period, currently at Met museum, NYC.

 Ardhanarishvara 15th Century, Vijayanagar

You can find this half-female/half-male figure in many Shiva temples in India. One of very few & rare temples dedicated to Ardhnarishwar in Mandi HimachalPradesh. The temple is believed to be built in sixteenth century &  was declared as Protected monument of National importance in 1982.

Beautiful archaeological designs engraved on interior & exterior faces of ArdhnarishwarTemple include images of many gods (Hanuman, Ganesha, Brahma, Bhairon etc) in addition to vahanas of gods, ganas, flowers, dwarpaals, apsaras, scholars, male & female figurines.

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,
To Her whose dance marks the creation of the world,
To Him whose dance destroys everything,
To Her who is the mother of the universe,
To Him who is the father of the universe.

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