Friday, April 23, 2021


The disappearance of Hindu Kings has meant that the ruling class no longer cares for Hinduism as its own religion. Hindu society hasn't been able to restructure itself to cope with a post-Hindu-Kings world. It's another exmpl of how Hindus' extreme individualism has harmed them. But,

“From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.”

You know why the entire nation responds like one family to NaMo's calls? Because, he doesn't ask you to celebrate his father's birthday or grandmother's death anniversary or great-grandchildren's marriage anniversary.

His only business is - India.

You and me. Us.

It manifests the subtle innate instincts of our ancient civilization that is hidden in each one of us somewhere in a remote deep corner of our hearts and minds.

Capitulation of narendra modi regime to Mohammedan fundamentalist organisation like Tabligh is a revealation. The weak kneed response in terms of cases filed leaves me in no doubt that secualr state will fail majority unless we force a legislative change Art 25-30, voting rights They don't like you when you take a daring decision to lock down country of 1.3 bn people, save their own lives

They don't like you when you send flights to get back your countrymen from riskiest areas to relative safety; they say but the migrants had to walk. They still don't like you as you send thousands of buses overnight to bring back migrants to their towns as now, they say migrants are at risk because of crowding.
Maybe they are expecting you to arrange a cab per person or build them homes overnight As the head of a developing nation taking a big hit on the economy, you lock down the country where half the world was roaming in gardens & paid a hefty price with their lives.

Where some so-called heads of powerful nations, the so-called 'buck stops here' heads, could not even dare to lock down a state, you executed the world's largest lockdown in the history of mankind.

They still don't like you They don't like you for confidence & morale boosting in your speech that united & channelised an entire nation of 130Cr & they still don't like you when you exude humility & awareness of situation by apologising to the poor of  country for having to do this to them & the nation

They don't like you when you release an economic package for the poor. They don't like you when you plead with folded hands to stay at home to save their own freaking lives, They don't like you when you beg them to express gratitude for the unsung heroes while your government is bringing in test kits fm Korea & Germany & settingup required facilities.
Now, sir, these are same folks who cannot even figure out how to entertain themselves & their family of four for 21 days but they expect you to have a perfect solution of 130Cr.

These are the same folks who may not even have helped their neighbours or maids in need but they want you to distribute money to the needy equally, without lapses. overnight.

They cant even manage own budget with huge salary but want you to manage economy in without failures, where some of them can't attend their meetings on time & some may not even wakeup on time despite alarm clocks but want you to announce the lockdown in the morning to give them time to hoard & stash the essentials. As if announcement in morning will have a different impact, silly!

Their walls are filled with pictures of police charging protesters, even if it was to save their own lives, their walls are filled with posts on migrants' sufferings but never a single post on what could be the solution to save lives without collateral damage. but their walls shamelessly avoid posting of Indians stuck in the the Middle-East brought back in Air India planes.
Their walls shamelessly avoid showing Sikhs doing langar, Muslims opening up their hotels to feed the needy, Christians opening their hearts to humans & animal common men opening kitchens, working with government employees to distribute money, goods, food. Don't be surprised why. They don't like you.
They don't like you because for them you are part of a political party and ideology which they admonish  and the fact that you won the a majority in Indian elections twice, which they have neither the capacity nor the maturity to digest.
Alas, if, and only if, for one moment they could treat you as the head of the nation, head of their nation, the Prime Minister of India...

but still, they don't like you.
And Sir, you. You are at fault. You don't boast of your government's humongous efforts to be first one to bring in thousands of Indians back home without thinking for a second about their race, religion, language, orientation, or citizenship

You don't boast of the fact that our 1st quarantine establishment of ITBP was positioned even before the 1st coronavirus case in India surfaced. You don't publicise how your railway compartments are turned into a quarantine zone, a first of its kind in the world

You don't market all the efforts your billionaire Industrialists in the country are putting in to ensure the health infrastructure is expanded rapidly to meet the demands of the present crisis and the future.

You don't question the protesters gang, award wapsi gang, the pseudo-intellectual gang while they are all shamelessly hiding wrapped their tails around them when country needs them the most, Posting only in opposition to any steps you take is their sole 21day quarantine plan You will still serve them & protect them all, but they still won't like you and your face, Sir, it still hides the dilemma &  helplessness you deal with. We, for sure, see the agony behind that confident, smiling but serious face for which saving the lives of each and every individual is personal, very personal and we  can see that. We can see trade-off you face, of having to self-destroy the economy for saving the life of its people, of all, regions, religions, & political orientation, even the traitors, We can see this is a fight where not winning, minimising losses is aim. Suffering & collateral damage are inevitable, & survival is key. The goal is not to win but to just hang in there & live another day till the virus is defeated by the scientists, doctors or nature itself Dear honourable PM of India, Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi, we are with you as you lock down the nation for 21 days, & more in need. As you said, Jaan hai to Jahaan hai.

The economy is revived by living people, not coffins. One never boasts of the future and we will not either Only time will tell if this was our finest hour but at present, we are positive that the steps you and your government is taking will save our lives & also our economy and minimise the losses.

Keep serving the nation for as long as you can.
We need you.
Jai Hind

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